[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Announcement of development project to port org unit hiding in JSPAC to TPAC in Evergreen

2012-08-24 Thread Suzannah

Good afternoon,

Niagara Evergreen Consortium is funding the porting of organizational 
unit hiding in the JSPAC (Java Script OPAC) to the TPAC (Template 
Toolkit OPAC) in Evergreen open source ILS.  They also originally funded 
this development in the JSPAC.   Equinox developers are spearheading the 
development project.  Equinox anticipates that the coding will be 
completed no later than the end of September.  Once the coding is 
complete, it will be submitted to the Evergreen Community for inclusion 
in the next major release of Evergreen.  A big thanks goes out to 
Niagara for funding this development!


[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Announcement of FulfILLment testing pilot project

2012-09-26 Thread Suzannah
The Pacific Library Partnership, consisting of three libraries in 
California, has contracted with Equinox Software, Inc. to test 
FulfILLment.  The partnership consists of Los Gatos Public Library, 
Peninsula Library System (the city of San Mateo only), and Santa Cruz 
Public Library.  These libraries currently use Koha, Millennium, and 
Evergreen as their ILS.  Lori Bowen Ayre, The Galecia Group, is serving 
as a consultant on this project as part of the Open Source - Open 
Libraries project.  The partners will be testing FulfILLment to see if 
it can meet their requirements for managing physical item resource 
sharing between independent library systems.  FulfILLment was developed 
by Equinox developers with funding from OHIONET and other development 
partners including:  the State Libraries of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, 
South Carolina, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and WiLS.  It is anticipated 
that FulfILLment version 1.0-RC1 will be available in the spring/summer 
of 2013.

FulfILLment is generally described as an open source ILL software, but 
it is so much more.  It is an open source, regional resource-sharing 
system between disparate ILS.  It was designed to bridge otherwise 
incompatible software products so that different libraries can continue 
to use their current ILS while obtaining many benefits enjoyed by 
libraries using Evergreen in resource-sharing consortia.  The 
development of LAIs (Local Automation Integrator) in FulfILLment makes 
this possible by allowing the participating libraries to obtain 
bibliographic and other relevant information from each library's current 
automation system and making this information accessible over the 
internet.  FulfILLment is also scalable.  If necessary, new custom LAIs 
can be developed in future versions of FulfILLment to allow even more 
libraries to join and enjoy all that FulfILLment has to offer.

Suzannah Lipscomb
Project Manager
Equinox Software, Inc.
877. OPEN. ILS (877. 673. 6457)
Direct:  770-709-5590

[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] New development project in Evergreen

2012-11-15 Thread Suzannah
Bibliomation, Inc. cid:part1.09000801.0108@esilibrary.com is 
sponsoring some Evergreen Open Source ILS 
cid:part2.01040409.07050709@esilibrary.com enhancements.  
Specifically, the development will address two enhancements:  1) adding 
the call number to each item saved in My Lists and 2) refreshing the 
item status screen to show updated call numbers in Edit Volumes, call 
number display. Equinox Software 
cid:part3.03090807.02000109@esilibrary.comdevelopers are writing the 
code for this development project.  Equinox anticipates the coding will 
be completed by the end of December 2012.  Once the coding is complete, 
it will be submitted to the Evergreen Community for inclusion in the 
next major release of Evergreen.

Happy Thanksgiving to all and a special thanks to Bibliomation for 
funding this development project.


Suzannah Lipscomb
Project Manager
Equinox Software, Inc.
877. OPEN. ILS (877. 673. 6457)
Direct:  770-709-5590

[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Announcing Development of Calculated Proximity Adjustment in Evergreen

2012-12-04 Thread Suzannah
Bibliomation cid:part1.04070209.05000904@esilibrary.com, HSLC 
cid:part2.03080506.01080107@esilibrary.com, MassLNC 
cid:part3.04050404.03020306@esilibrary.com, and Sage Library System of 
Eastern Oregon cid:part4.09060706.03080605@esilibrary.com have teamed 
up to sponsor the development of Calculated Proximity Adjustment in 
Evergreen Open Source ILS cid:part5.01040208.09090304@esilibrary.com.  
The development will consist of encoding policy-level information 
regarding lending priority for use with hold targeting.  In English, 
this means libraries will be able to specify a 'lender of first resort' 
for a particular library branch or system when there is an agreement 
between two Evergreen-participating organizations.  This functionality 
already exists in FulfILLment 
cid:part6.03030703.08090901@esilibrary.com, an open source 
inter-library lending software, and now it will be side-ported to 
Evergreen. Equinox Software cid:part7.02060801.08030807@esilibrary.com 
will be leading this development project.  For more information about 
Calculated Proximity Adjustment, read the blog post submitted by Mike 
Rylander of Equinox Software titled /Sharing (code) is caring/ on 
Equinox's blog on April 16, 2012.  It is anticipated the coding for this 
project will be completed by the end of December and submitted to 
launchpad cid:part8.06020806.02060502@esilibrary.com for review and 
approval. Once the code has been reviewed and approved, it will be 
eligible for inclusion in the next major release of Evergreen.  Thank 
you to Bibliomation, HSLC, MassLNC and Sage Library System of Eastern 
Oregon for sponsoring this development.


Suzannah Lipscomb
Project Manager
Equinox Software, Inc.
877. OPEN. ILS (877. 673. 6457)
Direct:  770-709-5590

[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Bibliomation and MassLNC Sponsoring Search Enhancements Development in Evergreen

2013-02-18 Thread Suzannah
Bibliomation http://biblio.org/ and MassLNC 
http://masslnc.cwmars.org/ are sponsoring development of search 
enhancements in Evergreen Open Source ILS http://evergreen-ils.org/. 
Equinox Software http://www.esilibrary.com/esi/ will be spearheading 
the development project.  Ultimately, the goal of this development 
project is to make the following browse functions available in the 
catalog: alphabetical author, title and subject browse.  In order to 
make this functionality possible, the following enhancements will need 
to be made:  improvements to QueryParser and MARC-standard 
inter-authority linking.  Improvements will be made to the QueryParser 
framework and the Evergreen QueryParser driver to allow new search 
syntax.  Next, Equinox developers will implement MARC-standard 
inter-authority linking, similar to the development of 
bibliographic-authority linking, in order to support the see-from and 
see-also components.  Finally, with this infrastructure in place, 
Equinox developers will be able to develop an integrated bibliographic 
and in-use authority browse interface.  The browse axes will be 
configurable.  This new development will build upon the browse 
capability already in place.  Additional authority-related information 
will be extracted and stored in order to automatically provide 
authority-enhanced term matching. Browse sorting and display will be 
based on separate values, so that initial articles may or may not be 
displayed, per the configurations of the global setting per class 
(title, author, subject).

It is anticipated that the coding for this project will be completed by 
the end of March 2013 and submitted to launchpad 
https://launchpad.net/evergreen for Evergreen Community review and 
approval.  Once the code has been reviewed and approved, it will be 
eligible for inclusion in the next major release of Evergreen.  Thank 
you to Bibliomation and MassLNC for sponsoring this development.

Suzannah Lipscomb
Project Manager
Equinox Software, Inc.
877. OPEN. ILS (877. 673. 6457)
Direct:  770-709-5590

[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Bibliomation has planted a seed - look at what's growing in Evergreen now!

2012-05-10 Thread Suzannah Lipscomb
Bibliomation, Inc http://biblio.org/., Connecticut's largest library 
consortium, is sponsoring the integration of Syndetic Solutions 
http://www.bowker.com/en-US/products/syndetics/ by Bowker with 
Template Toolkit OPAC (TPAC) in Evergreen http://open-ils.org/. 
Equinox http://esilibrary.com/esi/ developers will be writing the code 
for this project.  TPAC will be able to support cover images, reviews, 
summaries, table of contents, excerpts, and author notes from Syndetic 
Solutions.  Once the code is written, it will be  submitted on launchpad 
https://launchpad.net/evergreen, where another developer will need to 
review and approve it.  Once the code is signed off on by another 
developer, then it can be submitted for inclusion in the next major 
release of Evergreen.  For more information, contact Amy Terlaga at 
Bibliomation / terl...@biblio.org


Suzannah Lipscomb
Project Manager
Equinox Software, Inc. / Your Library's Guide to Open Source
direct: 770-709-5590 or 877-OPEN-ILS