[openstack-dev] [TripleO] [diskimage-builder] LVM in diskimage-builder

2016-05-17 Thread Andre Florath
Hi All!

AFAIK the diskimage-builder started as a testing tool, but it looks
that it evolves more and more into a general propose tool for creating
docker and VM disk images.

Currently there are ongoing efforts to add LVM [1]. But because some
features that I need are missing, I created my own prototype to get a
'feeling' for the complexity and a possible way doing things [2]. I
contacted Yolanda (the author of the original patch) and we agreed to
join forces here to implement a patch that fits our both needs.

Yolanda made the proposal before starting implementing things, we
could contact Open Stack developers via this mailing list and ask
about possible additional requirements and comments.

Here is a short list of my requirements - and as far as I understood
Yolanda, her requirements are a subset:

MUST be able to
o use one partition as PV
o use one VG
o use many LV (up to 10)
o specify the mount point for each of the LVs
o specify mount points that 'overlap', e.g.
  /, /var, /var/log, /var/spool
o use the default file system (options) as specified via command line
o survive in every day's live - and not only in dedicated test
  environment: must be robust and handle error scenarios
o use '/' (root fs) as LV
o run within different distributions - like Debian, Ubuntu, Centos7.

o Multiple partitions as PVs
o Multiple VGs
o LVM without any partition
  Or: why do we need partitions these days? ;-)
  Problem: I have no idea how to boot from a pure LVM image.

Every idea or comment will help!  Please feel invited to have a
(short) look / review at the implementation [1] and the design study

Kind regards


[1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/252041/
[2] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/316529/

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[openstack-dev] [TripleO] [diskimage-builder] Howto refactor?

2016-05-31 Thread Andre Florath

Currently I'm working on diskimage-builder.
My long term goal is, to add some functionality to the DIB's block
device layer, like to be able to use multiple partitions, logical
volumes and mount points.
Initially I created a general partitioning element [1] and based on
this an experimental lvm element [2].
During the implementation I realized, that it 'works somehow', but
there are a lot of drawbacks implementing things as separate elements.
Because of this, I started to refactor the block device layer -
i.e. the portions of the DIB where the block devices for the VM image
are created and prepared. [3] [4] [5]  Currently I'm working on the
file system and mount layers.

I have the feeling, that patches from other persons - like [6] or [7]
- are somewhat blocked, because of the uncertainty how to continue
here (please correct me, if I'm wrong).

Because I'm a newbie here, I ask you for help, support and
consultation how to continue. I see the following possibilities:
1. Start a discussion about the requirements
   Problem here: the requirements will not change during the
   refactoring phase - but maybe it's a good starting point.
2. Start a discussion about design
3. Continue the implementation and hope that the whole patch set
   gets accepted some time

But maybe there are more possibilities?

Any comment or review is welcome!

Kind regards


P.S.: The technical details are described in the documentation of the
  appropriate patches.

[1] "New Element: partitioning" https://review.openstack.org/#/c/313938/
[2] "New Element: lvm" https://review.openstack.org/#/c/316529/
[3] "Refactor: Infrastructure" https://review.openstack.org/#/c/319591/
[4] "Refactor: Image creation" https://review.openstack.org/#/c/322397/
[5] "Refactor: Partitioning" https://review.openstack.org/#/c/322671/
[6] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/252041/
[7] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/287784/

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Re: [openstack-dev] [TripleO] [diskimage-builder] Howto refactor?

2016-06-01 Thread Andre Florath

Created a first draft of a 'Big Picture' document including an overview
and a technical breakdown [1].
I'm not sure if this is what you expect or if still something is

Maybe we can start with etherpad - and do the first some iterations
there. Later on I'd like to see it moved to the dib repo (IMHO
requirements, design documents and source code should live together :-) ).

I'll have a detailed look at your suggestions about splitting things apart
and will come up with a proposal.

Kind regards


[1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/C80jjsAs4x

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Re: [openstack-dev] [TripleO] [diskimage-builder] Howto refactor?

2016-06-01 Thread Andre Florath

> ++, but one clarification: We do have a spec process which is to use the
> tripleo-specs repo. Since this is obviously not super clear and there is
> a SnR issue for folks who are only dib core maybe we should move specs
> in to the dib repo?

Good to know!
I'd really love to use the dib repo for this: IMHO the spec, requirements,
design and source code should go together.

> Splitting these out would help a lot. This whole set of features is
> going to take a while to iterate on (sorry! - reviewer capacity is
> limited and there are big changes here) and a few of these are pretty
> straightforward things I think we really want (such as the cleanup
> phase). There's also a lot of risk to us in merging large changes since
> we are the poster child for how having external dependencies makes
> testing hard. Making smaller changes lets us release / debug /
> potentially revert them individually which is a huge win.

Of course I tried smaller parts; but for some changes the source code
other parts must be changed which again needs changes.
Is like sticky spaghetti: you start with a single noodle polling out
but when you finished you have the whole pot.
Will have a detailed look again.

> As for what to do about the existing and potentially conflicting changes
> -  that's harder to answer. I think there's a very valid concern from
> the original authors about scope creep of their original goal. We also,
> obviously, don't want to land something that will make it more difficult
> for us to enhance later on.

A general remark here: I do not want to block features.
I just try to give my opinion - which might be wrong.
If you think, the patches are fine: let them go.

> I think with the LVM patch there actually isn't much of risk to making
> your work more difficult - the proposed change is pretty small and has a
> small input surface area - it should be easy to preserve its behavior
> while also supporting a more general solution.

If you are really talking about 'preserving the behavior' and not
'preserving the user experience' (like how to use and configure LVM)
I'm on your side.

I'm somewhat careful with this patch:
For me the use case (the WHY behind) is still completely unclear -
and questions about this are not answered [1].
The only small hint (building docker images) make completely no sense
to me: docker files are (more or less) tar files; LVM just cannot
be used. [2]
I'm missing the 'Big Picture' here ;-)

> For the EFI change there
> are some issues you've hit on that need to be fixed, but I am not sure
> they are going to require basing the change off  a more general fix. It
> might be as easy as copying the element contents in to a new dir when a
> more general solution is completed in which case getting the changes
> completed in smaller portions is more beneficial IMO.

My opinion here is that this patch adds to the stickiness of the
spaghetti :-)
It adds more places where assumptions are made about names of block device
or partition names. Of course it's possible to clean up afterwards -
maybe this is a strange attitude of me - I try to clean up things
before doing the work.

One more technical detail here: the partitions are currently organized
in the way, that the boot partition is the second one. Did you ever
saw a system like this?
I asked me, why this was done in this way and came to the conclusion:
because other parts of the source code assume, that the first
partition is the root partition.
So you get a running EFI system, but it is not longer possible to
enlarge the root partition...

But again: these are only my opinions - it's you who decide.

> I also wanted to say thanks a ton for the work and reviews - it is
> extremely useful stuff and we desperately need the help. :)

Thank you all for your support and explanations!
I have not that much time - because I do everything in my spare time here.
Unfortunately looks like I need to spend more time writing mails and
documentation instead of source code  :-)

Kind regards


[1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/252041/
[2] https://docs.docker.com/engine/userguide/eng-image/baseimages/

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Re: [openstack-dev] [DIB] Adding GPT support

2016-06-14 Thread Andre Florath
Hello Tony,

it's already implemented twice :-)

[1] is mostly exactly what your propose (except of the removal of
sfdisk).  The problems with this kind of patches:
* If you want to do it somewhat general (i.e. allow more than
  one disk partition) the changes are getting (too) big.
* It is not possible to add things like LVM, MD or encryption -
  because of some basic problems handling parameters with

[2] is the more general approach: it is completely independent
of the used tool, but describes the partition table as a JSON
structure. An example can be found in [3]: to use GPT you just
need to change 'msdos' to 'gpt' in line 26 (already tested this).

A proposal how to handle block device setup can be found in [4].

Because also [2] is a somewhat big change, we currently try to
split off some general usable things first, like python logging [5],
move hook generation to python [6], or introduce exit phase [7].

As soon as these patches get merged, the original patch needs to
be rebased (and reworked). Maybe there is the need to extract
additional things, so that in the end, it's small and does
exactly one thing.

Would be great if you'd support this refactoring / migration
phase: it's some work.

Kind regards


[1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/313938/
[2] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/322671/
[4] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/C80jjsAs4x
[5] https://review.openstack.org/325409
[6] https://review.openstack.org/271139
[7] https://review.openstack.org/324811

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Re: [openstack-dev] [diskimage-builder] ERROR: embedding is not possible, but this is required for cross-disk install

2016-06-20 Thread Andre Florath

Before things getting said twice (looks that there is some
public interest here ;-) ):

Can you please rerun and skip the partition part of
the loop device for fdisk -l?
E.g. instead of /dev/loop0p1 just /dev/loop0?
(This was my original intend but maybe not correctly

Also can you please send the parameters passed to parted?
(When running with trace enabled
this should be written to the logs. Please run something like
   export DIB_DEBUG_TRACE="255"
   disk-image-create -o /tmp/ubuntu.qcow2 --image-size=10 ubuntu vm | tee o.log
and send the output of
   grep parted o.log


To be on the same page, here are the other infos Jay send:

> o Can you please provide the DIB version?

ii  python-dib-utils 0.0.6-1
ii  python-diskimage-builder 1.0.0-1

> o Are you using UEFI on the host system?
>(For me your command works and this question is about
> a possible difference: '--target=i386-pc' appears
> not in my logs)

Yes, it's a UEFI-enabled host:

jaypipes@brix-1:~$ sudo efibootmgr
Timeout: 1 seconds
BootOrder: ,0002,0001
Boot* ubuntu
Boot0001* Hard Drive
Boot0002* ubuntu


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Re: [openstack-dev] [diskimage-builder] ERROR: embedding is not possible, but this is required for cross-disk install

2016-06-21 Thread Andre Florath
Hello Jay,

Yes - the partition alignment is a problem:
grub2 needs at least 63 blocks between the MBR and the first
partition.  Here for you the partition directly starts at block 1,
therefore grub has no way to put its data on the disk.

The root cause is, that all the partitioning tools I found (like
parted or sfdisk) make some 'optimization': they do not what you
state but what they think you want. (And I have the impression that
their 'thinking' includes the moon phases and the biorhythm of the
user :-) .)

Example in your case: sfdisk called with '1 - - *' creates on Ubuntu
Xenial a partition starting from block 1. On Debian 8.4 (my
development machine) it creates a partition starting from 2087.  This
gives some room for grub, but it horrible when it comes to alignment.

Some possible workarounds:
o Use another host for creating the Ubuntu VM
  (and hope, that sfdisk behaves 'better'.)
o Use a more recent version of diskimage-builder:
  some time ago 'sfdisk' was replaced by 'parted'
  (and hope, that 'parted' does a 'better' job for you).
o Under Ubuntu Xenial execute with 1.0.0 installed:
  $ sudo vi /usr/share/diskimage-builder/elements/vm/block-device.d/10-partition
  In line 23 replace
 1 - - *
 2048 - - *
  (Note that this really only works on Ubuntu Xenial.)

Hope this works and helps - was not able to test these things.

If you are interested in some more background information:
I stumbled over the mostly random behavior of these tools last week.
One aspect is, that they optimize things for the current system (e.g.
reading some kernel parameters; especially IO buffer sizes).  These
sizes can be completely different on the target system - which might
lead to very poor disk performance.
During the last days I reworked my patch (which originally used
parted) to directly write the needed info to the boot records. [1]
More details can be found in the comments of MBR.py [2].

Kind regards


[1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/322671/

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Re: [openstack-dev] [DIB] [TripleO] Should we have a DIB meeting?

2016-07-18 Thread Andre Florath

Very good proposal. Like to join.

Hopefully we find a time slot - I have no idea where
in the world (and in which timezone) you are all living.

I personally would go for a separate meeting and not
be part of the TripleO meeting - at least for the first
some times.

Kind regards


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Re: [openstack-dev] [dib] diskimage-builder v2 RC1 release; request for test

2017-02-24 Thread Andre Florath
Hello Ian,

I think I found a regression: since [1] only the first
package specified using '-p' is picked up.
You can find a proposal for a fix under [2].
Maybe it's worth to include this in V2?

Kind regards


[1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/396702
[2] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/438010

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Re: [openstack-dev] [tripleo][diskimage-builder] Status of diskimage-builder

2017-03-04 Thread Andre Florath

Thanks Greg for sharing your thoughts.  The idea of splitting off DIB
from OpenStack is new for me, therefore I collect some pros and

Stay in OpenStack:

+ Use available OpenStack infrastructure and methods
+ OpenStack should include a possibility to create images for ironic,
  VMs and docker. (Yes - there are others, but DIB is the best! :-) )
+ Customers use DIB because it's part of OpenStack and for OpenStack
  (see e.g. [1])
+ Popularity of OpenStack attracts more developers than a separate
  project (IMHO running DIB as a separate project even lowers the low
  number of contributors).
+ 'Short Distances' if there are special needs for OpenStack.
+ Some OpenStack projects use DIB - and also use internal 'knowledge'
  (like build-, run- or test-dependencies) - it would be not that easy
  to completely separate this in short term.

As a separate project:

- Possibly less organizational overhead.
- Independent releases possible.
- Develop / include / concentrate also for / on other non-OpenStack
  based virtualization platforms (EC2, Google Cloud, ...)
- Extend the use cases to something like 'DIB can install a wide range
  of Linux distributions on everything you want'.
  Example: DIB Element to install Raspberry Pi [2] (which is currently
  not the core use-case but shows how flexible DIB is).

In my opinion the '+' arguments are more important, therefore DIB
should stay within OpenStack as a sub-project.  I don't really care
about the master: TripleO, Infra, glance, ...

I want to touch an important point: Greg you are right that there are
only a very few developers contributing for DIB.  One reason
is IMHO, that it is not very attractive to work on DIB; some examples:

o The documentation how to set up a DIB development environment [3]
  is out of date.
o Testing DIB is nightmare: a developer has no chance to test
  as it is done in the CI (which is currently setup by other OpenStack
  projects?). Round-trip times of ~2h - and then it often fails,
  because of some mirror problem...
o It takes sometimes very long until a patch is reviewed and merged
  (e.g. still open since 1y1d [6]; basic refactoring [7] was filed
  about 9 month ago and still not in the master).
o There are currently about 100 elements in DIB. Some of them are
  highly hardware dependent; some are known not to work; a lot of them
  need refactoring.

It is important to work on these topics to make DIB more attractive and
possible have more contributors.  Discussions about automated
development environment setup [4] or better developer tests [5] started
but need more attention and discussions (and maybe a different setting
than a patch / review).
In addition we should concentrate on the core functionalities: block
device setup, minimal system installation, bootloader, kernel and
ramdisk creation and a stable extensible element interface; drop
non-core elements or move them to the projects where they are used.

Kind regards


[1] https://imagefactory.otc.t-systems.com/
[2] https://github.com/florath/dib-element-raspberrypi3
[3] https://docs.openstack.org/developer/diskimage-builder/developer/index.html
[4] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/419655/
[5] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/414347/
[6] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/287784/
[7] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/319591/

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Re: [openstack-dev] [dib] diskimage-builder v2 RC1 release; request for test

2017-03-17 Thread Andre Florath

Thanks for the bug report. Can you please file this as a bug?

There is a very high probability that I introduced a change that
leads to the failure [1] - even if this is fixed now there is a
high probability that it will fail again when [2] is merged.

The reason is, that there are no test cases because there is no
nodepool CI job running on PPC. (Or do I miss something here?)

We are only a very few people at diskimage-builder with limited
resources and had to concentrate on the 'main-line' (i.e.: that
what can be tested by us). A discussion about what to support
or test was already started some time ago [3].

Looks that you are from IBM: would it be possible to provide
PPC hardware for testing and the man-power to integrate
this into the CI?
This would really help finding such problems during development
phase and would put me into the situation to be able to fix your

Kind regards


[1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/375261/
[2] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/444586/
[3] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/418204/

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Re: [openstack-dev] [infra][diskimage-builder] containers, Containers, CONTAINERS!

2017-01-06 Thread Andre Florath
Hello Paul,

thank you very much for your contribution - it is very appreciated.

You addressed a topic with your patch set that was IMHO not in a wide
focus: generating images for containers.  The ideas in the patches are
good and should be implemented.

Nevertheless I'm missing the concept behind your patches. What I saw
are a couple of (independent?) patches - and it looks that there is
one 'big goal' - but I did not really get it.  My proposal is (as it
is done for other bigger changes or introducing new concepts) that
you write a spec for this first [1].  That would help other people
(see e.g. Matthew) to use the same blueprint also for other
One possibility would be to classify different element sets and define
the dependency between them.  E.g. to have a element class 'container'
which can be referenced by other classes, but is not able to reference
these (e.g. VM or hardware specific things).

There are additional two major points:

* IMHO you addressed only some elements that needs adaptions to be
  able to used in containers.  One element I stumbled over yesterday
  is the base element: it is always included until you explicitly
  exclude it.  This base element depends on a complete init-system -
  which is for a container unneeded overhead. [2]

* Your patches add a lot complexity and code duplication.
  This is not the way it should be (see [3], p 110, p 345).
  One reason is, that you do everything twice: once for Debian and
  once for Ubuntu - and both in a (slightly) different way.
  Please: factor out common code.
  Please: improve code as you touch it.

And three minor:

* Release notes are missing (reno is your friend)

* Please do not introduce code which 'later on' can / should / will be
  cleaned up.  Do it correct right from the beginning. [4]

* It looks that this is a bigger patch set - so maybe we should
  include it in v2?

Kind regards


[1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/414728/
[2] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/417310/
[3] "Refactoring - Improving the Design of Existing Code", Martin
Fowler, Addison Wesley, Boston, 2011
[5] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/413221/

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Re: [openstack-dev] diskimage-builder Package grub-pc is not available error running on Fedora 25 AArch64

2017-01-11 Thread Andre Florath

Looks that you are testing a somewhat uncommon combination ;-)

The error points into the direction that Ubuntu Xenial for arm does
not supply a 'grub-pc' package [1].

Would be good if you could file a ticket.

Kind regards



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Re: [openstack-dev] [infra][diskimage-builder] containers, Containers, CONTAINERS!

2017-01-12 Thread Andre Florath

> The end result of this would be we have distro-minimal which depends on
> kernel, minimal-userspace, and yum/debootstrap to build a vm/baremetal
> capable image. We could also create a distro-container element which
> only depends on minimal-userspace and yum/debootstrap and creates a
> minimal container. The point being - the top level -container or
> -minimal elements are basically convenience elements for exporting a few
> vars and pulling in the proper elements at this point and the
> elements/code are broken down by the functionality they provide rather
> than use case.

This sounds awesome! Do we have some outline (etherpad) around
where we collect all those ideas?

Kind regards


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