Re: Rogue exit nodes - checking?

2010-06-20 Thread John M. Schanck
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On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 10:20:19PM +0100, Matthew wrote:
 I am curious to know if there is a way of identifying bad exit
 nodes?  Do people who are more technical than me (not hard!) somehow
 search for exit nodes with interesting configurations?  Or, unless
 you use StrictExitNodes and are confident of the honesty of the
 operator, are you simply hoping the exit node owner is benign?

In addition to Marek's scanner (which I'd be very interested in hearing
more about ;)) there's also the SoaT Exit Scanner which Mike Perry wrote.
It compares the results of queries made across Tor to those made over a
direct connection to look for things like SSL certificate tampering and
HTTP header or content modification. It also checks for suspicious exit
policies such as allowing insecure protocols like POP and IMAP, but not
allowing the corresponding secure protocol (POPS/IMAPS). There's a nice
overview of its capabilities in Mike's Tor Network Analysis paper [0].

The scanner occasionally finds interesting things, but it's not seeing a
lot of use at the moment as it's a bit of a chore to wade through the
false positives. I'm working on improving it as part of Google Summer of
Code, so if you're really interested, I post occasional updates on my
progress with it at [1], and hopefully by the end of the summer things
will have have progressed enough for the scanner to see more active use.

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Re: Rogue exit nodes - checking?

2010-06-20 Thread John M. Schanck
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On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 11:58:45PM +0200, slush wrote:
 There are two ways how to fight attackers:
 a) Opensource scanner and beat them by spending months on scanner 
 b) Leave scanner closed and piss them up (my way)

I think you and Anders are both oversimplifying the situation. An attacker may
be able to determine the profile for a normal Tor user, and they may determine
the profile for an exit scanner - but our job in designing any scanner (open or
closed source) is to make the task of delineating between the two as difficult 
possible. As I'm sure you're aware, we can actually quantify how difficult such
a task is using information theoretic techniques, and so we may develop an
objective measure for comparing scanners which is entirely independent of their
being open or closed source.

That said, SoaT also has a closed source component, specifically the
configuration file we actually use when running it. Withholding this
information makes an attackers job somewhat harder, so there is
something to be said for not revealing your hand too soon.

 I think your irony isn't outright. Trust me I didn't spend almost year
 of my life on bullshit.
 John: I know SoaT quite well, I originally consider to improve it. But
 my attitude is quite different. SoaT checks everything else than
 content (as you wrote: SSL, policy etc) - and throws many false
 positives once content differs a bit. I'm interested just in content.

Marek: I for one highly doubt that you spent a year of your life on
bullshit and would be very interested in reading your thesis and
discussing this topic further - is it available online? SoaT does
somewhat more subtle content scans than you make it out to, but I'll
agree they're far from perfect, and that's why I'm spending several
months of my life working to improve them :).


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Re: [GSoC] Improving Snakes on a Tor

2010-05-16 Thread John M. Schanck
Hash: RIPEMD160

On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 11:58:44PM -0400, Roger Dingledine wrote:
 On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 06:37:54PM -0700, Damian Johnson wrote:
  Hmmm... so we aren't interested in having a clearer definition of what makes
  up a bad exit? From the following I thought this is something we were
  interested in John looking into:
  On the bright side though, it's looking good that we'll be able to get a
  google summer of code student to revive Mike Perry's Snakes on a Tor
  project, and hopefully that means we will a) have some automated scans
  looking for really obviously broken relays, and *b) build a clearer policy
  about what counts as badexit and what doesn't, so we can react faster
  next time.* [0]
 Good point. I didn't mean to discourage him from working on more than
 one direction at once. I suspect that working on good clean tests
 that don't produce false positives, and setting up the infrastructure
 to automatically launch them and gather results, is something that can
 actually be clearly accomplished and finished; whereas trying to sort out
 the right balance between subtly not working right and still worth
 letting ordinary users exit from is a rat-hole that may well lead to
 madness plus no useful results. In short, it sounds like both are worth
 pursuing in parallel. :)

I definitely think both can be pursued in parallel. I've set up a blog
for documenting my progress,, the most
recent post (5/17/2010) is about the goals of SoaT, and the definition
of BadExit. One thing I would really like help with is compiling a
list of reasons for which nodes have been given the BadExit flag.
I've collected information on seven cases where a BadExit flag was
given, or suggested, but I'm sure there are others.

  This strikes me as something very easy he could do to both:
  1. start integrating with the community more (all the gsoc students have
  been very quiet so far, hence I'm trying to encourage him to spark a
  discussion on or-talk)
Had to finish up finals ;-)
  2. it'll provide ideas of things that SoaT can look for later for both
  misconfigured and malicious exits
  I agree that we should try and either fix or find safe ways of using bad
  exits, and that using SoaT to try and protect the network from all the evils
  exit relays can dish at us is an arms race we'd lose. However, for many of
  the nastier active attacks like sslstrip I don't see why we should be waving
  the white flag right away. Cheers! -Damian
 Yep. Is there a list somewhere of what active attacks SoaT would like
 to defend against, and how to do each of the corresponding tests? I
 remember Mike originally designed SoaT to have a secret config file,
 so bad guys couldn't learn what the tests are.
 While I can see some reasons for doing it that way, that shouldn't stop
 us from documenting whatever we can publically.
 should give us a few hints about what Mike was thinking.

I'm starting to build a list of the attacks SoaT should defend against;
I'm confident that we can be completely public about what those attacks
are, as well as what our defenses are - although I'd like Mike's input
on that. The secret config file you mention is less about obscuring which
tests are being run, and more about not publishing the fingerprintable
characteristics of the scanner (rates at which certain operations occur, etc).

 Once we have that list would be a good time to solicit opinions for
 what's missing from it or whether it's doing tests is a suboptimal way.

Agreed. There's a partial list on the blog now, I'll take comments there
for a few days and then bring the discussion back here to get an idea of
the relative importance of each attack and strategies for conducting the

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[GSoC] Improving Snakes on a Tor

2010-04-30 Thread John M. Schanck
Hi or-talk,
My name is John Schanck, I'm a third year CS student at Hampshire College,
and I'll be working with Tor this summer through Google Summer of Code.
First, let me say how excited I am to have this opportunity - I've been
following the Tor project for several years now and can think of no better
place to devote my efforts. Many thanks to those of you who read my
proposal, especially Mike Perry who has graciously agreed to mentor the
project, and Damian and Erinn who have also offered up some of their time.

I'm going to be working on improving the Snakes on a Tor (SoaT) exit
scanner. For those of you not familiar with it, SoaT aims to detect
malicious, misconfigured, or heavily censored exit nodes by comparing the
results of queries fetched across those exits to results obtained without
Tor. It's an ambitious project, originally developed by Mike Perry and
crafted into its current form by Aleksei Gorney during GSoC 2008, so my
goals are modest. I'm going to begin by stabilizing the existing codebase,
and then work on minimizing the number of false positives generated by the
current filters. If time permits I'll also begin designing new filters to
handle adversaries not yet accounted for.

If you'd like to talk about the project (or just say hello), you can find
me on OFTC under the nickname 'susurrusus'.


PS. Congratulations to the other accepted students, I look forward to
meeting you and hearing about your projects :).

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