[OGD] (no subject)
Does anybody know where I can get MSU Orchid fertiliser in Canada. Thanks Baldo Presser ___ the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD) orchids@orchidguide.com http://orchidguide.com/mailman/listinfo/orchids_orchidguide.com
[OGD] Cycd
It seems to correspond to Cycnodes ?. I bought Cycd 'Wine Delight' FCC/AOS. Could somebody tell me which especies are involved, and which are the culture requirements for this especific plant. Thanks B. Presser M.D. ___ the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD) orchids@orchidguide.com http://orchidguide.com/mailman/listinfo/orchids_orchidguide.com
[OGD] T5
I have just became aware of the existence of T5 fluorescent tubes, there are diferent lenghs but the 48 inches is suposed to produce (acording to the company selling them) 4860 lumens ( aproximately 486 foot candles ??), light at 6400 K and consume 54 W. They can bought in set ups of 4 with a reflector for C$ 190.With the advantage of less heat and less electricity comsumption. If that is so, can one say the 4 of them will produce 1964 foot candles ?, enough for seedlings, Paphs, Phals, and other orchids? B Presser M.D. ___ the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD) orchids@orchidguide.com http://orchidguide.com/mailman/listinfo/orchids_orchidguide.com
[OGD] Information please
I bought Brassia Edvah Loo 'Nishida" HCC/AOS, I cannot find any information about it. Is it a clone? of what parentage? what culture conditions? Any information will be gratefully thanked. B Presser M.D. ___ the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD) orchids@orchidguide.com http://orchidguide.com/mailman/listinfo/orchids_orchidguide.com
[OGD] Viral Infection
Which are the symptoms of a viral infection in Catleyas aside from the distortion of flowers. Your help will be apreciated. B Presser M.D. ___ the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD) orchids@orchidguide.com http://orchidguide.com/mailman/listinfo/orchids_orchidguide.com
[OGD] Chysis Langleyensis
Viateur : Thank you for information. Baldo ___ the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD) orchids@orchidguide.com http://orchidguide.com/mailman/listinfo/orchids_orchidguide.com
[OGD] Chysis Langleyensis
I received as a gift, Chysis Langleyensis v Desert Sunset, the label states that the flower is orange and it has been selfed.It originates from Gubler Orchids. I have not been able to obtain any information about it, including a search in Google, is it a hybrid?, if so ,from what parentage, which are the cultural conditions?.The plant is in very bad condition, the medium was rotten and the roots reduced to an string, how thick are they soposed to be? Any suggestions as how to save it?. Any information will be appreciated. Baldo. ___ the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD) orchids@orchidguide.com http://orchidguide.com/mailman/listinfo/orchids_orchidguide.com