Re: [Origami] Origami online game

2013-02-04 Thread Tavins Origami
Am 04.02.2013 02:12, schrieb Kathy Knapp:
> 'Uncle'.  I have made it to the "T", for 3 days, now.  [...]  Are
> there any hints or help?  Is it possible to skip over?   Kathy Knapp,
> Peoria, Illinois, USA Do well your part today. - Juliette Gordon Low 
You will find solutions on youtube. e.g. my video:
mine just goes until the T, but there are wolkthroughs
Also you can skip, when you choose the level selection.

clear folds,

Re: [Origami] Identifying this model?

2013-01-08 Thread Tavins Origami
marc kennedy taught this at the last convention in freising,
I forwarded him your mail.

Re: [Origami] Local copies of Anita Barbour diagrams?

2012-12-12 Thread Tavins Origami
>So to save her the work of rescanning the originals, we're trying to
find the files elsewhere.
Hi Sara,
just googling the filenames (which can be found with the link)
resulted in finding most of the pictures:
e.g "barnowl1.gif" here:

the procedure is quite easy you right-click on the broken-mage-icon and
copy the image location.
paste the link and you get e.g.

so you want to look for "barnowl1.gif"

I don't know if that procedure is better then rescanning,
but I hope it's usefull anyway.

all the best,


Re: [Origami] Systematization attempt of Origami Art

2012-12-01 Thread Tavins Origami
Am 30.11.2012 14:05, schrieb Оксана Чорна:
> Dear O-list members, 
> I have been working on the systematization of Origami Art for several years. 
> This is the subject of my PhD thesis. I would like to present you the results 
> of my work for discussion.
I just took a brief look at it and must say I find your work very
interesting. Is the blogpost the whole thesis?

all the best,

Re: [Origami] Robert Neale's Dragon

2012-11-18 Thread Tavins Origami
Nick robison gave me his e-mail once. He was so kind to give me the
permission for a video tutorial.
I assume he'll give you permission and will be please that you're
asking. I'll forward your message.