SQL Server - Autoincrement Primary Keys

2000-11-14 Thread Chris Miller

Hi all,

This is possibly more of a generic EJB question, although maybe not since
Orion has to implement the persistence...

I was wondering if it is possible to use CMP beans against an existing
SQL-Server database that has autoincrement primary keys. It's not possible
to insert a value for the key (have to supply null), so using something like
counter.jar to override the PK generation is not an option. Has anyone done
this successfully? What's the trick, or am I stuck with BMP (as I suspect is
the case)?


Re: JBuilder4.0

2000-11-09 Thread Chris Miller


On the 'run' tab in Project Properties, put 
a -classic parameter into the 
VM Parameters field and you should be OK.

  - Original Message - 
  To: Orion-Interest 
  Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 9:54 
  Subject: JBuilder4.0
  Hi all, 
   I try to use JB4.0 with to 
  debug apps in Orion, so when I run orion with jdk1.3 (in dubug mode) it just 
  hangs and finally "java commits a system error ... ". With 1.2.2 it works 
  fine! Is it a jdk 1.3 bug or some other issue?
  P.S. When I run it (not in debug) 
  everything works ok.

Re: custom user management

2000-10-17 Thread Chris Miller

There should be a tutorial arriving for this 'shortly', however in the
meantime this should be enough to get you going:

Implement the UserManager, User, and Group classes. (for example,
MyUserManager, MyUser, MyGroup).

The UserManager probably just needs to look like this for now:

public class MyUserManager extends AbstractUserManager {
public User getUser(String userName) {
if (userName == null)
return null;
return new MyUser(userName);

public Group getGroup(String groupName) {
if (groupName == null)
return null;
return new MyGroup(groupName);

You may need to implement some of the other methods too depending on your
requirements, but that should be a good start.

For the MyUser class, just implementing the constructor, authenticate() and
isMemberOf() should be enough for starters:

public class MyUser implements User {

  private String username;

  public MyUser(String username) {
this.username = username;

  public boolean authenticate(String password) {
if (username == null)
  return false;
// Lookup the user 'username', and compare the password supplied
// with their real password (possibly using a password hashing
// ...
return ((password != null)  (password.equals(realPassword)));

  public boolean isMemberOf(Group group) {
if (username == null)
  return false;
  // Do whatever you need to do to see if the user is in the group,
  // and return true or false accordingly. Eg, find the username and
  // the groupname as a matching pair in a user-group mapping table.

The Group class can be very simple, for example as a minimum you can get
away with:

public class MyGroup implements Group {
  String groupname;

  public MyGroup(String groupname) {
this.groupname = groupname;

  public String getName() {
return groupName;

Now you need to set up your orion-application.xml and web.xml files as per
the orion/docs/orion-application-xml.html and orion/docs/web-xml.html

Eg, add to orion-application.xml your role-group mappings, eg:
security-role-mapping name="sr_editor"
group name="editor" /

and the the UserManager class, eg:
user-manager class="com.mycompany.security.MyUserManager"

In web.xml, add your security-constraint tags, the login-config, and
your security-role tags. There are examples of these tags that come with
orion I think, plus there's the docs, so you should be able to figure this
out easily enough. As a tip, start with BASIC authentication, and change it
to form based or whatever once that is working properly.

That's about it (well, as far as I can remember, there could be a couple of
other minor steps?).
Anyway, orion will now see that a protected resource has been asked for
(because of the security-constraint tags), and know to create an instance
of your UserManager class (thanks to the user-manager tag). It will use
this to get a User and a Group, and will attempt to authenticate that the
user falls into the correct group (which in turn maps to the correct role).

Apologies for any typo's/errors in the above, I've bashed it out pretty
quickly, but it should definitely point you in the right direction. Good

- Original Message -
From: "Christian Sell" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 10:54 AM
Subject: custom user management

 Hi there,

 I want to customize orions authentication mechanism to use an existing
 database. So far, I understand that I have to create my own UserManager
 class and register it in orion-application.xml. What I dont understand is:

 - how do I access the user manager at runtime (e.g., to create users)
 - how do I perform programmatical login (bypassing the login-config from
 web.xml, e.g. from a home page with a login field)

 any hints, URLs?


Re: custom user management

2000-10-17 Thread Chris Miller

Ah sorry, now I see what your problem is. I assume you're trying to
automatically log someone in if they have cookies?

I've never tried it, but I can't see why you couldn't submit the form
parameters yourself for form-based authentication.
i.e. when the form-login-page is called, it is actually a JSP page or
servlet that reads the cookie values and posts the j_username/j_password
automatically rather than returning to the client for the values. Sounds
like it might work? If you try this I'd be interested in knowing the

Hope this helps.

- Original Message -
From: "Christian Sell" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 4:22 PM
Subject: Re: custom user management


 thanks a lot for your extensive explanation! However, one of my problems
 seems to remain (unless I missed something in your mail). As I mentioned,
 want to programmatically perform the login from my main portal page and
 prevent orion from bringing up the login form (or login popup for BASIC
 auth). I do want to keep the security-constraints and have orion perform
 automatic authentication in case a user directly accesses any of the
 protected pages.

 This means that after programmatical login I need to enter some
 into the session object (or anywhere else) to notify orion that login has
 already been performed. JRun, for example, keeps an AuthenticatedPrincipal
 in the session (although it is undocumented under what attribute name).

 Hints? Am I missing something?

 thanks, Christian

 -Original Message-
 From: Chris Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Dienstag, 17. Oktober 2000 16:44
 Subject: Re: custom user management

 There should be a tutorial arriving for this 'shortly', however in the
 meantime this should be enough to get you going:
 Implement the UserManager, User, and Group classes. (for example,
 MyUserManager, MyUser, MyGroup).
 The UserManager probably just needs to look like this for now:
 public class MyUserManager extends AbstractUserManager {
 public User getUser(String userName) {
 if (userName == null)
 return null;
 return new MyUser(userName);
 public Group getGroup(String groupName) {
 if (groupName == null)
 return null;
 return new MyGroup(groupName);
 You may need to implement some of the other methods too depending on your
 requirements, but that should be a good start.
 For the MyUser class, just implementing the constructor, authenticate()
 isMemberOf() should be enough for starters:
 public class MyUser implements User {
   private String username;
   public MyUser(String username) {
 this.username = username;
   public boolean authenticate(String password) {
 if (username == null)
   return false;
 // Lookup the user 'username', and compare the password supplied
 // with their real password (possibly using a password hashing
 // ...
 return ((password != null)  (password.equals(realPassword)));
   public boolean isMemberOf(Group group) {
 if (username == null)
   return false;
   // Do whatever you need to do to see if the user is in the group,
   // and return true or false accordingly. Eg, find the username and
   // the groupname as a matching pair in a user-group mapping table.
 The Group class can be very simple, for example as a minimum you can get
 away with:
 public class MyGroup implements Group {
   String groupname;
   public MyGroup(String groupname) {
 this.groupname = groupname;
   public String getName() {
 return groupName;
 Now you need to set up your orion-application.xml and web.xml files as
 the orion/docs/orion-application-xml.html and orion/docs/web-xml.html
 Eg, add to orion-application.xml your role-group mappings, eg:
 security-role-mapping name="sr_editor"
 group name="editor" /
 and the the UserManager class, eg:
 user-manager class="com.mycompany.security.MyUserManager"
 In web.xml, add your security-constraint tags, the login-config, and
 your security-role tags. There are examples of these tags that come
 orion I think, plus there's the docs, so you should be able to figure
 out easily enough. As a tip, start with BASIC authentication, and change
 to form based or whatever once that is working properly.
 That's about it (well, as far as I can remember, there could be a couple
 other minor steps?).
 Anyway, orion will now see that a protected resource has been asked for
 (because of the security-constraint tags), and know to create an
 of your UserManager class (thanks to the user-manager tag). It will use
 this to get a User and a Group, and will attempt to authenticate that the

Re: JBuilder + Orion

2000-10-17 Thread Chris Miller

JBuilder debugging - basically you need to go into project properties and

Run-Application-Main class = com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer

and VM parameters to:
-classic -Duser.dir=c:\orion

You'll have to include a few jars in the required libraries, eg orion.jar,
ejb.jar, maybe some others.
You'll also want to point orion at an expanded version of the ear file
you're developing (a source-directory setting in orion-web.xml I think) and
probably play around a bit with the target dir that JBuilder compiles to.
Can't remember offhand, but it should be easy enough to figure this bit out.

Good luck and have fun!

- Original Message -
From: "John D'Ausilio" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 4:23 PM
Subject: RE: JBuilder + Orion

 Can't say for sure if Jbuilder debugging works, but I've had good luck
 just slight flakiness) using Forte and JPDA to debug .. I used the
 notes in the FAQ to set it up, and had no major problems


  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Aniket V U
  Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 3:20 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: JBuilder + Orion
  hi folks,
  could somebody help me out in integrating Orion with JBuilder for
  debugging. I've seen plenty of mails on this list that say it can be
  but none detailing it. would really appreciate it if somebody
  could give me
  the details

Re: New batch of documentation

2000-09-28 Thread Chris Miller

Karl and the rest of the Orion team,

I just want to say thank you vey much for this update, it looks good (and
will keep myself and many others busy for a while I suspect ;-).

One small thing I noticed, this link is broken (or perhaps just hasn't been
uploaded yet):

Thanks again, keep it coming!


- Original Message -
From: "Karl Avedal" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 1:02 PM
Subject: New batch of documentation


 To give you an update on the documentation work, today we added a few
 documents and put up other documentation improvements on the site:

 * New more thorough index page
 * New "debugging" document meant to help debug Orion applications, with
 info about logs and how to get more verbose info from Orion
 * New auto-generated docs for the .xml configuration files (attribute
 alphabetical listing and tag alphabetical listing)
 * Overview of the distribution (directories, files and what they are)
 * Overview of J2EE applications, roles, and development lifecycle
 * Improved CMP primer
 * Tools reference

 And a few other things. There's still much to come in the coming weeks
 though, documentation is high on our priority list.

 The added documenation will shortly be available for download in a zip,
 for local access.

 Karl Avedal

Re: cmt-datasource/ejb-datasource

2000-09-07 Thread Chris Miller

Try using the EJB JDBC url (ie 'ejb-location' from your data-sources.xml)
rather than the standard 'location'. At least, this worked for me (I think
I've got other problems related to my JDBC setup, but that's another story).

- Original Message -
From: "Tom Klaasen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2000 5:12 PM
Subject: cmt-datasource/ejb-datasource


 I'm porting an ejb application that has already been deployed on
 SilverStream, to Orion.
 I've already solved a lot of problems, but this one seems to be very
 undocumented (I've searched the archive of this list, and at least 5
 have already asked this question, but it was never answered.)

 This is the error message I get:

 E:\orion\orionjava -jar orion.jar
 Copying default deployment descriptor from archive at
 s\ishop\ishop-ejb/orion/orion-ejb-jar.xml to deployment directory
 Auto-deploying ishop-ejb... Error compiling
 hop/ishop-ejb/: jdbc/questDS did not contain a
 Orion/1.0.3 initialized

 The platform is
 Win NT 4.0
 Sybase Anywhere SQL 7.0
 latest orion

 Anybody any ideas/pointers as how to tackle this problem?


Tom Klaasen
Software Engineer
The E-corporation
+32 (0)9 272 22 00

Re: JBuilder 4

2000-09-06 Thread Chris Miller

I'd tend to agree with Sven. My experiences with JBuilder 3.5 and Orion have
been very positive, so I can't see why there would be any regressions with
4.0. But give people a chance to get hold of the thing and try it first! :-)

- Original Message -
From: "Sven van 't Veer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2000 12:36 PM
Subject: Re: JBuilder 4

 Cory Adams wrote:
  JBuilder 4.0 just came out and the Enterprise edition will let you
  fully J2EE compliant apps.
  Does anybody have any experience using this version of JBuilder 4 and

 Well, since it's 'just out' it will be hard to find anyone with
 experience. However, since you can debug j2ee apps in JBuilder-Orion
 with JB 3.5, I guess it will be possible with JBuilder 4 too.



 Sven van 't Veer   http://www.cachoeiro.net
 Java Developer  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


OrionCMTConnection not closed

2000-08-29 Thread Chris Miller

I have a BMP bean (3rd party, but I have the source code) that writes to a
database. The write is fine and gets committed seemingly without problems.
Once I continue surfing around the site however Orion then throws the
following exception:

OrionCMTConnection not closed, check your code!
LogicalDriverManagerXAConnection not closed, check your code!
Created at:
java.lang.Throwable: OrionCMTConnection created
 at com.evermind.sql.ai.init(JAX)
 at com.evermind.sql.OrionCMTDataSource.getConnection(JAX)
 at com.cai.joe.component.ComponentContext.init(ComponentContext.java:68)
 at com.lgfg.ejbwrapper.QuestionEJB.createQuestion(QuestionEJB.java:74)
 at com.lgfg.action.VoteSaveAction.perform(VoteSaveAction.java:102)
 at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(ActionServlet.java:702)
 at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doPost(ActionServlet.java:332)
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java)
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java)
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java)
 at com.evermind.server.http.dk.p8(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.http.dk.forward(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.http.dt.qe(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.http.dt.qd(JAX)
 at com.evermind.util.f.run(JAX)

Any ideas/help/tips on this one? I'm not sure if it really is the code in
the bean, or something to do with my config/deployment descriptor.

Re: Transaction problems...

2000-08-22 Thread Chris Miller

I'm just guessing, but have you tried setting exclusive-write-access="false"
in your orion-ejb-jar.xml file? It sounds like Orion is doing some
optimisation to speed things up because it thinks it has exclusive write
access to the database - but your triggers are going behind Orion's back
without it realising. Turning this off might force Orion to call the

See \orion\docs\orion-ejb-jar.xml.html for more info.

Worth a try anyway...

- Original Message -
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2000 2:04 PM
Subject: Transaction problems...

 We have been using transactions successfully for a while nowor so we

 Here is the scenario.  We have a series of registration pages on our site.
 We gather all the information we need, and at the end
 we create a stateless session bean passing it all the information we need.
 In this session bean, we have seven tables that get
 modified by calling the create method of seven different entity beans.  We
 wrap the whole series of method calls in a usertransaction
 similar to the following:
   InitialContext context = null;
   TransactionManager manager = null;
   context = new InitialContext();
   manager = (TransactionManager)context.lookup
   try {
org = createOrganization();
orgLoc = createOrganizationLocation();
orgUsers = createOrganizationUsers();
orgLocUsers = createOrgLocationUsers();
regStatHist = createRegistrationStatusHist();

   catch(RegistrationException re) {
throw re;

 From the surface, this looks to work normally.  If an excpetion is thrown
 in any method, the entire transaction gets rolled back.
 however, our problem lies within the order that Orion calls the methods on
 the EJB.  When the above code is *NOT* wrapped within
 a transaction, only the ejbCreate of each entity bean gets called.
 else.  However, wrapped in a transaction like the
 above, immediately after the ejbCreate method is called, the ejbStore
 method is called.  Now here is the big reason this is a bad thing.
 All of our tables have triggers on them that set two of the columns.
 triggers are set in the database on the insertion of a row.  But when
 the ejbStore method is called, it does not sync itself back up with the
 database to get the newly created values in these columns, and does an
 with the locally held values, which happen o be null.  It seems that
 ejbLoad should be called *before* ejbStore gets called.

 Can someone tell me what I am missing here?  In order to get around this
 problem, we have resorted to hardcoding the proper trigger generated
 values into the EJB, but that is a very unflexible solution.  Any help
 would be greatly appreciated.

 James Birchfield

 a better way to buy, sell and rent construction equipment
 5 Corporate Center
 9960 Corporate Campus Drive,
 Suite 2000
 Louisville, KY 40223

Ecommerce sites using Orion

2000-08-16 Thread Chris Miller

We're developing a fairly large ecommerce solution for a client, and there
is a little bit of concern that we're breaking new ground (which I think we
are, in a good way) and that Orion hasn't been proven in this area. It's not
a major issue, and we'll be running the site with Orion regardless, but if
anyone could provide me with a few links to some ecommerce sites (small ones
are OK) that use Orion I could ease a few minds.
The sites listed on www.orionserver.com in the FAQ are mostly news sites or
portals etc.
Or what about work-in-progress - any ecommerce sites on the way?

Thanks for any help on this one!

Re: 1.20 Changelog

2000-08-15 Thread Chris Miller


Matt made a patch for that to Jive a couple of days ago, and I submitted
another update to him as well that should tackle the problem. So hopefully
from the next beta of Jive the problem should disappear. If you want to fix
Jive right now, fully-qualify all the instances of the 'Tree' class in
sidebar.jsp and index.jsp (index.jsp is already done in Beta 5).
i.e., replace 'Tree' with 'com.coolservlets.forum.util.tree.Tree'.

Having said that, you can change the autoupdate settings with the
/orion/autoupdate.properties file (although I don't think there's any
documentation for that file?).

- Original Message -
From: "J.T. Wenting" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2000 7:11 AM
Subject: RE: 1.20 Changelog

 Can the installation of hsql.jar during the autoupdate be made optional?
 breaks Jive (and possibly other applications as well) so I removed it.
 During the autoupdate, it is rewritten without asking.

 Jeroen T. Wenting

 Murphy was wrong, things that can't go wrong will anyway

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Karl Avedal
  Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 23:52
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Re: 1.20 Changelog
  Hello Joe,
  When we release 1.2 as a "stable" (which is a few days away, if we don't
  find any serious errors that we can't fix immediately) we'll announce it
  and describe the main changes as well as update the documentation. Feel
  free to test it until then :)
  Karl Avedal
  Joe Walnes wrote:
   Can we have and update on the changes please?
   -Joe Walnes


2000-08-09 Thread Chris Miller

Has anyone here used Jive (www.coolservlets.com/jive) with Orion (1.1.37)?
I've just tried to set it up, and hit a problem because the
orion/lib/hsql.jar file contains a class called 'Tree'. Jive also has a
class called this, and when I try to use it in a JSP page, Orion finds
Hypersonic's Tree class first.

So the question is, should this Hypersonic class be visible to my JSP page?
I would have thought not unless I explicitly used %@ page import ... %

Has anyone else seen this problem?

Re: Jive

2000-08-09 Thread Chris Miller

Thanks for the reply Jeroen.

As far as I can see, this is actually a bug in Orion - it's exposing the
classes in hsql.jar (and probably the other /lib jars?) to JSP pages when it
shouldn't be. I don't think Jive needs fixing?

As for the hSQL scripts, I'm sorry but I don't have any - I'm actually using
SQL Server (but I have a script for that if you want it?). My solution to
the problem I described was to simply remove the hsql.jar file from
/orion/lib since I'm not using it.

- Original Message -
From: "J.T. Wenting" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: "Matt Adam Tucker" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 3:38 PM
Subject: RE: Jive

 I'm working on building Jive. I'll look into it and forward your message
 the main maintainers. Jive probably does not see the class, but the JSP
 engine does. Maybe that's what is causing problems.
 Have you been able to create the Jive database on hSQL? If so, can you
 in the SQL scripts for it? We want to have broad support.

 Jeroen T. Wenting

 Murphy was wrong, things that can't go wrong will anyway

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Chris Miller
  Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 15:13
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Jive
  Has anyone here used Jive (www.coolservlets.com/jive) with Orion
  I've just tried to set it up, and hit a problem because the
  orion/lib/hsql.jar file contains a class called 'Tree'. Jive also has a
  class called this, and when I try to use it in a JSP page, Orion finds
  Hypersonic's Tree class first.
  So the question is, should this Hypersonic class be visible to my
  JSP page?
  I would have thought not unless I explicitly used %@ page import ... %
  Has anyone else seen this problem?

Re: Jive

2000-08-09 Thread Chris Miller

Oh I see, I didn't know that was how default packages worked. Nasty. In that
case I'd agree that it's hSQL that's causing the problem. I'll drop them a
line and see what they are willing to do about it.

- Original Message -
From: "Jason von Nieda" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 4:01 PM
Subject: RE: Jive

 If you are not using Hypersonic SQL you could just move that .jar from
 the lib directory. Also, if you are just using Tree like this:
 Tree tree = new Tree();
 you could just do:
 com.coolservlets.forum.util.Tree tree;
 tree = new com.coolservlets.forum.util.Tree();
 The reason the Hypersonic SQL one is getting included is because
 they put a class called Tree in the default package (bad, bad, bad!)
 and the default package is always imported.
 This should probally be mentioned to the maintainers of hSQL
 as well. People shouldn't be putting classes with such generic
 names in the default package.

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Chris Miller
  Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 8:13 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Jive
  Has anyone here used Jive (www.coolservlets.com/jive) with
  Orion (1.1.37)?
  I've just tried to set it up, and hit a problem because the
  orion/lib/hsql.jar file contains a class called 'Tree'. Jive
  also has a
  class called this, and when I try to use it in a JSP page, Orion finds
  Hypersonic's Tree class first.
  So the question is, should this Hypersonic class be visible
  to my JSP page?
  I would have thought not unless I explicitly used %@ page
  import ... %
  Has anyone else seen this problem?

Re: Jive

2000-08-09 Thread Chris Miller

Yep sorry, my posts always seem to take a few minutes to get through to the
list - by which time Jason von Nieda had pointed out what the real problem
was. And then you did too - you probably wrote yours before Jason's had come
through too - argh! :-). Thanks for the help - I've only been working with
Java for about a month so didn't know about the default package behaviour.
I'm surprised I managed to track it down to the hsql.jar at all to be honest
Anyway, I've emailed the Hypersonic developers to see if they will be
willing to fix their jar, since I'm sure that in the long run it'll affect
many more than just people using Orion+Jive.

- Original Message -
From: "Joseph B. Ottinger" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]; "Matt Adam Tucker"
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 6:06 PM
Subject: Re: Jive

 Um, no. It's not a bug in orion.

 It's a classpath issue, and literally a problem with hsql.jar, as
 stated. $ORION/lib jars get put in the classpath, and since Tree.class in
 hsql is in the default package, it's exposed according to java's rules. If
 you want to blame Java, fine. Go for it. If you want to blame hsql,
 fine. Go for it. In either case, blame is deserved (well, mostly for hsql,
 but hey.) Orion is doing nothing to the classpath to make it behave
 oddly. The solution is to fix hsql.jar, really, not modify orion or jive.

 On Wed, 9 Aug 2000, Chris Miller wrote:

  Thanks for the reply Jeroen.
  As far as I can see, this is actually a bug in Orion - it's exposing the
  classes in hsql.jar (and probably the other /lib jars?) to JSP pages
when it
  shouldn't be. I don't think Jive needs fixing?
  As for the hSQL scripts, I'm sorry but I don't have any - I'm actually
  SQL Server (but I have a script for that if you want it?). My solution
  the problem I described was to simply remove the hsql.jar file from
  /orion/lib since I'm not using it.
  - Original Message -
  From: "J.T. Wenting" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cc: "Matt Adam Tucker" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 3:38 PM
  Subject: RE: Jive
   I'm working on building Jive. I'll look into it and forward your
   the main maintainers. Jive probably does not see the class, but the
   engine does. Maybe that's what is causing problems.
   Have you been able to create the Jive database on hSQL? If so, can you
   in the SQL scripts for it? We want to have broad support.
   Jeroen T. Wenting
   Murphy was wrong, things that can't go wrong will anyway
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Chris
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 15:13
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Jive
Has anyone here used Jive (www.coolservlets.com/jive) with Orion
I've just tried to set it up, and hit a problem because the
orion/lib/hsql.jar file contains a class called 'Tree'. Jive also
has a
class called this, and when I try to use it in a JSP page, Orion
Hypersonic's Tree class first.
So the question is, should this Hypersonic class be visible to my
JSP page?
I would have thought not unless I explicitly used %@ page import
... %
Has anyone else seen this problem?

 Joseph B. Ottinger   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 http://cupid.suninternet.com/~joeo  HOMES.COM Developer

Re: config tool

2000-07-18 Thread Chris Miller

You can also start the console with:

java -jar orion.jar -console2

- Original Message -
From: "Dave Smith" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2000 6:07 AM
Subject: RE: config tool

 If you have a late version (2.1.20+)

 java -cp %CLASSPATH%;orion.jar com.evermind.gui.server.ServiceConsole

 It is still a bit rough but looks very promising.

 Dave Smith
 Senior Team Leader
 Aristocrat Technologies Australia Pty Ltd


 -Original Message-
 From: Brady Moritz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, 19 July 2000 13:50
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: config tool

 Hi, I saw on the orion site that a configuration manager is being
 (a gui for managing orionserver)... does anything like this already exist,
 or can I perhaps find a beta for the orion's version somewhere?

 BTW, Im new here, had this server recommended to me and am trying it out.
 Kinda tricky figuring out the initial setup, but I like it overall so far.


 Brady Moritz
 Moritz Designs

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Steven Punte
  Sent: Monday, July 17, 2000 6:46 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Example of Principals.xml and web.xml for simple access
  Dear Orion Community:
  I  LOVE   the Orion Server
  I  HATE   the Orion documentation.
  We'll I guess that is a bit of an oversimplification.
  Does anyone have an example they could post of a
  principals.xml and web.xml file that achieve simple
  access control of users to a directory?
  The principals.xml and web.xml make so much
  more sense after one has their first working
  Sorry for being such a wimp!
  STeve Punte
  e-Business Software Architect
  Technologent Inc

Re: Creation Of WAR Files?

2000-07-14 Thread Chris Miller

In relation to this - up until now I have been using ant to build/deploy my
EAR file. Works fine, but slow. So I've tried to get Orion working live
against my source code.

A couple of questions:
How do EJB's fit into all of this? At the moment, I'd actually prefer to
keep them in the EAR file, but I'd like to know what the options are. How
does the web-app link to the EJB's?

I have a directory structure identical to the WAR file I'm deploying, except
with .java files instead of .class files, so it's just a matter of pointing
to that, right? Problem is, this is on a different drive (network) - how do
I get Orion to work from there? In my default-web-app.xml I'm not sure what
to put for 'root' (or 'name' or 'application' for that matter!). Something

web-app application="myapp" name="myapp-web" root="file://p:/myapp/war/" /
web-app application="myapp" name="myapp-web" root="p:/myapp/war/" /

Doesn't work?

- Original Message -
From: "Kevin Duffey" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2000 2:35 AM
Subject: RE: Creation Of WAR Files?

 I believe Orion has a GUI tool that creates a WAR for you, but that is
 beyond me. When I am developing, I don't WAR up the dir. I keep it
 You point to the WAR directory structure in default-web-site.xml in the
 /config folder. Just read up on that and you should be set to have a WAR
 file for development. Then you can JAR up the dir:

 jar cvf myfile.war root-dir

 That should jar up your entire www structure, including the WEB-INF folder
 which has
 /classes  - the compiled code of your app
 /lib   - the .jar and .zip libraries loaded for you by Orion (as per the
 servlet 2.2 spec)
 web.xml - the descriptor that explain to Orion how to run.

 Anything in /classes automatically becomes part of the classpath, that is
 part of the servlet 2.2 spec and should work on any servlet 2.2 container.
 Anything in the /lib folder should be loaded by the application server
 automatically and become part of the classpath as well. We put jdbc.zip
 Oracle 8i) there, along with activation.jar, mail.jar, jasp.jar, and other
 .jar files we need. At runtime they are automatically seen by your app (in
 the import statements of your classes). Nothing special to do.

 Orion has a very kewl feature that allows you, during development, to
 to a "source" directory that matches the package structure output of your
 compiled classes. It then checks the source dir for changes (time-date)
 compared to the .class file it was compiled in to. If there is a change,
 recompiles and reloads the web-app for you. This allows you not to have to
 shut down and restart orion every time you make a code change. Most app
 servers support this for classes in the /servlets dir, and generally that
 javabeans and servlets. Orion (and Resin does this too) will reload the
 app if any classes changed. The only downside is that it can take a few
 seconds for it to check the files. I believe its faster than restarting