RE: Nimda Virus

2001-10-18 Thread J.D. Bertron
Title: RE: Nimda Virus

Get a 
clue. You work for MCI WorldCom. What did you expect ?

  -Original Message-From: Nusairat, Joseph F. 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 
  4:29 PMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: RE: Nimda 
  lol ... well how did we get infected??? 
  Does anyone have any clue how that could happen? 
  Joseph Faisal Nusairat, Sr. Project Manager WorldCom tel: 614-723-4232 pager: 888-452-0399 textmsg: 
  -Original Message- From: Hani 
  Suleiman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 10:15 AM To: Orion-Interest Subject: Re: Nimda 
  Of course not, it only affects IIS. 
  On Wed, 17 Oct 2001, Nusairat, Joseph F. wrote: 
   Have any of u had issues with this exploiting the Orion 
   Joseph Faisal Nusairat, Sr. Project Manager 
   WorldCom  tel: 
  614-723-4232  pager: 888-452-0399  textmsg: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

RE: PLEASE get me OFF this list!!!!

2001-10-16 Thread J.D. Bertron

you have to try sending a mail with unsubscribe in the 
what the listservers usually require without human 

  -Original Message-From: Dalton, Tom 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 8:12 
  AMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: RE: PLEASE get me OFF this 
  been trying, and they will not do it!
-Original Message-From: Dara Katerina 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 3:23 
AMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: PLEASE get me OFF this 


RE: Servlet JDBC character conversion problem

2001-10-15 Thread J.D. Bertron

may have a better answer. You should try a System.out.println() of your m_Idioma 
in the code to see what it looks like when it gets to your servlet. 

suspect you submit this value from an HTML Form and somehow the string is being 
encoded in one way by the browserand decoded in another by the servlet. 
There are numerous problems already documented with the class URLEncoder because 
of locale mismatches between the client and the server.
sure the language settings on each machine (and browsers) match and this problem 
should go away.
I had 
a similar problem and finally abandoned using URLEncoder. I now expand every 
unicode value to HEX and back in URLs/Forms to avoid this 

  -Original Message-From: Gustavo Comba 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Monday, October 15, 2001 
  7:29 AMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: Servlet JDBC character 
  conversion problem
  Hi, I'm having a strange problem. I'm developing a J2EE Web 
  Application, with Entity Beans, Servlets, JSPs and so on. I've started 
  to get character conversion problems, and I've isolated the piece of code 
  giving me problems. The code is: 
  oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver()); Connection con = 
  DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc:oracle:thin:@oraclehost:1521:orcl", 
  "user", "password"); dumpTable(con, out); String updateStatement = 
  prepStmt = con.prepareStatement (updateStatement); 
  prepStmt.setString(1, m_Idioma); prepStmt.setLong(2, m_Id); 
  prepStmt.executeUpdate(); prepStmt.close(); con.close(); 
  Where "m_Idioma", which is a standard java.lang.String, which 
  eventually is "Español", and m_Id is a long with the primary key of 
  the record I want to update. If I paste this code into a JSP, then I 
  get the desired result, BUT, if I paste and run the code from a Servlet 
  (exactly the same code), then my "Español" becomes "Espaýol"... I've 
  tried almost everything, I've runned the Servlet on the J2EE server 
  and locally whit the debugger, and the same result. My DataBase server 
  is a Oracle 8.1.7 Database, and I'm using Oracle 9i Application Server 
  OC4J(the Orion AS). The problem is the same with "á", "é", "í" 
  and so on. I'll apreciate any kind of help you can give me. 
  Thanks in advance, and please forgive my English. Gustavo 

RE: EntityBean Question

2001-10-12 Thread J.D. Bertron
Title: EntityBean Question

thought that for a while, but in many instances, you don't have to do that. You 
could end up in trouble trying to maintain updatable views.
of the reason we were thinking this is because we wanted to create entity beans 
on top of an existing complex database schema. In many 
instances, you don't need to map all the stuff in the database to beans, and 
more often than not, the result of complex queries are really the objects in the 
can create finders on some existing EBs that return the results of those views 
you wanted to create as new EBs. 

  -Original Message-From: Nusairat, Joseph F. 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 9:49 
  AMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: EntityBean 
   For all of you 
  using entity beans  I was wondering do u map the entity bean to 1 table. 
  Or do u map it more to a view of a few tables??? I was just thinking it could 
  be helpful to do that in many instances ... but i was just wondering if that 
  is looked reallly frowned down upon or anything (i am the only ejb 
  developer here so i have no one else to ask :) )
  Joseph Faisal Nusairat, Sr. Project Manager WorldCom tel: 614-723-4232 pager: 888-452-0399 textmsg: 

RE: explicit table-names in CMP

2001-10-05 Thread J.D. Bertron
Title: SV: explicit table-names in CMP

I had 
the same problem, but you can change the name of table in the orion-ejb-jar.xml 
the Entity Deployment, you can set the name of the bean using the "name" 
attribute, the JNDI name using the "location" attribute and the table name using 
the "table" attribute.
default, Orion will make the all the same.

  -Original Message-From: Patrik Andersson 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Friday, October 05, 2001 
  9:11 AMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: SV: explicit 
  table-names in CMP
  Doesn't the tablename default to $ejb-name? Also, what does 
  the schema-name (or whatever the name was) 
  mean. Try them! 
  regards, Patrik Andersson 
  -Ursprungligt meddelande- Från: Toni Menzel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
  Skickat: den 5 oktober 2001 13:39 Till: Orion-Interest Ämne: explicit table-names 
  in CMP 
  dear all, 
  We want to define an explicit table name for CMP's in 
  OrionAppServer. By default, CMP tables have the names 
  of the full qualified classname (entitybean). 
  E.g. if the ejb-entity-class is "net.quintessence.core.Leg" 
  then the table's name is: 
  net_quintessence_core_leg. But we want to use already 
  existing tables which where mapped into ejb-entities. 
  Is that possible? how? 
  thanx in advance, Toni Menzel --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] quintessence consulting GmbH - germany 

When will Orion support IIOP ? What to use today ?

2001-10-02 Thread J.D. Bertron

Does anyone know when orion will support IIOP ?
What can I use today to access Orion EJBs from a C++ app ?

Finder query problem.

2001-10-02 Thread J.D. Bertron

I'm not sure what the problem is, since I am using a non-partial query to
rteturn all 3 attributes of the bean. Is there a requirement that they be
named the same ?

This is the error I'm getting from the server:

Auto-deploying kona-ejb.jar (Classes were updated)... Error compiling
C:\orion\applications\kona-app/kona-ejb.jar: Field
  used in finder query not found in bean, valid fields are: permName,
permDesc at column 388 in query 'select stpermissions.PERMISSION_ID,
stpermissions.PERMISSION_NAME , stpermissions.PERMISSION_DESCRIPTION from
stgroupperm, stgroup, stuser, stpermissions where stuser.USER_GROUP =
stgroup.GROUP_ID and stgroupperm.GROUP_ID = stgroup.GROUP_ID and
stpermissions.PERMISSION_ID = stgroupperm.GROUP_PERM_ID and
stgroupperm.GROUP_PERM_ALLOWED = 'Y' and stuser.USER_ID = ?'

Yet my orion-ejb.jar has this section for the bean:

entity-deployment name=UserPermissions
location=UserPermissions wrapper=UserPermissionsHome_EntityHomeWrapper51
max-tx-retries=3 table=STPERMISSIONS data-source=java:jdbc/ejbDS
name=permID persistence-name=PERMISSION_ID /
cmp-field-mapping name=permName
persistence-name=PERMISSION_NAME /
cmp-field-mapping name=permDesc
finder-method partial =false query=select
stpermissions.PERMISSION_ID, stpermissions.PERMISSION_NAME,
stpermissions.PERMISSION_DESCRIPTION from stgroupperm, stgroup, stuser,
stpermissions where stuser.USER_GROUP = stgroup.GROUP_ID and
stgroupperm.GROUP_ID = stgroup.GROUP_ID and stpermissions.PERMISSION_ID =
stgroupperm.GROUP_PERM_ID and stgroupperm.GROUP_PERM_ALLOWED = 'Y' and
stuser.USER_ID = ?

