AFAIK, it depends on the browser. When you have frames and hit reload,
some browsers refresh the original set of frames and some refresh the
current state of the frames. I can't say that one of the options is bad,
as both of them can be interpreted as "reloading the page". Sometimes
one option can be useful, sometimes the other. But I think there's not
much that we can do from the server side, unless you get into storing
the clients' state in a session value and redirect to the appropriate
page when you "think" you detected a problem like the one you mentioned.
You'll have to evaluate if this is such a big problem that you have
to invest the effort to control the clients' state.
Juan Andres Chau Li wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a top.jsp with:
> " id="menu" border="0"
> frameborder="0" framespacing="0" noresize scrolling="no" name="menu">
> " border=0 frameborder=0
> framespacing=0 noresize id="main" name="main">
> Inside main.jsp, there is a link to miapp.jsp, so I can go to it.
> The problem is that when I reload the browser (F5), instead of loading
> miapp.jsp, it loads main.jsp.
> This situation happens in IE 5, but in NS 6 no.
> Does someone know how to solve it? Is it a browser configuration?
> Thank you very much,
> Andres.