Re: Logo for Ozdotnet

2017-04-17 Thread Stephen Price
I'll see if she has had a chance to do any work on it over the weekend, and 
will pass back the feedback about the states.

I don't mind either way. Will get a few final ones and we can vote which one it 
should be.

Hope everyone had a nice long weekend! I know I did.

From:  on behalf 
of Tom Rutter 
Sent: Friday, 14 April 2017 11:34:29 AM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: Logo for Ozdotnet

Your daughter has done well. As others have mentioned the states should either 
be divided correctly or not at all imo. Also any chance of the domain being Anything else is uncool as far as I'm concerned.

On Monday, 10 April 2017, Stephen Price 
> wrote:
Passed feedback to Katie and here's what she came up with.
Three versions, a dark, light and a banner version.


I really love these ones, think she'd done a great job.


 on behalf of David Connors 
Sent: Monday, 10 April 2017 3:56:58 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: Logo for Ozdotnet

I'd make the text the logo. Greg's SQL downunder logo is a good model ...

On Mon, 10 Apr 2017 at 17:49 Stephen Price 

Yeah, I think it needs to be accurate and not confusing.

I'll get her to make it all on one line (with and without the .com on the end).

I like the .com as then it can be used as advertising. Can always have two 
versions I guess. One with and one without the .com.

We also have and more recently (because some dumbarse thought that would be a 
much better domain name... sounds geeky)

So far option 6 is winning.

 on behalf of David Richards 
Sent: Monday, 10 April 2017 3:43:47 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: Logo for Ozdotnet

#6 is the best f those presented.  Some suggestions:
- I think "" is just unclear.
- We probably don't need the ".com" as part of a logo.  The actual website can 
be additional text below the logo on any promotional material rather than part 
of the logo.
- Did you try "ozdotnet" on a single line?


"If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes
 will fall like a house of cards... checkmate!"
 -Zapp Brannigan, Futurama

On 10 April 2017 at 16:48, Ian Thomas 
#2 – I like the demarcation of the states. Also, it looks OK in monochrome.

Ian Thomas
Albert Park, Victoria 3206 Australia

 On Behalf Of Stephen Price
Sent: Monday, 10 April 2017 3:59 PM
To: ozDotNet 
Subject: Logo for Ozdotnet

Hey all,

My daughter, Katie, has given me a few logo designs based on what I asked for.

Plan is to put this on the website/forum (if/when that goes up) and make 
stickers and tshirts available (probably RedBubble). Turn it into something 
people can promote and get a bit of new blood.

Feedback welcome.

p.s. personally I like 06, but have asked if she could have white text with a 
black outline (to make it easier to read). Also liked the OZ characters being 
slightly larger.

David Connors | @davidconnors | LinkedIn | +61 417 189 363

Modern C++

2017-04-17 Thread Greg Keogh
Folks, those of us writing managed code in here should be really grateful.
I know because on the weekend I tried to resurrect some of my C++ library
code that has been untouched since 2003. Well ... everything has changed
thanks to the security review, Unicode, new standard libraries, language
features and compilers. It took me hours to get the old code modernised to
compile, but then I ran into incomprehensible linker errors that I still
haven't solved. So I'm not there yet.

Then this morning I had to prove to a colleague who only writes C++ that
Azure Storage was usable from C++ programs without too much suffering
because I expected and hoped that helper libraries would be available. I
found good sample articles here

and here
and I eventually made a simple working sample, but it was hell. The
namespaces are unfamiliar, the iterators are cryptic, there are new magic
string macros, but worst of all is asynchrony via the pplx library. In
managed code we can just await or let! bind for asynchrony, and the
language syntax is short and clear. I still haven't managed to get a single
async C++ function call to work yet.

I was hoping that after all these years, and with the trend to "modern C++"
that things would be better, and I'm sure they are once you get the hang of
it, but the change in style, libraries, language and compilers makes your
20th century C/C++ code experience mostly obsolete. Now I really appreciate
how lucky we are writing C# and F#.

Here endeth the post Easter sermon.

*Greg K*

Re: Modern C++

2017-04-17 Thread DotNet Dude
I miss C but not C++ at all

On Tuesday, 18 April 2017, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Folks, those of us writing managed code in here should be really grateful.
> I know because on the weekend I tried to resurrect some of my C++ library
> code that has been untouched since 2003. Well ... everything has changed
> thanks to the security review, Unicode, new standard libraries, language
> features and compilers. It took me hours to get the old code modernised to
> compile, but then I ran into incomprehensible linker errors that I still
> haven't solved. So I'm not there yet.
> Then this morning I had to prove to a colleague who only writes C++ that
> Azure Storage was usable from C++ programs without too much suffering
> because I expected and hoped that helper libraries would be available. I
> found good sample articles here
> and here
> ,
> and I eventually made a simple working sample, but it was hell. The
> namespaces are unfamiliar, the iterators are cryptic, there are new magic
> string macros, but worst of all is asynchrony via the pplx library. In
> managed code we can just await or let! bind for asynchrony, and the
> language syntax is short and clear. I still haven't managed to get a single
> async C++ function call to work yet.
> I was hoping that after all these years, and with the trend to "modern
> C++" that things would be better, and I'm sure they are once you get the
> hang of it, but the change in style, libraries, language and compilers
> makes your 20th century C/C++ code experience mostly obsolete. Now I really
> appreciate how lucky we are writing C# and F#.
> Here endeth the post Easter sermon.
> *Greg K*