[ozmidwifery] fenugreek

2007-02-13 Thread gypsymidwife
Dear All
Just wondering if someone can help me with the therapeutic dose of fenugreek. I 
have heard it 's amazing to increase milk supply but as it says nothing of this 
on the bottle, I would like to know if others have had experience with its use.
Thanks in advance.
Catherine Pearson.

Re: [ozmidwifery] getting synto etc

2006-11-15 Thread gypsymidwife
Dear Kristin
Can you tell me specifically where I can purchase this potion ? As a 42 year 
old primip , I need all the help I can get to keep the obstetric demons away 
from me, as I now don't have a lot choise when it comes to birthing places. I 
am confident that I will birth well with the help of my husband and great 
midwife/friend, supporting me but the birth now will probably be a hospital.
Feel free to email me off list if you like, on [EMAIL PROTECTED]
With Thanks
  - Original Message - 
  From: Kristin Beckedahl 
  To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au 
  Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 11:49 AM
  Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] getting synto etc


  Have you considered a partus-prep herbal tincture formula as well.  Usually 
start at 34/40 at low dose and gradually increase over the weeks until labour.  
I give it to all keen mums-to-be. Typically I make it a mix of of squaw vine, 
false unicorn root, raspberry leaves, chaste tree etc etc.  The first bottle 
(from 34-38 weeks) is slightly different from 2nd bottle (38-40+).  I put a few 
extra herbs in the 2nd bottle that are better to use closer to term.

  Combination of actions include uterine tonics, uterine astringents, hormonal 
support and working towards efficent cxns with minimal pp loss.

  Good levels of Vit C, Iron, and Zinc also indicated to reduce pph risk too...


  Kristin (Naturopath/Herbalist)

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list is sponsored by ACE Graphics. Visit to subscribe or unsubscribe. 

[ozmidwifery] obstetician recommendations needed

2006-05-31 Thread gypsymidwife

Dear Listers
Just need a little help choosing an obstetician. 
And no, I do not actually want one one but let me explain a little of my 
 I'm  a 41 year old, who has 
had PCOS for 15+ years, along with its associated impaired glucose 
tolerance, hyperinsulinaemia, obesity, long anovulutory cycles etc 
 My husband , it was discovered when we looked 
into IVF, has abnormal sperm morphology.
 We decided against IVF, and so you can 
imagine the complete surprise to discover that we are 7 weeks pregnant !!! 

Still not sure how it happened when all medical 
advice was our only chance was IVF !!
 But needless to say, we are very happy to 
have a chance to be parents.
 So, my dilema is, my very supportive 
GP,advises obstetric care from 28 weeks, earlier if I "develop gestational 
We live in a small mining town in central Qld, so 
travel for birth is inevitable and we don't really mind where but I'm not ready 
to be categorised as geriatric primip and therefore deemed an automatic 
"elective" caesar by  an obstetician who does not believe, as we do, that I 
can birth as nature intended, all things going well.
I've heard good things about Selangor, but we'd 
love to hear from any and all who can offer any advice.
Thanks to All
Catherine and Rob Pearson