[Paraview] Tetrahedral Mesh Quality

2014-08-06 Thread Fastl, Thomas
Hello Community,

I need to evaluate the quality of my tetrahedral mesh for simulations in 
structural mechanics and want to apply the filter 'Mesh Quality' using the 
'Scaled Jacobian' metric. Paraview (4.0.1) calculates the values providing me 
with a range of [0.1,1.0] and the 'Histrogram' looks like a Gauss distribution 
with a mean around 0.6. I wanted to find out more about how this metric is 
calculated for tetrahedral elements and looked up the 'Verdict Library 
Reference Manual', which states the following:

acceptable range:[0.500 , 0.707]

normal range:  [-0.707 , 0.707]

full range:[-dbl_max , dbl_max]

It also states that the 'Scaled Jacobian' for a unit equilateral tetrahedron, 
in my humble opinion a perfect tetrahedron, is 1. As far as I understand these 
ranges the full range provides values if some error/problem occurs, the normal 
range should be the range of mathematically possible values and the acceptable 
range is where somebody wants his elements to be in. The 'Scaled Jacobian' of a 
unit equilateral tetrahedron, however, doesn't fall in the acceptable range or 
even worse, in the normal range. Do I misunderstand the provided ranges? I also 
tested a equilateral tetrahedron in Paraview and by hand with the 'Scaled 
Jacobian' metric and I always obtained 1. Thank you for your help!

Best, Thomas
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[Paraview] Paraview/Load File and Take Screenshot

2014-12-19 Thread Fastl, Thomas
Dear Paraview-Community,

I am currently running parameter sweeps and want to visually compare the result 
(a single .vtk file) to a base line (a single .vtk file). Therefore, I wanted 
to load both .vtk-files in Paraview, generate a screenshot of them and close 
Paraview again. Since I have several hundred simulations this task would be 
very tedious to do manually and hence I though I might be able to run a python 
script from the terminal to do this task in an automated fashion.

I have found this link online 
(http://public.kitware.com/pipermail/paraview/2011-October/023026.html) which 
is not very promising, but also hoping that this feature would have been added 
since then. I already want to thank you in advance for any help, merry Xmas!

Kind regards,
DI Thomas E Fastl, BSc
Research Student
King's College London
School of Medicine
Department of Biomedical Engineering

The Rayne Institute
4th Floor, Lambeth Wing
St Thomas' Hospital, London SE1 7EH
Email: thomas.fa...@kcl.ac.uk

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Re: [Paraview] Paraview/Load File and Take Screenshot

2015-01-02 Thread Fastl, Thomas
Hello Utkarsh,

thank you for the information! I have been searching online for tutorials on 
how I can load and display .vtk-files in Paraview and realized that I can save 
a state as a Python script. This script provides me with all the information 
necessary to load the .vtk-files, change their mesh color and the view angle (I 
can run the script using pvbatch test.py). However, I could not figure out how 
I can take a screenshot from that stage and save the .png-file. The python 
script test.py looks like this:

# state file generated using paraview version 4.2.0

# setup views used in the visualization

 import the simple module from the paraview
from paraview.simple import *
 disable automatic camera reset on 'Show'

# Create a new 'Render View'
renderView1 = CreateView('RenderView')
renderView1.ViewSize = [1613, 837]
renderView1.CenterOfRotation = [91.7317943572998, 165.96746826171875, 
renderView1.CameraPosition = [91.7317943572998, -19.57611529481801, 
renderView1.CameraFocalPoint = [91.7317943572998, 165.96746826171875, 
renderView1.CameraViewUp = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
renderView1.CameraParallelScale = 48.022213121002615
renderView1.Background = [0.32, 0.34, 0.43]

# setup the data processing pipelines

# create a new 'Legacy VTK Reader'
outputEndoSurfRegistrationvtk = 

# create a new 'Legacy VTK Reader'
atlasEndoSurfRegistrationvtk = 

# setup the visualization in view 'renderView1'

# show data from atlasEndoSurfRegistrationvtk
atlasEndoSurfRegistrationvtkDisplay = Show(atlasEndoSurfRegistrationvtk, 
# trace defaults for the display properties.
atlasEndoSurfRegistrationvtkDisplay.ColorArrayName = [None, '']
atlasEndoSurfRegistrationvtkDisplay.DiffuseColor = [0.0, 0.0, 

# show data from outputEndoSurfRegistrationvtk
outputEndoSurfRegistrationvtkDisplay = Show(outputEndoSurfRegistrationvtk, 
# trace defaults for the display properties.
outputEndoSurfRegistrationvtkDisplay.ColorArrayName = ['POINTS', '']
outputEndoSurfRegistrationvtkDisplay.DiffuseColor = [0.0, 0., 

I guess that it will be only a simple command added at the end of the script 
which does the trick and would appreciate any help on that, thanks! Finally, 
happy new year to everyone! :-)

Best, Thomas

From: Utkarsh Ayachit 
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2014 6:42 PM
To: Fastl, Thomas
Cc: paraview@paraview.org
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Paraview/Load File and Take Screenshot

You can indeed run a python script from terminal to automate such a
task. Use pvpython or pvbatch executables. Those are simply Python
interpreters with ParaView initialization stub. You can pass in a
script as command line argument and the application will quit once the
script is done.


On Fri, Dec 19, 2014 at 9:01 AM, Fastl, Thomas  wrote:
> Dear Paraview-Community,
> I am currently running parameter sweeps and want to visually compare the
> result (a single .vtk file) to a base line (a single .vtk file). Therefore,
> I wanted to load both .vtk-files in Paraview, generate a screenshot of them
> and close Paraview again. Since I have several hundred simulations this task
> would be very tedious to do manually and hence I though I might be able to
> run a python script from the terminal to do this task in an automated
> fashion.
> I have found this link online
> (http://public.kitware.com/pipermail/paraview/2011-October/023026.html)
> which is not very promising, but also hoping that this feature would have
> been added since then. I already want to thank you in advance for any help,
> merry Xmas!
> Kind regards,
> ___
> DI Thomas E Fastl, BSc
> Research Student
> King's College London
> School of Medicine
> Department of Biomedical Engineering
> The Rayne Institute
> 4th Floor, Lambeth Wing
> St Thomas' Hospital, London SE1 7EH
> Email: thomas.fa...@kcl.ac.uk
> ___
> Powered by www.kitware.com
> Visit other Kitware 

[Paraview] Glyphs/Streamlines

2015-01-28 Thread Fastl, Thomas
Hello Community,

I am trying to view a vector field (one vector at each vertex stored as 'Point 
Data') in Paraview 4.2.0 using the 'Glyph' filter. After application of the 
filter and using the Glyph Type 'Line' I tried to scale these lines (all 
vectors are unity vectors) in length and diameter, but I haven't found this 
property and think that this has been possible in older versions. Is this still 
possible in Paraview 4.2.0?

Beside that I was trying to create streamlines from my static vector field. I 
tried 'Stream Tracer', but that didn't display any result in my case. Can 
anybody give me a hint on how to start working on that since I have never been 
doing this, thanks.

Kind regards,

DI Thomas E Fastl, BSc
Research Student
King's College London
School of Medicine
Department of Biomedical Engineering

The Rayne Institute
4th Floor, Lambeth Wing
St Thomas' Hospital, London SE1 7EH
Email: thomas.fa...@kcl.ac.uk

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Re: [Paraview] Rendering in Paraview

2015-04-23 Thread Fastl, Thomas

thank you for the help so far, I really appreciate any input!

ad Cory's response: I totally agree, seems to be a classic thing in rendering 
and makes total sense to me. However, strange is that this happens only for the 
right half of the ellipsoid. Any ideas on that?

ad Sam's and Ken's response: I was thinking about doing that in Matlab during 
generation, but thanks for pointing out that I can do it pretty straight 
forward in Paraview directly, makes things easier.

Again, I think it is just a little bit strange that the rendering problem 
occurs only on one half of the ellipsoid, maybe someone has experienced 
something similar? Thanks!


From: ParaView  on behalf of Moreland, Kenneth 

Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2015 10:19 PM
To: Samuel Key
Cc: paraview@paraview.org
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Rendering in Paraview

If you want to use this approach, it is probably easier to use the transform 
filter and scale by 0.99 than use the calculator.


Sent from my iPad so blame autocorrect.

On Apr 23, 2015, at 4:13 PM, Samuel Key 
mailto:samuel...@bresnan.net>> wrote:


Assuming your x,y,z-origin is at the center of the ellipsoid, and you are using 
PV version4.3.1, you might be able to do the following:

If you want to display these two objects at the same time, use the "eyeball" in 
the Pipeline Browser to turn off the hex mesh, then use the Calculator filter 
just on the quad mesh to shrink its x,y,z-coordinates by, say, 0.99. This will 
"pull" the quad mesh just inside the hex mesh. You can then do whatever 
variable display you like on the objects.

If you are going to this display several times, the pipeline can be saved with 
Save State.


On 4/23/2015 12:21 PM, Fastl, Thomas wrote:

Hello Community,

I have a question concerning rendering in Paraview (Version 4.2.0). I have two 
.vtk files: i) an ellipsoidal volume geometry of hexahedral cells (cell type = 
12) and ii) the internal surface of the ellipsoidal geometry represented using 
quadrilateral cells (cell type = 9). The first one is colored grey in the 
attached image, while the latter one is displayed in blue. Opening both of them 
at the same time leads to a quite confusing representation, which I don't 
really understand.

In the image attached the quadrilateral surface was opened first followed by 
the hexahedral volume. So I can understand why Paraview renders the left part 
in the color of the volume, but I do not get why it splits the rendering and is 
checkered on the right side? Is this an intended behavior or might I have made 
a mistake? I checked the coordinates of the points in both files and they are 
identical. Thanks!

Best, Thomas Fastl

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[Paraview] Mesh Quality

2012-11-09 Thread Fastl, Thomas
Dear Madam/Sir,

I am a student at Graz University of Technology starting with Paraview 3.10.1 
and came up with a question I can not answer myself. I am using the Filter 
called 'Mesh Quality' with the 'Scaled Jacobian' option for hexahedral 
elements. I have some elements which have only six different vertices (instead 
of eight, which leads to a wedge) and the result is a value like 1e+30. I want 
to analyze this result, because in general the range for a 'Scaled Jacobian' is 
between -1 and +1. Can you provide me with the equation how this 'Scaled 
Jacobian' is evaluated in Paraview?
If the 'Scaled Jacobian' is evaluated with 
min(Jk/(norm(e1k)*norm(e2k)*norm(e3k))), where eik are the three edge vectors 
of vertex k and Jk is the Jacobian at vertex k of a hexahedron (this is 
evaluated for all 8 vertices and then the minimum is takes), we would get a 
'0/0' at one vertex of a degenerated hexahedron. I would expect to get an 
error, but instead I think I get extremely high values. But since the 'Scaled 
Jacobian' should take the minimum of all values in a hexahedron, I am not sure 
what is going on there.

I have to thank you a thousand times and hope that anyone can help me with my 

Best wishes,
Fastl Thomas, BSc
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[Paraview] Statistics/Mesh quality

2012-12-10 Thread Fastl, Thomas
Hello everyone,

I am using Paraview to evaluate mesh quality (scaled Jacobian measurement) and 
want to know, how many elements have a larger quality measurement than, e.g., 
0.8, 0.6, 0.4 and 0.2. Is there an easy way to extract this information? Thank 
you very much!

Best wishes,
Thomas Fastl
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[Paraview] Plane visualization

2013-01-29 Thread Fastl, Thomas
Hello again,

sorry, I for to add that I have projected cell data to point data and made a 
slice within a certain location within the geometry. I want to calculate the 
mean value of the point data in this slice, is there an already implemented 
function for that? Thanks!

Best wishes,
Fastl Thomas, BSc
Master Student
Graz University of Technology
Institute of Biomechanics
Center of Biomedical Engineering
Kronesgasse 5-I
8010 Graz, Austria

Email: fa...@tugraz.at
Tel: ++43(0)316 873 1616
Fax: ++43(0)316 873 1615

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[Paraview] Plane visualization

2013-01-29 Thread Fastl, Thomas

I am searching for an easy way to get rid of the box and the direction vector, 
but still showing the plane with shading when cutting a geometry in Paraview. 
Is it also possible to show several planes with the same properties as 
described above in on image, like I would cut a geometry several times? Thank 

Best wishes,
Fastl Thomas, BSc
Master Student
Graz University of Technology
Institute of Biomechanics
Center of Biomedical Engineering
Kronesgasse 5-I
8010 Graz, Austria

Email: fa...@tugraz.at
Tel: ++43(0)316 873 1616
Fax: ++43(0)316 873 1615

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[Paraview] Plane visualization

2013-01-29 Thread Fastl, Thomas

I am searching for an easy way to get rid of the box and the direction vector, 
but still showing the plane with shading when cutting a geometry in Paraview. 
Is it also possible to show several planes with the same properties as 
described above in on image, like I would cut a geometry several times? Thank 

Best wishes,
Fastl Thomas, BSc
Master Student
Graz University of Technology
Institute of Biomechanics
Center of Biomedical Engineering
Kronesgasse 5-I
8010 Graz, Austria

Email: fa...@tugraz.at<https://owa.tugraz.at/owa/UrlBlockedError.aspx>
Tel: ++43(0)316 873 1616
Fax: ++43(0)316 873 1615

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[Paraview] Calculate Edge Lengths in Unstructured Grid

2016-01-25 Thread Fastl, Thomas
Hello Community,

I'm trying to calculate the min/max/mean edge length (or even an edge length 
distribution) in a tetrahedral element mesh specified as an unstructured grid 
in Paraview. I've played with the 'Extract Edges' filter, however, wasn't 
successful so far. Does anybody know how I could do that? Thank you for your 

Best, Thomas Fastl

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Re: [Paraview] Calculate Edge Lengths in Unstructured Grid

2016-01-25 Thread Fastl, Thomas
Hey Tim,

thanks for your reply! The Mesh Quality filter indeed provides the Edge Ratio 
for all tetrahedral elements, a single value calculated for every cell using 
the values I actually need. There must be a way to access them specifically 
(min/max/mean edge length) or a workaround to obtain this information. Does 
anybody know how I could do that? Thank you for your help!

Best, Tom

From: Tim Gallagher 
Sent: Monday, January 25, 2016 8:13 PM
To: Fastl, Thomas
Cc: paraview@paraview.org
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Calculate Edge Lengths in Unstructured Grid


You can use the MeshQuality filter to compute the Edge Ratio for tetrahedral 
cells. This will give you a field called Quality in your dataset. You can then 
compute the statistics on it using other filters as needed.

That should do what you are looking for. The definitions used in the 
MeshQuality filter can be found at: 


From: "Thomas Fastl" 
To: paraview@paraview.org
Sent: Monday, January 25, 2016 1:02:35 PM
Subject: [Paraview] Calculate Edge Lengths in Unstructured Grid

Hello Community,

I'm trying to calculate the min/max/mean edge length (or even an edge length 
distribution) in a tetrahedral element mesh specified as an unstructured grid 
in Paraview. I've played with the 'Extract Edges' filter, however, wasn't 
successful so far. Does anybody know how I could do that? Thank you for your 

Best, Thomas Fastl

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Re: [Paraview] Calculate Edge Lengths in Unstructured Grid

2016-01-30 Thread Fastl, Thomas
Hey Tim,

you're absolutely right, thanks for pointing this out! I just wanted to 
mention, especially for other users searching through all the mails, that this 
actually provides the minimum, average, and maximum of the quality metric 
calculated, rather then the minimum, average, and maximum element edge length, 
which is what I'd need, but thanks anyway!

Best, Tom

From: Tim Gallagher 
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 12:27 AM
To: Fastl, Thomas
Cc: paraview@paraview.org
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Calculate Edge Lengths in Unstructured Grid

Hi Thomas,

Sorry for the delay responding, I got side tracked doing some other stuff and 
didn't know the answer off the top of my head! But, it looks the filter 
provides what you are looking for. Based on the documentation of the 
vktMeshQuality filter 
(http://www.vtk.org/doc/nightly/html/classvtkMeshQuality.html#details), in 
addition to the per-cell value in the Quality scalar, there is also a Field 
Data set that is produced called Mesh  Quality. In your case, you are 
looking for the Mesh Tetrahedron Quality field.

The field has 5 components. The first 4 are the ones you are looking for, and 
they are:

> The minimum, average, maximum, and unbiased variance of quality for each type 
> of cell is stored in the output mesh's FieldData.

When you visualize the Mesh Tetrahedron Quality variable, it will default to 
the Magnitude. If you change it to show component 0 you will get the minimum 
for each cell, 1 is the average, etc.. The 5th field (component 4) is used 
internally and doesn't matter.

Hope that helps,


From: "Thomas Fastl" 
To: "tim gallagher" 
Cc: paraview@paraview.org
Sent: Monday, January 25, 2016 5:07:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Calculate Edge Lengths in Unstructured Grid

Hey Tim,

thanks for your reply! The Mesh Quality filter indeed provides the Edge Ratio 
for all tetrahedral elements, a single value calculated for every cell using 
the values I actually need. There must be a way to access them specifically 
(min/max/mean edge length) or a workaround to obtain this information. Does 
anybody know how I could do that? Thank you for your help!

Best, Tom

From: Tim Gallagher 
Sent: Monday, January 25, 2016 8:13 PM
To: Fastl, Thomas
Cc: paraview@paraview.org
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Calculate Edge Lengths in Unstructured Grid


You can use the MeshQuality filter to compute the Edge Ratio for tetrahedral 
cells. This will give you a field called Quality in your dataset. You can then 
compute the statistics on it using other filters as needed.

That should do what you are looking for. The definitions used in the 
MeshQuality filter can be found at: 


From: "Thomas Fastl" 
To: paraview@paraview.org
Sent: Monday, January 25, 2016 1:02:35 PM
Subject: [Paraview] Calculate Edge Lengths in Unstructured Grid

Hello Community,

I'm trying to calculate the min/max/mean edge length (or even an edge length 
distribution) in a tetrahedral element mesh specified as an unstructured grid 
in Paraview. I've played with the 'Extract Edges' filter, however, wasn't 
successful so far. Does anybody know how I could do that? Thank you for your 

Best, Thomas Fastl

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[Paraview] Warning about Version while Reading File

2016-02-04 Thread Fastl, Thomas
Hello Community,

I just installed ParaView 5.0.0 and loaded a vtk-file which worked under 
ParaView 4.2.0! Doing so I receive the warning 'Reading file version: 4.2 with 
older reader version 4.0', suggesting that an outdated vtk version is used to 
read the file. I should mention that changing the header line in the vtk-file 
from '# vtk DataFile Version 4.2' to '# vtk DataFile Version 4.2' does the 
trick, however, I don't understand why ParaView complains? I read that ParaView 
uses it's own vtk version which seems to be 7.1.0 (see below), so why this 
warning? Is there anything else I can can do to fix that or is this a bug in 
ParaView? Thanks!

from __future__import print_function

import vtk


Best wishes, Thomas

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Re: [Paraview] Warning about Version while Reading File

2016-02-04 Thread Fastl, Thomas

I'm really sorry for the confusion: When writing a file using ParaView I obtain 
4.0 in the header, but I had a script to generate file from Matlab and for some 
reason I wrote 4.2 in the header of all my files. This didn't cause any 
problems with an older version of ParaView 4.2.0, but throws a warning in 
ParaView 5.0.0. Problem solved and sorry again, that was unnecessary!

Best, Thomas

From: Dan Lipsa 
Sent: Thursday, February 4, 2016 4:43 PM
To: Berk Geveci
Cc: Cory Quammen; Fastl, Thomas; paraview@paraview.org
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Warning about Version while Reading File

Hi Thomas,
I am surprised that version 4.2 gets in the file. In our last upgrade to the 
file format we increased the version from 3.0 to 4.0.
So format 4.2 is not out yet. I wonder if Paraview writes that.

How did you generate the file?


On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 11:20 AM, Berk Geveci 
mailto:berk.gev...@kitware.com>> wrote:
Actually, we changed how the ghost levels are handled and had to update the 
format accordingly. It may be related to that. Dan would know more.


On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 11:00 AM, Cory Quammen 
mailto:cory.quam...@kitware.com>> wrote:

I'm surprised your file didn't cause a complaint in ParaView 4.2. The
legacy VTK file reader in VTK hasn't changed in quite some years. What
software writes your VTK file? If it were written with VTK (perhaps by
way of ParaView), the file version number should be 4.2.

By the way, this shouldn't be a problem other than annoying you with
the warning message.


On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 8:31 AM, Fastl, Thomas 
mailto:thomas.fa...@kcl.ac.uk>> wrote:
> Hello Community,
> I just installed ParaView 5.0.0 and loaded a vtk-file which worked under
> ParaView 4.2.0! Doing so I receive the warning 'Reading file version: 4.2
> with older reader version 4.0', suggesting that an outdated vtk version is
> used to read the file. I should mention that changing the header line in the
> vtk-file from '# vtk DataFile Version 4.2' to '# vtk DataFile Version 4.2'
> does the trick, however, I don't understand why ParaView complains? I read
> that ParaView uses it's own vtk version which seems to be 7.1.0 (see below),
> so why this warning? Is there anything else I can can do to fix that or is
> this a bug in ParaView? Thanks!
> from __future__import print_function
> import vtk
> print(vtk.vtkVersion.GetVTKSourceVersion())
> Best wishes, Thomas
> ___
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Cory Quammen
R&D Engineer
Kitware, Inc.
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[Paraview] Changing Opacity with Coordinates

2016-04-15 Thread Fastl, Thomas
Hello Community,

I've imported medical DICOM data into ParaView and visualized them in 'Volume' 
mode (rendering takes a really long time and around a massive amount of 
memory). I want to change the visibility/opacity of the medical image structure 
with the z-coordinate (apply and alpha-channel with full visibility at the 
bottom and no visibility at the top), is there a way to do that in ParaView? 

Best wishes, Tom

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[Paraview] ParaView 5.4.1 | Segmentation Fault

2018-01-31 Thread Fastl, Thomas
Dear Community,

I've recently upgraded to ParaView 5.4.1 since ParaView 5.0.0 stopped working 
on my workstation. Therefore, I've downloaded and unpacked 
ParaView-5.4.1-Qt5-OpenGL2-MPI-Linux-64bit.tar.gz, however, receive the 
following error message upon execution:

Warning: In 
 line 838
vtkGenericOpenGLRenderWindow (0x3846580): VTK is designed to work with OpenGL 
version 3.2 but it appears it has been given a context that does not support 
3.2. VTK will run in a compatibility mode designed to work with earlier 
versions of OpenGL but some features may not work.

Segmentation fault

I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 on my workstation and should probably mention that I 
receive this error message right after execution of 'paraview', i.e., the 
Graphical User Interface never appears. Does anybody have a similar problem or 
know on how to resolve this issue? Thanks!

Best, Thomas

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Re: [Paraview] ParaView 5.4.1 | Segmentation Fault

2018-01-31 Thread Fastl, Thomas
Dear Utkarsh,

I really appreciate your immediate response, thanks! I've check the graphics 
drivers as you suggested:

tf13@bioeng087-pc:~$ glxinfo
name of display: :0
X Error of failed request:  GLXBadContext
Major opcode of failed request:  155 (GLX)
Minor opcode of failed request:  6 (X_GLXIsDirect)
Serial number of failed request:  26
Current serial number in output stream:  26

In addition, execution of './paraview --mesa' works, meaning there's an issue 
with the graphics drivers?

Best, Thomas

From: Utkarsh Ayachit 
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2018 12:48
To: Fastl, Thomas
Cc: paraview@paraview.org
Subject: Re: [Paraview] ParaView 5.4.1 | Segmentation Fault


Check your graphics drivers. You can use tools like `glxinfo` to tell
you which OpenGL version is supported. ParaView now requires 3.2 or
newer. If you cannot upgrade your graphics drivers, you can use
software OpenGL implementation packaged by ParaView binaries as

.../paraview --mesa

Hope that helps,

On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 7:45 AM, Fastl, Thomas  wrote:
> Dear Community,
> I've recently upgraded to ParaView 5.4.1 since ParaView 5.0.0 stopped
> working on my workstation. Therefore, I've downloaded and unpacked
> ParaView-5.4.1-Qt5-OpenGL2-MPI-Linux-64bit.tar.gz, however, receive the
> following error message upon execution:
> Warning: In
> /home/buildslave/dashboards/buildbot/paraview-pvbinsdash-linux-shared-release_superbuild/build/superbuild/paraview/src/VTK/Rendering/OpenGL2/vtkOpenGLRenderWindow.cxx,
> line 838
> vtkGenericOpenGLRenderWindow (0x3846580): VTK is designed to work with
> OpenGL version 3.2 but it appears it has been given a context that does not
> support 3.2. VTK will run in a compatibility mode designed to work with
> earlier versions of OpenGL but some features may not work.
> Segmentation fault
> I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 on my workstation and should probably mention that
> I receive this error message right after execution of 'paraview', i.e., the
> Graphical User Interface never appears. Does anybody have a similar problem
> or know on how to resolve this issue? Thanks!
> Best, Thomas
> ___
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