RE: Re: Re: RE: Export tax subsidies that aren't?

2002-02-05 Thread Max Sawicky

> In a world in which transaction demand on the current account was the sole
> basis for forex markets, with constant PPP and never a whiff of pricing to
> market, then this type of analysis would make sense.  We're not
> in that world, however. Peter

AND . . . . ???


Re: RE: Re: RE: Export tax subsidies that aren't?

2002-02-04 Thread Peter Dorman

Max, this is governed by the, ahem, Marshall-Lerner conditions: the sum of
import and export price elasticities must be greater than one.  People who study
such things say the conditions are always met, but the structuralist tradition
holds that they are met only within limits.  This is something I've always
wanted to look at but never got around to.


Max Sawicky wrote:

> Depends on the price elasticity.  If the price of jellybeans goes down,
> do you spend more or less on jellybeans?  But I should beg off on this.
> I don't do trade.  --mbs
> > Wouldn't a decrease in the total cost of goods lead to a *decrease* in the
> > demand for dollars?  In which case, the rest of the mechanism:
> >
> > > cost of dollar (and good, in importer's currency) go up, cost advantage
> > > disappears.
> >
> > would be thrown into reverse, and the currency swings would reinforce the
> > effect of the original subsidy.
> >
> > Michael
> > __
> > Michael PollakNew York [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >