RE: Looking for suggestions - how to sort & merge comma separatedquoted string files

2004-11-24 Thread Charles K. Clarkson
Kalarness, Bill <> wrote:

: I have three files of data which consists of records of
: double-quoted strings that are comma separated.  The
: first data "field" for each record contains a unique
: sequence number.  All the records in the files contain
: the same number of "fields".

Are the number of fields the only way to tell a new
record has started? Is there some other consistent marker?


: The problem is that some of the double-quoted strings
: contain newlines. OK, there are a lot of newlines in
: these quoted strings - and they have to remain in the
: data.

That's not a big problem. Perl splits files into lines
by default using the record separator. We can change its
value to any separator we need. (If there is an easy way
to mark the end of each record.)

Can fields also contain commas? Can other fields also
contain only the unique record numbers? Can you provide
some actual data which represents most cases we'll find?

: So, when I try to open a filehandle to attempt to
: separate the file contents on the commas as I'm trying
: to put the file contents into an array - I only get the
: first line of file data.
: Here's my code  (try not to laugh too hard!)

Since this is a beginners list, we tend to teach more
than just solve problems. You are missing some fundamental
programming habits needed to become a good perl programmer.

Good programmers have found that a script should begin
with two modules. All scripts, even play scripts, should
start with these. Think of them as training wheels which
never come off.


use strict;
use warnings;

If you are using an older version of perl you may need
this. It is similar, but less robust than the above.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

:   select STDOUT;
:   $|=1;
:   select STDERR;
:   $|=1;

Warnings and strictures constrain written perl code.
One constraint is the use of variables. The first time we
use a variable we will need to declare it. There are a few
methods to do this, but the most common uses 'my'.

:   $InFile1 = (qq/$ENV{'TEMP'}\\InFile1.txt/);

my $InFile1 = qq($ENV{TEMP}/InFile1.txt);

I assume from the above that you are using a windows
system. While windows uses the backslash for a directory
separator, perl uses the slash. You can use the backslash,
but I have found the slash to be far easier. Don't worry,
perl will do the right thing.

I really despise the parenthesis. While you are not
required to do so, I will silently remove excess parentheses
in my reply. I will also silently change double quotes to
single quotes when the former is not required.

NOTE: I use "in.txt" for my file name when testing
  code in my reply. You'll need to substitute the
  above to get it running on your machine.)

:   open INFILE1, "< $InFile1";

It is a good habit to verify file opening, and many
other I/O operations before proceeding. I have a macro in
my favorite editor to handle file opening code. $! is the
error code from perl. Do not place "\n" behind $!. It
suppresses line number info.

open INFILE1, "< $infile"  or die qq(Cannot open "$infile": $!);

:   @InArray1 = split(",", );

As you have already learned, split() only operates on
one line, not the entire file. To "slurp" the entire file
in, we need to change the record separator ($/) to an
undefined value.

$/ = undef;
my @InArray1 = split ',', ;

There is a problem here. We probably don't want to
change the value of $/ for the entire script. It would be
safer to limit it for just these lines. We can do that
with the 'local' function from perl.

local $/ = undef;
my @InArray1 = split ',', ;

$/ will only remain undefined while inside this code
block. Unfortunately, 'my' will not allow us to see the
value of @InArray1 outside this code block either. So, we
need to change the "scope" of @InArray1.

my @InArray1;
local $/ = undef;
@InArray1 = split ',', ;

Now, @InArray1 is visible and the world is safe from
a changed $/.

:   print "did it\n";

print "did it\n" if @InArray1;

:   close INFILE1;
:   foreach $InArray1(@InArray1)

foreach my $InArray1 ( @InArray1 )

:   {
:   print $InArray1;
:   }

This can also be written as:

print @InArray1;

Though we might be happier with this.

print "$_\n" foreach @InArray1;

I ended up with this. It doesn't solve the problem.


use strict;
use warnings;

my $input_file = 'in.txt';
open IN, "< $input_file"  or die qq(Cannot open "$input_file": $!);

my @InArray1;
local $/  = undef;
@InArray1 = split ',', ;
close INFILE1;

print "did it\n" if @InArray1;

print "$_\n" foreach @InArray1;


Another good programming habit is the use of meaningful
variable names. This version is much easier to read and


use strict;
use warnings;

my $input_file = qq($ENV{TEMP}/InFile1.txt);
open IN, "<

Looking for suggestions - how to sort & merge comma separated quoted string files

2004-11-24 Thread Kalarness, Bill

I have three files of data which consists of records of double-quoted
strings that are comma separated.  The first data "field" for each
record contains a unique sequence number.  All the records in the files
contain the same number of "fields".

Step 1: I need to merge two of these files of records together, sorted
on the the sequence number. (into a separate output file)
Step 2: I need to compare this merged output file (call it A) with the
third input file.  This time, I need to look for missing sequence
numbers - (they increment by 1) - and insert dummy records for these
missing sequence numbers into the merged output file (A).

I wouldn't think this is too difficult, but...

The problem is that some of the double-quoted strings contain newlines.
OK, there are a lot of newlines in these quoted strings - and they have
to remain in the data.

So, when I try to open a filehandle to attempt to separate the file
contents on the commas as I'm trying to put the file contents into an
array - I only get the first line of file data.

Here's my code  (try not to laugh too hard!)

  select STDOUT;
  select STDERR;

  $InFile1 = (qq/$ENV{'TEMP'}\\InFile1.txt/);

open INFILE1, "< $InFile1";
@InArray1 = split(",", );
print "did it\n";
close INFILE1;

foreach $InArray1(@InArray1)
print $InArray1;

My resulting output is:

C:\Temp>perl -w
did it

The contents of my test file (InFile1.txt) are:

"1101","today is the best 
day of my life","old","no"

This is just a tiny test file that I tossed together.  The real data
consists of ~20 fields per record.  Of these, there are maybe 8-12
fields that could contain embedded newlines.  There could be multiple
newlines in any of these fields.

Also, the actual data files are not huge.  Each is under 7Mb.

I did look around to see if there were any modules available that would
help me out.  I looked at File::Sort, Sort::Merge, and File:MergeSort.
I'm not sure how to get past this first hurdle.  These modules are
either looking at the file contents line by line or the input mechanism
is completely open, and I would need to supply my own.

Any assistance is appreciated! :)

Best Regards,


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RE: Reading unix realtime logfile from windows

2004-11-24 Thread Swartwood, Larry H

Or, and this is likely the most non-trivial approach, use something like
so that you can read the file system of the AIX machine from Windows.

--Larry S. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
$Bill Luebkert
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 8:19 AM
Subject: Re: Reading unix realtime logfile from windows


> Hi folks,
> I am generating one log file in AIX say (Memory. log) real-time. I
> to connect from windows 2000 to that AIX run a perl script for
> I am wondering if anyone is familiar with this kind of task. If yes, I
> would greatly appreciate your help :)

Easiest thing would be to connect to a webserver on the AIX machine and
use CGI to parse the log file.  If you can't use a webserver, you'll
to either have a daemon running and connect with sockets or use rsh to
run a command on AIX.

  ,-/-  __  _  _ $Bill Luebkert
 (_/   /  )// //   DBE CollectiblesMailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  / ) /--<  o // //  Castle of Medieval Myth & Magic
-/-' /___/_<_ (My Perl/Lakers stuff)
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Re: Reading unix realtime logfile from windows

2004-11-24 Thread $Bill Luebkert

> Hi folks,
> I am generating one log file in AIX say (Memory. log) real-time. I want
> to connect from windows 2000 to that AIX run a perl script for analysis.
> I am wondering if anyone is familiar with this kind of task. If yes, I
> would greatly appreciate your help :)

Easiest thing would be to connect to a webserver on the AIX machine and
use CGI to parse the log file.  If you can't use a webserver, you'll need
to either have a daemon running and connect with sockets or use rsh to
run a command on AIX.

  ,-/-  __  _  _ $Bill LuebkertMailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (_/   /  )// //   DBE CollectiblesMailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  / ) /--<  o // //  Castle of Medieval Myth & Magic
-/-' /___/_<_ (My Perl/Lakers stuff)
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Reading unix realtime logfile from windows

2004-11-24 Thread CHIDIPI, RAMJEE \(SBCSI\)
Hi folks,
I am generating one log file in AIX say (Memory. log) real-time. I want
to connect from windows 2000 to that AIX run a perl script for analysis.
I am wondering if anyone is familiar with this kind of task. If yes, I
would greatly appreciate your help :)


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cdo Object or String

2004-11-24 Thread joachim . goerner
Hi all,
I found in
lemsg_fields_property_infostore_object_.asp :
--- snip -
CDO 1.2.1 
Fields Property (InfoStore Object) 
The Fields property returns a single Field object or a Fields collection
object. Read-only. 
--- end snip -
--- snip -
If your application is running as a Microsoft Windows NT® service, you
cannot access the Microsoft Exchange Public Folders through the normal
hierarchy because of a notification conflict. You must use the InfoStores
Fields property to obtain the Microsoft Exchange property
PR_IPM_PUBLIC_FOLDERS_ENTRYID, property tag &H66310102. This represents the
top-level public folder and allows you to access all other public folders
through its Folders property. 
This code fragment accesses the root of the Public Folders subtree of a
message store: 
Dim objSess As Session ' assume logged on to valid session
Dim objInfoStore As InfoStore ' assume opened and valid
Dim strPFRootID As String ' binary entry ID returned as hex string
Dim objPFRoot As Folder ' root folder of Public Folders
strPFRootID = objInfoStore.Fields(tagPFRootID) ' entry ID
MsgBox "Public Folders root folder ID = " & strPFRootID
Set objPFRoot = objSession.GetFolder(strPFRootID)
--- end snip -
if I write:
--- snip -
foreach (in $cdo->{Infostores}){
   if (my $RootID=$_->Fields(1714487554)){# 1714487554 = &H66310102
--- end snip -
$RootID is object and not string 
This object is a field-object from infostore and has not 
an identifier for a folder (I need for $folder=$cdo->GetFolder($RootID);)

Is that my error ?
or is 2 errors in the µsoft's 
web-page (1. String is not object;
  2. Fields-object not contains folder-ID) ?

Best regards/Mit freundlichen Grüssen 
Joachim Görner 

Informationsverarbeitung Systemtechnik Basisdienste (ISB) 
ADAC e.V., Am Westpark 8, 81373 München 
Tel.: (089) 76 76 27 83 Fax: (089) 76 76 28 82 

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