RE: Can a Perl script be called as a COM object?

2008-04-01 Thread Jan Dubois
On Tue, 01 Apr 2008, Howard Maher wrote:
> One of our possible vendors said that if Perl scripts can be callable
> COM objects, then we can interface with their engine. Does anyone know
> whether Perl scripts can be? The languages that they suggest are VB6,
> C++, and .NET...

Perl code can be wrapped as an OLE Automation compatible object (IDispatch)
using either Windows Scripting Components (use the PerlScript engine included
in ActivePerl), or with PerlCtrl (part of the ActiveState Perl Dev Kit).

PerlCtrl allows you to create a single standalone DLL that contains all code
necessary to execute your Perl code; no separate Perl installation is necessary.

> The Perl.NET project has pretty much been scrapped, correct? Thanks in
> advance for any help you can give us.

The Perl Dev Kit also include PerlNET, which allows you to implement .NET
components written in Perl.  A bug in recent .NET updates prevents some
PerlNET code to run with the latest .NET; this problem has been fixed in
PDK 7.2 to be released later this week.

PerlNET will allow you to implement other COM interfaces and is not limited
to IDispatch.  You'll need to understand .NET/COM Interop to make use of this

Note: The PDK 7.1 release does not contain PerlNET because we did not have
a workaround for the bug in the latest .NET framework in time for the release.


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Re: Can a Perl script be called as a COM object?

2008-04-01 Thread Michael Ellery
Howard Maher wrote:
> One of our possible vendors said that if Perl scripts can be callable COM 
> objects, then we can interface with their engine.  Does anyone know whether 
> Perl scripts can be?  The languages that they suggest are VB6, C++, and 
> .NET...   The Perl.NET project has pretty much been scrapped, correct?  
> Thanks in advance for any help you can give us. 

try a web search for "Windows Script Components".  ActiveState perl 
works nicely as a scriplet engine.

--Mike Ellery

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