Re: RFC 260 (v1) More modules

2000-09-21 Thread Bart Lateur

On 19 Sep 2000 19:41:20 -, Perl6 RFC Librarian wrote:

>Perl should come distributed with more modules.

I know of people/sites where installing the whole lot of Perl just to
run a tiny script, is not acceptable as an option.

Not everyone is a developer.


Re: RFC 228 (v1) Add memoize into the standard library

2000-09-15 Thread Bart Lateur

On Fri, 15 Sep 2000 08:28:30 -0700 (PDT), Dave Storrs wrote:

>   Personally, I like the way it works at the moment; all the subs
>that you want to memoize are up at the top, where they are easy to see.

You have a point.

What I don't like is how the basic module syntax pretty much requires
the function name as a *string* in order to install itself underneath
it. That has every appearance of a hack. (symbolic references)

Memoizing using function references would look a bit better.

My preferred (most compatible) syntax:

use Memoize foo;
sub foo {

It should complain, at compile ime, if the sub doesn't exist.
Implementation is a problem, because at the time the import sub is
called, the function hasn't been compiled yet.

Current syntax and behaviour:

use Memoize;
memoize "foo";

sub foo {
my $s = shift;
print "Argument = $s\n";
$s * $s
Argument = 1
Argument = 2
Argument = 3
Argument = 4

It does what it should do, but as I said, it looks like a hack.

Replace the second line (the memoize statement) with:

memoize foo;

Unquoted string "foo" may clash with future reserved word at
line 3.
Argument = 1
Argument = 2
Argument = 3
Argument = 4

It still works, but (a), it still treats "foo" as a string, and (b) it
complains (or worse).

Replace that line with:

memoize \&foo;


Argument = 1
Argument = 2
Argument = 3
Argument = 2
Argument = 1
Argument = 4

No complaint, but it doesn't work either.


Re: RFC 228 (v1) Add memoize into the standard library

2000-09-15 Thread Bart Lateur

On 15 Sep 2000 02:09:23 -, Perl6 RFC Librarian wrote:

>A version of should be added into the Perl6 standard
>library, and it should be added as a pragmatic module (i.e.

Is that it?

I would rather have a flag when generating the sub, er, what's that
syntax again, ":something"?

sub foo :memoize {

This would take out the dirty work of marking a sub as memoized.

Currently, the syntax is:

sub foo {



Re: How to implement both object->method and module::function interface?

2000-08-09 Thread Bart Lateur

On Wed, 9 Aug 2000 14:26:25 +0100, Graham Barr wrote:

>That is being considered. IF that does become part of the language I could
>see subs do something like
>  if (defined $SELF) {
>called as a method
>  }
>  else {
>called as a sub
>  } 

That was my idea. The current unfixable bug I showed in would
easily be fixed. However, Hildo's argument WRT inheritance makes me less
convinced that it is the ultimate ideal.


Re: How to implement both object->method and module::function interface?

2000-08-09 Thread Bart Lateur

On Wed, 09 Aug 2000 13:58:34 +0100, Hildo Biersma wrote:

>Yikes.  Class method calls should perform inheritance, subroutine calls
>should not.

I agree with that.

>Altering the language to make the two look the same is a bad
>idea, because it breaks, fatally, as soon as the class supports more
>than one object at a time.

Then, the alternative method would be NOT to use the word "sub" any more
in order to make a method.

method param {
... # this is a method, including inheritance
sub param {
... # this is an ordinary function; no inheritance

Both could well coexist withing the same module; but they can't both be
CODE refs.


Re: How to implement both object->method and module::function interface?

2000-08-09 Thread Bart Lateur

On Wed, 09 Aug 2000 11:41:20 +0100, Hildo Biersma wrote:

>Could we agree on the idea that should be split up?

No. I could agree that


would do exactly the same as


i.e. no difference between function calls and class methods, unless the
method explicitely wants to know.

Why make module authors' life even more miserable?

Passing the class/object in a magic variable, e.g. $SELF, instead of in
the arguments list, is one way.


Re: How to implement both object->method and module::function interfa ce?

2000-08-08 Thread Bart Lateur

On Tue, 8 Aug 2000 14:22:20 -0500 , Garrett Goebel wrote:

>What's the conventional wisdom on creating a module that supports both an OO
>and non-OO interface? Are there any CORE or CPAN modules to serve as a
>textbook, or is the anwser "Don't do that"? 
>I've got some code that checks the first parameter passed to see if it is a
>reference, assumes any reference is an object reference... and then proceeds
>accordingly. -It feels pretty sloppy, but it works.

Gee, I wonder what this is doing on the Perl6 mailing lists. But, maybe
there are some lessons to be learned, so...

My idea is: "Don't do it". Let me point to just one example:
Probably one of the most used modules, I might add. Open the source, and
scroll down till you find the definition for self_or_default, around
line 317 ($VERSION = 2.56). Oh hell, here it is:

sub self_or_default {
return @_ if defined($_[0]) && (!ref($_[0])) &&
  ($_[0] eq 'CGI');
unless (defined($_[0]) && 
(ref($_[0]) eq 'CGI' || UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],'CGI'))
# slightly optimized for common case
) {
$Q = $CGI::DefaultClass->new unless defined($Q);
return @_;

Excuse me for the rewrapping. This sub is called at the start of every
single method, I think. It serves to distinguish between a plain sub
call, and a class or method call. If it's a method call, the name of the
"default class" is prepended to the arguments list.

This is a bug waiting to happen. Suppose you call it as a function, but
with a literal string:

$x = param('x');# Will work
$cgi = param('CGI');# Oops! Major goof here!

It will barf on the latter, because the sub "self_or_default" will think
it is called as a class method, but it isn't.

Lesson to be learned: this is a bug caused by poor design. Perhaps, a
special global variable -- local'ized, of course -- e.g. $SELF, ought to
have been set before the sub is called, to either the object (object
method) or class name (class method); or undef(), if called as a regular
function. The object/class should not have been unshifted unto @_.

Let's do better with Perl6.

p.s. Gee, if Perl6 is going to be so radically different than Perl5,
perhaps we need a new pragma:

use perl6;

or, in contrast:

use perl5;

which could turn on/off the backward compatibility mode.


Re: Define consistent and standard

2000-08-07 Thread Bart Lateur

On Sun, 6 Aug 2000 01:13:22 +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>* Variables are things are nouns. Give them noun names.
>   $name, $total, $input
>* Plural variables should have plural names
>   @employees, @items, %contact_details


>* Hash names should be written so that looking up an element reads clearly:
>   $email_address{Skud} reads as "the email address of Skud"
>* Hashes with scalars as values should have singular names:
>   my $address = $email_address{Skud};
>* Hashes with arrayrefs or hashrefs as values should have plural names:
>   my @addresses = @{$email_addresses{Skud}};

I can relate to that.

But those two groups of rules contradict each other. Or, do yo want
$email_address{Skud} to be an element of the hash %email_addresses?

I've used both @item and @items as names for arrays. It depends on
whether I always use the data as a whole (@items), or mostly accessing
individual items, as in $item[3]. $items[3] does not look too well.

Yes, I'm being inconsistent, I know.


>   o   While short identifiers like $gotit are probably ok,
>   use underscores to separate words.  It is generally
>   easier to read $var_names_like_this than
>   $VarNamesLikeThis, especially for non-native speakers
>   of English.


But I do like the irony that the latter, $VarNamesLikeThis, is sometimes
called "Camel case": lots of lumps.
