[GENERAL] Quoting/Escaping

1999-11-28 Thread Bill Sneed

I'd like to be able to find a book title that contain C++ in the

select * from books where title ~* 'C++'   doesn't work.

I've tried all the basic methods of quoting the Plus (+) signs but
none seem to work...

Any hints would be most appreciated


Bill Sneed, Prospect, Maine


1998-12-08 Thread Bill Sneed

I'm  (1) new to postgres  (2) trying to "convert" the sample db found
in "The Practical SQL Handbook" Bowman, et al. to postgres.  When
trying to create the following table I get "parser: parse error at or
near 'null'" 

create table authors (
au_id   char(11)not null,
au_lnamevarchar(40) not null,
zip char(5) null

The table creation works fine twith the NOT NULL but won't work with
the NULL.  
NULL is supported isn't it?  I can't see where I'm making a syntax
error.  Got me stumped.  TIA.

Bill Sneed Prospect, Maine..