[GENERAL] Database level read only user

2011-07-18 Thread Hans C. Poo

Today a client ask me for help to create a read only user for a postgresql 8.2 
database, i ended up reading, copying and pasting and finally creating a 
function i'm sharing with the list:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION db_grant(usuario text, privilegio text)
  db RECORD;
  FOR db IN
SELECT nspname
FROM pg_namespace
WHERE has_schema_privilege(nspname, 'USAGE') and nspname !~ '^pg_'
EXECUTE 'GRANT USAGE ON schema ' || db.nspname || ' to ' || usuario;

  FOR db IN
  FROM pg_tables
  WHERE tableowner = current_user
EXECUTE 'GRANT ' || privilegio || ' ON '  || db.schemaname || '.' || 
db.tablename || ' TO ' || usuario;

$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

COMMENT ON FUNCTION db_grant (text, text)
IS 'Give permissions at database level, Hans Poo, Santiago Julio de 2011';

-- This CREATE must be run by the owner of the database and will be created in 
the default schema usually public.

-- This is the call:

select db_grant('usuario1','select');


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Re: [GENERAL] Unexpected protocol character='j' during authentication..

2011-05-20 Thread Hans C. Poo

The posts in this forum must be done in english.
Entiendo que los posts a este foro deben ser en inglés.

May be you already did some of the next:

- Test if it works connecting with same credentials from the server itself and 
other machine.
- Raise log/debug level on server and examine the server log file.
- Run an sniffer like wireshark somewhere in between the two machines to sniff 
network traffic, looking for something suspect, don't use ssl connections for 
- Finally may be something of character encoding in the windows client machine, 
try a fresh linux machine and use psql from command line.

A lo mejor ya hiciste algo como lo siguiente:

Prueba si funciona conectando con las mismas credenciales desde el mismo 
servidor u otra máquina conectada directamente al servidor.
Incrementa el nivel de debug/log del servidor y examina el log file (archivo 
Ejecuta un sniffer como wireshark en algún lugar entre las dos máquinas para 
analizar el tráfico de red, para esto no debes usar ssl en la conexión postgres.
Finalmente, puede ser algo con la codificación de caracteres en el cliente 
windows, intenta con un live CD de ubuntu y usa psql desde la línea de comandos.


Hans Poo, Welinux S.A.
Bombero Ossa #1010, oficina 800,
+56-2-3729770, Movil: +56-9-3199305
Santiago, Chile

- Mensaje original -
De: ego...@adgsystems.com.do
Para: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Enviados: Jueves, 19 de Mayo 2011 16:45:01
Asunto: [GENERAL] Unexpected protocol character='j' during authentication..

Saludos al foro.

Este error que describe el asunto del post, lo he buscado y no he encontrado 
una solucion.
Describo el ambiente de mi servidor BD.

PostgreSql 8.3
Windows 2003 Server

Tengo una base de datos a la que se conectan varios vendedores y sincronizan 
los datos de ventas.
Desde hace varios días hemos estado buscando alguna solucion. Re-instalamos 
postgres, cambiamos la ubicacion de red del servidor, redireccionamos el puerto 
a otra maquina, entre otras pruebas mas.

Cuando cambiamos de router o reseteamos el router, permite la conexion por un 
periodo de tiempo breve.
Luego pasa a dar este molestoso error de conexion: Unexpected protocol 
character='Ã' during authentication...

Por favor, si son tan amables de ayudarme, se los agradeceria mucho.


Eris J. Gómez
ADGSystems, EIRL
Gestor de Proyectos
Tel. 809.241.7309

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[GENERAL] Script perl para eliminar constraints duplicados

2011-03-29 Thread Hans C. Poo

Sometimes i end up with some duplicated constraints definitions in my database, 
i've noticed this when i reverse engineer databases, and see many links between 
two tables. 

I prepared a perl script that read an schema on standard input, and prints on 
standard output some drop constraints for duplicated definitions, if you like 
you can then execute them against your database:

For example if you save it as drop-dup-constraints.pl, then you can check your 
database with:

pg_dump  -Ox -s mydatabase | drop-dup-constraints.pl

use strict;
use warnings;

## Elimina los constraints sobre el mismo campo y la misma tabla
my ($table, $constName, $field);

my %tuplas;

my @lines = ();

while () {

next if /--/;

push @lines, $_;
# Ensamblar el sql acumulado e imprimir
if (/;/) {

processLine(join  , @lines);
@lines = ();



# Results

TUPLA: while (my ($k,$v) = each %tuplas) {

next TUPLA if @$v == 1;

#   print $k\n;

my @arr = @$v;
shift @arr; # let the first constraint
my ($table) = split /,/, $k;
foreach my $constraint (@arr) {
# print \t$_\n;

printf alter table %s drop constraint %s;\n, $table, $constraint;



exit 0;

my $lastSchema = public;

sub processLine {

local $_ = shift;

$lastSchema = $1 if /SET search_path = (\w+)/;

if (my ($table, $constName, $constraintType, $constraintName) = /ALTER TABLE 
ONLY (\w+)\s+ADD CONSTRAINT (\w+) (FOREIGN KEY|UNIQUE)\s*\((\w+)\)/) {

my $key = $lastSchema.$table,$constraintType.$constraintName;

my $aref = $tuplas{$key};
unless ($aref) {

$aref = [];
$tuplas{$key} = $aref;


push @$aref, $constName;




Hans Poo, Welinux S.A.
Bombero Ossa #1010, oficina 526, 
+56-2-3729770, Movil: +56-9-3199305
Santiago, Chile

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
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[GENERAL] Perl script to drop duplicated constraints definitions

2011-03-29 Thread Hans C. Poo

Sorry for the recent post, mistakenly i wrote the subject in spanish... glup.


Sometimes i end up with some duplicated constraints definitions in my database, 
i've noticed this when i reverse engineer databases, and see many links between 
two tables.

I prepared a perl script that read an schema on standard input, and prints on 
standard output some drop constraints for duplicated definitions, if you like 
you can then execute them against your database:

For example if you save it as drop-dup-constraints.pl, then you can check your 
database with:

pg_dump  -Ox -s mydatabase | drop-dup-constraints.pl

use strict;
use warnings;

## Elimina los constraints sobre el mismo campo y la misma tabla
my ($table, $constName, $field);

my %tuplas;

my @lines = ();

while () {

next if /--/;

push @lines, $_;
# Ensamblar el sql acumulado e imprimir
if (/;/) {

processLine(join  , @lines);
@lines = ();



# Results

TUPLA: while (my ($k,$v) = each %tuplas) {

next TUPLA if @$v == 1;

#print $k\n;

my @arr = @$v;
shift @arr; # let the first constraint
my ($table) = split /,/, $k;
foreach my $constraint (@arr) {
# print \t$_\n;

printf alter table %s drop constraint %s;\n, $table, $constraint;



exit 0;

my $lastSchema = public;

sub processLine {

local $_ = shift;

$lastSchema = $1 if /SET search_path = (\w+)/;

if (my ($table, $constName, $constraintType, $constraintName) = /ALTER TABLE 
ONLY (\w+)\s+ADD CONSTRAINT (\w+) (FOREIGN KEY|UNIQUE)\s*\((\w+)\)/) {

my $key = $lastSchema.$table,$constraintType.$constraintName;

my $aref = $tuplas{$key};
unless ($aref) {

$aref = [];
$tuplas{$key} = $aref;


push @$aref, $constName;




Hans Poo, Welinux S.A.
Bombero Ossa #1010, oficina 526, 
+56-2-3729770, Movil: +56-9-3199305
Santiago, Chile

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