Re: [GENERAL] XPath question - big trouble

2006-08-07 Thread Marian POPESCU
Thank you!

Since you brought up the subject, will this
 //[EMAIL PROTECTED] = "02"]
be slower than
/mydocument/body/chapter/contents/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> = "02"] 
when handling a big document? 
I mean from the query time point of view ...

Csaba Nagy wrote:

> Marian,
>> 1.
>> xpath_nodeset(xml_data,
>> '/mydocument/body/chapter/contents/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> = "02"]|/mydocument/body/[EMAIL PROTECTED]"87"]')
>> FROM xmltable
>> WHERE id = 3
> You could maybe use the xpath: '//[EMAIL PROTECTED] = "02"]' if you want
> all paragraphs at all document levels.
> A nice xslt reference is:
> file:///home/cnagy/offline/XSLTreference/Output/index.html
> There you can also exercise your xpath skills...
> Cheers,
> Csaba.
> ---(end of broadcast)---
> TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
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- S o f t E x p e r t -

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TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] XPath question - big trouble

2006-08-07 Thread Marian POPESCU
You are right; I had a typo : contents is content
Thanks for replying ...

Guy Rouillier wrote:

> Marian POPESCU wrote:
>> There is also a weird thing:
>>   xpath_nodeset(rawdata,
>> '/mydocument/body/chapter/contents/paragraph') FROM xmldocuments
>> will output
>>  xpath_nodeset
>>  (empty line)
>>  (empty line)
>>  (empty line)
>>  (empty line)
>>  4 record(s) selected [Fetch MetaData: 0/ms] [Fetch Data: 1/ms]
>>  [Executed: 8/7/06 5:42:54 PM CEST ] [Execution: 3/ms]
>>  - (empty line) is what I wrote to say that there was nothing on
>> output - which makes me think there is something wrong with XPath
>> implementation.
> Makes me think you have null values in the resultset.

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TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] XPath question - big trouble

2006-08-07 Thread Marian POPESCU
It looks that I shoot myself in the foot :(

  id int8 NOT NULL,
  xml_data text,
  CONSTRAINT pk_xmltable PRIMARY KEY (id)

The id field contains values from 1 to 3.
The field xml_data contains something like this:

My document

Chapter 1


Chapter 2


My questions:
1.What query should I write to get only
knowing that I can pass as a parameter the objid attribute value;

2.What query should I write to get 
knowing that I can pass as a parameter the style attribute value.

My new found answers:
xpath_nodeset(xml_data, '/mydocument/body/chapter/contents/[EMAIL 
= "02"]|/mydocument/body/[EMAIL PROTECTED]"87"]')
FROM xmltable
WHERE id = 3

will give me the desired paragraph

xpath_nodeset(xml_data, '/mydocument/body/chapter/contents/[EMAIL 
= "para02"]|/mydocument/body/[EMAIL PROTECTED]"para02"]')
FROM xmltable
WHERE id = 3

will give me the collection of paragraphs that correspond to my criteria.

Apparently I am more carefull once I make a fool of myself ;)

Thank you for the replies and sorry for wasting your time!

Csaba Nagy wrote:

> Marian,
> On Mon, 2006-08-07 at 17:47, Marian POPESCU wrote:
>>   xpath_nodeset(rawdata, '/mydocument/body/chapter/contents/paragraph')
>> FROM xmldocuments
>> will output
>>  xpath_nodeset
>>  (empty line)
>>  (empty line)
>>  (empty line)
>>  (empty line)
>>  4 record(s) selected [Fetch MetaData: 0/ms] [Fetch Data: 1/ms]
>>  [Executed: 8/7/06 5:42:54 PM CEST ] [Execution: 3/ms]
>>  - (empty line) is what I wrote to say that there was nothing on output -
>> which makes me think there is something wrong with XPath implementation.
> In the first email you said this works for you... the only difference I
> find in the query from there and here is that you schema-qualified the
> xmldocuments table in your last mail. Are you sure there's no weirdness
> in your schemas, with some other table with the same name in another
> schema coming in your way ?
> Cheers,
> Csaba.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] XPath question - big trouble

2006-08-07 Thread Marian POPESCU
Thanks for replying.

It was a typo ...
Also id fom example should be objid ...

Anyway, without the typo, the result set is empty.

There is also a weird thing:

  xpath_nodeset(rawdata, '/mydocument/body/chapter/contents/paragraph')
FROM xmldocuments

will output

 (empty line) 
 (empty line) 
 (empty line) 
 (empty line) 

 4 record(s) selected [Fetch MetaData: 0/ms] [Fetch Data: 1/ms] 

 [Executed: 8/7/06 5:42:54 PM CEST ] [Execution: 3/ms] 

 - (empty line) is what I wrote to say that there was nothing on output - 
which makes me think there is something wrong with XPath implementation.

Anyway, is there a solution to my problems?


Csaba Nagy wrote:

> [snip]
>> > style="para01">
> [snip]
>   ^
> To me it looks like attribute name mismatch, not to mention you forgot
> the '@' (i.e. I guess you wanted the xpath:
> '/mydocument/body/chapter/contents/[EMAIL PROTECTED]"2_1"]'
> If you were just sloppy writing the email, maybe you should also check
> your actual code for such sloppiness ;-)
> Cheers,
> Csaba.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

[GENERAL] XPath question - big trouble

2006-08-07 Thread Marian POPESCU
Hello everyone,

First of all, thank you for integrating XPath in Postgresql.

But, as you will see, this is a desperate cry for help: 

1. the actual context:
Postgresql 8.1.4, Fedora Core 5

CREATE TABLE xmldocuments
  id int8 NOT NULL,
  rawdata text,
  title varchar(255),
  CONSTRAINT pk_xmldocs PRIMARY KEY (id)

RAWDATA contents model

I have 4 or 5 lines in the table xmldocuments; on every record, rawdata has
data similar to the above model.

2. the problem:
how can I select and return only this:
a. a single paragraph

b. a collection of paragraphs that have in common a specific criteria (let's
say style="para02")

For now, the following query
xpath_nodeset(rawdata, '/mydocument/body/chapter/contents/paragraph')
FROM public.xmldocuments
will return all paragraphs inside document body.

If I add the following clause
the result set will be empty !!!

I even tried:

SELECT t.idxml, t.rawxml, t.xmlid
xpath_table('id', 'rawdata','xmldocuments', 

--'xpath_string(''rawdata'',''@objid'') = ''2_1'' '
AS t(idxml integer, rawxml text, xmlid text),
xmldocuments as x
t.idxml =
AND = 4

Please, help!

Thank you for your time,

- S o f t E x p e r t -

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TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
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Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Developer Network

2005-06-03 Thread Marian POPESCU
Gevik babakhani wrote:
> Dear People,
> After a long time of various timeouts, I managed to get back on track
> developing the long promised PQDN website. As some of you might know. I
> was working on a project called the PostgreSQL Developer Network.
> The websites (which is a la MSDN) is meant to provide a knowledge base
> for the precious programming knowledge regarding writing code for
> PostgreSQL. Hopefully with your contribution it would be a great place
> for the ones (like me) who would like to contribute.
> The websites is being developed on using
> PHP5 and of course PostgreSQL 8.0.3
> Please do not hesitate to share your ideas.
> Kind regards,
> Gevik


Very good idea, indeed!
What kind of help do you need?

Best wishes,

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
(send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

[GENERAL] "Invalid multibyte character for locale" still there

2005-01-31 Thread Marian POPESCU
I want to report a bug on PG 8.0 (linux : Fedora Core 3)
A LIKE '%langage C%' in the WHERE clause of my SELECT statement gives 
"invalid multibyte character for locale" error.
I thought the bug was fixed 
and the patch was incorporated in the mainstream.

In initdb.i18n I have
(I tried also LANG="en_US.UTF-8")
rpm -q postgresql gives postgresql-8.0.0-1PGDG (it's the official 
postgresql SRPM that rebuilt with default options).

On /etc/sysconfig/i18n I have tried LANG="en_US" and LANG="en_US.UTF-8" 
as well.

Real Query
SELECT t0.id_profile, t0.first_name, t0.last_name,, 
t0.experience, t0.study_level, t0.study_type, t0.compet_type1, 
t0.compet_type2, t0.compet_type3, t0.empl_type, t0.avail_type, 
t0.prof_salary, t0.comments, t1.srcfileid
FROM cv_profiles t0 LEFT JOIN cv_profiles_ocr t1 ON (t0.id_profile = 
WHERE (( upper(t1.ocrcontent) LIKE upper('%langage C%') ) ) ORDER BY 
t0.last_name, t0.first_name;

1. What can I do to outcome this issue (known workarounds, etc.)?
2. Will it be adressed on PG 8.0.1 ?
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL 8.0.0 Beta 3 Uploaded

2004-10-01 Thread Marian POPESCU
Are there also SRPMs? I'm interested on Fedora Core 2 ones. I have rebuilt
from SRPMs the Beta2 and it works OK -  I only had to change the init
script - the version provided was 7.4.


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TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
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