[GENERAL] PGSQL & java applets

2001-10-13 Thread Svenne Krap


Is it possible to use pgsql in java-applets.

If it is, any skeleton app woudl be greatly appriciated... 

Mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - PGP key id : 0xDF484022
ICQ: 5434480 - http://www.krap.dk - http://www.krap.net 
PGP Key http://keys.pgp.dk:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xDF484022

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TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


[GENERAL] explain, planner and more..

2001-08-14 Thread Svenne Krap


how has the following to be read.. (ie. what is the total cost of the
query)... 4.05, 5.88 or ?

Why does the planner choose not to use numberdomain_pkey as index on
numberdomain ?

The table layout is quite bad (due to a lot of last minute-changes)

# explain select c.*, (select count(*) from numberservice ns where
ns.customerid=c.customerid and (exists (select * from numbermail nm
where nm.domainnr = ns.domainnr) or exists(select * from numberdomain
nd where nd.domainnr=ns.domainnr))) as amount from customer c where

Seq Scan on customer c  (cost=0.00..4.05 rows=46 width=200)
->  Aggregate  (cost=5.88..5.88 rows=1 width=0)
  ->  Index Scan using numberservice_customerid_ix on
numberservice ns  (cost=0.00..5.88 rows=1 width=0)
  ->  Index Scan using numbermail_pkey on numbermail
nm  (cost=0.00..2.01 rows=1 width=47)
  ->  Seq Scan on numberdomain nd  (cost=0.00..1.85
rows=1 width=31)

Mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - PGP key id : 0xDF484022
ICQ: 5434480 - http://www.krap.dk - http://www.krap.net 
PGP Key http://keys.pgp.dk:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xDF484022

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[GENERAL] Speed...

2001-06-22 Thread Svenne Krap

Hi again,

I have been following this list for approx. 6600 messages (i think 
that is 2 months or so.. .) - an yes.. Like the Cardassian Order I 
keep everything :)

A couple of time, ppl has been talking about speed.. 

What about a couple of benchmarks from your systems, so that us 
newbies (or almost) can se, how much we can expect to be able to 
tune up to..

I can "go first" :)
An comments for further tuning is apreciated... btw.. the box gets 
its memory doubled sometimes next week.

My setup:
Duron 750 MHz.
256 Megs memory
IBM Deskstar IDE-harddrive (no raid, no nothing)
Running 7.1.2

### BTW: this is not the box mentioned in another question this 
evening.. this I my private "toybox"..

some content of postgresql.conf : 
max_connections = 512
hostname_lookup = false
sort_mem = 4096
shared_buffers = 1024 # min 16
sync = false
#wal_buffers = 8
#wal_files = 0 
#wal_sync_method = fsync 
#wal_debug = 0
#commit_delay = 0
#commit_siblings = 5 
#checkpoint_segments = 3 
#checkpoint_timeout = 300 

(a side question ... does this mean, that I even haven't enabled the 
"magic" WAL ?)

using pgbench from /contrib i get :
sk@kitten:/usr/src/postgresql-7.1.2/contrib/pgbench > ./pgbench 
pgbench -c 40
starting vacuum...end.
transaction type: TPC-B (sort of)
scaling factor: 1
number of clients: 40
number of transactions per client: 10
number of transactions actually processed: 400/400
tps = 106.943436(including connections establishing)
tps = 125.524811(excluding connections establishing)

sk@kitten:/usr/src/postgresql-7.1.2/contrib/pgbench > ./pgbench 
pgbench -c 100
starting vacuum...end.
transaction type: TPC-B (sort of)
scaling factor: 1
number of clients: 100
number of transactions per client: 10
number of transactions actually processed: 1000/1000
tps = 88.924498(including connections establishing)
tps = 101.360871(excluding connections establishing)

sk@kitten:/usr/src/postgresql-7.1.2/contrib/pgbench > ./pgbench 
pgbench -c 200
starting vacuum...end.
transaction type: TPC-B (sort of)
scaling factor: 1
number of clients: 200
number of transactions per client: 10
number of transactions actually processed: 2000/2000
tps = 67.320263(including connections establishing)
tps = 74.500643(excluding connections establishing)

sk@kitten:/usr/src/postgresql-7.1.2/contrib/pgbench > ./pgbench 
pgbench -c 300  
starting vacuum...end.
transaction type: TPC-B (sort of)
scaling factor: 1
number of clients: 300
number of transactions per client: 10
number of transactions actually processed: 3000/3000
tps = 48.291555(including connections establishing)
tps = 51.892547(excluding connections establishing)


ICQ 5434480
PGP-key http://keys.pgp.dk:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xDF484022
PGP @ http://www.pgp.com / http://www.phpi.com

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

[GENERAL] PG-upgrade : 7.0.3 -> 7.1.2

2001-06-22 Thread Svenne Krap


I administer an quite important PGsql v. 7.0.3 installation... We 
would very much like to upgrade, BUT we cannot afford to be offline 
for a very long period .. half an hour is acceptable.

I have tried to install the new one under a new location and have 
done an init-db.. both are running smoothly together (the new one 
has a non-default port as long as the old one is necessary) 

I have tried :

pg_dumpall > fulldump.sql
/path/to/new/version/bin/psql -h 5431
(inside psql): \i fulldump.sql 

### This is the output (and the errors i get) :

You are now connected to database template1.
psql:fulldump.sql:2: ERROR:  Relation 'tmp_pg_shadow' already 
psql:fulldump.sql:4: ERROR:  pg_ownercheck: invalid user id 27
psql:fulldump.sql:5: ERROR:  pg_aclcheck: invalid user id 27
psql:fulldump.sql:6: invalid command \N
psql:fulldump.sql:7: invalid command \N
psql:fulldump.sql:8: invalid command \N
psql:fulldump.sql:9: invalid command \N
psql:fulldump.sql:10: invalid command \N
psql:fulldump.sql:10: invalid command \N
psql:fulldump.sql:11: invalid command \N
psql:fulldump.sql:11: invalid command \N
psql:fulldump.sql:12: invalid command \N
psql:fulldump.sql:12: invalid command \N
psql:fulldump.sql:13: invalid command \N
psql:fulldump.sql:13: invalid command \N
psql:fulldump.sql:14: invalid command \N
psql:fulldump.sql:15: invalid command \N
psql:fulldump.sql:16: invalid command \N
psql:fulldump.sql:17: invalid command \.
psql:fulldump.sql:18: ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near 
psql:fulldump.sql:19: ERROR:  pg_aclcheck: invalid user id 27
psql:fulldump.sql:20: invalid command \.
You are now connected to database template1 as user postgres.
psql:fulldump.sql:22: ERROR:  CREATE DATABASE: database 
"sk" already exists
You are now connected to database sk as user postgres.
psql:fulldump.sql:24: \connect: FATAL 1:  user "sk" does not exist

### how do i do it most easily ?


ICQ 5434480
PGP-key http://keys.pgp.dk:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xDF484022
PGP @ http://www.pgp.com / http://www.phpi.com

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?
