[GENERAL] epqa; postgres performance optimizer support tool; opensource.

2008-11-04 Thread sathiya psql
Dear All,

Recently i have released the next version of the  epqa. which is a very
useful tool for, gives input for optimizing psql queries, and fine tuning

epqa is tool similar like, pqa. But designed and implemented to parse log
files which is in GB's. Report is similar like that.

More information can be got from http://epqa.sourceforge.net/

Expecting suggestions, feedbacks, clarfications @ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Note: This is to propagate the open source which can help for postgres
This is not a spam, or advertisement.


[GENERAL] Migration Articles.. ???

2008-06-17 Thread sathiya psql
Dear All,

Am going to do migration of database from one version to another., is there
any article or any other document explaining the possibilities and other

Further Explanation:

I have a database in postgres X.Y which has around 90 tables, and lot of
data in it.
In the next version of that product, i had some more tables, so how to
migrate that,. there may be 150 tables., in that 90 tables, 70 may be the
same, 20 got deleted, and 80 may be new., i want the 70 tables to have same
data as it is.,

How to do this migration ??? any ways ???

[GENERAL] postgresql is slow with larger table even it is in RAM

2008-03-25 Thread sathiya psql
 I have a table with 32 lakh record in it. Table size is nearly 700 MB,
and my machine had a 1 GB + 256 MB RAM, i had created the table space in
RAM, and then created this table in this RAM.

So now everything is in RAM, if i do a count(*) on this table it returns
327600 in 3 seconds, why it is taking 3 seconds ? because am sure that
no Disk I/O is happening. ( using vmstat i had confirmed, no disk I/O is
happening, swap is also not used )

Any Idea on this ???

I searched a lot in newsgroups ... can't find relevant things ( because
everywhere they are speaking about disk access speed, here i don't want to
worry about disk access )

If required i will give more information on this.

Re: [GENERAL] postgresql is slow with larger table even it is in RAM

2008-03-25 Thread sathiya psql

On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 5:33 PM, Alvaro Herrera [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Please stop reposting your questions to multiple groups.  Since all your
 questions are about performance, please stick to the pgsql-performance
 list.  Posting to pgsql-sql is not really appropriate, and in
 pgsql-admin you're totally off-topic.

 Alvaro Herrera
 PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

[GENERAL] postgresql performance tuning tools

2008-03-17 Thread sathiya psql
hi all,
I want this mail to be continued about summary of performance tuning
tools... or other postgres related tools..

I ll start with saying there is a tool SCHEMASPY ( i got to know about this
from another group ), this will draw ER diagram and gives interesting
informations about our postgres database..

What are all the other opensource tools available like this for seeing
informations about our postgres database... and tools for finetuning our
postgres database

Please join with me and summarize the names and usage of the tools

Use SchemaSpy a very easily installable and usable tool...

[GENERAL] ER diagram tool

2008-03-13 Thread sathiya psql
Is there any tool to draw ER diagram from SQL schema file...

[GENERAL] list user created triggers

2008-03-11 Thread sathiya psql

how to find trigger names in my database ?

using psql 7.4

the following query shows system triggers, i want only to list the
triggers created by me

select relname, tgname, tgtype, proname, prosrc, tgisconstraint,
tgconstrname, tgconstrrelid, tgdeferrable, tginitdeferred, tgnargs,
tgattr, tgargs from (pg_trigger join pg_class on tgrelid=pg_class.oid)
join pg_proc on (tgfoid=pg_proc.oid);

[GENERAL] migration of 7.4 to 8.1

2008-03-11 Thread sathiya psql
Is there any article describing the migration database from postgresql 7.4to

[GENERAL] indexing - creates problem

2008-03-05 Thread sathiya psql
I am having a table with more than 1000 records, i am not having index in
that, while executing that query it occupies the processor..

I created an index, and then executed that query., Now it is not getting
executed at all... while seeing the top the processor is busy in WA, that it
is waiting for device

i thought it is because of some process, and tested it again, and again and
found that the processor is busy with this device whenever this query is

i dropped the index and tried, now the query is executed but it takes...

any idea 

Re: [GENERAL] indexing - creates problem

2008-03-05 Thread sathiya psql
now it is for 500 records.

postgres 7.4


call_id   | integer  | not null default

agent_id  | integer  |

call_id already has index.
count(*) gives output in 17 seconds.

after creating index for agent_id it is not giving result for the same.

On Wed, Mar 5, 2008 at 9:45 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am having a table with more than 1000 records, i am not having index
  that, while executing that query it occupies the processor..

 1000 rows is not much - I guess the index is not necessary at all, as the
 traditional sequential scan is faster than index scan (due to random
 access vs. sequential access).

 But you have not provided enough information, so we can't give you precise
 answer. You should answer at least these questions:

 0) What version of postgresql (and on what OS) are you running? What
 machine is it running on?

 1) What is the structure of the table? What columns does have, etc. Post
 the CREATE script, or a similar description.

 2) What query are you executing? Post the query as well as an explain plan
 for it (EXPLAIN command before the SELECT).

 3) Have you analyzed the table before executing the query? Have you
 vacuumed the table recently?
