Re : Re : [GENERAL] COPY form stdin and file

2007-03-05 Thread Laurent ROCHE
COPY FROM stdin works only from a console ... and PGAdmin is not a console but 
a window environment, so that does not work !
I had the PG Admin explaining the very same things, before.

The Computing Froggy

- Message d'origine 
À : senges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc :
Envoyé le : Lundi, 5 Mars 2007, 10h22mn 22s
Objet : Re: [GENERAL] COPY form stdin and file 

"senges" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> when untaring a pg_dumped tar file the data gets populated like this:

> -
> COPY mytable (id, attr1, attr2) FROM stdin;
> \.
> copy mytable (id, attr1, attr2)  from '$$PATH$$/2387.dat' ;
> -

Not here ... I only see 'FROM stdin' cases.  Please provide a test case,
and mention which PG version you are dealing with.

> The ".\" throws an error within the pgadmin sql query window:
> ERROR:  syntax error at or near "\" at character

You'd need to complain to the pgadmin people about that.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [GENERAL] COPY form stdin and file

2007-03-05 Thread Richard Huxton

senges wrote:

Hi all,
when untaring a pg_dumped tar file the data gets populated like this:

COPY mytable (id, attr1, attr2) FROM stdin;
copy mytable (id, attr1, attr2)  from '$$PATH$$/2387.dat' ;

where $$PATH$$ gets replaced by the current path.

Anyone knows whats the aim of this ?
The ".\" throws an error within the pgadmin sql query window:
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "\" at character

The "\." on a separate line ends the COPY ... FROM stdin above it.

I'm not sure pgadmin has a "stdin" to process data from though.

pg_restore is probably the tool you want to use.

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

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Re: [GENERAL] COPY form stdin and file

2007-03-05 Thread Tom Lane
"senges" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> when untaring a pg_dumped tar file the data gets populated like this:

> -
> COPY mytable (id, attr1, attr2) FROM stdin;
> \.
> copy mytable (id, attr1, attr2)  from '$$PATH$$/2387.dat' ;
> -

Not here ... I only see 'FROM stdin' cases.  Please provide a test case,
and mention which PG version you are dealing with.

> The ".\" throws an error within the pgadmin sql query window:
> ERROR:  syntax error at or near "\" at character

You'd need to complain to the pgadmin people about that.

regards, tom lane

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

[GENERAL] COPY form stdin and file

2007-03-05 Thread senges
Hi all,
when untaring a pg_dumped tar file the data gets populated like this:

COPY mytable (id, attr1, attr2) FROM stdin;
copy mytable (id, attr1, attr2)  from '$$PATH$$/2387.dat' ;

where $$PATH$$ gets replaced by the current path.

Anyone knows whats the aim of this ?
The ".\" throws an error within the pgadmin sql query window:
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "\" at character

Isn't it correct just to call:
# copy mytable (id, attr1, attr2)  from '$$PATH$$/2387.dat' ; ?

Its kind of unrelaxed to untar a restored db (which i need to untar
from time to time because of changing libraries) and always need to
change the above lines of code.

Thanks for any info about this,

---(end of broadcast)---
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