Re: [HACKERS] Custom compression methods

2017-11-05 Thread Adam Brusselback
> If there's no data compressed
> using the compression method you dropped, everything is cool -
> otherwise everything is broken and there's no way to recover.
> The only obvious alternative is to disallow DROP altogether (or make it
> not really DROP).

Wouldn't whatever was using the compression method have something
marking which method was used? If so, couldn't we just scan if there is
any data using it, and if so disallow the drop, or possibly an option to allow
the drop and rewrite the table either uncompressed, or with the default
compression method?

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Re: [HACKERS] Discussion on missing optimizations

2017-10-13 Thread Adam Brusselback
So from following this discussion and others focused on making the
planner "smarter", there is always an argument to be had over wasting
planner cycles, and it's always a hard fought battle to get any changes made.

Now, i'm speaking without any knowledge of the Postgres internals, so
please bear with me.  It seems like the underlying "feature" which would
allow more edge case optimizations into the planner would be some
framework for knowing when to consider using those optimizations, and
when to not waste time planning and skip expensive planning optimizations.

It seems with a system like that, maybe Postgres could still maintain
(or even improve) it's hard fought quick planning time for OLTP queries,
while being able to spend more time planning for OLAP queries where
spending an extra 500ms planning may save minutes of execution time.

I know in my database, I have analytical queries which I wouldn't mind spending
multiple seconds planning if necessary to produce an optimal plan,
because execution
time dominates everything.

Now what that system looks like is something I have no real opinion
or authority on.  It seems like there are three options though, automatic,
manual, and automatic with manual override.  Two of those, manual / automatic
with manual override seem to be a little too close to query hints for them to be
considered from all previous discussions I've heard (correct me if i'm wrong).
So that leaves automatic as the only option I can see being considered viable.

Now comes the question of if it's possible to automatically classify queries in
such a way that we can cheaply know what optimizations we should attempt,
and what should not even be considered because the planning time would

I'll leave my thoughts at that, and await comments from the smarter people
in the room who know exactly why this idea wouldn't work.  The general thought
behind it is to make it easier for more and more query optimizations
to make it into
the planner, while not hurting queries which shouldn't spend their time on it.

If there are better ways of going about it, great!

Thanks for listening to me ramble,

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Re: [HACKERS] Discussion on missing optimizations

2017-10-08 Thread Adam Brusselback
> I can't get very excited about this one either, though I do believe it
> can arise as the author says, "when you build complex views and JOIN
> them to each other".  Maybe I'm not excited about it because I've not
> needed it :)

This is one that I know would help with my database.  There is a ton
of logic stored in views,
which get joined to to the original table to filter the set rather
than imposing that set of
conditions in every separate query.

It would be really nice if the optimizer could simplify those to
eliminate the self join.  It's almost always
on the primary key of a table that the join would happen on, and if
not it'd be a non-nullable column for sure.

On another note:
> turning ORs into UNIONs
This is another one which would be incredibly useful for me.  I've had
to do this manually for performance
reasons far too often.

> Partially agreed. A comment to the article also mentions that some other
> database performs more optimizations depending on the cost of the
> plan. That's not easy to do in our current plan structure, but I think
> it's quite a worthwhile concept.

I would love to see this in Postgres.  It would allow the planner to
not waste cycles unnecessarily on
queries where it's just not needed, and to potentially spend a few
more cycles planning on very
costly queries to save a ton while executing.

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[HACKERS] Discussion on missing optimizations

2017-10-06 Thread Adam Brusselback
Hopefully it's alright for me to post this here, please let me know if not.

I ran across an article on comparing all the major RDBMS'
with their ability to optimize away unnecessary work with queries which are
less than optimal, and saw some discussion on hackernews and reddit, but I
hadn't seen any discussion here.

The article in question is here:

Commercial databases seem to have a serious leg up in this area, and there
are even some that MySQL has that Postgres doesn't.

I was wondering which of these are planned, which have had discussion
before and decided not to support, and which just haven't been thought of?

I thought i'd bring it up and hopefully others who are more knowledgeable
can chime in.

Re: [HACKERS] generated columns

2017-10-02 Thread Adam Brusselback
I know that for my use-cases, having both options available would be very
appreciated.  The vast majority of the computed columns I would use in my
database would be okay to compute on read.  But there are for sure some
which would be performance prohibitive to have compute on read, so i'd
rather have those stored.

So for me, i'd rather default to compute on read, as long storing the
pre-computed value is an option when necessary.

Just my $0.02

Re: [HACKERS] Proposal: global index

2017-08-24 Thread Adam Brusselback
My understanding is that global indexes allow foreign keys to work
naturally with partitioned tables, or tables in an inheritance hierarchy.
That is pretty big IMO, as it allows you to partition a table without
making a trade-off in your database integrity.

Re: [HACKERS] PG10 transition tables, wCTEs and multiple operations on the same table

2017-06-06 Thread Adam Brusselback
> I'll give it a few days for objections before reverting.
> I can only say that the lack of this feature comes up on a weekly basis on
> IRC, and a lot of people would be disappointed to see it reverted.

Not that my opinion matters, but I was very much looking forward to this
feature in Postgres 10, but I understand if it just won't be stable enough
to stay in.

I have my fingers crossed these issues can be resolved.

Re: [HACKERS] CTE inlining

2017-05-15 Thread Adam Brusselback
>From a user's perspective:

>I think most people prefer #2 because:

>*  most users writing queries prefer #2

> >*  most users assume full optimization and it seems natural to turn

> >   _off_ an optimization via a keyword

> >*  while some queries can be inlined, all queries can be materialized,

> >   so doing #1 means INLINE would be only a preference, which could be

> >   confusing

I completely agree with this reasoning.  I have a few queries I would have
to touch to add "MATERIALIZED", but the vast majority of CTE's in my
codebase would get a speedup. It would allow usage of CTE's more freely
than now.  I currently avoid them unless it really simplifies a query
because of the optimization fence.

Not that my opinion holds any weight, but the extra keyword for enabling
the optimization fence is my preference.  By default trying to optimize
more is a good thing IMO.

>Anyway, I am very glad we are considering addressing this in PG 11.

Seconded, this is a sore spot for me when using Postgres, and i'd love to
not have it be an issue any more.


Re: [HACKERS] Separate connection handling from backends

2016-12-06 Thread Adam Brusselback
> BTW, it just occurred to me that having this separation would make it
> relatively easy to support re-directing DML queries from a replica to the
> master; if the backend throws the error indicating you tried to write data,
> the connection layer could re-route that.

This also sounds like it would potentially allow re-routing the other way
where you know the replica contains up-to-date data, couldn't you
potentially re-direct read only queries to your replicas?

Re: [HACKERS] delta relations in AFTER triggers

2016-11-02 Thread Adam Brusselback
> There may be some situations where crawling the indexes a row at a
> time will perform better than this by enough to want to retain that
> option.

If an index existed, wouldn't it still be able to use that in the set-based
implementation? Is there something which would make doing the check
set-based ever worse than row based inherently?

Re: [HACKERS] delta relations in AFTER triggers

2016-11-02 Thread Adam Brusselback
> The delete of about one million rows from a "parent" table with no
> matching rows in the "child" table, and no index on referencing
> column in the child table, took 24:17.969 using current triggers
> and 00:03.262 using the set-based triggers.  Yes, that reduces
> current run time for that case by 99.78%

That is really incredible.  Gets rid of the need for an index on
referencing columns for a ton of use cases.

Re: [HACKERS] GiST support for UUIDs

2016-11-01 Thread Adam Brusselback
So I apologize in advance if I didn't follow the processes exactly, I was
going to attempt to review this to move it along, but ran into issues
applying the patch cleanly to master.  I fixed the issues I was having
applying it, and created a new patch (attached).

Managed to test it out after I got it applied, and it is working as
expected for exclusion constraints, as well as normal indexes.

This test was performed on Windows 10 (64 bit), and Postgres was compiled
using MSYS2.

Description: Binary data

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Re: [HACKERS] Indirect indexes

2016-10-21 Thread Adam Brusselback
Just throwing an anecdote out there, but my company uses UUID for primary
keys on every table in the DB.  While int4 is for sure more popular, it
would be nice if there weren't even more reasons to "force" people in that
direction.  I know I started regretting the decision to go with UUID
primary keys slightly once I realized that we'd need exclusion constraints,
and you have to jump through hoops to use them together.

My main point is that maybe the reason why most users use int4 pkeys
(besides conventional wisdom) is because it gets the most support from
features like this, and it may not be quite as skewed if that same support
were given to other types.

Just my $0.02

On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 4:46 PM, Jim Nasby  wrote:

> On 10/19/16 7:52 AM, Robert Haas wrote:
>> So, I think that this is a really promising direction, but also that
>> you should try very hard to try to get out from under this 6-byte PK
>> limitation.  That seems really ugly, and in practice it probably means
>> your PK is probably going to be limited to int4, which is kind of sad
>> since it leaves people using int8 or text PKs out in the cold.
> My impression is that int4 is by far the most popular PK type. Even if the
> initial implementation is limited to that I think it'd have a lot of
> potential.
> --
> Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting, Austin TX
> Experts in Analytics, Data Architecture and PostgreSQL
> Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble!
> 855-TREBLE2 (855-873-2532)   mobile: 512-569-9461
> --
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