Re: [PERFORM] Sun performance - Major discovery!

2003-10-08 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Wed, Oct 08, 2003 at 08:36:56AM -0400, Jeff wrote:
> So here's the results using my load tester (single connection per beater,
> repeats the query 1000 times with different input each time (we'll get
> ~20k rows back), the query is a common query around here.

My worry about this test is that it gives us precious little
knowledge about concurrent connection slowness, which is where I find
the most significant problems.  When we tried a Sunsoft cc vs gcc 2.95
on Sol 7 about 1 1/2 years ago, we found more or less no difference
once we added more than 5 connections (and we always have more than 5
connections).  It might be worth trying again, though, since we moved
to Sol 8.

Thanks for the result. 


Andrew Sullivan 204-4141 Yonge Street
Afilias CanadaToronto, Ontario Canada
 +1 416 646 3304 x110

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [PERFORM] Sun performance - Major discovery!

2003-10-08 Thread Neil Conway
On Wed, 2003-10-08 at 08:36, Jeff wrote:
> So here's the results using my load tester (single connection per beater,
> repeats the query 1000 times with different input each time (we'll get
> ~20k rows back), the query is a common query around here.

What is the query?

> Linux - 1x - 35 seconds, 20x - 180 seconds

"20x" means 20 concurrent testing processes, right?

> Sun - gcc - 1x 60 seconds  20x 245 seconds
> Sun - sunsoft defaults - 1x 52 seonds 20x [similar to gcc most likely]
> Sun - sunsoft -fast  - 1x 28 seconds  20x 164 seconds

Interesting (and surprising that the performance differential is that
large, to me at least). Can you tell if the performance gain comes from
an improvement in a particular subsystem? (i.e. could you get a profile
of Sun/gcc and compare it with Sun/sunsoft).


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TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [PERFORM] Sun performance - Major discovery!

2003-10-08 Thread Jeff
On Wed, 8 Oct 2003, Andrew Sullivan wrote:

> My worry about this test is that it gives us precious little
> knowledge about concurrent connection slowness, which is where I find
> the most significant problems.  When we tried a Sunsoft cc vs gcc 2.95
> on Sol 7 about 1 1/2 years ago, we found more or less no difference
> once we added more than 5 connections (and we always have more than 5
> connections).  It might be worth trying again, though, since we moved
> to Sol 8.

The 20x column are the results when I fired up 20 beater concurrently.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [PERFORM] Sun performance - Major discovery!

2003-10-08 Thread Jeff
On Wed, 8 Oct 2003, Neil Conway wrote:

> What is the query?

It retrieves an index listing for our boards. The boards are flat (not
threaded) and messages are numbered starting at 1 for each board.

If you pass in 0 for the start_from it assumes the latest 60.

And it should be noted - in some cases some boards have nearly 2M posts.
Index on board_name, number.

I cannot give out too too much stuff ;)

create or replace function get_index2(integer, varchar, varchar)
returns setof snippet
as '
p_start alias for $1;
p_board alias for $2;
v_start integer;
v_num integer;
v_body text;
v_sender varchar(35);
v_time timestamptz;
v_finish integer;
v_row record;
v_ret snippet;

v_start := p_start;

if v_start = 0 then
select * into v_start from get_high_msg(p_board);
v_start := v_start - 59;
end if;

v_finish := v_start + 60;

for v_row in
select number, substr(body, 0, 50) as snip, member_handle,
from posts
where board_name = p_board and
number >= v_start and
number < v_finish
order by number desc
return next v_row;

' language 'plpgsql';

> Interesting (and surprising that the performance differential is that
> large, to me at least). Can you tell if the performance gain comes from
> an improvement in a particular subsystem? (i.e. could you get a profile
> of Sun/gcc and compare it with Sun/sunsoft).

I'll get these later today.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [PERFORM] Sun performance - Major discovery!

2003-10-08 Thread Jeff
On Wed, 8 Oct 2003, Neil Conway wrote:

> Interesting (and surprising that the performance differential is that
> large, to me at least). Can you tell if the performance gain comes from
> an improvement in a particular subsystem? (i.e. could you get a profile
> of Sun/gcc and compare it with Sun/sunsoft).

Yeah - like I expected it was able to generate much better code for
_bt_checkkeys which was the #1 function in gcc on both sun & linux.

and as you can see, suncc was just able to generate much nicer code. I'd
look at the assembler output but that won't be useful since I am very
unfamiliar with the [ultra]sparc instruction set..

Here's the prof and gprof output for the latest run:
  %   cumulative   self  self total
 time   seconds   secondscalls  ms/call  ms/call  name
 31.52 19.4419.44 internal_mcount
 20.28 31.9512.51  8199466 0.00 0.00  _bt_checkkeys
  5.61 35.41 3.46  8197422 0.00 0.00  _bt_step
  5.01 38.50 3.09 24738620 0.00 0.00  FunctionCall2
  3.00 40.35 1.85  8194186 0.00 0.00  varchareq
  2.61 41.96 1.6124309 0.07 0.28  _bt_next
  2.42 43.45 1.49 1003 1.49 1.51  AtEOXact_Buffers
  2.37 44.91 1.4612642 0.12 0.12  _read
  2.33 46.35 1.44 16517771 0.00 0.00  pg_detoast_datum
  2.08 47.63 1.28  8193186 0.00 0.00  int4lt
  1.35 48.46 0.83  8237204 0.00 0.00  BufferGetBlockNumber
  1.35 49.29 0.83  8193888 0.00 0.00  int4ge
  1.35 50.12 0.83 _mcount

SunCC -pg -fast.
 %Time Seconds Cumsecs  #Calls   msec/call  Name  0.  _mcount
  20.73.828.09 8304052  0.0005  _bt_checkkeys
  13.72.53   10.6225054788  0.0001  FunctionCall2
   5.10.94   11.56   24002  0.0392  _bt_next
   4.40.81   12.37 8301867  0.0001  _bt_step
   3.40.63   13.00 8298219  0.0001  varchareq
   2.70.50   13.5016726855  0.  pg_detoast_datum
   2.40.45   13.95 8342464  0.0001  BufferGetBlockNumber
   2.40.44   14.39 8297941  0.0001  int4ge
   2.20.41   14.801003  0.409   AtEOXact_Buffers
   2.00.37   15.17 4220349  0.0001  lc_collate_is_c
   2.00.37   15.54 8297219  0.  int4lt
   1.60.29   15.83   26537  0.0109  AllocSetContextCreate
   0.90.16   15.991887  0.085   pglz_decompress
   0.70.13   16.12  159966  0.0008  nocachegetattr
   0.70.13   16.25 4220349  0.  varstr_cmp
   0.60.11   16.36  937576  0.0001  MemoryContextAlloc
   0.50.09   16.45  150453  0.0006  hash_search

> -Neil
> ---(end of broadcast)---
> TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [PERFORM] Sun performance - Major discovery!

2003-10-08 Thread Neil Conway
On Wed, 2003-10-08 at 10:48, Andrew Sullivan wrote:
> My worry about this test is that it gives us precious little
> knowledge about concurrent connection slowness, which is where I find
> the most significant problems.

As Jeff points out, the second set of results is for 20 concurrent
connections. Note that the advantage sunsoft cc has over gcc decreases
as the number of connections increases (which makes sense, as the 20x
workload is likely to be more I/O bound).


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