[Pharo-users] PrintString in PBE8

2020-12-24 Thread g_patrickb--- via Pharo-users
I started working through PBE8, and in section 3.13 there is a method:

`Counter >> printOn: aStream `

`super printOn: aStream. `

`aStream nextPutAll: ' with value: ', count printString.`

But it returns two warnings:

\[printString\] No printString inside printOn

Use cascaded nextPutAll:’s instead of #, in #nextPutAll:

It has the option to automatically resolve the cascaded nextPutAll: which 
results in:

`printOn: aStream`

`   super printOn: aStream.`

`   aStream`

`   nextPutAll: ' with value: ';`

`   nextPutAll: count printString`

But it still has the warning about printString.

[Pharo-users] Please explain self

2020-12-12 Thread g_patrickb--- via Pharo-users
I understand if you have Class A with methods p and q that you can call q from 
p doing:

self q

But there are some cases where a method doesn’t exist but self is still used.  
I found a tutorial on creating a Reddit type app and it had a .mcz which I 

Here is an example from Class StLoggedInComponent and method refreshReport:

self report rows: (self session user tasks select: self filterBlock).

There is a method ‘report’ so I understand that, but there is no method named 
‘session’ so what is the use of self?

And Class StDatabase has method ‘updateTask:’ has:

self subclassResponsibility.

But no method called ‘subclassResponsibility’ exists in the Class.

Also, Class StLoggedInComponents has method ‘testTasks’ with this:

^ self class testTasks

What is ‘self class’?

Thank you.

[Pharo-users] Re: Amber Smalltalk

2020-12-04 Thread g_patrickb--- via Pharo-users
There was a reply from an Amber Smalltalk developer on Rocket chat and I 
uninstalled npm and cleaned up the previous grunt and amber installs, then 
removed node_modules and ran the command he gave me which was successful.  The 
command to install is:  `npm install -g grunt-cli grunt-init @ambers/cli@latest`

[Pharo-users] Re: Amber Smalltalk

2020-12-04 Thread g_patrickb--- via Pharo-users
Sending an email really messes up formatting.

I realize Amber isn't a Pharo related question, but there doesn't appear to be 
much activity in their Rocket chat or on google groups.  

The instructions on the site say to install doing:

npm install -g grunt-cli grunt-init @ambers/cli

And when you run:

amber init

It fails:

fatal: repository 'https://lolg.it/amber/amber-contrib-jquery.git/' not found

It appears they moved it to contrib-jquery from amber-contrib-jquery.  Does 
anyone know where this would be changed to get "amber init" to work?


[Pharo-users] Re: Willow-Playground

2020-11-26 Thread g_patrickb--- via Pharo-users
Thank you for the explanation. I uninstalled Pharo and removed everything from 
AppData\\Roaming and Local and reinstalled Pharo and loaded willow-playground.  
I found everything in the system browser and was able to evaluate 
“Smalltalks2017Presentation start” and bribg it up in my browser on port 8080.

[Pharo-users] Re: Willow-Playground

2020-11-26 Thread g_patrickb--- via Pharo-users
On my Windows 10 laptop I used image names of 80 and 90 and on OpenSUSE the 
image names were 80test and 90test.  

Thinking it may have to do with using numbers at the beginning of an image name 
I tried OpenSUSE again with an image name of Fish and it failed with the same 
error I originally had. 

I also tried on my Windows 8 desktop which has never had Pharo installed and 
used the defaults while installing.  I created an 8.0 64-bit image named Fuzzy 
and it also failed with the same error.

[Pharo-users] Re: Willow-Playground

2020-11-26 Thread g_patrickb--- via Pharo-users
I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.  I get the same error on Windows 10 and 
OpenSUSE.  On Windows I tried with and installation to C:\\Pharo and using an 
image name of 80 and 90; on Linux, the installation was to /home/gpb/ as the 
top level directory where it was unzipped.

[Pharo-users] Re: Willow-Playground

2020-11-25 Thread g_patrickb--- via Pharo-users
That didn't format like the email, so let me try again here.

Installing Willow-Playground from the instructions:

Metacello new
baseline: 'WillowPlayground';
repository: 'github://ba-st/Willow-Playground:release-candidate/source';

I have tried this in 9.0 64-bit and 8.0 64-bit, but it always stops with the 

"a MetacelloScriptApiExecutor"


Is that the expected behavior when it successfully completes, or did it not 