Bug #62015 [Opn]: Session auto-start issues

2012-05-14 Thread yohgaki
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62015&edit=1

 ID: 62015
 Updated by: yohg...@php.net
 Reported by:d...@php.net
 Summary:Session auto-start issues
 Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Session related
 PHP Version:5.3.13
-Assigned To:
+Assigned To:yohgaki
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

I think this is reasonable change, since it would not work as PHP_INI_ALL.

Previous Comments:

[2012-05-13 18:10:31] d...@php.net


session.auto_start can currently be set in PHP_INI_ALL - however this is 
illogical and confusing.

When session.auto_start = 1, a session is started when PHP initialises 
to the session.save_handler and session.save_path settings PHP starts up with. 
This makes it impossible to configure custom save handlers since PHP will have 
already started the session before userland code is executed.

Furthermore, this ini value can be modified at runtime, in PHP_INI_USER context 
which makes no sense, since if it was 1 at start-time, sessions will have 
started; and if the it was 0 at start-time, sessions will only be started when 
session_start() is explicitly called - the setting is pointless at runtime. 
the context in which session.auto_start can be set should change to at least 

Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62015&edit=1

Bug #61998 [Com]: Using traits with method aliases appears to result in crash during execution.

2012-05-14 Thread reeze dot xia at gmail dot com
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=61998&edit=1

 ID: 61998
 Comment by: reeze dot xia at gmail dot com
 Reported by:rbarbosa at revelex dot com
 Summary:Using traits with method aliases appears to result
 in crash during execution.
 Status: Feedback
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Reproducible crash
 Operating System:   Redhat Linux - Kernel 2.6.18
 PHP Version:5.4.3
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Thanks ron for your test script. I've make a minimal reproducible one below:

In Class1:
newFunc was referred to T::func
func was itself (by overriding);

In T
func was referred by T and itself;

--- since class was destroyed by reverse order --
1. Destroy T: will not release the function name defined in trait. since
   the Class1 referred to this function.
2. Destroy Class1:it will destroy the alias name since the aliased
   function name was referred to it.(this leave the original function name
   in trait unreleased). after destroy function table it will destroy
   alias info. but alias was already destroyed in function table releasing 
   This cause double free(crash).

1. Copy the whole function will solve the problem. but it was too heavy.
2. Don't change the aliases function's name, since function call are always 
lookup by hash key name.
but it will make reflection unhappy and can't throw right error message for 
3. Make a reference in function table if trait function was overrided to avoid 
releasing problem.
This need to change reflection ignore it.get_defined_functions() & 
use this trick to filter special entry. so we need to change 

In summary I prefer option 3.  What do you think? 
and I made PR: https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/83

-- Test script ---
is max. 10-20 lines long and does not require any external 
resources such as databases, etc. If the script requires a 
database to demonstrate the issue, please make sure it creates 
all necessary tables, stored procedures etc.

Please avoid embedding huge scripts into the report.

[2012-05-10 16:02:14] rbarbosa at revelex dot com


During testing in out application under development we began experiencing 
crashes in the PHP module with an error indicating "zend_mm_heap corrupted."

As this was occurring in a larger application, we noticed it did not begin 
occurring until we include method aliases in a trait we'd written.

We loaded a debug build of PHP 5.4.3 and observed the following error message:

[Thu May 10 10:46:13 2012]  Script:  
/opt/src/apache2.2/php-5.4.3/Zend/zend_opcode.c(235) : Block 0x09ef4914 status:
Invalid pointer: ((size=0x0038) != (next.prev=0x0420))

We then developed a small sandbox test which included a simple script with a 
trait with method a alias. This did not yield the same error message, but it 
did indicate a failure with the same line of code, zend_opcode.c:235. It also 
referenced another file with a different error:

[Thu May 10 11:16:36 2012]  Script:  
Zend/zend_language_scanner.l(1889) :  Freeing 0xB7EFAFD4 (12 bytes), 
=== Total 1 memory leaks detected ===
[Thu May 10 11:16:36 2012]  Script:  
/opt/src/apache2.2/php-5.4.3/Zend/zend_opcode.c(235) : Block 0xb7ef87d4 status:
Beginning:  Cached
Freed (invalid)
Start:  OK
  End:  OK

Two adjustments to the scripts would clear this error. Either eliminating the 
use of the autoloader and performing a "require_once" statement in the code, or 
eliminating the method alias. Either of those 2 actions eliminates this error 
from our logs.

Both trait method aliasing and autoloader functionality are vital to our 
application, so we're eager to see this issue resolved.

When executed in our application, this error results in immediate closure of 
the apache connection and a zero length response.

Test script:
I do not have a test script, but I do have a zip file with a directory 
containing the trait files and executable PHP code to replicate this issue.

Please contact me at my email address rbarb...@revelex.com, when the bug has 
been assigned and I will send you the archive with test scripts.

Expected result:

Expectation is that the script would execute without any errors in the apache 

Actual result:
See the bug description.


Bug #62023 [Opn]: [sapi/cli/php] Error 1

2012-05-14 Thread zhanglijiu at gmail dot com
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62023&edit=1

 ID: 62023
 User updated by:zhanglijiu at gmail dot com
 Reported by:zhanglijiu at gmail dot com
 Summary:[sapi/cli/php] Error 1
 Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Compile Failure
 Operating System:   Mac OS 10.6.8
 PHP Version:5.4.3
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

There are also others people faced this problem.

I think the problem is "Fails to link iconv", this problem always happens for 
os compiled php. I have fixed the problem by disabled-iconv, but it should have 
better solution.

Previous Comments:

[2012-05-15 04:27:28] zhanglijiu at gmail dot com

There are also others people faced this problem.

I think the problem is "Fails to link iconv", this problem always happens for 
os compiled php. I have fixed the problem by disabled-iconv, but it should have 
better solution.

[2012-05-15 02:23:08] larue...@php.net

could you paste your whole compiling log in pastebin.com,  then give us the 


[2012-05-14 14:21:52] reeze dot xia at gmail dot com

Have you ever make before? 
you could try 
$ make clean
$ make

[2012-05-14 12:32:53] zhanglijiu at gmail dot com


When I try to compiler php 5.4.3, there is a errors. I searched this issues, 
I can not find a good solution.

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_print", referenced from:
  _date_format in php_date.o
 (maybe you meant: _zend_print_variable, _php_quot_print_encode , 
_php_print_credits , _php_info_print_box_end , _php_info_print_style , 
_zend_print_flat_zval_r , _file_printedlen , _php_info_print_css , 
_zend_print_zval_ex , _zend_make_printable_zval , _zif_quoted_printable_encode 
_debug_print_backtrace_args , _php_info_print_hr , _cdf_print_classid , 
_zend_print_zval_r_ex , _php_info_print_box_start , _php_print_info , 
_zend_print_zval , _php_info_print_table_start , _php_info_print_table_row_ex , 
_printf , _php_info_print_table_end , _php_printf , _php_info_print_table_row , 
_cdf_print_elapsed_time , _php_quot_print_decode , _zend_print_zval_r , 
_file_printf , _php_info_print_module , _zif_user_printf , 
_php_info_print_table_colspan_header , _cdf_print_property_name , _zif_print_r 
_zif_quoted_printable_decode , _zend_printf , __php_stream_printf , 
_php_print_info_htmlhead , _print_class , _php_info_print_table_header , 
_zend_do_print )
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [sapi/cli/php] Error 1

Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62023&edit=1

Bug #62023 [Fbk->Opn]: [sapi/cli/php] Error 1

2012-05-14 Thread zhanglijiu at gmail dot com
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62023&edit=1

 ID: 62023
 User updated by:zhanglijiu at gmail dot com
 Reported by:zhanglijiu at gmail dot com
 Summary:[sapi/cli/php] Error 1
-Status: Feedback
+Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Compile Failure
 Operating System:   Mac OS 10.6.8
 PHP Version:5.4.3
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

There are also others people faced this problem.

I think the problem is "Fails to link iconv", this problem always happens for 
os compiled php. I have fixed the problem by disabled-iconv, but it should have 
better solution.

Previous Comments:

[2012-05-15 02:23:08] larue...@php.net

could you paste your whole compiling log in pastebin.com,  then give us the 


[2012-05-14 14:21:52] reeze dot xia at gmail dot com

Have you ever make before? 
you could try 
$ make clean
$ make

[2012-05-14 12:32:53] zhanglijiu at gmail dot com


When I try to compiler php 5.4.3, there is a errors. I searched this issues, 
I can not find a good solution.

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_print", referenced from:
  _date_format in php_date.o
 (maybe you meant: _zend_print_variable, _php_quot_print_encode , 
_php_print_credits , _php_info_print_box_end , _php_info_print_style , 
_zend_print_flat_zval_r , _file_printedlen , _php_info_print_css , 
_zend_print_zval_ex , _zend_make_printable_zval , _zif_quoted_printable_encode 
_debug_print_backtrace_args , _php_info_print_hr , _cdf_print_classid , 
_zend_print_zval_r_ex , _php_info_print_box_start , _php_print_info , 
_zend_print_zval , _php_info_print_table_start , _php_info_print_table_row_ex , 
_printf , _php_info_print_table_end , _php_printf , _php_info_print_table_row , 
_cdf_print_elapsed_time , _php_quot_print_decode , _zend_print_zval_r , 
_file_printf , _php_info_print_module , _zif_user_printf , 
_php_info_print_table_colspan_header , _cdf_print_property_name , _zif_print_r 
_zif_quoted_printable_decode , _zend_printf , __php_stream_printf , 
_php_print_info_htmlhead , _print_class , _php_info_print_table_header , 
_zend_do_print )
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [sapi/cli/php] Error 1

Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62023&edit=1

Bug #62023 [Opn->Fbk]: [sapi/cli/php] Error 1

2012-05-14 Thread laruence
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62023&edit=1

 ID: 62023
 Updated by: larue...@php.net
 Reported by:zhanglijiu at gmail dot com
 Summary:[sapi/cli/php] Error 1
-Status: Open
+Status: Feedback
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Compile Failure
 Operating System:   Mac OS 10.6.8
 PHP Version:5.4.3
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

could you paste your whole compiling log in pastebin.com,  then give us the 


Previous Comments:

[2012-05-14 14:21:52] reeze dot xia at gmail dot com

Have you ever make before? 
you could try 
$ make clean
$ make

[2012-05-14 12:32:53] zhanglijiu at gmail dot com


When I try to compiler php 5.4.3, there is a errors. I searched this issues, 
I can not find a good solution.

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_print", referenced from:
  _date_format in php_date.o
 (maybe you meant: _zend_print_variable, _php_quot_print_encode , 
_php_print_credits , _php_info_print_box_end , _php_info_print_style , 
_zend_print_flat_zval_r , _file_printedlen , _php_info_print_css , 
_zend_print_zval_ex , _zend_make_printable_zval , _zif_quoted_printable_encode 
_debug_print_backtrace_args , _php_info_print_hr , _cdf_print_classid , 
_zend_print_zval_r_ex , _php_info_print_box_start , _php_print_info , 
_zend_print_zval , _php_info_print_table_start , _php_info_print_table_row_ex , 
_printf , _php_info_print_table_end , _php_printf , _php_info_print_table_row , 
_cdf_print_elapsed_time , _php_quot_print_decode , _zend_print_zval_r , 
_file_printf , _php_info_print_module , _zif_user_printf , 
_php_info_print_table_colspan_header , _cdf_print_property_name , _zif_print_r 
_zif_quoted_printable_decode , _zend_printf , __php_stream_printf , 
_php_print_info_htmlhead , _print_class , _php_info_print_table_header , 
_zend_do_print )
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [sapi/cli/php] Error 1

Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62023&edit=1

Bug #49625 [Com]: spl_autoload and case sensitivity

2012-05-14 Thread david at panmedia dot co dot nz
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=49625&edit=1

 ID: 49625
 Comment by: david at panmedia dot co dot nz
 Reported by:jo at feuersee dot de
 Summary:spl_autoload and case sensitivity
 Status: Not a bug
 Type:   Bug
 Package:SPL related
 Operating System:   Linux
 PHP Version:5.3.0
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Please fix this

Previous Comments:

[2011-09-05 01:32:08] blake dot soley at gmail dot com

I agree, this bug is not bogus.  In fact, it's actually quite serious.  Just 
because spl_autoload was designed poorly doesn't mean it has to remain broken.  
Several fixes have been proposed, please consider implementing one of them to 
make this function cross-platform, and therefore useful.

[2011-08-10 01:13:40] bram048 at gmail dot com

I agree with Simon. There is absolutely no reason not to fix this, while 
backwards compatibility.

Two years ago the reason for not fixing it was "breaking BC is not an option". 
There are plenty of alternatives, and to be honest, PHP has broken BC alot of 
times in the last few versions (which is a good thing in my opinion, as long as 
the language becomes cleaner/stricter).

Having all the files in lowercase makes them alot harder to read. Having a 
custom autoloader function is slower and more complicated to get right, and 
makes code more ugly and harder to understand.

At the very least case sensitivity of the SPL autoloader should be 
or available by the use of an extra suffix. I would love to see this in the new 
5.4 release; shouldn't take more than a few lines of code.

[2011-03-08 13:08:42] simon at systemparadox dot co dot uk

Why is this bug marked as bogus?
Even if spl_autoload itself isn't fixed, at the very least a version that does 
it correctly could be added (although in this case it seriously could just be 
fixed by trying the correct case first).

Implementing one in PHP is all very well, but that means that it's non-standard 
and likely incompatible with what each programmer might expect. It's also 

[2009-09-23 07:11:47] sjo...@php.net

Trying both lowercased and original case could solve this without breaking 
backwards compatibility. However, you could as well supply your own autoload 
function defined in PHP to solve this.

[2009-09-22 19:37:20] jo at feuersee dot de

>The reason here is that is spl_autoload becomes case
>sensitive, it will break scripts which depend on spl_autoload being
>case insensitive.

spl_autoload() was introduced in PHP 5.1.2 which is case sensitive concerning 
class names. This implies that if an operation on an unknown class is done, 
spl_autoload() is triggered and executed with the case sensitive name of the 
Thus we have 4 different possibilities:

1) The class name all lower case, the file containing the class definition is 
all lower case (eg. $foo = system::bar(); system.php)

This will work independent wether spl_autoload() is lowercasing or not, since 
all is lowercased. 
Note that if the class defined in the file system.php is actually named System 
it wouldn't have ever worked because the class system is still not defined, 
which would trigger an error.

2) The class name all lower case, the file containing the class definition is 
uppercased (eg. $foo = system::bar(); System.php)

This wouldn't work anymore on file systems which are case sensitive if 
spl_autoload() would skip lowercasing.

Note that this would only have worked if the file system is case insensitive 
and the class definition in System.php would define a class "system". 

3) The class name contains upper case letters, the file containing the class 
definition is lowercased (eg. $foo = System::bar(); system.php)

This is what currently isn't working at all but would work at least for case 
insensitive file systems if lowercasing would be dropped.

Note that if the class defined in the file system.php is actually named system 
it wouldn't have ever worked because the class System is still not defined.

4) The class name contains upper case letters, the file containing the class 
definition is uppercased (eg. $foo = System::bar(); System.php)

This is what should (and would) work, but currently doesn't.


The only problem might be (2):

Class name: sample
Filename: Sample.php
Class definition in Sample.php: class sample { ... }
Note: this does work on case insensitive file systems only.

I really can't see any reason for maintaining the "Worse is better" principle 
here, I really doubt that there is mu

[PHP-BUG] Bug #62033 [NEW]: php-fpm exits with status 0 on some failures to start

2012-05-14 Thread js at justinsamuel dot com
Operating system: Linux (Ubuntu 12.04)
PHP version:  5.4.3
Package:  FPM related
Bug Type: Bug
Bug description:php-fpm exits with status 0 on some failures to start


When the php-fpm command fails because the 'user' value of a pool specifies
a nonexistent user, php-fpm exits with 0 rather than a non-zero status.
This is incorrect and causes problems with init scripts, for example.

This happens with both php 5.3 and 5.4.

Test script:
Snippet of a pool configuration which will trigger the bug:

user = fakeuser

Expected result:

php-fpm should exit with a non-zero status in all cases where there is an
error which causes it to fail to start (including, but not limited to,
nonexistent users).

Actual result:
$ php-fpm
[14-May-2012 14:39:40] ERROR: [pool example.com] cannot get uid for user
[14-May-2012 14:39:40] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
$ echo $?

Edit bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62033&edit=1
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.4):
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.3):
Try a snapshot (trunk):  
Fixed in SVN:
Fixed in SVN and need be documented: 
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:  
Need Reproduce Script:   
Try newer version:   
Not developer issue: 
Expected behavior:   
Not enough info: 
Submitted twice: 
PHP 4 support discontinued:  
Daylight Savings:https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=62033&r=dst
IIS Stability:   
Install GNU Sed: 
Floating point limitations:  
No Zend Extensions:  
MySQL Configuration Error:   

Bug #51634 [Com]: Can't post multiple fields with the same name

2012-05-14 Thread raphael dot droz+floss at gmail dot com
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51634&edit=1

 ID: 51634
 Comment by: raphael dot droz+floss at gmail dot com
 Reported by:bart at tremby dot net
 Summary:Can't post multiple fields with the same name
 Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:cURL related
 Operating System:   Ubuntu
 PHP Version:5.2.13
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

This patch may solve the issue.

I can't see how may I have restricted the new code-path according to the key so 
I simply tested for values which are array themselves instead of doing any 
string lookup/substitution when keys matches "[]" or anything like that.

I got some problem with the test-suite (can't export 
PHP_CURL_HTTP_REMOTE_SERVER) anyway I still had 40 skipped, 2 failures and 33 
pass *after* the patch.
If that patch is ok I may add a patch for the test-suite if needed.

NB: please don't bite me, it's my first patch for PHP.

Previous Comments:

[2010-04-22 16:01:30] bart at tremby dot net

That works when posting to PHP because of the way PHP handles the names but 
what it's actually posting is
name "name[0]", value "val1"
name "name[1]", value "val2"

Any system but PHP as far as I know (I'm posting to a Java-based system and I 
don't have control over it) keeps them as they are -- two separate entities 
called "name[0]" and "name[1]". There's nothing in the HTTP specification which 
says anything about array indices -- as far as I can tell that's purely PHP's 
invention. PHP which decides they're the same thing and knocks off the brackets.

The system I'm posting to expects them to be posted with the same name. (The 
spec says this is fine -- see 
). The CLI 
example I gave in the OP does this; the PHP example you just gave does not.

[2010-04-22 15:53:32] fel...@php.net

You can use: array("name[0]" => "val1", "name[1]" => "val2")

[2010-04-22 15:07:56] bart at tremby dot net

Where I said 'PHP then parses this into an array but only "val2" is in it.' I 
meant "Array", not "val2".

[2010-04-22 15:06:01] bart at tremby dot net


With CLI curl I can run
curl -F test=value -F test=value --trace-ascii trace http://localhost/test.php
and in the file trace I see that it posted multipart/form-data with two fields 
called "test" with content "value".

I need this same behaviour from PHP. But the only way at present, it seems, to 
add form fields to the curl handle (and have them transmit as 
multipart/form-data) is to use curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data) 
where $data is an array of name->value pairs.

Obviously I can't have two pairs in this array with the same name.

I've tried array("name" => array("val1", "val2")) but that posts the string 
"Array" as the value for field "name".

I've tried array("name[]" => array("val1", "val2")) but that posts the string 
"Array" as the value for field "name[]" (PHP then parses this into an array but 
only "val2" is in it.)

I've tried array("name[]" => "val1", "name[]" => "val2") but of course that 
doesn't work since as soon as that array is initialized it's only got one 
element -- the second overwrote the first.

I think allowing array("name" => array("val1", "val2")) would be the best 
solution. (And brackets should not be added to the end of "name" unless 

Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51634&edit=1

[PHP-BUG] Bug #62032 [NEW]: filter_var incorrectly strips characters from strings after "<"

2012-05-14 Thread iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com
Operating system: Mac OS X
PHP version:  5.4.3
Package:  Filter related
Bug Type: Bug
Bug description:filter_var incorrectly strips characters from strings after "<"


Noticed that for strings with < in them outside of html tags, filter_var
strip out all characters that come after the <.

Test script:
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.4):
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.3):
Try a snapshot (trunk):  
Fixed in SVN:
Fixed in SVN and need be documented: 
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:  
Need Reproduce Script:   
Try newer version:   
Not developer issue: 
Expected behavior:   
Not enough info: 
Submitted twice: 
PHP 4 support discontinued:  
Daylight Savings:https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=62032&r=dst
IIS Stability:   
Install GNU Sed: 
Floating point limitations:  
No Zend Extensions:  
MySQL Configuration Error:   

[PHP-BUG] Req #62029 [NEW]: Allow expressions for const

2012-05-14 Thread zyss at mail dot zp dot ua
Operating system: All
PHP version:  5.3.13
Package:  *General Issues
Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
Bug description:Allow expressions for const


Currently PHP supports global constant definition using keyword const
instead of ugly define() function call.

The problem is that const definition doesn't allow expressions to be used
to define a constant.

So please implement the ability to use expressions when using const

Test script:
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.4):
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.3):
Try a snapshot (trunk):  
Fixed in SVN:
Fixed in SVN and need be documented: 
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:  
Need Reproduce Script:   
Try newer version:   
Not developer issue: 
Expected behavior:   
Not enough info: 
Submitted twice: 
PHP 4 support discontinued:  
Daylight Savings:https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=62029&r=dst
IIS Stability:   
Install GNU Sed: 
Floating point limitations:  
No Zend Extensions:  
MySQL Configuration Error:   

Bug #21260 [->NoF]: phpBB fails to work with GD turned on

2012-05-14 Thread rasmus
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=21260&edit=1

 ID: 21260
 Updated by: ras...@php.net
 Reported by:bretriofolinonp at gmail dot com
 Summary:phpBB fails to work with GD turned on
+Status: No Feedback
 Type:   Bug
-Package:*General Issues
+Package:GD related
 Operating System:   Linux
 PHP Version:4.3.0
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

Previous Comments:

[2003-01-13 18:18:54] sni...@php.net

No feedback was provided. The bug is being suspended because
we assume that you are no longer experiencing the problem.
If this is not the case and you are able to provide the
information that was requested earlier, please do so and
change the status of the bug back to "Open". Thank you.

[2002-12-28 22:35:24] poll...@php.net

Please run the following test on your system:

1) Create a file named "testgd.php" in the document root of your webserver with 
the following content:

2) Browse the URL for that page (i.e.: http://myserver.com/testgd.php )

3) Tell us if a white square with a black frame appears.

If the image shows properly then the problem is likely with PHPBB and there's 
nothing anyone here can do.  If not, then there may be a problem with your GD 

[2002-12-28 21:56:17] bretriofolinonp at gmail dot com

I use PHPbb on my web site(I have also already reported this problem to them) 
when I install PHP without the new GD support in 4.3.0 turned on everything 
works fine, however if I turn the GD support on the PHPbb fails to load and all 
I get is a blank page...no errors no anything

The following are my configure lines

PHPbb works
./configure --with-mysql=/mysql --with-apxs 

PHPbb doesn't work...
./configure --with-mysql=/mysql --with-apxs --with-gd 

I should mention that I also use phpMyAdmin...and that works fine either way

Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=21260&edit=1

Bug #55413 [Com]: str_getcsv doesnt remove escape characters

2012-05-14 Thread spidgorny at gmail dot com
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=55413&edit=1

 ID: 55413
 Comment by: spidgorny at gmail dot com
 Reported by:mathielen at gmail dot com
 Summary:str_getcsv doesnt remove escape characters
 Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Strings related
 Operating System:   ubuntu 11.04
 PHP Version:5.3.6
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

5.3.10 is affected too. A bug in a primitive function like this after years of 
evolution should be embarrassing.

Previous Comments:

[2012-04-27 03:08:46] darren at dcook dot org

Another way of looking at the code in comment 1 is that the behaviour is 
correct (for parsing Excel-style csv), but the documentation is confusing. In 
my testing the "" within quotes is being handled correctly (and the $escape 
parameter is either not being used, or has not got in my way yet).

But as another viewpoint, if we take the original bug report example and do:
  $line = '"A";"Some \"Stuff\"";"C"'
  print_r(str_getcsv($line, ';', '"', 'x'));

(BTW, I'm using 'x' to mean no escaping; using a '' uses the default instead!!)

Output is:

[0] => A
[1] => Some \Stuff\""
[2] => C

This almost makes sense if you consider it treated the second field as three 
  "Some \"

The problem is, if that was true, the 3rd sub-string got parsed wrongly. The 
3rd sub-string should have evaluated to a blank string.

Summary: something is wrong. Either there is a bug to fix, or the $escape 
parameter should be removed completely, or the function needs to document the 
intended behaviour for corner cases like these.

[2011-11-27 13:58:49] xoneca at gmail dot com

The bug can be reproduced with any escape character but quote char.

Test script:
$line = '"A";"Some ""Stuff""";"C"';
$tokens = str_getcsv( $line, ';', '"', '"' );
print_r( $tokens );

Actual and Expected Result:
[0] => A
[1] => Some "Stuff"
[2] => C

[2011-08-12 13:30:02] mathielen at gmail dot com


Escape-characters should only escape the next character if it is the 
delimiter-character. The Escape character itself should then be removed from 
the result.

Test script:
$line = '"A";"Some \"Stuff\"";"C"';
$token = str_getcsv($line, ';', '"', '\\');

Expected result:

[0] => A
[1] => Some "Stuff"
[2] => C

Actual result:
[0] => A
[1] => Some \"Stuff\"
[2] => C

Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=55413&edit=1

Bug #62023 [Com]: [sapi/cli/php] Error 1

2012-05-14 Thread reeze dot xia at gmail dot com
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62023&edit=1

 ID: 62023
 Comment by: reeze dot xia at gmail dot com
 Reported by:zhanglijiu at gmail dot com
 Summary:[sapi/cli/php] Error 1
 Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Compile Failure
 Operating System:   Mac OS 10.6.8
 PHP Version:5.4.3
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Have you ever make before? 
you could try 
$ make clean
$ make

Previous Comments:

[2012-05-14 12:32:53] zhanglijiu at gmail dot com


When I try to compiler php 5.4.3, there is a errors. I searched this issues, 
I can not find a good solution.

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_print", referenced from:
  _date_format in php_date.o
 (maybe you meant: _zend_print_variable, _php_quot_print_encode , 
_php_print_credits , _php_info_print_box_end , _php_info_print_style , 
_zend_print_flat_zval_r , _file_printedlen , _php_info_print_css , 
_zend_print_zval_ex , _zend_make_printable_zval , _zif_quoted_printable_encode 
_debug_print_backtrace_args , _php_info_print_hr , _cdf_print_classid , 
_zend_print_zval_r_ex , _php_info_print_box_start , _php_print_info , 
_zend_print_zval , _php_info_print_table_start , _php_info_print_table_row_ex , 
_printf , _php_info_print_table_end , _php_printf , _php_info_print_table_row , 
_cdf_print_elapsed_time , _php_quot_print_decode , _zend_print_zval_r , 
_file_printf , _php_info_print_module , _zif_user_printf , 
_php_info_print_table_colspan_header , _cdf_print_property_name , _zif_print_r 
_zif_quoted_printable_decode , _zend_printf , __php_stream_printf , 
_php_print_info_htmlhead , _print_class , _php_info_print_table_header , 
_zend_do_print )
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [sapi/cli/php] Error 1

Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62023&edit=1

Bug #62025 [Opn]: FTBS on AIX

2012-05-14 Thread lior dot k at zend dot com
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62025&edit=1

 ID: 62025
 User updated by:lior dot k at zend dot com
 Reported by:lior dot k at zend dot com
 Summary:FTBS on AIX
 Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Sockets related
 Operating System:   AIX
 PHP Version:5.4.3
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

That's __ss_family on AIX 5.1, on AIX 5.3 it's the same other OSes.

Previous Comments:

[2012-05-14 13:53:12] lior dot k at zend dot com

Setting OS to AIX.

[2012-05-14 13:51:29] lior dot k at zend dot com



I had a problem building the sockets extension on AIX (tested with 5.4.0RC8, 
but the code didn't change 5.4.1 or 5.4.3).

The problem is that ss_family is called __ss_family on aix. The following small 
but ugly patch did the work, but probably should be applied in a more clean way.

diff -ruw php-5.4.0RC8.orig/ext/sockets/sockets.c 
--- php-5.4.0RC8.orig/ext/sockets/sockets.c 2012-01-01 15:15:04.0 
+++ php-5.4.0RC8/ext/sockets/sockets.c  2012-05-13 11:51:35.750746776 +0300
@@ -77,6 +77,9 @@
 # define IS_INVALID_SOCKET(a)  (a->bsd_socket < 0)
 # define set_errno(a) (errno = a)
 # include "php_sockets.h"
+# ifdef _AIX
+#  define ss_family __ss_family
+# endif
 #  include 
 # endif

Lior Kaplan
Zend Inc

Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62025&edit=1

Bug #62025 [Opn]: FTBS on AIX

2012-05-14 Thread lior dot k at zend dot com
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62025&edit=1

 ID: 62025
 User updated by:lior dot k at zend dot com
 Reported by:lior dot k at zend dot com
 Summary:FTBS on AIX
 Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Sockets related
-Operating System:   
+Operating System:   AIX
 PHP Version:5.4.3
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Setting OS to AIX.

Previous Comments:

[2012-05-14 13:51:29] lior dot k at zend dot com



I had a problem building the sockets extension on AIX (tested with 5.4.0RC8, 
but the code didn't change 5.4.1 or 5.4.3).

The problem is that ss_family is called __ss_family on aix. The following small 
but ugly patch did the work, but probably should be applied in a more clean way.

diff -ruw php-5.4.0RC8.orig/ext/sockets/sockets.c 
--- php-5.4.0RC8.orig/ext/sockets/sockets.c 2012-01-01 15:15:04.0 
+++ php-5.4.0RC8/ext/sockets/sockets.c  2012-05-13 11:51:35.750746776 +0300
@@ -77,6 +77,9 @@
 # define IS_INVALID_SOCKET(a)  (a->bsd_socket < 0)
 # define set_errno(a) (errno = a)
 # include "php_sockets.h"
+# ifdef _AIX
+#  define ss_family __ss_family
+# endif
 #  include 
 # endif

Lior Kaplan
Zend Inc

Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62025&edit=1

[PHP-BUG] Bug #62025 [NEW]: FTBS on AIX

2012-05-14 Thread lior dot k at zend dot com
Operating system: 
PHP version:  5.4.3
Package:  Sockets related
Bug Type: Bug
Bug description:FTBS on AIX



I had a problem building the sockets extension on AIX (tested with
5.4.0RC8, but the code didn't change 5.4.1 or 5.4.3).

The problem is that ss_family is called __ss_family on aix. The following
small but ugly patch did the work, but probably should be applied in a more
clean way.

diff -ruw php-5.4.0RC8.orig/ext/sockets/sockets.c
--- php-5.4.0RC8.orig/ext/sockets/sockets.c 2012-01-01
15:15:04.0 +0200
+++ php-5.4.0RC8/ext/sockets/sockets.c  2012-05-13 11:51:35.750746776
@@ -77,6 +77,9 @@
 # define IS_INVALID_SOCKET(a)  (a->bsd_socket < 0)
 # define set_errno(a) (errno = a)
 # include "php_sockets.h"
+# ifdef _AIX
+#  define ss_family __ss_family
+# endif
 #  include 
 # endif

Lior Kaplan
Zend Inc

Edit bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62025&edit=1
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.4):
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.3):
Try a snapshot (trunk):  
Fixed in SVN:
Fixed in SVN and need be documented: 
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:  
Need Reproduce Script:   
Try newer version:   
Not developer issue: 
Expected behavior:   
Not enough info: 
Submitted twice: 
PHP 4 support discontinued:  
Daylight Savings:https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=62025&r=dst
IIS Stability:   
Install GNU Sed: 
Floating point limitations:  
No Zend Extensions:  
MySQL Configuration Error:   

[PHP-BUG] Bug #62024 [NEW]: Cannot insert second row with null using parametrized query (Firebird PDO)

2012-05-14 Thread matheus at gigatron dot com dot br
Operating system: Windows 7
PHP version:  5.4.3
Package:  PDO related
Bug Type: Bug
Bug description:Cannot insert second row with null using parametrized query 
(Firebird PDO)


Using the firebird PDO driver and a parametrized insert query, you cannot
use a null value for a column after issuing a query with a filled value for
that same column.

On the snipped below, it should be possible to insert both rows, but the
second one fails with an exception. If you invert the order of the inserts
(insert $args_err before $args_ok) then the script runs.

Test script:
/**Reference table:

$sql = "insert into test_insert (id, col1) values (?, ?);"

$args_ok = [1, "test1"];
$args_err = [2, null];

$res = $stmt->execute($args_ok);

$res = $stmt->execute($args_err);

Expected result:


Actual result:
PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message
]: Invalid parameter type: -999 Parameter requires non-null value' in
Stack trace:
#0 F:\demos\php\erro_insert_prep_null\test.php(42):

#1 {main}
  thrown in F:\demos\php\erro_insert_prep_null\test.php on line 42

Edit bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62024&edit=1
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.4):
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.3):
Try a snapshot (trunk):  
Fixed in SVN:
Fixed in SVN and need be documented: 
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:  
Need Reproduce Script:   
Try newer version:   
Not developer issue: 
Expected behavior:   
Not enough info: 
Submitted twice: 
PHP 4 support discontinued:  
Daylight Savings:https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=62024&r=dst
IIS Stability:   
Install GNU Sed: 
Floating point limitations:  
No Zend Extensions:  
MySQL Configuration Error:   

Bug #61557 [Com]: Crasher (SIGSEGV) bug in tt-rss backend.php

2012-05-14 Thread bugs-php at antipoul dot fr
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=61557&edit=1

 ID: 61557
 Comment by: bugs-php at antipoul dot fr
 Reported by:ond...@php.net
 Summary:Crasher (SIGSEGV) bug in tt-rss backend.php
 Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:*XML functions
 Operating System:   Linux i386
 PHP Version:5.4.0
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

OK, I've applied this patch on top of all others patches from Debian testing 
After 4h07 compiling (yes, I have a small Via C7 ;) ), I got the package 

Final result: the patch solves the problem. I'm happy. Many thanks to you!

Previous Comments:

[2012-05-11 21:52:38] i dot am dot jack dot mail at gmail dot com

I've also experienced this problem after switching to 5.4. Looked into it, and 
here's what I was able to find :

This only happens to CGI/FPM. The first time I trigger a request it works, the 
second time it crashes. Explains why it appears to work sometimes and others 
not : it works only once per process. Then it segfaults, a new one is started, 

This seems to be linked to the use of libxml_use_internal_errors (w/ TRUE). 
Apparently the first time it will set an internal error handler in PHP, which 
remains set after processing the request is done.

Then, when another request is processed and libxml_use_internal_errors hasn't 
been called, that handler can be triggered, only the memory has been reset, 
resulting in the segfault.

As far as I can tell, seems this was introduced with 
d8bddb9665637d96f20dc4a2ae5668ba376f3b17 which made it that CGI/FPM would not 
setup/reset libxml callbacks on each request but only once. Only it also 
included the callback for "structured errors," which shouldn't be 
affected/should still be reset on each new request.

I'll attach a patch that should fix this, resetting the callback for each 

Also, I'm not sure/haven't looked into it, but looking at the backtrace I 
believe that https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=61325 might be another 
manifestation of the same problem.

[2012-05-06 20:11:09] j dot nespolo at gmail dot com

I am affected by the same bug, although I wasn't able to generate a backtrace 
(app running on an openvz container).

My setup is as follows:
- Debian Sid (fully updated as of 2012/05/06)
- latest tt-rss master (last updated on 2012/05/06), 
- mysql-server 5.1.62-1
- lighttpd 1.4.30-1 with the following modules enabled: auth, fastcgi, 
- php 5.4.2-1

The feed reader displays the headings, but shortly after they disappear. The 
time they survive is quite variable.
When this happens, lighttpd's log then says:

2012-05-06 20:06:46: (mod_fastcgi.c.2566) unexpected end-of-file (perhaps the 
fastcgi process died): pid: 20184 socket: unix:/tmp/php.socket-0 
2012-05-06 20:06:46: (mod_fastcgi.c.3352) response not received, request sent: 
1381 on socket: unix:/tmp/php.socket-0 for /tt-rss/backend.php?, closing 

Thanks a lot,

[2012-04-01 16:38:25] bugs-php at antipoul dot fr


I just want to say that I have the same issue with FPM. It seems normal, since 
it's a core issue.

[2012-03-30 06:46:28] reeze dot xia at gmaill dot com

I can't reproduce it in :
- Mac OS X 10.7.3
- libxml 2.2
- PHP-5.4.0
- Tiny Tiny RSS trunk
- PHP5.4.0 built-in webserver.

more crash detail would be appreciated

I will setup a VM like the user and trying to reproduce and trying to find out 
what happened.

[2012-03-29 20:27:47] ond...@php.net


Long description can be found here:

The trace ends with:

#0  zend_llist_add_element (l=0xbf96013c, element=0x9e961d0)
at /build/buildd-php5_5.4.0-3-i386-2XGvJx/php5-5.4.0/Zend/zend_llist.c:39

Expected result:

Not crash

Actual result:

Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=61557&edit=1

[PHP-BUG] Bug #62023 [NEW]: [sapi/cli/php] Error 1

2012-05-14 Thread zhanglijiu at gmail dot com
Operating system: Mac OS 10.6.8
PHP version:  5.4.3
Package:  Compile Failure
Bug Type: Bug
Bug description:[sapi/cli/php] Error 1


When I try to compiler php 5.4.3, there is a errors. I searched this
issues, but 
I can not find a good solution.

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_print", referenced from:
  _date_format in php_date.o
 (maybe you meant: _zend_print_variable, _php_quot_print_encode , 
_php_print_credits , _php_info_print_box_end , _php_info_print_style , 
_zend_print_flat_zval_r , _file_printedlen , _php_info_print_css , 
_zend_print_zval_ex , _zend_make_printable_zval ,
_zif_quoted_printable_encode , 
_debug_print_backtrace_args , _php_info_print_hr , _cdf_print_classid , 
_zend_print_zval_r_ex , _php_info_print_box_start , _php_print_info , 
_zend_print_zval , _php_info_print_table_start ,
_php_info_print_table_row_ex , 
_printf , _php_info_print_table_end , _php_printf ,
_php_info_print_table_row , 
_cdf_print_elapsed_time , _php_quot_print_decode , _zend_print_zval_r , 
_file_printf , _php_info_print_module , _zif_user_printf , 
_php_info_print_table_colspan_header , _cdf_print_property_name ,
_zif_print_r , 
_zif_quoted_printable_decode , _zend_printf , __php_stream_printf , 
_php_print_info_htmlhead , _print_class , _php_info_print_table_header , 
_zend_do_print )
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [sapi/cli/php] Error 1

Edit bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62023&edit=1
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.4):
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.3):
Try a snapshot (trunk):  
Fixed in SVN:
Fixed in SVN and need be documented: 
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:  
Need Reproduce Script:   
Try newer version:   
Not developer issue: 
Expected behavior:   
Not enough info: 
Submitted twice: 
PHP 4 support discontinued:  
Daylight Savings:https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=62023&r=dst
IIS Stability:   
Install GNU Sed: 
Floating point limitations:  
No Zend Extensions:  
MySQL Configuration Error:   

[PHP-BUG] Bug #62022 [NEW]: Minor fixes to tests

2012-05-14 Thread z...@php.net
From: zoe
Operating system: Any
PHP version:  5.4Git-2012-05-14 (Git)
Package:  Testing related
Bug Type: Bug
Bug description:Minor fixes to tests 


A few tests with very minor errors, caught by new run tests code.

ext/dom/tests/DOMAttr_value_basic_001.phpt - change CREDIT to CREDITS
ext/dom/tests/DOMAttr_value_basic_002.phpt ditto
ext/dom/tests/DOMCharacterData_data_error_002.phpt ditto
ext/dom/tests/DOMCharacterData_length_error_001.phpt ditto
ext/mysqli/tests/mysqli_options_openbasedir.phpt remove empty INI section
ext/posix/tests/posix_setgid_error.phpt remove empty CREDITS
ext/reflection/tests/bug47254.phpt remove empty CLEAN section
ext/standard/tests/file/windows_links/bug48746.phpt chenge CREDiT to
ext/standard/tests/file/windows_links/bug48746_1.phpt ditto
ext/standard/tests/file/windows_links/bug48746_2.phpt ditto
ext/standard/tests/file/windows_links/bug48746_3.phpt ditto
ext/standard/tests/strings/htmlentities15.phpt COMMENT? check

Edit bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62022&edit=1
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.4):
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.3):
Try a snapshot (trunk):  
Fixed in SVN:
Fixed in SVN and need be documented: 
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:  
Need Reproduce Script:   
Try newer version:   
Not developer issue: 
Expected behavior:   
Not enough info: 
Submitted twice: 
PHP 4 support discontinued:  
Daylight Savings:https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=62022&r=dst
IIS Stability:   
Install GNU Sed: 
Floating point limitations:  
No Zend Extensions:  
MySQL Configuration Error:   

[PHP-BUG] Req #62021 [NEW]: Change implementation of --GZIP_POST-- and --DEFLATE_POST--

2012-05-14 Thread z...@php.net
Operating system: Any
PHP version:  5.4Git-2012-05-14 (Git)
Package:  Testing related
Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
Bug description:Change implementation of --GZIP_POST-- and --DEFLATE_POST--


Both --GZIP_POST-- and --DEFLATE_POST-- phpt sections pre-req a --POST--
all the --GZIP_POST-- and --DEFLATE_POST-- sections contain is a flag to
that the --POST-- section should be gzip'd or deflated. As this only
affects two 
tests I will change the implementation of both sections in run-tests.php to
have a 
single GZIP_POST or DEFLATE_POST section (as discussed on internals, 

Files that need modification:

and documentation update on the QA web pages.

Edit bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62021&edit=1
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.4):
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.3):
Try a snapshot (trunk):  
Fixed in SVN:
Fixed in SVN and need be documented: 
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:  
Need Reproduce Script:   
Try newer version:   
Not developer issue: 
Expected behavior:   
Not enough info: 
Submitted twice: 
PHP 4 support discontinued:  
Daylight Savings:https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=62021&r=dst
IIS Stability:   
Install GNU Sed: 
Floating point limitations:  
No Zend Extensions:  
MySQL Configuration Error:   

Bug #48225 [Com]: Microseconds output wrong in DateTime::format()

2012-05-14 Thread tdenev at kontrax dot bg
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=48225&edit=1

 ID: 48225
 Comment by: tdenev at kontrax dot bg
 Reported by:knut dot urdalen at gmail dot com
 Summary:Microseconds output wrong in DateTime::format()
 Status: Assigned
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Date/time related
 Operating System:   *
 PHP Version:5.*, 6CVS (2009-05-09)
 Assigned To:derick
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

OS: Slackware 13.37

$ php -v 
PHP 5.3.8 (cli) (built: Oct  9 2011 13:58:17) 
Copyright (c) 1997-2011 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2011 Zend Technologies
with Xdebug v2.1.1, Copyright (c) 2002-2011, by Derick Rethans

still has this bug, the "u" part is still at 00.

Previous Comments:

[2012-02-24 17:46:14] kissifrot at gmail dot com

PHP 5.3.10 on Win32 still has the bug, the "u" part is still at 00.

[2011-11-03 02:19:36] rewilliams at crystaltech dot com

Still see it in 5.3.6 on OS X

[2011-01-23 16:20:32] jmdoren at ok dot cl

I have the same problem
my OS : Fedora release 14 (Laughlin)
my php Version: PHP 5.3.5 (cli) (built: Jan 22 2011 00:55:37)
in my php.ini date.timezone=America/Santiago
my script: 
my results:
23-01-2011 8:34:18,00
23-01-2011 8:34:18,00
23-01-2011 8:34:19,00
23-01-2011 8:34:20,00

[2009-05-10 17:38:56] j...@php.net

See also bug #45554 and bug #47312

[2009-05-10 17:29:54] knut dot urdalen at gmail dot com


The date()-function allow a 'u' format character in the formatting field as of 
PHP 5.2.2. The DateTime::format() function point to the same manual page for 
the formatting as the date() function and since DateTime actually store 
microseconds internally (as mentioned by Derick previously) I think it's a bug 
that it's not output correctly.

Reproduce code:
format('Y-m-d H:i:s.u')."\n";

Expected result:

The 'u' format character should output the microsecond that is internally 
stored in the DateTime object upon creation.

Actual result:
The 'u' format character always resolve to 0.

Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=48225&edit=1

Bug #21260 [NoF]: phpBB fails to work with GD turned on

2012-05-14 Thread bretriofolinonp at gmail dot com
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=21260&edit=1

 ID: 21260
 User updated by:bretriofolinonp at gmail dot com
 Reported by:bretriofolinonp at gmail dot com
 Summary:phpBB fails to work with GD turned on
 Status: No Feedback
 Type:   Bug
-Package:GD related
+Package:*General Issues
 Operating System:   Linux
 PHP Version:4.3.0
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

I want to set up you a immense programm. Dissatisfy debate it. Descry it on 
[url=http://camera-tv.com]stream channel[/url].

Previous Comments:

[2003-01-13 18:18:54] sni...@php.net

No feedback was provided. The bug is being suspended because
we assume that you are no longer experiencing the problem.
If this is not the case and you are able to provide the
information that was requested earlier, please do so and
change the status of the bug back to "Open". Thank you.

[2002-12-28 22:35:24] poll...@php.net

Please run the following test on your system:

1) Create a file named "testgd.php" in the document root of your webserver with 
the following content:

2) Browse the URL for that page (i.e.: http://myserver.com/testgd.php )

3) Tell us if a white square with a black frame appears.

If the image shows properly then the problem is likely with PHPBB and there's 
nothing anyone here can do.  If not, then there may be a problem with your GD 

[2002-12-28 21:56:17] bretriofolinonp at gmail dot com

I use PHPbb on my web site(I have also already reported this problem to them) 
when I install PHP without the new GD support in 4.3.0 turned on everything 
works fine, however if I turn the GD support on the PHPbb fails to load and all 
I get is a blank page...no errors no anything

The following are my configure lines

PHPbb works
./configure --with-mysql=/mysql --with-apxs 

PHPbb doesn't work...
./configure --with-mysql=/mysql --with-apxs --with-gd 

I should mention that I also use phpMyAdmin...and that works fine either way

Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=21260&edit=1

[PHP-BUG] Bug #62020 [NEW]: php-mysql warning

2012-05-14 Thread zhanglijiu at gmail dot com
Operating system: Mac OS 10.6.8
PHP version:  5.3.13
Package:  mSQL related
Bug Type: Bug
Bug description:php-mysql warning


I have been trying to compile mysql module for php in qnx 6.50. I have
apache 2.2, mysql 5.1, and ap-php successfully compiled 
and running.
When compiling php-mysql i'v noticed this warning:
*** Warning: libtool could not satisfy all declared inter-library
*** dependencied of module mysql. Therefore, libtool will create
*** a static module, that should work as long as the dlopenening
*** application is linked with the -dlopen flag

In config.log i'v noticed following:
configure:11187: checking whether the c++ linker 
(/usr/qnx650/host/qnx6/x86/usr/bin/ntox86-ld) supports shared libraries

configure:12085: result: no
configure:12106: c++ -c -O2 -l/usr/pkg/include -l/usr/pkg/include/mysql -
l/usr/include -l/usr/pkg/include -l/usr/pkg/
include/mysql -l/usr/include conftest.cpp >&5
PKGSRC-WARNING: Something is trying to run the c++ compiler,
PKGSRC-WARNING: but it is not added to USE_LANGUAGES in the package

Edit bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62020&edit=1
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.4):
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.3):
Try a snapshot (trunk):  
Fixed in SVN:
Fixed in SVN and need be documented: 
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:  
Need Reproduce Script:   
Try newer version:   
Not developer issue: 
Expected behavior:   
Not enough info: 
Submitted twice: 
PHP 4 support discontinued:  
Daylight Savings:https://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=62020&r=dst
IIS Stability:   
Install GNU Sed: 
Floating point limitations:  
No Zend Extensions:  
MySQL Configuration Error:   

Req #60302 [Com]: DateTime::createFromFormat should new static(), not new self()

2012-05-14 Thread s...@php.net
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=60302&edit=1

 ID: 60302
 Comment by: s...@php.net
 Reported by:kontakt at beberlei dot de
 Summary:DateTime::createFromFormat should new static(), not
 new self()
 Status: Assigned
 Type:   Feature/Change Request
 Package:Date/time related
 PHP Version:Irrelevant
 Assigned To:derick
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

I added this in my subclass. Works well as a workaround, but it would be nice 
to have it in code indeed.

public static function createFromFormat($a, $b, $c = null) 
$date = $c ? parent::createFromFormat($a, $b, $c) : 
parent::createFromFormat($a, $b);

return new static('@'.$date->format('U'), $date->getTimeZone());

Previous Comments:

[2011-11-14 21:51:54] der...@php.net

Had a quick look at this, but it wasn't as simple as I thought. Needs some more 

[2011-11-14 20:00:54] kontakt at beberlei dot de


I want to extend DateTime, but without DateTime::createFromFormat, actually 
creating instances from my class, i.e. "MyDateTime::createFromFormat" this is 
rather problematic.

Test script: