Bug #49532 [Com]: php5ts.dll access violation exception php5ts!_zend_mm_free_int

2011-03-16 Thread mdurovic at gmail dot com
Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=49532&edit=1

 ID: 49532
 Comment by: mdurovic at gmail dot com
 Reported by:matroy at investpsp dot ca
 Summary:php5ts.dll access violation exception 
 Status: Feedback
 Type:   Bug
 Package:*General Issues
 Operating System:   win32 only - Windows 2003 SP2
 PHP Version:5.2.11
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

It looks like httpd crashes after this error msg in the event viewer.

PHP Fatal error:  Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in
on line 71.

That is public function write($id, $data) from the code below:

_sess_db = mysql_connect('server:port',


'pw')) {

return mysql_select_db('db', $this->_sess_db);


return false;



 * Close the session

 * @return bool


public function close() {



return mysql_close($this->_sess_db);


return false;



 * Read the session

 * @param int session id

 * @return string string of the sessoin


public function read($id) {

$id = mysql_real_escape_string($id);

$sql = sprintf("SELECT data FROM sessions WHERE id = '%s'", 

if ($result = mysql_query($sql, $this->_sess_db))


if (mysql_num_rows($result))


$record = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);

//free mysql result


return $record['data'];



return '';



 * Write the session

 * @param int session id

 * @param string data of the session


public function write($id, $data) {

$sql = sprintf("REPLACE INTO sessions (id,data,timestamp,ip,url)
VALUES('%s', '%s', '%s','%s','%s')",






return mysql_query($sql, $this->_sess_db);



 * Destoroy the session

 * @param int session id

 * @return bool


public function destroy($id) {

$sql = sprintf("DELETE FROM sessions WHERE id = '%s'", $id);

return mysql_query($sql, $this->_sess_db);



 * Garbage Collector

 * @param int life time (sec.)

 * @return bool

 * @see session.gc_divisor  100

 * @see session.gc_maxlifetime 1440

 * @see session.gc_probability1

 * @usage execution rate 1/100



public function gc($max) {

$sql = sprintf("DELETE FROM sessions WHERE timestamp < '%s'",

mysql_real_escape_string(time() - $max));

return mysql_query($sql, $this->_sess_db);



//ini_set('session.gc_probability', 50);

ini_set('session.save_handler', 'user');

$session = new Session();

session_set_save_handler(array($session, 'open'),

array($session, 'close'),

array($session, 'read'),

array($session, 'write'),

array($session, 'destroy'),

array($session, 'gc'));



Bug #49532 [Com]: php5ts.dll access violation exception php5ts!_zend_mm_free_int

2011-03-10 Thread mdurovic at gmail dot com
Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=49532&edit=1

 ID: 49532
 Comment by: mdurovic at gmail dot com
 Reported by:matroy at investpsp dot ca
 Summary:php5ts.dll access violation exception 
 Status: Feedback
 Type:   Bug
 Package:*General Issues
 Operating System:   win32 only - Windows 2003 SP2
 PHP Version:5.2.11
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

I don't know if this helps but here some more info:


php5ts!_zend_mm_free_int+139 [Zend\zend_alloc.c @ 2019]

006ac699 395f0c  cmp dword ptr [edi+0Ch],ebx

EXCEPTION_RECORD:   -- (.exr 0x)

ExceptionAddress: 006ac699 (php5ts!_zend_mm_free_int+0x0139)

   ExceptionCode: c005 (Access violation)


NumberParameters: 2


   Parameter[1]: 000c

Attempt to read from address 000c

PROCESS_NAME:  httpd.exe

ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc005 - The instruction at "0x%08lx"
referenced memory at "0x%08lx". The memory could not be "%s".

EXCEPTION_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc005 - The instruction at "0x%08lx"
referenced memory at "0x%08lx". The memory could not be "%s".





php5ts!_zend_mm_free_int+139 [Zend\zend_alloc.c @ 2019]

006ac699 395f0c  cmp dword ptr [edi+0Ch],ebx






LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER:  from 006ad6c6 to 006ac699


05bafa38 006ad6c6 01997ba0 1008 00773a64
php5ts!_zend_mm_free_int+0x139 [Zend\zend_alloc.c @ 2019]

05bafa44 00773a64 05f9b1c8 019967d0 0089f395 php5ts!_efree+0x36
[Zend\zend_alloc.c @ 2351]

05bafa50 0089f395 0085a0a7 0001 0013 php5ts!closelog+0x54
[win32\wsyslog.c @ 71]

05bafa54 0085a0a7 0001 0013 019967d0
php5ts!zm_deactivate_syslog+0x5 [ext\standard\syslog.c @ 122]

05bafa80 006a851c 0001 0013 019967d0
php5ts!zm_deactivate_basic+0xe7 [ext\standard\basic_functions.c @ 3789]

05bafa90 00726b72 01063558 019967d0 05bafb08
php5ts!module_registry_cleanup+0x1c [Zend\zend_API.c @ 2150]

05bafaac 006a2732 00bff680 006a8500 019967d0
php5ts!zend_hash_reverse_apply+0x42 [Zend\zend_hash.c @ 758]

05bafad4 006a2718 05baffa8  56433230
php5ts!zend_deactivate_modules+0x62 [Zend\zend.c @ 866]

05bafaec 0073f49b 01a0da84 019967d0 0075d1fb
php5ts!zend_deactivate_modules+0x48 [Zend\zend.c @ 865]

05bafaf8 0075d1fb 01a0da84  05bafdd4 php5ts!zend_llist_clean+0xb
[Zend\zend_llist.c @ 125]

05bafb20 0075971d 05fab840 003c 019967d0
php5ts!php_deactivate_ticks+0x1b [main\php_ticks.c @ 31]

05bafb30 00756699 05fab840 003c 77bcac67 php5ts!php_body_write+0x1d
[main\output.c @ 118]

05bafb58 00756869 05bafe78 05bafddc 77bcac67
php5ts!php_body_write_wrapper+0x19 [main\main.c @ 1687]

05bafdd4 10003378  10002ff6 062a3fb8
php5ts!php_execute_script+0xa9 [main\main.c @ 2201]

05bafddc 10002ff6 062a3fb8 019967d0 0004
[sapi\apache2handler\sapi_apache2.c @ 508]

05bafee4 6ff020e1 062a3fb8 010112d8 062a3fb8
php5apache2_2!php_handler+0x646 [sapi\apache2handler\sapi_apache2.c @

WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be

05bafefc 6ff02470 062a3fb8 062a3fb8 062a3fb8

05baff14 6ff0eaee  062a2fd8 05baff3c

05baff24 6ff0a96c 062a3fb8  005bc0c8 libhttpd!ap_die+0x29e

05baff3c 6ff04d61 062a2fd8 062a2fd8 062a2fd8

05baff54 6ff05023 062a2fd8 0062f400 05baff84

05baff64 6ff1d81c 062a2fd8 01bbcda0 

05baff84 77bcb530 062a2fd0  

05baffb8 77e6482f 017dfbf0   msvcrt!_endthreadex+0xa3

05baffec  77bcb4bc 017dfbf0 


SYMBOL_NAME:  php5ts!_zend_mm_free_int+139

FOLLOWUP_NAME:  MachineOwner


IMAGE_NAME:  php5ts.dll


STACK_COMMAND:  ~255s; .ecxr ; kb




Bug #49532 [Com]: php5ts.dll access violation exception php5ts!_zend_mm_free_int

2011-03-10 Thread mdurovic at gmail dot com
Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=49532&edit=1

 ID: 49532
 Comment by: mdurovic at gmail dot com
 Reported by:matroy at investpsp dot ca
 Summary:php5ts.dll access violation exception 
 Status: Feedback
 Type:   Bug
 Package:*General Issues
 Operating System:   win32 only - Windows 2003 SP2
 PHP Version:5.2.11
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Maybe this will help:



Type of Analysis Performed   Crash Analysis 

Machine Name   P2134261 

Operating System   Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 

Number Of Processors   4 

Process ID   2316 

Process Image   C:\Program Files\Apache Software

System Up-Time   02:03:45 

Process Up-Time   00:10:58 

Thread 100 - System ID 3012

Entry point   msvcrt!endthreadex+2f 

Create time   3/10/2011 2:27:02 PM 

Time spent in user mode   0 Days 0:0:0.765 

Time spent in kernel mode   0 Days 0:0:0.109 

Function Arg 1 Arg 2 Arg 3   Source 

php5ts!_zend_mm_free_int+66 117f1028 15bb6a38 00773a64  
Zend\zend_alloc.c @ 2018 

php5ts!_efree+36 15bb6a48 117e7710 0089f395  
Zend\zend_alloc.c @ 2351 + b 

php5ts!closelog+54 0085a0a7 0001 0013  
win32\wsyslog.c @ 71 

php5ts!zm_deactivate_syslog+5 0001 0013 117e7710  
ext\standard\syslog.c @ 122 

php5ts!zm_deactivate_basic+e7 0001 0013 117e7710  
ext\standard\basic_functions.c @ 3789 

php5ts!module_registry_cleanup+1c 01063558 117e7710 0352faac
  Zend\zend_API.c @ 2150 + 11 

php5ts!zend_hash_reverse_apply+42 00bff680 006a8500 117e7710
  Zend\zend_hash.c @ 758 + 7 

php5ts!zend_deactivate_modules+62 0352ffa8  56433230
  Zend\zend.c @ 866 + 10 

php5ts!zend_deactivate_modules+48 0ab7b601  0005
  Zend\zend.c @ 865 + 38 

php5ts!php_end_ob_buffers+26 15bba878 0b80 117e7710  
main\output.c @ 333 + 9 

php5ts!zend_print_zval_ex+50 00756680    
Zend\zend.c @ 311 

php5ts!zend_print_zval+16 0005 15bb1bf0 0001  
Zend\zend.c @ 290 + 16 

php5ts!zend_print_variable+c 0352ffa8  56433230  
Zend\zend_variables.c @ 149 + c 

php5ts!php_request_shutdown+13d  10002ff6 0ab7b620  
main\main.c @ 1591 + 3a 

php5apache2_2!php_apache_request_dtor+8 0ab7b620 117e7710
0004   sapi\apache2handler\sapi_apache2.c @ 508 + 8 

php5apache2_2!php_handler+646 0ab7b620 010112d8 0ab7b620  
sapi\apache2handler\sapi_apache2.c @ 681 + 7 

libhttpd!ap_run_handler+21 0ab7b620 6fe7b881 0ab7b620

libhttpd!ap_invoke_handler+b0  6fe7b881 0352fee4   

libhttpd!ap_internal_redirect+37 0ab7b5f8 103c9040 0001 

mod_rewrite+74fb 103c9040 103c9040 103c9040

libhttpd!ap_run_handler+21 103c9040 103c9040 103c9040

libhttpd!ap_invoke_handler+b0 6fe7b870 0aad5b68 0352ff3c   

libhttpd!ap_die+29e 103c9040  005bc0c8

libhttpd!ap_get_request_note+1d0c 0aad5b68 0aad5b68 0aad5b68

libhttpd!ap_run_process_connection+21 0aad5b68 006304b0

libhttpd!ap_process_connection+33 0aad5b68 0aacab30 

libhttpd!ap_regkey_value_remove+c7c 0aad5b60 

msvcrt!endthreadex+a3 017dfa28  

kernel32!GetModuleHandleA+df 77bcb4bc 017dfa28 

the assembly instruction at php5ts!_zend_mm_free_int+66 in
C:\php\php5ts.dll from The PHP Group has caused an access violation
exception (0xC005) when trying to read from memory location
0x2b76d478 on thread 100

Module Information 

Image Name: C:\php\php5ts.dll   Symbol Type:  PDB 

Base address: 0x006a   Time Stamp:  Thu Jan 06 12:51:58 2011  

Checksum: 0x   Comments:   

COM DLL: False   Company Name:  The PHP Group 

ISAPIExtension: False   File Description:  PHP Script Interpreter 

ISAPIFilter: False   File Version:  5.3.5 

Managed DLL: False   Internal Name:  PHP Script Interpreter 

VB DLL: False   Legal Copyright:  Copyright © 1997-2010 The PHP Group 

Loaded Image Name:  php5ts.dll   Legal Trademarks:  PHP 

Mapped Image Name:  C:\php\php5ts.dll   Original filename:  php5ts.dll 

Module name:  php5ts   Private Build:   

Single Threaded:  False   Product Name:  PHP 

Module Size:  5.57 MBytes   Product Version:  5.3.5 

Symbol File Name:  C:\Documents and Settings\mdurovic\My

Bug #49532 [Com]: php5ts.dll access violation exception php5ts!_zend_mm_free_int

2011-03-10 Thread mdurovic at gmail dot com
Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=49532&edit=1

 ID: 49532
 Comment by: mdurovic at gmail dot com
 Reported by:matroy at investpsp dot ca
 Summary:php5ts.dll access violation exception 
 Status: Feedback
 Type:   Bug
 Package:*General Issues
 Operating System:   win32 only - Windows 2003 SP2
 PHP Version:5.2.11
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Same thing with php 5.3.5

In httpd__PID__2316__Date__03_10_2011__Time_02_37_59PM__375__First
chance exception 0XC005.dmp the assembly instruction at
php5ts!_zend_mm_free_int+66 in C:\php\php5ts.dll from The PHP Group has
caused an access violation exception (0xC005) when trying to read
from memory location 0x2b76d478 on thread 100


In httpd__PID__2984__Date__03_10_2011__Time_02_26_53PM__375__First
chance exception 0XC005.dmp the assembly instruction at
php5ts!_zend_mm_free_int+66 in C:\php\php5ts.dll from The PHP Group has
caused an access violation exception (0xC005) when trying to read
from memory location 0x on thread 134

Previous Comments:

[2011-03-08 22:43:35] paj...@php.net

Please try using this snapshot:

For Windows:


5.3.6RC2 works too.

[2011-03-08 21:49:49] mdurovic at gmail dot com

Same issue it happens around 3-5 times a day apache crashes and
recycles. I have around 30K page views per day and I can't pin down what
causes the error. Any help would be greatly appreciated.  

PHP: 5.2.17

Appache: 5.2.17

OS: Windows 2003 SP2








the assembly instruction at php5ts!_zend_mm_free_int+66 in
C:\php\php5ts.dll from The PHP Group has caused an access violation
exception (0xC005) when trying to read from memory location
0x on thread 148

[2011-01-11 14:05:49] eb at upcl dot univ-lyon1 dot fr

I modify my php.ini file for it expresses error messages. PHP, on
loading, claimed beeing unable to load a few modules though available in
the appropriate directory; commenting out the loading of these modules
in the php file fixed the problem.

These modules were 

; extension=php_oci8.dll

; extension=php_oci8_11g.dll

; extension=php_pdo_oci.dll

; extension=php_sybase_ct.dll

[2011-01-11 10:52:44] eb at upcl dot univ-lyon1 dot fr

Well, actually, adding a line such as "LoadModule php5_module
"C:/HD3/apache_php_mysql/software/php/php5apache2_2.dll" in the
configuration file of the apache server is enough to lead it failing to
start and issuing a "Application défaillante httpd.exe, version, module défaillant php5ts.dll, version, adresse de
défaillance 0x000e890c." in the windows log file. As I told you, this
occurs ONLY after the system has rebooted. Right after the installation,
all works well.

[2011-01-11 09:55:39] paj...@php.net

@eb at upcl dot univ-lyon1 dot fr

Many things can cause this error message.

We still need a way to reproduce it, a small script.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=49532&edit=1

Bug #49532 [Com]: php5ts.dll access violation exception php5ts!_zend_mm_free_int

2011-03-08 Thread mdurovic at gmail dot com
Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=49532&edit=1

 ID: 49532
 Comment by: mdurovic at gmail dot com
 Reported by:matroy at investpsp dot ca
 Summary:php5ts.dll access violation exception 
 Status: Feedback
 Type:   Bug
 Package:*General Issues
 Operating System:   win32 only - Windows 2003 SP2
 PHP Version:5.2.11
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Same issue it happens around 3-5 times a day apache crashes and
recycles. I have around 30K page views per day and I can't pin down what
causes the error. Any help would be greatly appreciated.  

PHP: 5.2.17

Appache: 5.2.17

OS: Windows 2003 SP2








the assembly instruction at php5ts!_zend_mm_free_int+66 in
C:\php\php5ts.dll from The PHP Group has caused an access violation
exception (0xC005) when trying to read from memory location
0x on thread 148

Previous Comments:

[2011-01-11 14:05:49] eb at upcl dot univ-lyon1 dot fr

I modify my php.ini file for it expresses error messages. PHP, on
loading, claimed beeing unable to load a few modules though available in
the appropriate directory; commenting out the loading of these modules
in the php file fixed the problem.

These modules were 

; extension=php_oci8.dll

; extension=php_oci8_11g.dll

; extension=php_pdo_oci.dll

; extension=php_sybase_ct.dll

[2011-01-11 10:52:44] eb at upcl dot univ-lyon1 dot fr

Well, actually, adding a line such as "LoadModule php5_module
"C:/HD3/apache_php_mysql/software/php/php5apache2_2.dll" in the
configuration file of the apache server is enough to lead it failing to
start and issuing a "Application défaillante httpd.exe, version, module défaillant php5ts.dll, version, adresse de
défaillance 0x000e890c." in the windows log file. As I told you, this
occurs ONLY after the system has rebooted. Right after the installation,
all works well.

[2011-01-11 09:55:39] paj...@php.net

@eb at upcl dot univ-lyon1 dot fr

Many things can cause this error message.

We still need a way to reproduce it, a small script.

[2011-01-11 09:29:09] eb at upcl dot univ-lyon1 dot fr


I am experiencing quite the same situation though i'm running Apache 2.2
under windows xp sp3. PHP version is 5.3.5.

The weird part of all this is that, right after the installation of PHP,
it works fine (no bug), the PHP module interpreting quite well php code.
But after rebooting, the apache server fails starting when loading the
php module (php5apache2_2.dll) claiming an "application error" due to
php5ts.dll module. I installed and uninstalled it twice and each time
the same prolem occurred the same way. 

HTTP: Apache


Windows : XP SP3

[2009-09-20 01:00:01] php-bugs at lists dot php dot net

No feedback was provided for this bug for over a week, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=49532&edit=1