#19219 [Opn]: Cannot build with-informix for Apache DSO

2002-11-06 Thread jerrysmith
 ID:   19219
 User updated by:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Informix related
 Operating System: HPUX 11.0
 PHP Version:  4.2.2
 New Comment:

IMHO this problem is related to the make file that is included with the
PHP that builds the module.  This make file is including (erroneously)
a static library.  Yes if I run the build WITHOUT informix the PHP
module works and the Apache can render the test page.  I have been
using the esql on HPUX for a few years now to write esql-C dynamically
generated webpages..see www.cosworthvega.com

Previous Comments:

[2002-11-06 03:31:08] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"this really is not PHP bug but libtool one."

I don't know if it's a libtool bug or a bug within the IfxCSDK, but
imho it's defenitly no bug within PHP, so I would close this bug.

It could be an user error, too, because installing PHP with Ifx is
tricky. We had to install two different IfxCSDK, to get it work.


[2002-11-06 03:23:54] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am not sure if I can offer help, but since I installed INFORMIX IDS
on a HPUX once and I have a running PHP-INFORMIX enviroment on a
standard INTEL server (Primergy I think).

You say:
"NOTE:  As stated before, if I build a php without the informix module,
all works as it should.

If I build the informix configuration, the build completed, but with
the following warnings:"

To get this straight:

"lib/esql -lixgls -lnsl_s -lV3 -lcl -lsec"

has something to do with "Global Language Support" something I only
encountered with INFORMIX (perhaps I am wrong), in this case a GLS
parameter (-lixgls) for ESQL

Doesn't it make sense that "-lV3" is something within ESQL, too?

So this problem could exist in your IfxCSDK. 

Which version do you use?

I suppose it was released for HPUX 11.0?

Best regards,

[2002-09-28 00:18:04] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

FWIW...There are tons on references on comp.sys.hpux regarding "thread
local storage". The all basically state that one must statically
include the libcl.2 in the a.out.  I must assume here that in our case
here, a.out is lib4php.sl.  However, I know very little about Make and
makefiles.  I dont have a clue as to what to edit to make this happen.

[2002-09-26 23:43:04] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

HELP!  I'm dying here.  If I don't get this running I may loose a
consulting contract!  Whats the process to get a developer to take a
look here?

[2002-09-09 19:50:31] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


...here is the contents of the ext dir of PHP for Informix

[hpserv02] ls
.deps   Makefileifx.c   ifx.lo  libs.mk
.libs   Makefile.in ifx.dsp libinformix.la 
CREDITS config.m4   ifx.ec  libphpifx.a
..the .lib DIR contains..
[hpserv02] ls -al .libs
-rw-rw-rw-   1 root   sys 321104 Sep  9 19:55
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root   sys 17 Sep  9 19:55
libinformix.la -> ../libinformix.la


[hpserv02] ls /usr/informix/lib
esql   iasft07b.sllibixasf.a libtasf.a  netstub.a  
iasfs07a.sllibasf.a   libixasf.sllibtasf.sl sqlexec
iasfs07b.sllibasf.sl  libnetstub.sl  netlib.a   sqlexec.old
[hpserv02] ls /usr/informix/lib/esql
checkapi.oigl4a303.sl   isqlt07a.sl   libgls.a  libixgen.sl  
libixos.a libos.sl  libtos.a
esqlc iglxa303.sl   isxas07a.sl   libglx.a  libixgls.a   
libixos.sllibsql.a  libtos.sl
esqlmfiosls07a.sl   ixacursor.o   libinfxxa.a   libixgls.sl  
libixsql.alibsql.sl libtsql.a
igens07a.sl   ioslt07a.sl   libgen.a  libinfxxa.sl  libixglx.a   
libixsql.sl   libtgen.a libtsql.sl
igent07a.sl   isqls07a.sl   libgen.sl libixgen.alibixglx.sl  
libos.a   libtgen.sl

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=19219&edit=1

#19219 [Opn]: Cannot build with-informix for Apache DSO

2002-09-27 Thread jerrysmith

 ID:   19219
 User updated by:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Informix related
 Operating System: HPUX 11.0
 PHP Version:  4.2.2
 New Comment:

FWIW...There are tons on references on comp.sys.hpux regarding "thread
local storage". The all basically state that one must statically
include the libcl.2 in the a.out.  I must assume here that in our case
here, a.out is lib4php.sl.  However, I know very little about Make and
makefiles.  I dont have a clue as to what to edit to make this happen.

Previous Comments:

[2002-09-26 23:43:04] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

HELP!  I'm dying here.  If I don't get this running I may loose a
consulting contract!  Whats the process to get a developer to take a
look here?

[2002-09-09 19:50:31] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


...here is the contents of the ext dir of PHP for Informix

[hpserv02] ls
.deps   Makefileifx.c   ifx.lo  libs.mk
.libs   Makefile.in ifx.dsp libinformix.la 
CREDITS config.m4   ifx.ec  libphpifx.a
..the .lib DIR contains..
[hpserv02] ls -al .libs
-rw-rw-rw-   1 root   sys 321104 Sep  9 19:55
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root   sys 17 Sep  9 19:55
libinformix.la -> ../libinformix.la


[hpserv02] ls /usr/informix/lib
esql   iasft07b.sllibixasf.a libtasf.a  netstub.a  
iasfs07a.sllibasf.a   libixasf.sllibtasf.sl sqlexec
iasfs07b.sllibasf.sl  libnetstub.sl  netlib.a   sqlexec.old
[hpserv02] ls /usr/informix/lib/esql
checkapi.oigl4a303.sl   isqlt07a.sl   libgls.a  libixgen.sl  
libixos.a libos.sl  libtos.a
esqlc iglxa303.sl   isxas07a.sl   libglx.a  libixgls.a   
libixos.sllibsql.a  libtos.sl
esqlmfiosls07a.sl   ixacursor.o   libinfxxa.a   libixgls.sl  
libixsql.alibsql.sl libtsql.a
igens07a.sl   ioslt07a.sl   libgen.a  libinfxxa.sl  libixglx.a   
libixsql.sl   libtgen.a libtsql.sl
igent07a.sl   isqls07a.sl   libgen.sl libixgen.alibixglx.sl  
libos.a   libtgen.sl

[2002-09-04 19:40:23] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think libtool sucks. And I'm out of ideas.

[2002-09-04 17:37:33] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No such luck.  The standard build with:
./configure --with-apxs=/usr/informix/apache/bin/apxs --with-mysql=no

Resulted in
*** Warning: This library needs some functionality provided by
-lcrypt*** I have the capability to make that.

*** Warning: libtool could not satisfy all declared inter-library***
dependencies of module libphp4.  Therefore, libtool will create *** a
static module, that should work as long as the dlopening ***
application is linked with the -dlopen flag.

Installing PHP SAPI module
apxs:Error: file libs/libphp4.sl is not a DSO
*** Error exit code 1

the libs directory contained two libraries...

libphp4.a   libphp4.la

I copied them to the apache modules dir and updated
the httpd.conf to include themwhen starting get the
[hpserv02] ./apachectl start
/usr/lib/dld.sl: Bad magic number for shared library:
/usr/lib/dld.sl: Exec format error
Syntax error on line 236 of /usr/local/apache/etc/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /usr/local/apache/lib/modules/libphp4.la into server: Exec
format error
./apachectl start: httpd could not be started


Since I cannot rebuild the Apache, I must have an Informix make file
that includes the proper shared library.  This seems to me to be the
simplest solution..(and use the 4.2.2 source for the build)  What do
you think?


[2002-09-04 13:22:33] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Did the snapshot work (ie. compile correct file) without informix

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=19219&edit=1

#19219 [Opn]: Cannot build with-informix for Apache DSO

2002-09-26 Thread jerrysmith

 ID:   19219
 User updated by:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Informix related
 Operating System: HPUX 11.0
 PHP Version:  4.2.2
 New Comment:

HELP!  I'm dying here.  If I don't get this running I may loose a
consulting contract!  Whats the process to get a developer to take a
look here?

Previous Comments:

[2002-09-09 19:50:31] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


...here is the contents of the ext dir of PHP for Informix

[hpserv02] ls
.deps   Makefileifx.c   ifx.lo  libs.mk
.libs   Makefile.in ifx.dsp libinformix.la 
CREDITS config.m4   ifx.ec  libphpifx.a
..the .lib DIR contains..
[hpserv02] ls -al .libs
-rw-rw-rw-   1 root   sys 321104 Sep  9 19:55
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root   sys 17 Sep  9 19:55
libinformix.la -> ../libinformix.la


[hpserv02] ls /usr/informix/lib
esql   iasft07b.sllibixasf.a libtasf.a  netstub.a  
iasfs07a.sllibasf.a   libixasf.sllibtasf.sl sqlexec
iasfs07b.sllibasf.sl  libnetstub.sl  netlib.a   sqlexec.old
[hpserv02] ls /usr/informix/lib/esql
checkapi.oigl4a303.sl   isqlt07a.sl   libgls.a  libixgen.sl  
libixos.a libos.sl  libtos.a
esqlc iglxa303.sl   isxas07a.sl   libglx.a  libixgls.a   
libixos.sllibsql.a  libtos.sl
esqlmfiosls07a.sl   ixacursor.o   libinfxxa.a   libixgls.sl  
libixsql.alibsql.sl libtsql.a
igens07a.sl   ioslt07a.sl   libgen.a  libinfxxa.sl  libixglx.a   
libixsql.sl   libtgen.a libtsql.sl
igent07a.sl   isqls07a.sl   libgen.sl libixgen.alibixglx.sl  
libos.a   libtgen.sl

[2002-09-04 19:40:23] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think libtool sucks. And I'm out of ideas.

[2002-09-04 17:37:33] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No such luck.  The standard build with:
./configure --with-apxs=/usr/informix/apache/bin/apxs --with-mysql=no

Resulted in
*** Warning: This library needs some functionality provided by
-lcrypt*** I have the capability to make that.

*** Warning: libtool could not satisfy all declared inter-library***
dependencies of module libphp4.  Therefore, libtool will create *** a
static module, that should work as long as the dlopening ***
application is linked with the -dlopen flag.

Installing PHP SAPI module
apxs:Error: file libs/libphp4.sl is not a DSO
*** Error exit code 1

the libs directory contained two libraries...

libphp4.a   libphp4.la

I copied them to the apache modules dir and updated
the httpd.conf to include themwhen starting get the
[hpserv02] ./apachectl start
/usr/lib/dld.sl: Bad magic number for shared library:
/usr/lib/dld.sl: Exec format error
Syntax error on line 236 of /usr/local/apache/etc/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /usr/local/apache/lib/modules/libphp4.la into server: Exec
format error
./apachectl start: httpd could not be started


Since I cannot rebuild the Apache, I must have an Informix make file
that includes the proper shared library.  This seems to me to be the
simplest solution..(and use the 4.2.2 source for the build)  What do
you think?


[2002-09-04 13:22:33] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Did the snapshot work (ie. compile correct file) without informix

[2002-09-04 13:08:59] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It did not build a libphp4.sl, but a libphp4.lc  whatever that is.  I
tried copying it and still got the exec error.

Since I can successfully build and run a PHP moduled for the Apache
WITHOUT the Informix, I believe that the portion of the makefile simply
needs to be modified to use the correct "shared" version of the
libraries needed.

Thanks for your help

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=19219&edit=1