#26635 [Opn]: imagettfbbox() & imagettftext() fontfile does not allow relative path

2003-12-28 Thread choinet at rocketmail dot com
 ID:   26635
 User updated by:  choinet at rocketmail dot com
 Reported By:  choinet at rocketmail dot com
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: GD related
 Operating System: Windows XP
 PHP Version:  4CVS-2003-12-28
 New Comment:

eh, that hyperlink should be without the comma

Previous Comments:

[2003-12-28 18:25:22] choinet at rocketmail dot com

What am I doing wrong, then? Here's a screenshot at
http://icandy.sourceforge.net/phperror.gif, showing the script and font
file in c:\htdocs and c:\htdocs\test directory, respectively, as well
as the source code and the instance of the problem.

The warning was generated on Windows XP and Apache2 using the latest
STABLE CVS (I also checked 4.3.4, latest 5.x CVS, and 5.0.0 beta 3)

[2003-12-28 14:24:51] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have tried path with spaces in them on Windows XP and they work

[2003-12-26 01:34:05] choinet at rocketmail dot com

When I read the previous response, I was almost completely baffled. I
see two confirmations that the bug has been fixed, yet here I am at my
computer with clean installs of the various PHP4,PHP4 CVS, PHP5 beta 3,
and PHP5 CVS, and still have the problem. I even went to my other
computer running Windows XP/Apache2/PHP to verify that I wasn't
encountering an isolated problem. Still, I found it quite odd that the
bug was fixed by the developers and that the bug was unreplicable.

Then I remembered having to place NetPBM binaries in a directory like
"c:\netpbm" without any spaces in the pathname in order for a
php-powered gallery application to recognize them. I decided to try the
same thing with the Apache DocumentRoot directive and set it to the
location of a copy of the test script, "C:/htdocs", instead of the
usual "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs". After restarting
the server, the pathnames worked fine just like Iliaa described.

So, I found that the culprit (spaces in the pathname) affected not only
the absolute pathnames but the relative ones as well. For the absolute
pathnames, if they contain spaces, the same error in opening the font
will occur. This can only be remedied by using the MS-DOS 8.3
convention, e.g. "C:/Progra~1/Apache~1/Apache2/htdocs/arial.ttf" as
aforementioned. However, there is no such alternative for Linux
pathnames with spaces in them. Furthermore, concerning relative
pathnames, which much of the responses have been centered around: the
fonts work as intended when called as 'arial', 'arial.ttf', and so on
only if the directory containing them has no spaces in its pathname.
I'm not sure why the naming format of the parent directories affects
the relative pathname, but it somehow does. That is why the two gd
functions work only when the font file is located in a pathname without
spaces (c:\htdocs) and does not for the other (c:\Program Files\Apache
Group\Apache2\htdocs). So, I think that the problem of spaces is
affecting all of the other remaining issues.

I am assuming that the developers reported no problems on the Windows
setup because the http document root's or the fontfile's pathname had
no spaces. The thing is, the Apache webserver installs by default at
"c:\Program Files\Apache Group", so the DocumentRoot will still
generate this error.

Sorry for making this report seem long and drawn out, but the problem
has finally been pinpointed after much obfuscation, and I am wondering
if the outstanding issues can be fixed.

[2003-12-25 13:56:59] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for your bug report. This issue has already been fixed
in the latest released version of PHP, which you can download at 

Neither Jani (sniper) nor I could replicate the bug on 
Win32 or Linux. The font checking code works with full 
paths, font name (without extension) and font name with 

[2003-12-24 15:59:49] choinet at rocketmail dot com

sniper states that the bug has been fixed and such changes should be
reflected within the STABLE CVS in due time. However, there must have
been a mistake in the determination of the status. If he/she is
referring to the initial fix that has been made by iliaa, I am still
reporting problems with that, for I am sure that such changes have been
reflected in the latest snapshot, and it has been a little over a week
now since word of the fix. This seems to be the case, as there, indeed,
has been a change in the CVS to accomodate relative pathnames.

However, the fix is still incomplete, as one may not directly list the
complete relative pathname of the fontfile, only 'filename' (instead of
'filename.ext'). This is a problem if the filename does

#26635 [Opn]: imagettfbbox() & imagettftext() fontfile does not allow relative path

2003-12-18 Thread choinet at rocketmail dot com
 ID:   26635
 User updated by:  choinet at rocketmail dot com
 Reported By:  choinet at rocketmail dot com
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: GD related
 Operating System: Windows XP
 PHP Version:  4CVS-2003-12-18
 New Comment:

Just want to add that I am using the PHP 4.3.5-DEV (Built On: Dec 18,
2003 21:30 GMT), and that the PHP installation is clean (php4ts.dll,
php.ini are from the latest CVS).

Previous Comments:

[2003-12-18 19:55:35] choinet at rocketmail dot com

I am now using the latest STABLE CVS, and I still encounter problems
with using the full filename 'arial.ttf' in place of 'arial'. I do
believe that this is a bug, because PHP 4.3.4 seems to accept either
format on a Linux installation.

The naming convention issue is still lingering for the STABLE CVS
version, although I am not sure whether or not that is a PHP issue or
one that is related to the filesystem, for the same problem occurs on
Linux when the absolute path has spaces in it.

[2003-12-18 17:52:59] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Using latest STABLE CVS (PHP 4.3.5-dev) this works just fine.
You should cleanup your machine out of all existing php related files,
e.g. php4ts.dll and get the latest snapshot.

[2003-12-17 17:56:28] choinet at rocketmail dot com

I just checked using PHP5 CVS (Built On: Dec 17, 2003 19:30 GMT), and
relative paths ('./arial' and 'arial') do work, but only without the
'.ttf' file extension. For example, 'arial.ttf' as the fontfile
argument does not work.

Absolute paths to the fontfile still do not work, neither in the MS-DOS
naming convention ('C:\Progra~1\Apache~1\Apache2\htdocs\arial.ttf') nor
in the general way ('C:\Program Files\Apache

[2003-12-17 11:16:21] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

if arial.ttf is inside C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs it
will try to open it.

[2003-12-16 23:50:39] choinet at rocketmail dot com

er wait, I get
C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs
(without the trailing backslash)

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=26635&edit=1

#26635 [Opn]: imagettfbbox() & imagettftext() fontfile does not allow relative path

2003-12-16 Thread choinet at rocketmail dot com
 ID:   26635
 User updated by:  choinet at rocketmail dot com
 Reported By:  choinet at rocketmail dot com
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: *Graphics related
 Operating System: Windows XP
 PHP Version:  4.3.4
 New Comment:

er wait, I get
C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs
(without the trailing backslash)

Previous Comments:

[2003-12-16 23:49:41] choinet at rocketmail dot com

I get
C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\

[2003-12-16 18:37:27] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

if you add echo getcwd(); to your script, what directory does it show?

[2003-12-16 16:49:08] choinet at rocketmail dot com

After checking, I determined that the problem with opening the fontfile
in the PHP 5 CVS version of imagettftext() occurs on both Apache 1 and
2 (both sapi modules).

[2003-12-16 16:25:42] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Are you using php as CGI?

[2003-12-16 16:17:45] choinet at rocketmail dot com

I just downloaded both the PHP 5 CVS (Built On: Dec 16, 2003 19:30 GMT)
and the Stable 4.3 (Built On: Dec 16, 2003 17:30 GMT) from
snaps.php.net, and neither one seems to have fixed the problem. Now,
imagettftext and imagettfbbox don't seem to accept even the absolute
pathname to the fontfile.

I did use the php4apache2.dll from the beta 2 release of PHP 5 for the
CVS version, since the CVS version was missing it.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=26635&edit=1

#26635 [Opn]: imagettfbbox() & imagettftext() fontfile does not allow relative path

2003-12-15 Thread choinet at rocketmail dot com
 ID:   26635
 User updated by:  choinet at rocketmail dot com
 Reported By:  choinet at rocketmail dot com
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: *Graphics related
 Operating System: Windows XP
 PHP Version:  4.3.4
 New Comment:

Eh, actually, I should add that in the summertime, I must have used the
path c:\Apache\htdocs\arial.tff for the fontfile, so that is why it
worked before in the summertime.

Previous Comments:

[2003-12-15 13:22:43] choinet at rocketmail dot com


array imagettfbbox ( int size, int angle, string fontfile, string

This is the prototype for the imagettfbbox() function, and the fontfile
argument is the same for the imagettftext() function. On Windows, there
is a problem with using relative paths to the fontfile. Full absolute
pathname must be used.

On Linux systems, however, both absolute and relative pathnames to the
fontfile are allowed.

In addition, the absolute pathname to the fontfile must have no spaces
in it, and pathnames that do have spaces must use the DOS naming
convention (e.g. C:\Progra~1\Apache~1\apache2\arial.ttf). This can
become quite annoying.

So in summary, the imagettfbbox() and imagettftext() do not allow
relative paths to the fontfile, and do not allow spaces in the paths,
either, on Windows. I did not have this problem before in the
summertime when I used an earlier release of PHP 4.

Reproduce code:

the arial true-type font file is in the same directory as text.php.

Expected result:

I expect to see a white image with the blue text saying 'test.'

Actual result:
Warning: imagettftext(): Could not find/open font in C:\Program
Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\text.php on line 5

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=26635&edit=1