#44639 [Opn]: PDO quotes integers in prepared statement

2009-11-19 Thread jani
 ID:   44639
 Updated by:   j...@php.net
 Reported By:  jgauld at blueyonder dot co dot uk
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: PDO related
 Operating System: All
-PHP Version:  Any > 5.1.x
+PHP Version:  5.*
 New Comment:

Fixed invalid version. Please don't invent your own strings there. It
needs to start always with the major version number..

Previous Comments:

[2009-10-25 19:29:28] mailmichael at yahoo dot com

Ran into same issue.  Relatively new to php and mysql.  

It seems PDOStatement wants to bind values as strings, even overriding
the explicit data type!  It seems the safest way to use PDOStatements
with integers is to use bindValue, intval() for value and PDO::PARAM_INT
for explicit data type: 

$pdoStmt->bindValue(':limit', intval($limit_value), PDO::PARAM_INT);  

Here is my test code: 

$pdoStmt = $pdoh->prepare('SELECT 1 LIMIT :limit'); 
$pdoStmt->execute(Array(':limit' => 0)); 
$pdoStmt->bindValue(':limit', 0); 
$pdoStmt->bindValue(':limit', '0', PDO::PARAM_INT); 

( ! ) Warning: PDOStatement::execute() [pdostatement.execute]:
SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an
error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your
MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''0'' at line 1 in
pdotest.php on line 6

( ! ) Warning: PDOStatement::execute() [pdostatement.execute]:
SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an
error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your
MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''0'' at line 1 in
pdotest.php on line 8

( ! ) Warning: PDOStatement::execute() [pdostatement.execute]:
SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an
error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your
MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''0'' at line 1 in
pdotest.php on line 10

[2009-09-24 09:03:55] u...@php.net

Related reports: http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=49651 ,

[2009-09-22 21:18:23] sjo...@php.net

The third parameter to bindValue defaults to PDO::PARAM_STR. This is
different than the original bug reporter said, so it must be changed in
the meantime. Because the datatype is PDO::PARAM_STR, the int is cast to
a string and quoted.

It would make sense to use the PHP type to determine the most logical
PDO::PARAM_* type. See also bug #44597, which is essentially the same
problem but with booleans and execute() instead of bindValue().

[2009-08-17 17:38:15] j...@php.net

But you didn't bother updating the version field. Done now..

[2009-07-21 00:30:49] whistl0r+php at googlemail dot com


this bug is still present in the current PHP version.
Tested with PHP 5.2.10 stable and snapshot on Windows.

MySQL client api: 5.1.35

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=44639&edit=1

#44639 [Opn]: PDO quotes integers in prepared statement

2009-09-24 Thread uw
 ID:   44639
 Updated by:   u...@php.net
 Reported By:  jgauld at blueyonder dot co dot uk
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: PDO related
-Operating System: WinXP
+Operating System: All
-PHP Version:  5.2.10
+PHP Version:  Any > 5.1.x
 New Comment:

Related reports: http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=49651 ,

Previous Comments:

[2009-09-22 21:18:23] sjo...@php.net

The third parameter to bindValue defaults to PDO::PARAM_STR. This is
different than the original bug reporter said, so it must be changed in
the meantime. Because the datatype is PDO::PARAM_STR, the int is cast to
a string and quoted.

It would make sense to use the PHP type to determine the most logical
PDO::PARAM_* type. See also bug #44597, which is essentially the same
problem but with booleans and execute() instead of bindValue().

[2009-08-17 17:38:15] j...@php.net

But you didn't bother updating the version field. Done now..

[2009-07-21 00:30:49] whistl0r+php at googlemail dot com


this bug is still present in the current PHP version.
Tested with PHP 5.2.10 stable and snapshot on Windows.

MySQL client api: 5.1.35

[2008-10-21 11:59:03] jgauld at blueyonder dot co dot uk

Tried windows snapshot as suggested (5.2.7RC2-dev), but no joy. Result
is same, ie:

select * from my_table where id>'13'

If it helps, phpinfo() reports:

PDO Driver for MySQL, client library version5.0.51a

[2008-07-03 15:17:35] u...@php.net

This is not a driver issue. Its the PDO SQL driver messing up SQL

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=44639&edit=1

#44639 [Opn]: PDO quotes integers in prepared statement

2009-09-22 Thread sjoerd
 ID:   44639
 Updated by:   sjo...@php.net
 Reported By:  jgauld at blueyonder dot co dot uk
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: PDO related
 Operating System: WinXP
 PHP Version:  5.2.10
 New Comment:

The third parameter to bindValue defaults to PDO::PARAM_STR. This is
different than the original bug reporter said, so it must be changed in
the meantime. Because the datatype is PDO::PARAM_STR, the int is cast to
a string and quoted.

It would make sense to use the PHP type to determine the most logical
PDO::PARAM_* type. See also bug #44597, which is essentially the same
problem but with booleans and execute() instead of bindValue().

Previous Comments:

[2009-08-17 17:38:15] j...@php.net

But you didn't bother updating the version field. Done now..

[2009-07-21 00:30:49] whistl0r+php at googlemail dot com


this bug is still present in the current PHP version.
Tested with PHP 5.2.10 stable and snapshot on Windows.

MySQL client api: 5.1.35

[2008-10-21 11:59:03] jgauld at blueyonder dot co dot uk

Tried windows snapshot as suggested (5.2.7RC2-dev), but no joy. Result
is same, ie:

select * from my_table where id>'13'

If it helps, phpinfo() reports:

PDO Driver for MySQL, client library version5.0.51a

[2008-07-03 15:17:35] u...@php.net

This is not a driver issue. Its the PDO SQL driver messing up SQL

[2008-06-12 13:42:35] dobamail at gmail dot com

The code:
$stmt   = $db->prepare('
SELECT  id, hu_name, ord
ORDER BY ord DESC, hu_name
LIMIT   :offset, :limit
$stmt->bindValue(':offset', ($offset*$limit));
$stmt->bindValue(':limit',  $limit);
It is work on:
- PHP Version 5.2.0-8+etch11;
- PDO Driver for MySQL, client library version 5.0.32
- MySQL version: 5.0.32-Debian_7etch5-log
Not work on:
- PHP Version 5.2.3-1ubuntu6.3
- PDO Driver for MySQL, client library version 5.0.45
- 5.0.45-Debian_1ubuntu3.3

I hope this help you.
Best regards.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=44639&edit=1

#44639 [Opn]: PDO quotes integers in prepared statement

2009-08-17 Thread jani
 ID:   44639
 Updated by:   j...@php.net
 Reported By:  jgauld at blueyonder dot co dot uk
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: PDO related
 Operating System: WinXP
-PHP Version:  5.2.5
+PHP Version:  5.2.10
 New Comment:

But you didn't bother updating the version field. Done now..

Previous Comments:

[2009-07-21 00:30:49] whistl0r+php at googlemail dot com


this bug is still present in the current PHP version.
Tested with PHP 5.2.10 stable and snapshot on Windows.

MySQL client api: 5.1.35

[2008-10-21 11:59:03] jgauld at blueyonder dot co dot uk

Tried windows snapshot as suggested (5.2.7RC2-dev), but no joy. Result
is same, ie:

select * from my_table where id>'13'

If it helps, phpinfo() reports:

PDO Driver for MySQL, client library version5.0.51a

[2008-10-21 11:27:05] j...@php.net

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:


[2008-07-03 15:17:35] u...@php.net

This is not a driver issue. Its the PDO SQL driver messing up SQL

[2008-06-12 13:42:35] dobamail at gmail dot com

The code:
$stmt   = $db->prepare('
SELECT  id, hu_name, ord
ORDER BY ord DESC, hu_name
LIMIT   :offset, :limit
$stmt->bindValue(':offset', ($offset*$limit));
$stmt->bindValue(':limit',  $limit);
It is work on:
- PHP Version 5.2.0-8+etch11;
- PDO Driver for MySQL, client library version 5.0.32
- MySQL version: 5.0.32-Debian_7etch5-log
Not work on:
- PHP Version 5.2.3-1ubuntu6.3
- PDO Driver for MySQL, client library version 5.0.45
- 5.0.45-Debian_1ubuntu3.3

I hope this help you.
Best regards.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=44639&edit=1

#44639 [Opn]: PDO quotes integers in prepared statement

2008-07-03 Thread uw
 ID:   44639
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  jgauld at blueyonder dot co dot uk
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: PDO related
 Operating System: WinXP
 PHP Version:  5.2.5
 New Comment:

This is not a driver issue. Its the PDO SQL driver messing up SQL

Previous Comments:

[2008-06-12 13:42:35] dobamail at gmail dot com

The code:
$stmt   = $db->prepare('
SELECT  id, hu_name, ord
ORDER BY ord DESC, hu_name
LIMIT   :offset, :limit
$stmt->bindValue(':offset', ($offset*$limit));
$stmt->bindValue(':limit',  $limit);
It is work on:
- PHP Version 5.2.0-8+etch11;
- PDO Driver for MySQL, client library version 5.0.32
- MySQL version: 5.0.32-Debian_7etch5-log
Not work on:
- PHP Version 5.2.3-1ubuntu6.3
- PDO Driver for MySQL, client library version 5.0.45
- 5.0.45-Debian_1ubuntu3.3

I hope this help you.
Best regards.

[2008-04-04 15:16:33] jgauld at blueyonder dot co dot uk


When executing a prepared statement with bound values, any integer
types are seemingly treated as strings and quoted in the final SQL
statement (SQL statements taken from MySQL server log).

I realise I've not used the 'data_type' parameter for the ->bindValue()
method, but according to the PHP manual I shouldn't need to ...

"Explicit data type for the parameter using the PDO::PARAM_* constants.
Defaults to PHP native type."

So the PHP native type in the shown case is an integer - equivalent to

Reproduce code:
CREATE TABLE my_db.my_table (
  id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,

prepare('select * from my_table where id>?');
$stmt->bindValue(1, 13);


prepare('select * from my_table where id>?');

Expected result:

select * from my_table where id>13

Actual result:
select * from my_table where id>'13'

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=44639&edit=1