Bug #31455 [Com]: multiple session_start() creates multiple session cookies in HTTP-Response

2011-11-19 Thread danielc at analysisandsolutions dot com
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=31455&edit=1

 ID: 31455
 Comment by: danielc at analysisandsolutions dot com
 Reported by:rene dot bangemann at web dot de
 Summary:multiple session_start() creates multiple session
 cookies in HTTP-Response
 Status: Wont fix
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Session related
 Operating System:   Win32
 PHP Version:4CVS, 5CVS
 Assigned To:tony2001
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

I mean to say, see also: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=38104

Previous Comments:

[2011-11-20 05:21:02] danielc at analysisandsolutions dot com

See also: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=31455

[2010-10-15 23:26:30] WarrenGaebel at FriendlyNeighbourGuide dot ca

I am experiencing a similar, but not identical problem.

I reload my page multiple times, using session_start() every time it loads.  
JavaScript sets cookies that I use in php.  When using Internet Explorer, 
$_ENV["HTTP_COOKIE"] contains multiple entries for each cookie.  This does not 
happen with Firefox.

As near as I can figure so far, when executing code at a domain named x.y.z, 
Internet Explorer sends the cookies for x.y.z followed by the cookies for y.z.  
Php then puts both sets of cookies into $_ENV["HTTP_COOKIE"].

Perhaps this may be considered a PHP bug, perhaps not. IMHO, this is an 
Internet Explorer bug.  I post it here in the hope that it may help you resolve 
your problem.

  ... Warren Gaebel, B.A., B.C.S.

[2005-02-14 00:18:30] rene dot bangemann at web dot de

Ok, you are right that someone could start several sessions within one request. 
But thats not my use case:

I'm using a PHP script to perform some actions which can take up to some hours.
E.G. for displaying progress information about the running process a second php 
script needs to access the session vars. This forces to close the session file 
via session_write_close() in the first script. After this function call, the 
second PHP script can do a session_start() and access the current values of the 
session vars.
After finishing the second request the session file will be closed again.
If the first script has to store new values of session related vars in the 
session file, it uses a combination of session_start() and 
session_write_close() to update the content within the session file.
Unfortunatly in my case this can happen very often (because of the long 
execution time).

Under normal circumstances I could live with this feature :-). But I'm afraid 
that in combination with HTML frames this behaviour of PHP can force deadlocks 
in different browsers like Internet Explorer or Mozilla. Unfortunately I can't 
present a 100% working example for reproducable deadlocks.

I would suggest to create a flag containing true or false, if the Cookie for 
the current session id already was sent or not.
If the cookie wasn't already sent, or the used session id changes, of course 
another Cookie has to be sent.

[2005-02-13 18:03:51] tony2...@php.net

Okay, no more dirty hacks =)
Marking it as "won't fix" and considering as a feature.

[2005-02-13 09:44:30] sni...@php.net

Then how would you handle this (very unlikely :) code:

Yes, someone MIGHT rely on that kind of code too.
And as it IS possible to start as many _different_ sessions   in single 
request, why should we not allow it?

(this is actually for Tony, FYI when he figures out how to fix this bug :)

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=31455&edit=1

Bug #31455 [Com]: multiple session_start() creates multiple session cookies in HTTP-Response

2011-11-19 Thread danielc at analysisandsolutions dot com
Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=31455&edit=1

 ID: 31455
 Comment by: danielc at analysisandsolutions dot com
 Reported by:rene dot bangemann at web dot de
 Summary:multiple session_start() creates multiple session
 cookies in HTTP-Response
 Status: Wont fix
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Session related
 Operating System:   Win32
 PHP Version:4CVS, 5CVS
 Assigned To:tony2001
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

See also: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=31455

Previous Comments:

[2010-10-15 23:26:30] WarrenGaebel at FriendlyNeighbourGuide dot ca

I am experiencing a similar, but not identical problem.

I reload my page multiple times, using session_start() every time it loads.  
JavaScript sets cookies that I use in php.  When using Internet Explorer, 
$_ENV["HTTP_COOKIE"] contains multiple entries for each cookie.  This does not 
happen with Firefox.

As near as I can figure so far, when executing code at a domain named x.y.z, 
Internet Explorer sends the cookies for x.y.z followed by the cookies for y.z.  
Php then puts both sets of cookies into $_ENV["HTTP_COOKIE"].

Perhaps this may be considered a PHP bug, perhaps not. IMHO, this is an 
Internet Explorer bug.  I post it here in the hope that it may help you resolve 
your problem.

  ... Warren Gaebel, B.A., B.C.S.

[2005-02-14 00:18:30] rene dot bangemann at web dot de

Ok, you are right that someone could start several sessions within one request. 
But thats not my use case:

I'm using a PHP script to perform some actions which can take up to some hours.
E.G. for displaying progress information about the running process a second php 
script needs to access the session vars. This forces to close the session file 
via session_write_close() in the first script. After this function call, the 
second PHP script can do a session_start() and access the current values of the 
session vars.
After finishing the second request the session file will be closed again.
If the first script has to store new values of session related vars in the 
session file, it uses a combination of session_start() and 
session_write_close() to update the content within the session file.
Unfortunatly in my case this can happen very often (because of the long 
execution time).

Under normal circumstances I could live with this feature :-). But I'm afraid 
that in combination with HTML frames this behaviour of PHP can force deadlocks 
in different browsers like Internet Explorer or Mozilla. Unfortunately I can't 
present a 100% working example for reproducable deadlocks.

I would suggest to create a flag containing true or false, if the Cookie for 
the current session id already was sent or not.
If the cookie wasn't already sent, or the used session id changes, of course 
another Cookie has to be sent.

[2005-02-13 18:03:51] tony2...@php.net

Okay, no more dirty hacks =)
Marking it as "won't fix" and considering as a feature.

[2005-02-13 09:44:30] sni...@php.net

Then how would you handle this (very unlikely :) code:

Yes, someone MIGHT rely on that kind of code too.
And as it IS possible to start as many _different_ sessions   in single 
request, why should we not allow it?

(this is actually for Tony, FYI when he figures out how to fix this bug :)

[2005-01-09 15:49:13] rene dot bangemann at web dot de


I'm using a combination of session_start() and session_write_close() to access 
and update session variables.
In some scripts this function calls will be executed up to 50 times.
For each call of session_start() a HTTP-Header with the PHP session id will be 
created in the same HTTP response.
I would expect, that in the HTTP response will be only one HTTP-Header with the 
session id.

Reproduce code:

Expected result:

HTTP-Header Set-Cookie with PHP session id created only once in HTTP response

Actual result:
The code above will create a HTTP response with three identical HTTP Set-Cookie 

Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=31455&edit=1

Bug #31455 [Com]: multiple session_start() creates multiple session cookies in HTTP-Response

2010-10-15 Thread WarrenGaebel at FriendlyNeighbourGuide dot ca
Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=31455&edit=1

 ID: 31455
 Comment by: WarrenGaebel at FriendlyNeighbourGuide dot ca
 Reported by:rene dot bangemann at web dot de
 Summary:multiple session_start() creates multiple session
 cookies in HTTP-Response
 Status: Wont fix
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Session related
 Operating System:   Win32
 PHP Version:4CVS, 5CVS
 Assigned To:tony2001
 Block user comment: N

 New Comment:

I am experiencing a similar, but not identical problem.

I reload my page multiple times, using session_start() every time it
loads.  JavaScript sets cookies that I use in php.  When using Internet
Explorer, $_ENV["HTTP_COOKIE"] contains multiple entries for each
cookie.  This does not happen with Firefox.

As near as I can figure so far, when executing code at a domain named
x.y.z, Internet Explorer sends the cookies for x.y.z followed by the
cookies for y.z.  Php then puts both sets of cookies into

Perhaps this may be considered a PHP bug, perhaps not. IMHO, this is an
Internet Explorer bug.  I post it here in the hope that it may help you
resolve your problem.

  ... Warren Gaebel, B.A., B.C.S.

Previous Comments:

[2005-02-14 00:18:30] rene dot bangemann at web dot de

Ok, you are right that someone could start several sessions within one
request. But thats not my use case:

I'm using a PHP script to perform some actions which can take up to some

E.G. for displaying progress information about the running process a
second php script needs to access the session vars. This forces to close
the session file via session_write_close() in the first script. After
this function call, the second PHP script can do a session_start() and
access the current values of the session vars.

After finishing the second request the session file will be closed

If the first script has to store new values of session related vars in
the session file, it uses a combination of session_start() and
session_write_close() to update the content within the session file.

Unfortunatly in my case this can happen very often (because of the long
execution time).

Under normal circumstances I could live with this feature :-). But I'm
afraid that in combination with HTML frames this behaviour of PHP can
force deadlocks in different browsers like Internet Explorer or Mozilla.
Unfortunately I can't present a 100% working example for reproducable

I would suggest to create a flag containing true or false, if the Cookie
for the current session id already was sent or not.

If the cookie wasn't already sent, or the used session id changes, of
course another Cookie has to be sent.

[2005-02-13 18:03:51] tony2...@php.net

Okay, no more dirty hacks =)

Marking it as "won't fix" and considering as a feature.

[2005-02-13 09:44:30] sni...@php.net

Then how would you handle this (very unlikely :) code:

Yes, someone MIGHT rely on that kind of code too.

And as it IS possible to start as many _different_ sessions   in single
request, why should we not allow it?

(this is actually for Tony, FYI when he figures out how to fix this bug

[2005-01-09 15:49:13] rene dot bangemann at web dot de


I'm using a combination of session_start() and session_write_close() to
access and update session variables.

In some scripts this function calls will be executed up to 50 times.

For each call of session_start() a HTTP-Header with the PHP session id
will be created in the same HTTP response.

I would expect, that in the HTTP response will be only one HTTP-Header
with the session id.

Reproduce code:

Expected result:

HTTP-Header Set-Cookie with PHP session id created only once in HTTP

Actual result:
The code above will create a HTTP response with three identical HTTP
Set-Cookie headers

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=31455&edit=1