Req #60432 [Com]: Improving typehinting in function args

2013-06-23 Thread knight at kopernet dot org
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 ID: 60432
 Comment by: knight at kopernet dot org
 Reported by:duke at ejoom dot com
 Summary:Improving typehinting in function args
 Status: Open
 Type:   Feature/Change Request
 Package:Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System:   *
 PHP Version:5.4.0RC2
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

It's an interesting proposal to make typehinting more configurable.
I'd vote for something in completely opposite direction.
I consider the current behavior of PHP very unreasonable.
I would really love if the typehints emitted just warning instead of the fatal 
error that's generated right now. It makes adoption of duck types in for 
example unit tests much more difficult and when the signature uses final 
keyword as well it's impossible to create a mock using neither PHP Unit Mocks 
nor Mockery.

PHP is a dynamic language.

Previous Comments:

[2012-03-05 08:51:58] daanleduc at hotmail dot com

Would be also nice if its possible to add an more strict mode for functions.
For example ->

function test(int $int, string $string, float $float) {}

behavior -> 

function('test', 12, "blaat") {} <-- shouldn't throw

ini_set('function_strict', true);
function('test', 12, "blaat") {} <-- should throw

It should be really strict so if its not an int it is not valid (triple === 
check). Even if its an int string ("1").

What duke suggest is nice but still breaks if you do an bool (true) in an int, 
its casts safely to int 1. Should just throw if you put the strict mode on or 
maybe build some levels of strict mode.

It would save me and a lot of other developers all the sanity checks.

[2011-12-02 21:26:12] duke at ejoom dot com

It can be possible to use the function to delete rows in DB:
function delete( array $ids ) { //some code}

delete(3); //will work correct as expected.
// Or
delete(array(3,6));// will work.

Or we would be able to use that behaviour: 
$object->property1 = 1;
$object->property2 = 'value';
//where $object converting into array.

[2011-12-02 21:12:43] duke at ejoom dot com


I want to discuss an improving typehint.

I propose to do typehint behaviour as following:
On the Object instance it will behave as current (emit an error).
At the array int and float it must do equivalence:

function typehint( array $array, string $string, int $int, float $float )
   will be equivalent to
function typehint( $array, $string, $int, $float )
if (is_array($array) === false) $array = (array) $array;
$string = (string) $string;
$int = (int) $int;
$float = (float) $float;

It will do code more readable and compact. For Zend Framework DB it will do 
easier typing query where escaping is based on type of var,

Isn't logical emit error on mismatching of type on int and string at PHP caused 
by easing change type against C or C++. So we must use it feature of PHP and do 
life easier ;).

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Req #60432 [Com]: Improving typehinting in function args

2012-03-05 Thread daanleduc at hotmail dot com
Edit report at

 ID: 60432
 Comment by: daanleduc at hotmail dot com
 Reported by:duke at ejoom dot com
 Summary:Improving typehinting in function args
 Status: Open
 Type:   Feature/Change Request
 Package:Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System:   *
 PHP Version:5.4.0RC2
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Would be also nice if its possible to add an more strict mode for functions.
For example ->

function test(int $int, string $string, float $float) {}

behavior -> 

function('test', 12, "blaat") {} <-- shouldn't throw

ini_set('function_strict', true);
function('test', 12, "blaat") {} <-- should throw

It should be really strict so if its not an int it is not valid (triple === 
check). Even if its an int string ("1").

What duke suggest is nice but still breaks if you do an bool (true) in an int, 
its casts safely to int 1. Should just throw if you put the strict mode on or 
maybe build some levels of strict mode.

It would save me and a lot of other developers all the sanity checks.

Previous Comments:

[2011-12-02 21:26:12] duke at ejoom dot com

It can be possible to use the function to delete rows in DB:
function delete( array $ids ) { //some code}

delete(3); //will work correct as expected.
// Or
delete(array(3,6));// will work.

Or we would be able to use that behaviour: 
$object->property1 = 1;
$object->property2 = 'value';
//where $object converting into array.

[2011-12-02 21:12:43] duke at ejoom dot com


I want to discuss an improving typehint.

I propose to do typehint behaviour as following:
On the Object instance it will behave as current (emit an error).
At the array int and float it must do equivalence:

function typehint( array $array, string $string, int $int, float $float )
   will be equivalent to
function typehint( $array, $string, $int, $float )
if (is_array($array) === false) $array = (array) $array;
$string = (string) $string;
$int = (int) $int;
$float = (float) $float;

It will do code more readable and compact. For Zend Framework DB it will do 
easier typing query where escaping is based on type of var,

Isn't logical emit error on mismatching of type on int and string at PHP caused 
by easing change type against C or C++. So we must use it feature of PHP and do 
life easier ;).

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Req #60432 [Com]: Improving typehinting in function args

2011-12-02 Thread duke at ejoom dot com
Edit report at

 ID: 60432
 Comment by: duke at ejoom dot com
 Reported by:duke at ejoom dot com
 Summary:Improving typehinting in function args
 Status: Open
 Type:   Feature/Change Request
 Package:Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System:   *
 PHP Version:5.4.0RC2
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

It can be possible to use the function to delete rows in DB:
function delete( array $ids ) { //some code}

delete(3); //will work correct as expected.
// Or
delete(array(3,6));// will work.

Or we would be able to use that behaviour: 
$object->property1 = 1;
$object->property2 = 'value';
//where $object converting into array.

Previous Comments:

[2011-12-02 21:12:43] duke at ejoom dot com


I want to discuss an improving typehint.

I propose to do typehint behaviour as following:
On the Object instance it will behave as current (emit an error).
At the array int and float it must do equivalence:

function typehint( array $array, string $string, int $int, float $float )
   will be equivalent to
function typehint( $array, $string, $int, $float )
if (is_array($array) === false) $array = (array) $array;
$string = (string) $string;
$int = (int) $int;
$float = (float) $float;

It will do code more readable and compact. For Zend Framework DB it will do 
easier typing query where escaping is based on type of var,

Isn't logical emit error on mismatching of type on int and string at PHP caused 
by easing change type against C or C++. So we must use it feature of PHP and do 
life easier ;).

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