Re: [PHP-DB] Creating all key combinations passwords

2007-05-22 Thread Christopher Blöcker
I wanted to do the same some time ago and considered doing it in php but 
i realized that php is not the appropriate language for doing that... i 
wanted to insert the data into a mysql-database, too
i thought about doing it in C++ but my coding skills were too poor, i 
didn't know how to implement mysql-access -.-
i had another idea some time ago, something that should also work in php 
(i won't do this in php, i'd use C++ or python or something like that)
the idea is the following: create all possible combinations in a C++ 
program and write it into a file where there is something like

INSERT INTO passwords (password, hash) VALUES [and here all the data]
and then import it using the command line into mysql

i have this code to generate the combinations, i wrote it some time ago 
and unfortunately there is a segfault, i don't know why and didn't work 
on this for some time

using namespace std;

unsigned int lastcharindex(string input, string charset) {
   int position = charset.find(input[(input.length())-1],0);
   return position;

void generatewords(string start, unsigned int maxlength, string charset) {
   if(start.size() <= maxlength && lastcharindex(start, charset) != 
0 && lastcharindex(start, charset) != charset.size()

-1) {
   start[start.size()-1] = charset[lastcharindex(start, 

   cout << start << endl;
   generatewords(start, maxlength, charset);
   else if(start.size() <= maxlength && lastcharindex(start, 
charset) == charset.size()-1) {

   while(lastcharindex(start, charset) == charset.size()-1) {
   if(start=="") {break;}
   start[start.size()-1] = charset[lastcharindex(start, 

   cout << start << endl;
   start += charset[0];
   cout << start << endl;
   generatewords(start, maxlength, charset);
   else if(start.size() < maxlength && lastcharindex(start, 
charset) == 0) {

   start += charset[0];
   cout << start << endl;
   generatewords(start, maxlength, charset);
   else if(start.size() <= maxlength && lastcharindex(start, 
charset) == 0) {
   start[start.size()-1] = charset[lastcharindex(start, 

   cout << start << endl;
   generatewords(start, maxlength, charset);

@Stut: the idea is NOT to be a cracker kid, the intent is only to 
realize that project to train and develop my coding skills and to run 
some tests how secure passwords are

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Re: [PHP-DB] Search witin text.

2007-02-11 Thread Christopher Blöcker

you can use  explode

>> array *explode* ( string $delimiter, string $string [, int $limit] )
Returns an array of strings, each of which is a substring of /string/ 
formed by splitting it on boundaries formed by the string /delimiter/. 
If /limit/ is set, the returned array will contain a maximum of /limit/ 
elements with the last element containing the rest of /string/. <<

as delimiter you would use a space character in this case. for example:

the user input is   $input = "Chris Carter";
now you can  $split = explode(" ", $input);
so $split would be an array that contains  ["Chris", "Carter"]

now you can persorm your search using $split[0] and/or $split[1]

;) I hope that's what you're looking for

Chris Carter wrote:

Thanks much ... this has been achieved now. However, there is another issue.
Say for example, the user wants to search 'Chriscarter' but puts into the
search field 'Chris Carter' how is it that I can take only the 'Chris' out
of the search string and present the matching searches from the database?

Any clue or link would be of great assistance.

Thanks again.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Trying to add primary key to existing database.

2007-02-04 Thread Christopher Blöcker

hehe, ok
i would write a script that reads the existing data from the table and 
inserts it into a new one that has the same structure PLUS a primary key

something like:
original_table:name, description, whatever
new_table:id, name, description, whatever

where id is primary key and auto_increment


  mysql_query("INSERT INTO new_table (name,description,whatever) VALUES 
($name,$description,$whatever)");  //that should add the id automatically


then you can drop the original_table and rename the new_table to 

i don't know if there's a better, more simple solution and i hope i did 
not forget anything important and it works this way


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Re: [PHP-DB] Ways to display remaining data columns.

2007-02-03 Thread Christopher Blöcker

my first idea is the following:

since i'm sure there must be any kind of primary key you could add a 
simple link that opens in a new window and passes your primary key. a 
script (the one in the new window) now gets the details from the database
the link might be something like the following: href='details.php?unique_id=123' target='_blank'>Details
but please make shure you check the submitted data before using it in a 
query.(think of sql injections..)
you might consider using a POST form instead of GET in order to make it 
more secure i think it should also work with something like  
target='_blank'  but i'm not sure at the moment

i hope it helps and i hope i did not forget security issues ;)


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[PHP-DB] retain form information -.-

2007-01-01 Thread Christopher Blöcker

sorry i fogot something...
in the fill-in-form.php you would now have to modify the form to 
something like

echo " [...]
 ...> to retain the information

i think thats it

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Re: [PHP-DB] retaining form information when someone presses back

2007-01-01 Thread Christopher Blöcker

Flint Million:

This might not be relavent for this forum, so if not please direct me
to the proper one; although I do like to keep my email list
subscriptions down.

I have a custom application in PHP in which a user fills out a form of
information. When the user submits, I perform sanity checking on the
user's submitted data and refuse to actually process/insert it if
those checks fail. However, my users are complaining that when they
press back to correct, all the data is gone from the form and they
have to re-enter it all. I know many websites that can retain the form
data when someone presses back; how is this done?

Flint M

ok, an input field might be something like name='username' size='8' maxlegth='32'> --> the submitted variable would 
be stored in $_POST["username"] (or $_GET["username"] depending on what 
method you use to submit it)
your back-button should now contain a link like href='fill-in-form.php?username=$_POST["username"]'>back to keep the 
an other possibility might be using cookies but this would be impossible 
if the user refuses to accept cookies, so this method might not be wanted


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