[PHP] thumbnail problems

2004-05-09 Thread Ninti Systems
I've searched the archives on this and, while I have turned up some
tips, they don't seem to solve my problem.

I an building a website for an indigenous organisation where jpg images
are uploaded, resized to a standard format, and thumbnails also
generated at the same time (so that is two resizes for each image). Most
of the time this works OK, but there are a lot of pages where many
thumbnails are just blacked out, eg:


On some pages, all images are blacked out, eg:


whereas on others they're all OK, eg:


The people in the field taking and uploading the photos insist that the
format, color depth, etc, is not changing from photo to photo, and I
can't discern any differences. Yet some work, some don't.

I read somewhere that memory limitations could cause this, but still, it
only happens sometimes and not others. We are on a crowded shared server
I think.

I'm use ImageCreateTrueColor() after checking with ImageIsTrueColor(),
otherwise just ImageCreate(). The initial resizes almost always work
(down from 640x480 to 400x300), with the thumbnails it is looking like a
50% failure rate.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Michael Hall

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2002-09-24 Thread ninti

I'm wondering if there is a way to include a query string parameter in an xsl

I have a script that does this:


I'd like to include the value of a variable passed to this script via a query
string (eg. xmlscript.php?p=3 ), whereby the value '3' is passed to the xsl
stylesheet somehow. The xsl stylesheet should then only process section 3 of the
xml document.

I've played about with extra arguments to xslt_process and 
 to no avail.

Hope this is clear enough.



MICHAEL HALL Web Development Officer
Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education
W: [EMAIL PROTECTED](08) 8951 8352
H: [EMAIL PROTECTED](08) 8953 1442

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[PHP] session in class problem

2002-06-20 Thread ninti

Try enclosing the function code in brackets:

function Check_Session()
  code goes here


Quoting Mark Colvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I have the following .php script and .inc file which doesn't work:
> =  .php file =
>// Include function files
>   require_once "includefiles/session_functions.inc";
>  // Create instances of the required class
>  $sess = new Sessions;
>  // chech for valid session
>  $sess->Check_Session();
>  phpinfo();
> ?>
> Untitled
> admin
> = .inc file =
>  class Sessions
> {
>function Check_Session()
>  session_start();
>if (!session_is_registered("SESSION"))
>   header("Location: http://???.???.??.?/index.php?logintext=Please
> login.");
>   exit();
> }
> The session was created in a previous login script. When I enter the
> .php
> script I get the following error:
> Parse error: parse error, expecting `'{'' in
> /var/www/html/includefiles/session_functions.inc on line 7
> Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: sessions in
> /var/www/html/adminoutput.php on line 8
> However, if I copy the code from the function in the .inc file and place
> it
> at the top of my php script, and delete the class code in the php
> script
> everything works OK. Why is this happening? I also tried placing
> session_start() in the php script before calling the class method
> Check_Session but this had no effect.
> Thanks in advance
> Mark

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