[PHP] Need shipping info

2004-12-09 Thread suneel
Hi guys...

Here I'm using a UPS service

Could any one tell what sort details we have to consider in the 
while shipping the products to the shipment gateway

thanks & regards,

[PHP] Plz help me

2004-12-03 Thread suneel
Hi Every one...

Straight to the topic...

I have a template file called welcome.tmp. I want 
to show the whole file in a Iframe with dimensions of 250 x 250.(i.e., less 
dimensions ).

 Is it possible using PHP. Or how should I approach to achieve 
this one.

Thanks in advance.


[PHP] Need Help

2004-12-02 Thread suneel
Hi to all

any one Could tell me any diffrence between   and . 
And which one is better to use and in which situations.


[PHP] Very fresh to php

2004-11-30 Thread suneel

I'm a new bee to php. Could any one tell me that who is the father 
of php?

take care guys,

[PHP] Problem with self join

2004-11-29 Thread suneel
Please take a look at the following...

I'm using MySQL 4.0.15
I have the database like this

   Id name Owner
1Top Menu0
2File   1
4Text File   2
5Dot Net2
6ASP.Net   5
7C#.Net  5

  In the above data the Id's 6 & 7  are not owner to any one.So,I
want to retrieve those Id's which are not owner to any one.

Thanks in advance,

With Cheers,

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[PHP] help me to get out of this mass mailing

2004-10-09 Thread suneel
Hi guys

I'm implementing mass mailing program...as there are hundred's of users that receive 
mails...as a result i'm getting this error...

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in 
d:\phpsites\ac\asc\acendo on line 42

Help meee!


[PHP] Need help in implementing Payment Gatewaydetails

2004-09-28 Thread suneel
Any one could tell me about how to implement VeriSign Payment

I mean I want to know how to implement the AVS and CSC filter settings
in test mode and how to convert them in to live mode. Its Very Important

Thanks in advance...

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