[prometheus-users] Re: No joy from Prometheus snapshot

2020-07-06 Thread Mike Spreitzer
I suspected the relative directory and then noticed the double equal in the 
prometheus command line.  So I erased the old snapshot and tried again.

sysop@r26data0:/var/lib/prometheus/snapshots$ ls
sysop@r26data0:/var/lib/prometheus/snapshots$ curl -X POST http:
sysop@r26data0:/var/lib/prometheus/snapshots$ ls -la
total 12
drwxr-xr-x  3 nobody nogroup 4096 Jul  7 01:53 .
drwxr-xr-x 14 nobody   65533 4096 Jul  7 00:59 ..
drwxr-xr-x 12 nobody nogroup 4096 Jul  7 01:53 20200707T015331Z-

Next I run the server again.  This time it logs messages about finding data 

sudo -u nobody ~/prometheus --storage.tsdb.path=$PWD 
 --web.enable-admin-api --config.file=$HOME/prom-config/config.yaml
level=info ts=2020-07-07T01:57:08.662Z caller=main.go:302 msg="No time or 
size retention was set so using the default time retention" duration=15d
level=info ts=2020-07-07T01:57:08.662Z caller=main.go:337 msg="Starting 
Prometheus" version="(version=2.19.1, branch=HEAD, 
level=info ts=2020-07-07T01:57:08.662Z caller=main.go:338 
user=root@62700b3d0ef9, date=20200618-16:35:26)"
level=info ts=2020-07-07T01:57:08.662Z caller=main.go:339 host_details="(Linux 
4.15.0-101-generic #102-Ubuntu SMP Mon May 11 10:07:26 UTC 2020 x86_64 
r26data0 (none))"
level=info ts=2020-07-07T01:57:08.662Z caller=main.go:340 
level=info ts=2020-07-07T01:57:08.662Z caller=main.go:341 
level=info ts=2020-07-07T01:57:08.664Z caller=main.go:678 msg="Starting 
TSDB ..."
level=info ts=2020-07-07T01:57:08.664Z caller=web.go:524 component=web 
listening for connections" address=
level=info ts=2020-07-07T01:57:08.664Z caller=repair.go:59 component=tsdb 
msg="Found healthy block" mint=159401520 maxt=159402240 ulid=
level=info ts=2020-07-07T01:57:08.664Z caller=repair.go:59 component=tsdb 
msg="Found healthy block" mint=159402240 maxt=159402960 ulid=
level=info ts=2020-07-07T01:57:08.664Z caller=repair.go:59 component=tsdb 
msg="Found healthy block" mint=159402960 maxt=159403680 ulid=
level=info ts=2020-07-07T01:57:08.664Z caller=repair.go:59 component=tsdb 
msg="Found healthy block" mint=159403680 maxt=159404400 ulid=
level=info ts=2020-07-07T01:57:08.664Z caller=repair.go:59 component=tsdb 
msg="Found healthy block" mint=159404400 maxt=159405120 ulid=
level=info ts=2020-07-07T01:57:08.664Z caller=repair.go:59 component=tsdb 
msg="Found healthy block" mint=159405120 maxt=159405840 ulid=
level=info ts=2020-07-07T01:57:08.665Z caller=repair.go:59 component=tsdb 
msg="Found healthy block" mint=159405840 maxt=159406560 ulid=
level=info ts=2020-07-07T01:57:08.665Z caller=repair.go:59 component=tsdb 
msg="Found healthy block" mint=159406560 maxt=159407280 ulid=
level=info ts=2020-07-07T01:57:08.665Z caller=repair.go:59 component=tsdb 
msg="Found healthy block" mint=159407280 maxt=159408000 ulid=
level=info ts=2020-07-07T01:57:08.665Z caller=repair.go:59 component=tsdb 
msg="Found healthy block" mint=159408000 maxt=1594086829277 ulid=
level=info ts=2020-07-07T01:57:08.688Z caller=head.go:645 component=tsdb msg
="Replaying WAL and on-disk memory mappable chunks if any, this may take a 
level=info ts=2020-07-07T01:57:08.688Z caller=head.go:706 component=tsdb msg
="WAL segment loaded" segment=0 maxSegment=0
level=info ts=2020-07-07T01:57:08.688Z caller=head.go:709 component=tsdb msg
="WAL replay completed" duration=365.54µs
level=info ts=2020-07-07T01:57:08.690Z caller=main.go:694 fs_type=
level=info ts=2020-07-07T01:57:08.690Z caller=main.go:695 msg="TSDB started"
level=info ts=2020-07-07T01:57:08.690Z caller=main.go:799 msg="Loading 
configuration file" filename=/home/sysop/prom-config/config.yaml
level=info ts=2020-07-07T01:57:08.694Z caller=main.go:827 msg="Completed 
loading of configuration file" filename=/home/sysop/prom-config/config.yaml
level=info ts=2020-07-07T01:57:08.694Z caller=main.go:646 msg="Server is 
ready to receive web requests."

The last data block ends about 5 minutes ago.

sysop@r26data0:~$ date --date @1594086829
Tue Jul  7 01:53:49 UTC 2020

But still no data.

sysop@r26data0:~$ curl http://localhost:9090/api/v1/metadata

The web UI shows the following for "/status".

Runtime Informati

[prometheus-users] Re: No joy from Prometheus snapshot

2020-07-06 Thread Mike Spreitzer
Interestingly, the Prometheus server running against the new snapshot 
logged some compactions after about a minute.

level=info ts=2020-07-07T01:57:08.694Z caller=main.go:646 msg="Server is 
ready to receive web requests."
level=info ts=2020-07-07T01:58:18.185Z caller=compact.go:441 component=tsdb 
msg="compact blocks" count=3 mint=159401520 maxt=159403680 ulid=
level=info ts=2020-07-07T01:58:27.860Z caller=compact.go:441 component=tsdb 
msg="compact blocks" count=3 mint=159403680 maxt=159405840 ulid=
01ECJH3E8ENEWVK8E41G5XWM71 01ECJQZ5GB6TGV21QMHCWZ3JFY]" duration=9.64782793s
level=info ts=2020-07-07T01:58:37.619Z caller=compact.go:441 component=tsdb 
msg="compact blocks" count=3 mint=159405840 maxt=159408000 ulid=
level=info ts=2020-07-07T01:58:53.953Z caller=compact.go:441 component=tsdb 
msg="compact blocks" count=3 mint=159401520 maxt=159408000 ulid=

This server logged finding 10 blocks when it started (see my previous 
email); those compactions compacted the first 9 blocks into one.

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[prometheus-users] my counters start at zero

2020-07-28 Thread Mike Spreitzer
Suppose I have a counter metric; let's name it `foo`.  Suppose foo first 
shows up with a value of 0 in a scrape at time t0, shows up with a value of 
10 in a scrape at time t0+10s, and has value 10 in all subsequent scrapes.  
What will the PromQL expression `rate(foo[60s])` get me?  I suppose nothing 
until time t0+60s; some non-zero value from t0+60s to t0+70s; and zero from 
t0+70s onward.  Is that right?  If not, what will I get?

Now suppose instead that foo first shows up in a scrape at time t0 with a 
value of 10, and in every scrape after that the value of foo is also 10.  
What will `rate(foo[60s])` give me?  If I understand correctly, it will 
give me nothing until time t0+60s, and from then on it will give me zero.  
Have I got this right?  That is a rather disappointing answer.  This 
counter really did start at zero, and got 10 increments before the first 
scrape.  It would be gratifying to have a PromQL query that shows this blip 
of activity.  Can I write a different PromQL query that will get this 
result?  While retaining all the other smarts of `rate`?


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Re: [prometheus-users] Re: my counters start at zero

2020-07-30 Thread Mike Spreitzer
I have a specific scenario.  I have counters that start at zero when the 
scraped process starts; they are counting something that happens in the 
scraped process.  If a counter first appears with a non-zero value, I know 
all those counts happened since the previous scrape.  I am not asserting 
that `rate()` should be changed for everybody.  Is there a PromQL query I 
can write that will behave similarly to `rate()` but will recognize that 
an initial non-zero count is due to increments since the previous scrape 
of the same process (yes, restricted to the situations where the process 
has been scraped before)?


prometheus-users@googlegroups.com wrote on 07/29/2020 03:27:03 AM:

> From: Brian Candler 
> To: Prometheus Users 
> Date: 07/29/2020 03:27 AM
> Subject: [EXTERNAL] [prometheus-users] Re: my counters start at zero
> Sent by: prometheus-users@googlegroups.com
> rate() calculates the rate between the first and last available 
> samples in the given time window, as long as there are at least two 
> irate() calculates the rate between the last two samples in the 
> given time window.
> On Wednesday, 29 July 2020 05:25:04 UTC+1, Mike Spreitzer wrote:
> Now suppose instead that foo first shows up in a scrape at time t0 
> with a value of 10, and in every scrape after that the value of foo 
> is also 10.  What will `rate(foo[60s])` give me?  If I understand 
> correctly, it will give me nothing until time t0+60s, and from then 
> on it will give me zero.  Have I got this right?
> It will show a rate of 0 as soon as two values are available, that 
> is, from t0+10s onwards.
> If a new counter appears with value 10, it tells you nothing about 
> rate just before the counter appeared.  It maybe that scraping was 
> broken, and the counter had value 10 for the last year.  It could be
> that the counter had being going 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 at intervals 
> of 10 seconds.  Or at intervals of 1 week.
> As a real-world example, it is very common to start polling an SNMP 
> device and find its interface byte counters already at huge values, 
> reflecting how much traffic has been carried in total by that 
> interface since the device was powered on.  It would be completely 
> wrong to have an enormous blip which effectively compresses months 
> or years of traffic into one sample interval.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
> Groups "Prometheus Users" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, 
> send an email to prometheus-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/
> d/msgid/prometheus-users/b9dfe865-3be6-414f-
> b6f9-7e55caa52196o%40googlegroups.com.

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Re: [prometheus-users] Prometheus collect the metric fail

2021-11-12 Thread Mike Spreitzer

Would it be so hard to make the error message include the position where
the problem was?


prometheus-users@googlegroups.com wrote on 11/12/2021 01:06:11 AM:

> From: "易Richard" 
> To: "Prometheus Users" 
> Date: 11/12/2021 01:06 AM
> Subject: [EXTERNAL] [prometheus-users] Prometheus collect the metric fail
> Sent by: prometheus-users@googlegroups.com
> Prometheus collect endpoint fail. The error msg is "expected equal,
> got INVALID" I checked the stderr output but didn't find any clue
> about the error. The metric content from the endpoint fail to
> collect seems normal. ‍‍ZjQcmQRYFpfptBannerStart
> This Message Is From an External Sender
> This message came from outside your organization.
> ZjQcmQRYFpfptBannerEnd
> Prometheus collect endpoint fail. The error msg is "expected equal,
> got INVALID"
> I checked the stderr output but didn't find any clue about the error.
> [image removed]
> The metric content  from the endpoint fail to collect seems normal.
> Do I need upload the whole metric content  cause it's too long?
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "Prometheus Users" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it,
> send an email to prometheus-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/
> d/msgid/prometheus-users/
> a9b67778-4657-4dd9-9a01-044094f7bc3an%40googlegroups.com.

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