Re: [pygame] Why does my ball vibrate?

2007-12-01 Thread Matt Smith

Douglas Bagnall wrote:

FLOOR = 384

if ypos = FLOOR and velocity  0:
overstep = ypos - FLOOR
ypos = FLOOR - overstep * bounce
velocity = -velocity * bounce

I tried using this code and I go back to the situation where the ball continues 
to bounce when it should have come to rest. I would imagine this is because each 
time the ball passes below the floor we are giving it a little bit of upwards 

[pygame] Bouncing ball - separating the physics from the frame rate

2007-12-01 Thread Matt Smith


I know have the following code for my bouncing ball program:

#! /usr/bin/python

import sys, pygame, math


xpos = 92
ypos = 0
gravity = 9.8
velocity = 0
# How much of the velocity of the ball is retained on a bounce
bounce = 0.8

screen = pygame.display.set_mode((200, 400), 0, 32)
# The ball is a 16px sprite
ball = pygame.image.load('ball.png')
clock = pygame.time.Clock()

# The main loop
while True:

# Test for exit
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:

# The physics
# Reverse velocity taking into account bounciness if we hit the ground
if ypos = 384 and velocity  0:
# Avoid the ball sinking into the ground
ypos = 384
velocity = -velocity * bounce

time_passed = clock.tick(60) / 1000.0
newvelocity = velocity + (gravity * time_passed)
# Use the average velocity over the period of the frame to change position
ypos = ypos + int(((velocity + newvelocity) / 2) * time_passed * 160)
velocity = newvelocity

# Update the screen
screen.fill((0, 0, 0))
screen.blit(ball, (xpos, ypos))

The bounce is pretty realistic and I can live with the slight error caused by 
returning the ball to the floor exactly each time it bounces. Next I am going to 
have a look at adding in some sideways movement and bouncing off walls as well. 
Before I do that I would like to separate the physics calculations from the 
frame rate calculations and drawing loop. I really don't have a clue how to do 
this. I have never programmed anything in real time before. Having had a think 
about this I can see two possible ways of doing it.

1. Have the physics and graphics running in separate threads. I don't have a 
clue how to implement this!

2. Call a function from the main loop every time it passes which does the 
physics calculations based on a clock independent of the frame rate but which 
pauses when the simulation is paused (window not in focus?) Is there a function 
in the sys module that I can use to test for a pause?

Can anyone give me some more pointers on the best and most pythonic way of doing 



[pygame] Ludum Dare X - Dec 14-16 - Update

2007-12-01 Thread Phil Hassey
 Ludum Dare 10 is coming! Ludum Dare is a regular community driven game 
development competition. The goal is, given a theme and 48 hours, to develop a 
game from scratch. Ludum Dare aims to encourage game design experimentation, 
and provide a platform to develop and practice rapid game prototyping.  
Rules  Stuff:
IRC: #ludumdare on
Dec. 7-14th - Registration and Theme Voting
Dec. 14 at 7pm PST and runs until the 16th at 7pm PST
We're also building an archive of entries from previous compos. Goto the 
compo site and add your old entries! They will be added to the screenshot 
Per Author:
Per Compo:
Per Tag:
Lastly, if you have participated in previous LD's and have a game-dev 
related blog, I'd be thrilled to aggregate it onto the site. Create an account 
and then contact me with your blog info and I will add it ASAP. 
Hope to see you there! 
Never miss a thing.   Make Yahoo your homepage.

[pygame] Problem accessing pygame.Rect() members

2007-12-01 Thread Jake b
I wrote a custom pygame.sprite.RenderPlain() class. It modifies
.draw() to include a source rect of the sprite. Now I need to modify
the dest rect, converting its world() coordinates to screen()

I wrote: Map().coord_to_screen( world ) and Map().coord_to_world(
screen ) and they are working. But I can't access the member
spr.rect.left or of the sprite's Rect() to modify it. I
get an AttributeError.

The classes I'm using in this sprite group are:

class Unit(pygame.sprite.Sprite):

Which derives .Sprite(), adding movement. It works fine until I try
accessing the .rect in RenderSrcRect().draw(): to blit with global
coordinates converted to screen coordinates.

(1) The documentation says that these aren't members( .top, .left,
etc...), but are virtual attributes. What is a virtual attribute?

(2) What's wrong with my code?

The first code snippet is my working class, that just uses spr.rect as
the dest rect. The second code snippet is my failed attempts to modify
to convert the .rect world() coords to screen() coords.

# code: original class, before screen() coords. This class *does* work.
# file:
# Author: jake bolton [created: 2007/11/14]
# About: RenderSrcRect
# child of RenderPlain, adds source rect support

import pygame

class RenderSrcRect(pygame.sprite.RenderPlain):
custom sprite group rendering class. Uses src Rect()s of sprite.

the inheritance is: RenderPlain() == Group() which derives

members used from the sprites to blit:
.image = the sprite's surface
.rect = the blit dest rect
.rect_source = the blit source rect

def __init__(self):
initialize Unit()

def draw(self, surface):
draw(surface). Draw all sprites onto the surface

same as .RenderPlain.draw() except spr.rect_source is used to 
sprites = self.sprites()
surface_blit = surface.blit
for spr in sprites:
# blit with src rect
self.spritedict[spr] = surface_blit(spr.image, spr.rect,
self.lostsprites = []

# modified class, uses screen() coords. This class has AttributeError:
# the error:

AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'left' on line:
spr.rect.left = 40

If you comment out the whole (try 1) block, (try 2) will still fail.

# code:
# file:
# Author: jake bolton [created: 2007/11/14]
# About: RenderSrcRect
# child of RenderPlain, adds source rect support, and uses screen() 

from euclid import Vector2
import pygame
from pygame.locals import * # needed for Rect() ?

class RenderSrcRect(pygame.sprite.RenderPlain):
custom sprite group rendering class. Uses src rects of sprite.

the inheritance is: RenderPlain() == Group() which derives

members used from the sprites to blit:
.image = the sprite's surface
.rect = the blit dest rect
.rect_source = the blit source rect

def __init__(self, game):
initialize Unit()
# reference to the Map() class, for the later 
.coord_to_screen() call = game =

def draw(self, surface):
draw(surface). Draw all sprites onto the surface

same as .RenderPlain.draw() except spr.rect_source is used to 
sprites = self.sprites()
surface_blit = surface.blit

for spr in sprites: 

# use screen coords for dest rect
# == (try 1): I want to do something like this: but it 
fails: ==
# note: returns a 
dest_rect = pygame.Rect( spr.rect.topleft ).x, spr.rect.topleft ).y,
0, 0 ) # dest rect ignores w,h values

# (try 2): try 1 didn't work, so I test just Rect() 
member access: fails
spr.rect.left = 40 # this line gives an attribute error

self.spritedict[spr] = surface_blit(spr.image, 
dest_rect, spr.rect_source)

[pygame] Help configuring Pygame on OS X Leopard

2007-12-01 Thread Unnsse Khan

Hello there,

I am a Python / Pygame newbie...

Installed Pygame by installing the following files located at:

Am running Python 2.5 on OS X Leopard...

Copied the following code from Pygame online tutorial:


import pygame
from pygame.locals import *

def main():
# Initialize screen
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((400,100))
pygame.display.set_caption('Basic Pygame program')

# Fill background
background = pygame.Surface(screen.get_size())
background = background.convert()
background.fill((250, 250, 250))

# Display some text
font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36)
text = font.render(Hello Unnsse!, 1, (10, 10, 10))
textpos = text.get_rect()
textpos.centerx = background.get_rect().centerx

# Blit everything to the screen
screen.blit(background, (0, 0))

# Event loop
while 1:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
screen.blit(background, (0, 0))

if __name__ == '__main__': main()

When I ran this program, I receive the following error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /Users/untz/DevResources/Python/pygame_helloworld/,  
line 3, in module

import pygame
ImportError: No module named pygame

What am I possibly doing wrong?

Happy programming,


Re: [pygame] Help configuring Pygame on OS X Leopard

2007-12-01 Thread Brian Fisher
On Dec 1, 2007 7:10 PM, Unnsse Khan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Installed Pygame by installing the following files located at:

There isn't a pygame package for python 2.5 at that page...

I am not aware of a prebuilt pygame for python 2.5 for Mac OSX (I use
python 2.4 on mac for that reason)

If you want to tackle building it, there are some instructions here:

Re: [pygame] Help configuring Pygame on OS X Leopard

2007-12-01 Thread Brian Fisher
On Dec 1, 2007 7:10 PM, Unnsse Khan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 When I ran this program, I receive the following error message:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
File /Users/untz/DevResources/Python/pygame_helloworld/,
 line 3, in module
  import pygame
 ImportError: No module named pygame

That error means you don't have pygame installed.

Re: [pygame] Help configuring Pygame on OS X Leopard

2007-12-01 Thread Casey Duncan

On Dec 1, 2007, at 8:12 PM, Brian Fisher wrote:

On Dec 1, 2007 7:10 PM, Unnsse Khan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Installed Pygame by installing the following files located at:

There isn't a pygame package for python 2.5 at that page...

I am not aware of a prebuilt pygame for python 2.5 for Mac OSX (I use
python 2.4 on mac for that reason)

If you want to tackle building it, there are some instructions here:

You can use fink ( to install pygame with  
python 2.5. It's also handy for installing other libraries you might  
want (PIL, pyrex, ode, py2app, etc.).

