Re: [pygame] Dark Gates - pygame game on Steam.

2015-02-05 Thread David Muffley
Is there any chance you would make an older version of the code available
for free download? From a couple years ago, even.


On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 12:45 PM, diliup gabadamudalige

 Hi what is the procedure you followed to get your game on steam? Can you
 give me some tips?

 On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 11:30 PM, Bartosz Debski

 Hi All,

 I would like present my game Dark Gates.
 I have just released it on Steam.  Game runs on pygame and I'm quite
 proud of it.

 It was almost 5 years of bedroom development in my spare time.

 Best Regards
 Bartosz Debski

 Diliup Gabadamudalige

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Re: [pygame] informal poll on Windows python version

2010-04-28 Thread David Muffley
Windows XP
Python 2.6.4
Pygame 1.9.1

Re: [pygame]

2010-04-27 Thread David Muffley
My first instinct is that the first several frames' data is sent to
your hard drive, where it's cached to be written, which fills up
faster than it's depleted since the file size per second is higher
than your disk can handle writing it.  I had this issue myself trying
to do something similar.  If this is the case, saving as a smaller
file size obviously helps, but could become a CPU issue, where I can
say that appears to be asyncronous (maybe only on
some file types?)

If it's growing in time it takes to save each time though, instead of
just spiking up, I don't know.

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 10:56 PM, Ian Mallett wrote:

 In a related email thread here, I've been trying (now successfully) to
 render a movie from a series of frames captured from a program I wrote.

 The screen capturing is done via  In my case, the
 surfaces that are being saved are derived from OpenGL framebuffer readbacks.

 I've noticed that the first few dozen or so frames save in a fraction of a
 second, while subsequent frames take increasingly longer.  This, obviously,
 gets annoying.  I do not know why this is.  Can someone please explain?

 I am using PyGame 1.9.1.


Re: [pygame] Another blitting surface to itself crash

2008-08-05 Thread David Muffley
Actually, the SDL_VIDEODRIVER var is set to directx already, with either
SDL.dll.  Is that normal?  I didn't change anything by myself prior to this.

On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 3:47 AM, René Dudfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Does it work if you put this at the top of your file?

 import os
 os.environ['SDL_VIDEODRIVER'] ='directx'


 On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 5:37 PM, David Muffley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  With the default SDL.dll from 1.8.1 on Windows 2000sp4 with Python 2.5
  import pygame
  a = pygame.Surface((10,10))
  a.blit(a, (0, 0))   # CRASHES ##
  a.blit(a, (1, 0))   # CRASHES ##
  a.blit(a, (0, 0), (0,0,9,9))  # CRASHES ##
  a.blit(a, (0, 0), (1,1,9,9))  # SUCCEEDS ##
  On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 10:39 PM, Brian Fisher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  OK, so basically I've got an SDL I built myself that I'd like other
  who are experiencing this problem to try out.
  SDL is zipped up here:
  Using this version on the same machine, all the above self-blits worked.

Re: [pygame] BUG: segfault when blitting surface to itself

2008-04-11 Thread David Muffley

 Is there some case where blitting a surface on itself might be desired
 or necessary? If not, I'll add a simple check that tests the passed
 surface on equality and let blit() throw an exception, if both are the


For scrolling (topdown RPG, in my case), I use a surface just larger than
the screen to hold all my unmoving objects, tiles, trees, chests, etc, and
keep a Rect for where to put that surface onto the screen.  Whenever I move
a tiles worth in any direction (lets say i move 32 pixels to the right), I
need to blit the rect 32, 0, width, height to 0, 0, width, height and
add the rightmost-visible tiles to it.  My first idea was to blit the
surface onto itself, but of course that blew up on me.

My fix was to use two surfaces and just blit from one onto the other,
switching between the two every time I need to add another row/column onto
the screen.  It's not really memory inefficient (I only keep one extra
672x512 surface and a pointer in memory), but it definitely wasn't
straightforward, and took me a while longer than I expected to implement it.
Blitting a surface onto itself would have been much simpler.

Re: [pygame] Why does my ball vibrate?

2007-12-03 Thread David Muffley
On Dec 4, 2007 12:45 AM, Greg Ewing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 To do this calculation properly you'd need to use the
 appropriate relativistic formulas. No doubt you could
 get enough kinetic energy if the object was moving at
 a speed close enough to c, but the more likely result
 would be vaporisation of the object together with a
 sizeable chunk of the earth...


Not to mention that you'd have to modify the size of the ball every frame,
and somehow manage the changing looks of the ball too, aie

Re: [pygame] Break outside the loop

2007-11-14 Thread David Muffley
On Nov 14, 2007 9:52 PM, Joseph king [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I keep getting a ***'break' outside the loop error on this code can anyone

  for y in range(8):
 for x in range(8):
   c = Canvas()
   c.grid(column=x, row=y)
# make a grid
   grid = Grid(c, cellsize_x=8, cellsize_y=8, gridsize_x=10,
# get the maze generator
   explorer = MazeBuilder(grid)

while 1:

except StopIteration:

From what I can gather, it looks as if you wanted
while 1:
except StopIteration:

with try/except in the while loop?  As you have it, the break is outside of
the loop.

Re: [pygame] rc 3. please test windows installer.

2006-12-25 Thread David Muffley

As with Willem, .png's are still throwing the pygame error with Unsupported
imgae format  .jpg files, are giving a whole new error now though.


Traceback (most recent call last):
 File pyshell#5, line 1, in ?
error: Failed loading jpeg.dll: The specified module could not be found.

This was after an uninstall of 1.7.1 and an install of 1.8rc3.  (At the end
of the error line, '\r' character is drawn, being just a square, maybe an
IDLE problem, maybe an error with the error message)

Saving .png's and .jpg's no longer throws an error, and does save the image
(didn't check image alpha values, just the image being saved).

Appreciate the hard work over this holiday time!


On 12/25/06, Willem [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

René Dudfield wrote:

 this one fixes the problem on windows not loading jpg, and png images.

 Hopefully this should be the last rc.


I'm sorry but it still doesn't work for me. I'm using Python 2.4.3 on
Windows XP Home. With the rc3 still get the Unsupported image format
error. But when I revert to the 1.7.1 it works again. I tried deleting
pygame folder on sites-packages and reinstalling but no luck.

Could it be a dependency problem?  What possible check could i do to
know why it's failing?

Thanks for the hard work and merry christmas!


Re: [pygame] Pygame 1.8 - PNG is an unsupported image format

2006-12-24 Thread David Muffley

I'm having the same problem.  Anything I do with a .png file throws an
error.  When trying to load a .png picture I get a pygame error saying .png
is an unsupported format:

a = pygame.image.load('mine.png')

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File pyshell#7, line 1, in ?
   a = pygame.image.load('mine.png')
error: Unsupported image format

When I try to save a file to a .png, I get the following crash error.

a = pygame.image.load('left.gif'), 'left.png')

Followed by python crashing entirely  This occurs when I attempt to save to
both a png or jpg (though I don't recall if jpg is to be supported for
saving in 1.8).

Windows 2000
Python 2.4
Pygame 1.8rc(1 and 2)


On 12/24/06, René Dudfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks for all the testing Kamilche.

I've got it to have that problem on one of my machines now, so I can test

Still not sure what's wrong... but at least I can test it now.


On 12/24/06, Kamilche [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 René Dudfield wrote:
  Hello again,
  I double checked, and png is compiled in statically and works ok.
  I've asked some other people to try it out on their systems, and it
  works ok for them too.
  Could you please try removing pygame from the site-packages directory,
  and installing it again?  Sounds like something fishy is happening.
  Make sure you don't have anything python/pygame thing open when you

 I'm running on a Windows 2000 system with 1 gig memory. I have python
 2.4 and Pygame 1.7 installed.

 Per your instructions, I ensured no python app was running. I removed
 pygame from c:\python24\lib\site-packages. I installed pygame 1.8 RC2,
 ran my test, got the same error. So  I removed the folder again, and
 installed RC1 (which was 800K larger!) and ran the tests again. They
 still didn't work.

 I tried the same technique using RC1 only, on a Windows XP machine, with
 the same results. Then I restarted the XP machine, had the same results.

 I saw Lenard Lindstrom had the same problem. What sort of machine are
 you running on, Lenard?

 Maybe it's a problem in the Python 2.4 version only. Did the people that
 ran it successfully, have python 2.4, or python 2.5?


Re: [pygame] Checking For Pygame

2006-10-14 Thread David Muffley
The somewhat simple solution I would think would be:
 if 'pygame' in dir()I suppose this would assume that the proper pygame module is being imported, and that somewhere it doesn't say
 pygame = None
or something of that sort. But if you trust/know 100% of the code
that pygame is only defined with the import (of the proper module),
then is there anything wrong with that way of checking?

On 10/14/06, Farai Aschwanden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I never tested it but you can try this:try: calling simple pygame functionexcept: # ImportError import pygameAnd Im also not sure about this (prove me wrong ;) ): If you create
later on a py2exe or py2app it will be remove all the same modules toone, so the same module will not be loaded more than once. I think Iread that once on a page. There are also module variables set you cancheck if a module is loaded.
Am 14.10.2006 um 02:19 schrieb Kris Schnee: How can I find out whether Pygame is currently loaded? I'd like to use a function that requires Pygame to draw something, without loading the module in the program unless that function runs?
 Right now the function itself says import pygame, but I'd like to account for the possibility that pygame will already be loaded when the file it's a part of is incorporated into a bigger project.

Re: [pygame] weird refresh error

2006-09-06 Thread David Muffley
pygame.event.pump() has fixed this problem for me in the past. If
you'd rather, pygame.event.wait() does the job as well, and I *think*
pygame.event.get() does too.On 9/6/06, altern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Richard Jones escribió: On Wednesday 06 September 2006 20:12, altern wrote: is it pygame.locals.VIDEORESIZE the event i am looking for? I think it's VIDEOEXPOSE any online examples on how to deal with this?
 Not really, you just have to re-draw the window...just tried it, I try topygame.display.flip() when the event is triggered. I also print'overlapping' to see if the event is happening.
It doesnt solve the problem, the overlapped area still does not getdrawn anymore.any ideas? thanks!Richard Jones escribió: On Wednesday 06 September 2006 20:12, altern wrote: is it pygame.locals.VIDEORESIZE
 the event i am looking for? I think it's VIDEOEXPOSE any online examples on how to deal with this? Not really, you just have to re-draw the window...

Re: [pygame] IDLE crashes on error?

2006-08-12 Thread David Muffley
On 8/11/06, Bob Ippolito [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Aug 11, 2006, at 3:38 PM, James Hofmann wrote: --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi folks, Python/Pygame newbie here. Really liking it so far,
 but I've resorted to using Notepad. It seems like any time I execute code with errors in it -- simple syntax errors, not endless while loops or anything -- IDLE freezes.
 Also, and I don't know if this is related, but sys.exit() doesn't actually close my windows when I'm running things from IDLE. They just freeze. IDLE version 
1.1.3, Python version 2.4.3, any help/advice appreciated. IDLE runs your code in the same operating system process, which means that anything that crashes your code may crash IDLE, too, and also changes the
 behavior of your code as with sys.exit(). You can use it as the editor or for tests in the console, but run pygame code elsewhere.IDLE definitely has an option to use a subprocess for interpreters.
Turn it on, then this problem goes away.-bobThis option is the -n flag. It's saved me a lot of trouble with IDLE.