[pygame] GSOC: pygame module for tinypy

2009-04-01 Thread Denis Kasak
Greetings pygame-users,

I'm a second year undergraduate student at the Faculty of
Electrotechnical Engineering in Croatia, Osijek. I was a participant
in the last year's GSOC under the PSF (working on the tinypy project,
more specifically) and would like to reapply again this year. My
project last year was sandboxing the tinypy interpreter (I suspect
there are some tinypy mailing list users here that may know me).

I've looked through the ideas page for pygame and found the one about
porting pygame to tinypy very interesting. As it is, tinypy is already
an interesting platform with much potential and a great deal of it is
still to be unlocked. Porting pygame would be one major step in that
direction. Combining such a great game library with such a neatly
packed interpreter is definitely a winning combination, particularly
when you think of all the CPython's baggage you needn't carry anymore

The benefits of such a project are rather obvious; pygame would
support another cool platform and expand its userbase/usefulness,
tinypy would become a much more interesting game development platform
and it would be of interest to the entire game development community.

The how part of the project is pretty straightforward. Most of the
CPython's API functions pygame uses has a direct (or nearly direct)
counterpart in tinypy so porting would be a pretty smooth process. As
to the order of submodules to be ported, I already have a general idea
of how it should be done, i.e.

1. first the stub for the pygame metamodule would be implemented
2. then the most important submodules to support basic drawing, along
with relevant helper modules (the surface, display, draw, color,
locals etc. submodules)
3. then some of the more advanced graphical features, like the ability
to render fonts and images (obviously, the font and image submodules
along with transform and rect)
4. the next goal would be to make pygame really useful by adding
interactive features (key, time, event, mouse; probably mask too, to
support collisions)
5. some more usability modules (like pixelarray and overlay)
6. and finally, the more high-level features (like mixer, music,
movie, cdrom, etc)

The order of the last two items should possibly be inverted.

Concerning documentation, most of the original pygame docs should
apply but all things that differ would, of course, be documented.
Tests would also be added along the way as tinypy already has a
testing framework implemented; this will probably save a lot of
bug-induced pain in the long run. :-)

As for my schedule, last year was a bit of a turmoil for me (because
of an incompatible university schedule and some personal problems) but
this year I'm taking (and mostly have already) care of exams earlier
so I don't get caught up with them in the summer, meaning I'll be
available full time, more or less.

I'll be writing the proposal today; I just wanted to share this with
the list beforehand in case anyone has any suggestions, corrections or
anything that could help me write a better proposal.

Thanks in advance,

Denis Kasak

Re: [pygame] GSOC: pygame module for tinypy

2009-04-01 Thread René Dudfield
Hi Denis,

looks like a good project...

I've forwarded your email onto Phil, so hopefully if he has time he
will consider being your mentor for this.

Definitely submit your application.

- to reuse existing pygame tests, a simple port of the module unittest
would save your time.  It's not such a big module.
- Marcus has separated out pygame specific code... so you could use that.
- will send you more feedback when you send your proposal.


On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 1:55 AM, Denis Kasak denis.ka...@gmail.com wrote:
 Greetings pygame-users,

 I'm a second year undergraduate student at the Faculty of
 Electrotechnical Engineering in Croatia, Osijek. I was a participant
 in the last year's GSOC under the PSF (working on the tinypy project,
 more specifically) and would like to reapply again this year. My
 project last year was sandboxing the tinypy interpreter (I suspect
 there are some tinypy mailing list users here that may know me).

 I've looked through the ideas page for pygame and found the one about
 porting pygame to tinypy very interesting. As it is, tinypy is already
 an interesting platform with much potential and a great deal of it is
 still to be unlocked. Porting pygame would be one major step in that
 direction. Combining such a great game library with such a neatly
 packed interpreter is definitely a winning combination, particularly
 when you think of all the CPython's baggage you needn't carry anymore

 The benefits of such a project are rather obvious; pygame would
 support another cool platform and expand its userbase/usefulness,
 tinypy would become a much more interesting game development platform
 and it would be of interest to the entire game development community.

 The how part of the project is pretty straightforward. Most of the
 CPython's API functions pygame uses has a direct (or nearly direct)
 counterpart in tinypy so porting would be a pretty smooth process. As
 to the order of submodules to be ported, I already have a general idea
 of how it should be done, i.e.

 1. first the stub for the pygame metamodule would be implemented
 2. then the most important submodules to support basic drawing, along
 with relevant helper modules (the surface, display, draw, color,
 locals etc. submodules)
 3. then some of the more advanced graphical features, like the ability
 to render fonts and images (obviously, the font and image submodules
 along with transform and rect)
 4. the next goal would be to make pygame really useful by adding
 interactive features (key, time, event, mouse; probably mask too, to
 support collisions)
 5. some more usability modules (like pixelarray and overlay)
 6. and finally, the more high-level features (like mixer, music,
 movie, cdrom, etc)

 The order of the last two items should possibly be inverted.

 Concerning documentation, most of the original pygame docs should
 apply but all things that differ would, of course, be documented.
 Tests would also be added along the way as tinypy already has a
 testing framework implemented; this will probably save a lot of
 bug-induced pain in the long run. :-)

 As for my schedule, last year was a bit of a turmoil for me (because
 of an incompatible university schedule and some personal problems) but
 this year I'm taking (and mostly have already) care of exams earlier
 so I don't get caught up with them in the summer, meaning I'll be
 available full time, more or less.

 I'll be writing the proposal today; I just wanted to share this with
 the list beforehand in case anyone has any suggestions, corrections or
 anything that could help me write a better proposal.

 Thanks in advance,

 Denis Kasak

Re: [pygame] GSOC: pygame module for tinypy

2009-04-01 Thread Denis Kasak
Hi René,

Here's my proposal. Looking forward to your feedback.

Denis Kasak
About You

1) Your Name: 
Denis Kasak

2) Contact Information:
IRC nick: dkasak
ICQ: 46413957
XMPP: denis.ka...@gmail.com/Laptop
Mobile: (+385) 99 / 595 - 2655

3) Time Zone and Preferred Language: 
UTC+1 (CEST), English

4) Time Commitment:
During the three months of GSOC, I would be available full-time, more 
or less. I've taken care of major commitments (like exams) so they should not 
be disruptive over the summer. I'm confident I could port the major part (if 
not everything) of pygame to tinypy.

5) Programming Experience:
10 years experience in C
6 years experience in C++
6 years experience in Python
A few years experience in LISP, Prolog, Pascal (not an expert, but I 
have a good working knowledge with all)
I was GSOC participant last year under tinypy and I've implemented a 
sandbox feature (memory and time limit) for it. As a result I'm very familiar 
with tinypy's internals.
I'm a teaching assistant for Programming classes in my university
I've written a small plotting/linear regression/statistical analysis 
library for personal use (for laboratory work in Physics classes)
A few small personal games like a text adventure and a curses Snake game
I've submitted small patches/bugfixes to FOSS projects (like Miranda IM)

6) Pygame Experience:
Not much, but I've often played with it and I use it often to 
demonstrate Python programming in Programming classes mentioned above. I've 
also ported the aforementioned Snake to Pygame sometime in the past (and 
subsequently lost the code in a hard disk failure :-( )
7) Other skills and experience that are of interest for your aplication:
A good knowledge of Mathematics, Physics, Electronics, Signal Theory, 
Game Theory, etc. (my university is a sadistic place :-) )
I believe I can write pretty good documentation and I enjoy doing it
Experienced with SVN and some other VCSs (I've particularly been 
interested in DVCS lately, e.g. Mercurial)
A good knowledge of Linux, POSIX, etc. (I'm a 6+ years user)

About Your Project

1) Please explain in 2 to 3 paragraphs the project you intend to complete. 
My intention is to port pygame to tinypy by using tinypy's C API. This 
would mean implementing most (possibly all, if the schedule allows it) 
submodules of pygame. It would also include implementing unit tests to test the 
new pygame port, either by reimplementing the tests or reimplementing the 
Python unittest module (more likely).

The benefits of such a project are rather obvious; pygame would support 
another cool platform and expand its userbase/usefulness, tinypy would become a 
much more interesting game development platform and it would be of interest to 
the entire game development community.

2) What existing or future need does your proposed project fulfill? 
My project would help pygame by providing a very small and tightly 
integrated Python implementation which could potentially be very attractive for 
game developers (particulary for embedded platforms). tinypy still has a lot of 
room left for optimization and it could provide pygame a very small, fast and 
no baggage platform. It would also make tinypy more attractive to game 
developers. Overall, it would be beneficiary to the whole game development 

3) Provide a rough timeline for how you intend to complete your project, test 
it, and document it within the allotted time period. 
week 1: Reimplement the unittest module to tinypy so pygame's tests can 
be used directly. Study the code and documentation for pygame to familiarize 
with the codebase.
weeks 2-3: Implement the pygame module stub. Port the most important 
submodules to support basic drawing, along with relevant helper modules (the 
surface, display, draw, color, locals etc. submodules)
weeks 4-5: Port some of the more advanced graphical features, like the 
ability to render fonts and images (obviously, the font and image submodules 
along with transform and rect)
weeks 6-7: Port interactive features to start being really useful (key, 
time, event and mouse modules)
weeks 8-9: Port other usability modules (like pixelarray, overlay and 
mask (for collisions))
weeks 10-11: Port high-level features (mixer, music, movie, cdrom 
modules) - this chunk of work could also be resized (by omitting some of the 
modules) to be a safety net in case something goes awry and we need to 
week 12: Fix bugs, write documentation, packaging.

In the case that some additional unit tests are needed or some need to 
be reimplemented, this would be implemented incrementally after porting each 

Re: [pygame] GSOC: pygame module for tinypy

2009-04-01 Thread René Dudfield

I spoke to Phil, and I don't think he's interested in mentoring it.
Maybe ask on the tinypy list or psf list*[0] to see if anyone else is
interested in mentoring.  Or instead think of a separate project
proposal(maybe python or SDL related).


*[0] http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/soc2009-general

On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 1:26 PM, Denis Kasak denis.ka...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi René,

 Here's my proposal. Looking forward to your feedback.

 Denis Kasak

Re: [pygame] GSOC: pygame module for tinypy

2009-04-01 Thread Denis Kasak
On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 4:41 AM, René Dudfield ren...@gmail.com wrote:

 I spoke to Phil, and I don't think he's interested in mentoring it.
 Maybe ask on the tinypy list or psf list*[0] to see if anyone else is
 interested in mentoring.  Or instead think of a separate project
 proposal(maybe python or SDL related).


Thanks for the effort. I'll try both of those lists.

Denis Kasak