[issue44115] Improve conversions for fractions

2021-05-12 Thread Martin Teichmann

Change by Martin Teichmann :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +24705
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/26064

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[issue44115] Improve conversions for fractions

2021-05-12 Thread Martin Teichmann

New submission from Martin Teichmann :

Currently, fraction.Fractions can be generated from floats via their 
as_integer_ratio method. This had been extended to also work with the Decimals 
class. It would be more generic - and IMHO more Pythonic - to just allow any 
data type, as long as it has an as_integer_ratio method.

As an example, this allows numpy floats to be converted into fractions.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 393507
nosy: Martin.Teichmann
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Improve conversions for fractions
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.11

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[issue37334] Add a cancel method to asyncio Queues

2021-05-12 Thread Martin Teichmann

Martin Teichmann  added the comment:

This is a years old issue, unfortunately it never got neither merged nor 
rejected. I just rebased it and hope somebody could finish the review.

versions: +Python 3.11 -Python 3.8

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[issue37334] Add a cancel method to asyncio Queues

2019-11-23 Thread Martin Teichmann

Martin Teichmann  added the comment:

I do not think that exposing the lists of futures does any good. I cannot come 
up with a semantics that could be implemented with that other than the one 
Also I think that close() or cancel() is something a reader intuitively 
understands, while looping over a list of futures is not immediately obvious.


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[issue37334] Add a cancel method to asyncio Queues

2019-11-22 Thread Martin Teichmann

Martin Teichmann  added the comment:

Yes, in the one-producer-many-consumers situation on can indeed to the trick 
with the None. But this is just a clumsy hack, cancelling the tasks is IMHO 
more in line with asyncio.

In the many-producers-one-consumer scenario this does not work. The one dead 
consumer cannot feed back to the producers. Sure, there are still many hacks 
imaginable, but a closing or cancelling the queue is a very clear way of doing 

As for the naming: I personally don't care, close() or cancel() are both fine 
with me.


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[issue37334] Add a cancel method to asyncio Queues

2019-11-22 Thread Martin Teichmann

Martin Teichmann  added the comment:

Hi Andrew,

I still don't get your point. First, this is an extension to the asyncio 
library, so concurrency is not an issue. And sure, if you call random methods 
of an object without any reason the outcome won't be anything useful, why, in 
your example, should the one task call close at all?

There is, however, a strong use case: If you have many producers but just one 
consumer and the consumer stops consuming, it should cancel all producers 
waiting on the queue. The same way, if you have one producer but many 
consumers, once the single producer stops producing, it should cancel all 
waiting consumers. In these situations, the outcome is very clear.

Whether it should be possible to "resurrect" a closed/cancelled queue I don't 
care much, as I neither see a use case in doing so nor a compelling argument 
why it should be artificially prohibited. So I simply went for the most simple 

The proposed code does something very simple, something a user can grasp. That 
is IMHO a better protection for users than some code trying to artificially 
stop users from harming themselves.


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[issue37334] Add a cancel method to asyncio Queues

2019-06-24 Thread Martin Teichmann

Martin Teichmann  added the comment:

Given the reactions I gather "close" is a better name for the method, so I 
changed it accordingly.

In the current implementation, items that had been put on the queue but not 
processed yet still get processed after the close, and I think this is the 
desired behavior. I added a test such that this won't unexpectedly change in 
the future.

To be precise, the current implementation of the queue does not even put new 
items on the queue if there is already a waiting consumer. The item will 
directly be handed over to said consumer, which may hang around on the event 
loop for a bit longer, but during this time the item is not in the queue. This 
also answers the questions about catching the CancelledError: if there are 
waiting consumers, there is nothing on the queue, so the problem of processing 
leftover items does not exist. The same holds for the task_done.

As for the "why don't I just cancel the task?", well, if you know it. There may 
be many consumer or producer tasks waiting for their turn. Sure, you can keep a 
list of all those tasks. But that's exactly the point of the proposed change: 
the Queue already knows all the waiting tasks, no need to keep another list 


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[issue37334] Add a cancel method to asyncio Queues

2019-06-20 Thread Martin Teichmann

Martin Teichmann  added the comment:

I also thought about `.close()` but then found `.cancel()` more intuitive. But 
intuition is not universal, so I am open to any wording.


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[issue37334] Add a cancel method to asyncio Queues

2019-06-19 Thread Martin Teichmann

Change by Martin Teichmann :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +14061
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/14227

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37334] Add a cancel method to asyncio Queues

2019-06-19 Thread Martin Teichmann

New submission from Martin Teichmann :

When working with queues, it is not uncommon that at some point the producer 
stops producing data for good, or the consumer stops consuming, for example 
because a network connection broke down or some user simply closed the session.

In this situation it is very useful to simply cancel all the waiting getters 
and putters. A simple method can do that, Queue.cancel.

components: asyncio
messages: 346023
nosy: Martin.Teichmann, asvetlov, yselivanov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Add a cancel method to asyncio Queues
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.8

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue33413] asyncio.gather should not use special Future

2018-05-10 Thread Martin Teichmann

Martin Teichmann <martin.teichm...@gmail.com> added the comment:

I looked a bit into the details, and found that bpo-30048 created the described 
weird behavior. There they fixed the problem that a cancel is ignored if a 
coroutine manages to cancel its own task and return immediately. As shown in 
the discussion there, this is actually something happening in real code, and is 
a valid use case.

They fixed that by setting a CancelledError as an exception raised by the task, 
but did not cancel that task (they could have, I tested it, it would pass all 

But this is just a side show of the fact that we have now four different beasts 
that can be awaited, and behave differently: coroutines, Futures, Tasks, and 
_GatheringFutures. I think we should consolidate that.


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[issue33413] asyncio.gather should not use special Future

2018-05-02 Thread Martin Teichmann

Change by Martin Teichmann <martin.teichm...@gmail.com>:

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +6388
stage:  -> patch review

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[issue33413] asyncio.gather should not use special Future

2018-05-02 Thread Martin Teichmann

New submission from Martin Teichmann <martin.teichm...@gmail.com>:

asyncio.gather() returns a _GatheringFuture, which inherits from 
asyncio.Future. This is weird in current asyncio, as futures are supposed to be 
created with loop.create_future(). So I tried to reimplement gather() without 
this weird special future. I succeeded, yet I stumbled over weird 
inconsistencies with cancellation. There are three cases:

- coroutines have no special notion of cancellation, they treat CancelledError 
as any other exception

- futures have a clear distinction between exceptions and cancellation: 
future.set_exception(CancelledError()) is different from future.cancel(), as 
only for the latter future.cancelled() is True. This is used in the 
_GatheringFuture: it is cancelled() only if it got cancelled via 
future.cancel(), if its children gets cancelled it may 
set_exception(CancelledError()), but it will not be cancelled itself.

- Tasks consider raising a CancelledError always as a cancellation, whether it 
actually got cancelled or the wrapped coroutine raised CancelledError for 
whatever other reason. There is one exception: if the coroutine manages to 
return immediately after being cancelled, it raises a CancelledError, but 
task.cancelled() is false. So if a coroutine ends in


the current task raises a CancelledError, but task.cancelled() is false.

I consider the last exception actually a bug, but it allows me to make my 
inheritance-free gather() look to the outside exactly like it used to be.

messages: 316085
nosy: Martin.Teichmann
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: asyncio.gather should not use special Future
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.8

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[issue30306] release arguments of contextmanager

2017-05-17 Thread Martin Teichmann

Martin Teichmann added the comment:

Hi, so where do we go from here? I could write the proposed allow_recreation 
flag, but IMHO this adds only dead code, as it is of no need at all. I don't 
think code gets more clear by adding dead code...

I opted for one line more of comment, I think that helps much more. Plus the 
additional tests I wrote in the PR I think it would be good in the Python core.


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[issue30306] release arguments of contextmanager

2017-05-10 Thread Martin Teichmann

Martin Teichmann added the comment:

I personally prefer the current situation. The problem is the following: when 
an @contextmanager is first called, we don't know yet whether the user wants to 
use it directly, or as a decorator, so we have to have some kind of hybrid 
class. Once it's used as a decorator, we need to recreate a context manager 
every time the decorate function is called. Then we need exactly the direct 
context manager mentioned above. This is why we recreate it with __class__.

In my MR on github I simplify that by not recreating the entire context 
manager, but only the generator function. I think this is the most clear way, 
as it shows what's going on in a confined area of code.


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[issue30306] release arguments of contextmanager

2017-05-08 Thread Martin Teichmann

Changes by Martin Teichmann <martin.teichm...@gmail.com>:

pull_requests: +1602

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[issue30306] release arguments of contextmanager

2017-05-08 Thread Martin Teichmann

New submission from Martin Teichmann:

The arguments of a function which was decorated to be a context manager are 
stored inside the context manager, and are thus kept alive.

This is a memory leak.


def f(a):
a = None  # should release the memory

if this is now called with something big, say

with f(something_really_huge):

then this something_really_huge is kept alive during the with statement, even 
though the function explicitly let go of it.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 293234
nosy: Martin.Teichmann
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: release arguments of contextmanager
type: resource usage
versions: Python 3.7

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[issue29432] wait_for(gather(...)) logs weird error message

2017-02-08 Thread Martin Teichmann

Martin Teichmann added the comment:

I added a solution to this problem. I just silence the bad error message by 
overwriting _GatheringFuture.__del__ to do nothing. This may have undesired 
side effects, though.


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[issue29432] wait_for(gather(...)) logs weird error message

2017-02-03 Thread Martin Teichmann

New submission from Martin Teichmann:

when waiting for a gather that times out, everything works as expected, yet a 
weird error message is logged. To give a minimal example:

import asyncio

def main():
sleep = asyncio.sleep(0.2)
yield from asyncio.wait_for(asyncio.gather(sleep),
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
print("timed out: fine")
yield from asyncio.sleep(0.1)


This outputs:

timed out: fine
_GatheringFuture exception was never retrieved
future: <_GatheringFuture finished exception=CancelledError()>

As you can see, I used the pre-3.5 syntax so I could test whether it works on 
older systems. No, it doesn't.

I wrote a unit test for this problem, unfortunately I couldn't solve it yet.

components: asyncio
messages: 286858
nosy: Martin.Teichmann, gvanrossum, yselivanov
priority: normal
pull_requests: 24
severity: normal
status: open
title: wait_for(gather(...)) logs weird error message
versions: Python 3.4, Python 3.5, Python 3.6, Python 3.7

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29432] wait_for(gather(...)) logs weird error message

2017-02-03 Thread Martin Teichmann

Changes by Martin Teichmann <martin.teichm...@gmail.com>:

type:  -> behavior

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[issue28797] Modifying class __dict__ inside __set_name__

2016-11-28 Thread Martin Teichmann

Martin Teichmann added the comment:

I personally prefer the first patch, which iterates over a copy of __dict__. 
Making a copy of a dict is actually a pretty fast operation, I would even 
expect that it is faster than the proposed alternative, creating tuples.

Even if the second approach should be faster, the added code complexity is not 
worth the effort, as this is a code path where speed shouldn't matter much.


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[issue23722] During metaclass.__init__, super() of the constructed class does not work

2016-09-10 Thread Martin Teichmann

Martin Teichmann added the comment:

This is the originial patch rebased such that it applies to the current master.

As a detail in the discussion: "__classcell__" is not visible during the 
execution of the class body, as it is added at the end of the class body. In 
this regard, it is different from "__qualname__", which is set at the beginning 
of the class body such that it may be changed.

The new __classcell__ does show up, however, in the namespace parameter to the 
__new__ method of the metaclass.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file44533/classcell.patch

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[issue27366] PEP487: Simpler customization of class creation

2016-07-25 Thread Martin Teichmann

Martin Teichmann added the comment:

I looked over the patch once more and found some places where
I didn't follow normal coding standards. I changed that, namely
now the code returns -1 meaning an exception happened and 0 on
success, which is what many functions in typeobject.c do.

So I think this patch should be ready.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file43882/pep487.patch

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[issue27366] PEP487: Simpler customization of class creation

2016-07-24 Thread Martin Teichmann

Martin Teichmann added the comment:

Thanks for the nice review!

I made the proposed changes, see attached patch.

I am still waiting for a decision whether type.__setattr__ should call 
__set_name__ from python-dev, once that's sorted out I'll implement and test 
the one or the other behavior.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file43854/pep487.patch

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[issue27366] PEP487: Simpler customization of class creation

2016-07-22 Thread Martin Teichmann

Changes by Martin Teichmann <martin.teichm...@gmail.com>:

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file43835/pep487.patch

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[issue27366] PEP487: Simpler customization of class creation

2016-07-22 Thread Martin Teichmann

Changes by Martin Teichmann <martin.teichm...@gmail.com>:

Removed file: http://bugs.python.org/file43834/pep487.patch

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[issue27366] PEP487: Simpler customization of class creation

2016-07-22 Thread Martin Teichmann

Changes by Martin Teichmann <martin.teichm...@gmail.com>:

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file43834/pep487.patch

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[issue27366] PEP487: Simpler customization of class creation

2016-07-22 Thread Martin Teichmann

Changes by Martin Teichmann <martin.teichm...@gmail.com>:

Removed file: http://bugs.python.org/file43611/pep487a.patch

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[issue23722] During metaclass.__init__, super() of the constructed class does not work

2016-07-17 Thread Martin Teichmann

Changes by Martin Teichmann <martin.teichm...@gmail.com>:

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file43766/pep487.patch

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[issue23722] During metaclass.__init__, super() of the constructed class does not work

2016-07-17 Thread Martin Teichmann

Changes by Martin Teichmann <martin.teichm...@gmail.com>:

Removed file: http://bugs.python.org/file43765/pep487.patch

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[issue23722] During metaclass.__init__, super() of the constructed class does not work

2016-07-17 Thread Martin Teichmann

Changes by Martin Teichmann <martin.teichm...@gmail.com>:

Removed file: http://bugs.python.org/file38604/patch

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[issue23722] During metaclass.__init__, super() of the constructed class does not work

2016-07-17 Thread Martin Teichmann

Martin Teichmann added the comment:

Currently, a class is created as follows: the compiler turns the class 
statement into a call to __build_class__. This runs the class body. If 
__class__ or super() is used within a method of the class, an empty PyCell is 
created, to be filled later with the class once its done.

The class body returns this cell. Then the metaclass is called to create the 
actual class, and finally the cell is set to whatever the metaclass returns.

This has the disadvantage that in the metaclasses __new__ and __init__, 
__class__ and super() are not set. This is a pity, especially because the two 
parameter version of super() doesn't work either, as the class is not yet bound 
to a name.

The attached patch lets the compiler add said cell as __classcell__ to the 
classes namespace, where it will later be taken out by type.__new__ in order to 
be properly filled.

This resembles the approach used for __qualname__, with the difference that 
__qualname__ is already added at the beginning of the classes body, such that 
it is visible to the user.

This way __class__ will be properly set immediately after it is created, thus 
all methods are immediately usable, already in a metaclasses __new__ or 

This changes the behavior if a metaclass returns another class. currently, 
__build_class__ will try to set the __class__ in the methods of the class body 
to whatever __new__ returns, which might be completely unrelated to the classes 

keywords: +patch
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file43765/pep487.patch

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[issue27366] PEP487: Simpler customization of class creation

2016-07-13 Thread Martin Teichmann

Changes by Martin Teichmann <martin.teichm...@gmail.com>:

Removed file: http://bugs.python.org/file43506/pep487.patch

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[issue27366] PEP487: Simpler customization of class creation

2016-07-02 Thread Martin Teichmann

Martin Teichmann added the comment:

This is a C implementation of PEP 487, directly in the Python core

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file43611/pep487a.patch

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[issue27366] PEP487: Simpler customization of class creation

2016-06-22 Thread Martin Teichmann

New submission from Martin Teichmann:

This is the implementation of PEP 487.

It adds a metaclass to types that calls a method on a class
once it is subclassed. This way one can customize the creation
of classes without the need to write an own metaclass.

As a second functionality, it calls a method on each descriptor
in a class, such that descriptors know their name.

components: Library (Lib)
files: pep487.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 269050
nosy: Martin.Teichmann
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: PEP487: Simpler customization of class creation
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.6
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file43506/pep487.patch

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[issue24431] StreamWriter.drain is not callable concurrently

2015-06-11 Thread Martin Teichmann

New submission from Martin Teichmann:

Currently there is an assert statement asserting that no two
tasks (asyncio tasks, that is) can use StreamWriter.drain at
the same time. This is a weird limitiation, if there are two
tasks writing to the same network socket, there is no reason
why not both of them should drain the socket after (or before)
writing to it.

A simple bug fix is attached.

components: asyncio
files: patch
messages: 245172
nosy: Martin.Teichmann, gvanrossum, haypo, yselivanov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: StreamWriter.drain is not callable concurrently
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.4, Python 3.5, Python 3.6
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file39681/patch

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[issue23722] During metaclass.__init__, super() of the constructed class does not work

2015-03-23 Thread Martin Teichmann

Martin Teichmann added the comment:

A note on the implementation:

The compiler leaves a __cell__ entry in the class' namespace, which
is then filled by type.__new__, and removed from the namespace by
the latter. This is the same way it is done for __qualname__.

As the patch tampers with the compiler, when testing the patch
don't forget to remove old .pyc files, otherwise strange things will


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[issue23722] During metaclass.__init__, super() of the constructed class does not work

2015-03-20 Thread Martin Teichmann

New submission from Martin Teichmann:

When a new class is initialized with __init__ in a metaclass,
the __class__ cell of the class about to be initialized is not
set yet, meaning that super() does not work.

This is a known but fixable problem. The attached patch moves
the initialization of __class__ from the end of __build_class__
into type.__new__. This avoids the proliferation of methods
which don't have the __class__ cell set.

components: Interpreter Core
files: patch
messages: 238672
nosy: Martin.Teichmann
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: During metaclass.__init__, super() of the constructed class does not work
versions: Python 3.5
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file38604/patch

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[issue22412] Towards an asyncio-enabled command line

2014-09-16 Thread Martin Teichmann

Martin Teichmann added the comment:

well, I beg to differ. Again, to your points:

to a) You claim that my flag would have to be supported by every
python platform. Well, the very same built-in function has another
flag, PyCF_ONLY_AST, whose precise meaning, according to the docs,
might change with each Python release. And I am not sure if
all your mentioned distributions (PyPy, Jython, IronPython, Cython)
will ever have an actually compatible support for PyCF_ONLY_AST.
While I think that it would be not too hard to support my GENERATOR
flag on those platforms (maybe except Cython).

to b) This is by far the most important part of my patch, something
like this certainly should go into CPython. I am actually of the
opinion that something like it is very important even without a)
getting accepted. I just looked at the event loop of IPython, what
they are doing there is just sheer horror: First they have to
cripple each event loop they support (be it Qt, GTK or WX) to
accept only some events at a time. Then they use ctypes (yes, 
ctypes: they cannot do it in Python!) to install this as a
hook to PyOS_InputHook, a function so undocumented even google
couldn't find docs (but many discussions where people had major
problems properly using it).

All of this would be solved with an input function which does not
block I/O. All the event loops (including the asyncio event loop)
would just install a callback on stdin and call my input once
they need to. I am certainly open to all kinds of proposals on how
it precisely should work, and sure bugs need to be fixed.

c) sure, with b) accepted c) is just trivial. It was a mere example
of the usage of b). b) was written under the principle write as
much as you can in python, only the bare minimum in C which I think
is a good idea given that it is so much nicer to program in Python than in C.

The fact that it would not work under Windows to me is actually
not a point, we would just have to make it run under Windows with
different means (unfortunately, I'm not such a Windows expert that
I would now which those means would be).


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[issue22412] Towards an asyncio-enabled command line

2014-09-16 Thread Martin Teichmann

Martin Teichmann added the comment:

Well, so I am giving up, apparenty my work is not wanted here.

But not before submitting at least the last version of my
patch. I seperated out my _input function into two, start_input
and continue_input, which are supposed to work in a loop
as in 

while True:
   r = continue_input()
   if r is not None: return r

This would help at least people like IPython.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file36632/patch3

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[issue22412] Towards an asyncio-enabled command line

2014-09-16 Thread Martin Teichmann

Martin Teichmann added the comment:

And as a last comment, just for completeness, a complete 
async console. With it you can do cool things like

 from asyncio import sleep, async
 def f():
...yield from sleep(3)
 yield from f()
[after 3 seconds]
 [wait another 3 seconds] done

Just see how async puts something in the background, while
yield from keeps it up, and how the event loop runs even
while we're doing nothing!

Let's hope other projects out there are more open to making 
their event loops asyncio-compatible than CPython is -
otherwise asyncio will soon cease to exist.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file36633/cl.py

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[issue22412] Towards an asyncio-enabled command line

2014-09-15 Thread Martin Teichmann

Martin Teichmann added the comment:

Hi Guido, 

thanks for the quick response, so my response to your post:

to 1: thanks!

to 2: I am trying to put most of the stuff into a 3rd party module,
unfortunately I need changes in the python compiler, and given that
monkey patching is not so simple in C, changing the compiler would
mean to re-write it, I know that has been done, but I figured that 
starting a project like PyPy or jython is a bit too much for me 
right now.

to 3: I started with the repo head of friday night... apparently
I was not fast enough to submit this patch before someone changes
the python code to the point that my patch doesn't apply anymore.
I'll try to fix that soon.

to 4: I'll write some docs.

to 5: well, there is a callback function just some lines up which
will call future.set_result(None). Maybe that was a bit too slick,
I'm open for comments on how to do that better.

to 6: the C code I put into readline.c is mostly a merge of
readline_until_enter_or_signal (in readline.c) and builtin_input
(in bltinmodule.c). You're definitely right that those functions
could do with some refactoring, but I didn't dare to since they
are full of complicated special code for special platforms, and
I have no chance to test the code on a machine which has a
completely outdated version of the readline library, so I picked
the code I needed.

to 6: I thought about writing the input part of my patch as a 3rd
party library, but then I saw the state of builtin.input and
thought that it would actually be a good idea to shine some light
onto the state of that function, it is actually a horrible mess.
Just look at all the awful dirty tricks that the people over at
IPython have to do to use it (im)properly (I'm talking about


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[issue22412] Towards an asyncio-enabled command line

2014-09-15 Thread Martin Teichmann

Martin Teichmann added the comment:

As promised, a new patch now for the current head.
Last time I apparently got confused with how hg
works, sorry.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file36623/patch2

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[issue22412] Towards an asyncio-enabled command line

2014-09-14 Thread Martin Teichmann

New submission from Martin Teichmann:

This patch is supposed to facilitate using the asyncio 
package on the command line. It contains two things:

First, a coroutine version of builtin.input, so that
it can be called while a asyncio event loop is running.

Secondly, it adds a new flag to builtin.compile which
allows to use the yield and yield from statements on 
the module level, making compile always return a generator.

The latter part will enable us to run commands like the
following on the command line:

 from asyncio import sleep
 yield from sleep(3)

(This has been discussed on python-ideas,

components: Interpreter Core, asyncio
files: patch
messages: 226887
nosy: Martin.Teichmann, gvanrossum, haypo, yselivanov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Towards an asyncio-enabled command line
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.5
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file36617/patch

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[issue20518] multiple inheritance + C extension = possibly unexpected __base__

2014-02-08 Thread Martin Teichmann

Martin Teichmann added the comment:

I've been working a bit on a solution to this issue, one proposal
is in the attached patch. The patch adds a new flag to tp_flags,
called Py_TPFLAGS_SOLID, which marks a class as being solid, i.e.
its memory layout is incompatible with its parent layout. C classes
can then set this flag, and cpython will assure that no incompatible
classes are in the same inheritance graph.

Other solutions are certainly thinkable: Eric proposed one should
use the MRO instead of __base__. This is a great idea, why is 
cpython itself not doing it? Instead of traversing the inheritance
graph trying to find the solid base, one could simply iterate over
the MRO.

In order to illustrate where the actual problem lies, here another

rom PyQt4.QtCore import QObject, QTimer, QTimerEvent
# QObject is the parent of QTimer

class Mixin(QObject):
# this overwrites QObject.timerEvent
def timerEvent(self, e):
print('mixed in')

class B(Mixin, QTimer):

class C(QTimer, Mixin):

event = QTimerEvent(0)

b = B()
except Exception as e:
c = C()

I'm writing a mixin class, that overwrites a method from QObject.
In the end I am calling this method (normally that's done from
within PyQt4). For class B, this mixing in works properly, my
code is executed, but then I am getting an exception: PyQt4 had
made b and instance of QObject, not QTimer, since this is where
the __base__ is pointing to. For class C, my code is never called
because PyQt4 is not cooperating. Sure, I could write wrapper
classes for every Qt class that I want to mix into, but what
would be the point of a mixin class then?

I hope I made my problem a bit clearer.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file33997/patch

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue20518] Weird behavior with multiple inheritance when C classes involved

2014-02-05 Thread Martin Teichmann

New submission from Martin Teichmann:

Python behaves odd with regards to multiple inheritance and classes
written in C. I stumbled over this problem while working with PyQt4,
but soon realized that part of the problem is not actually in that
library, but is deep down in the CPython core. For better
understanding of this post, I still use PyQt4 as an example. For those
who don't know PyQt4, it's an excellent Python binding for some C++
library, for this post you only need to know that QTimer is a class
that inherits from QObject.

The PyQt4 documentation repeatedly insists that it is not possible to
inherit more than one of its classes. This is not astonishing, since
this is actually a limitation of CPython. What should still be
possible is to inherit from two classes if one is the parent of the
other. Let me give an example:

from PyQt4.QtCore import QObject, QTimer
# QObject is the parent of QTimer

class A(QObject):

class B(A, QTimer):

class C(QTimer, A):

print(B.__base__, B.__mro__)
print(C.__base__, C.__mro__)

Both classes B and C technically inherit from both QObject and QTimer,
but given that QTimer inherits from QObject, there is no actual
multiple inheritance here, from the perspective of a class written in

But now the problems start. The metaclass of PyQt4 uses the __base__
class attribute to find out which of its classes the new class
actually decends from (this is called the best_base in typeobject.c).
This is the correct behavior, this is exactly
what __base__ is for. Lets see what it contains. For the class B, the
second-to-last line prints:

class '__main__.A' (class '__main__.B', class '__main__.A', class 
'PyQt4.QtCore.QTimer', class 'PyQt4.QtCore.QObject', class 'sip.wrapper', 
class 'sip.simplewrapper', class 'object')

So, __base__ is set to class A. This is incorrect, as PyQt4 now thinks
it should create a QObject. The reason is the weird algorithm that
typeobject.c uses: it tries to find the most special class that does
not change the size of the its instances (called the solid_base). This
sounds reasonable at first, because only classes written in C can
change the size of their instances. Unfortunately, this does not hold
the other way around: in PyQt4, the instances only contain a pointer
to the actual data structures, so all instances of all PyQt4 classes
have the same size, and __base__ will simply default to __bases__[0].

Now I tried to outsmart this algorithm, why not put the PyQt4 class as
the first parent class? This is what the class C is for in my example.
And indeed, the last line of my example prints:

class 'PyQt4.QtCore.QTimer' (class '__main__.C', class 
'PyQt4.QtCore.QTimer', class '__main__.A', class 'PyQt4.QtCore.QObject', 
class 'sip.wrapper', class 'sip.simplewrapper', class 'object')

So hooray, __base__ is set to QTimer, the metaclass will inherit from
the correct class! But well, there is a strong drawback: now the MRO,
which I print in the same example, has a mixture of Python and PyQt4
classes in it. Unfortunately, the methods of the PyQt4 classes do not
call super, so they are uncooperative when it comes to multiple
inheritance. This is expected, as they are written in C++, a language
that has a weird concept of cooperative multiple inheritance, if it
has one at all.

So, to conclude: it is sometimes not possible to use python
cooperative multiple inheritance if C base classes are involved. This
is a bummer.

Can we change this behavior? Yes, certainly. The clean way would be to
re-write typeobject.c to actually find the best_base in a sane way.
This would be easiest if we could just find out somehow whether a
class is written in Python or in C, e.g. by adding a tp_flag to
PyTypeObject. best_base would then point to the most specialized
parent written in C.

A simpler solution would be to default to __bases__[-1] for __base__,
then we can tell users to simply put their uncooperative base classes
last in the list of bases.

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 210291
nosy: Martin.Teichmann
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Weird behavior with multiple inheritance when C classes involved
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.5

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