Re: What is a type error?

2006-07-16 Thread Chris F Clark
"Marshall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In general, I feel that "records" are not the right conceptual
> level to think about.

Unfortunately, they are the right level.  Actually,the right level
might even be lower, the fields within a record, but that's moving
even farther away from the direction you wish to go.  The right level
is the lowest level at which the programmer can see and manipulate
values.  Thus, since a programmer can see and manipulate fields within
records in SQL that is the level we need to concern ourselves with
when talking about aliasing in SQL.  In other words, since a SELECT
(or UPDATE) statement can talk about specific fields of specific
records within the table (not directly, but reliably, which I'll
explain in a moment) then those are the "primitive objects" in SQL
that can be aliased.

What I meant by "not directly, but reliably":

If you have a fixed database, and you do two selects which specify the
same sets of fields to be selected and the same keys to select records
with, one expects the two selects to return the same values. You do
not necessarily expect the records to be returned in the same order,
but you do expect the same set of records to be returned and the
records to have the same values in the same fields.  Further, if you
do an update, you expect certain fields of certain records to change
(and be reflected in subsequent selects).

However, therein lies the rub, if you do a select on some records, and
then an update that changes those records, the records you have from
the select have either changed or show outdated values.  If there is
some way to refer to the records you first selected before the update,
then you have an aliasing problem, but maybe one can't do that.  One
could also have an aliasing problem, if one were allowed to do two
updates simultaneously, so that one update could changed records in
the middle of the other changing the records.  However, I don't know
if that's allowed in the relational algebra either. (I think I finally
see your point, and more on that later.)

> I do not see that they have
> any identity outside of their value. We can uniquely identify
> any particular record via a key, but a table may have more
> than one key, and an update may change the values of one
> key but not another. So it is not possible in general to
> definitely and uniquely assign a mapping from each record
> of a table after an update to each record of the table before
> the update, and if you can't do that, then where
> is the record identity?

I don't know if your point of having two keys within one table amkes a
difference.  If one can uniquely identify a record, then it has
identity.  The fact that there is another mapping where one may not be
able to uniquely identify the record is not necessarily relevant.

> But what you descrbe is certainly *not* possible in the
> relational algebra; alas that SQL doesn't hew closer
> to it. Would you agree? Would you also agree that
> if a language *did* adhere to relation semantics,
> then relation elements would *not* have identity?
> (Under such a language, one could not have two
> equal records, for example.)

Ok, here I think I will explain my understanding of your point.  If we
treat each select statement and each update statements as a separate
program, i.e. we can't save records from one select statement to a
later one (and I think in the relational algebra one cannot), then
each single (individual) select statement or update statement is a
functional program.  That is we can view a single select statement as
doing a fold over some incoming data, but it cannot change the data.
Similarly, we can view an update statement as creating a new copy of
the table with mutations in it, but the update statement can only
refer to the original immutable table that was input.  (Well, that's
atleast how I recall the relational algebra.)  It is the second point,
about the semantics of the update statement which is important.  There
are no aliasing issues because in the relational algebra one cannot
refer to the mutated values in an update statement, every reference in
an update statement is refering to the unmutated input (again, that's
my recollection).  (Note, if my recollection is off, and one can refer
to the mutated records in an update statement, perhaps they can
explain why aliasing is not an issue in it.)

Now for some minor points:

> For example, we might ask in C, if we update a[i], will
> the value of b[j] change? And we can't say, because
> we don't know if there is aliasing. But in Fortran, we
> can say that it won't, because they are definitely
> different variables. 

Unfortunately, your statement about FORTRAN is not true, if a and b
are parameters to a subroutine (or members of a common block, or
equivalenced, or ...), then an update of a[i] might change b[j].

This is in fact, an important point, it is in subroutines (and
subroutine like things), where we have local names for things
(bindings) that are actu

Re: What is a type error?

2006-07-15 Thread Chris F Clark
Joachim Durchholz wrote:
 > You can have aliasing without pointers; e.g. arrays are fully sufficient.
 > If i = j, then a [i] and a [j] are aliases of the same object.

"Marshall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I am having a hard time with this very broad definition of aliasing.
> Would we also say that a[1+1] and a[2] are aliases? It seems
> to me, above, that we have only a, and with only one variable
> there can be no aliasing.

As you can see from the replies, all these things which you do not
consider aliasing are considered aliasing (by most everyone else, in
fact these are exactly what is meant by aliasing).  There is good
reason for this.  Let us explain this by looking again at the SQL
example that has been kicked around some.

>>SELECT * FROM persons WHERE name = "John"
>> and
>>SELECT * FROM persons WHERE surname = "Doe"

Some set of records are shared by both select clauses.  Those records
are the aliased records.  If the set is empty there is no problem.  If
we do not update the records from one of the select clauses, we also
have no problem.  However, if we update the records for one of the
select clauses and the set of aliased records is not empty, the
records returned by the other select clause have changed.  Therefore,
everything we knew to be true about the "other" select clause may or
may not still be true.  It's the may not case we are worried about.

For example, in the "imperative Mi-5" Q asks Moneypenny to run the
first query (name = John) to get a list of agents for infiltrating
Spectre.  In another department, they're doing sexual reassignments
and updating the database with the second query (surname = Doe) and
making the name become Jane (along with other changes to make the
transformation correct).  So, when Q select "John Doe" from the first
list and sends that agent on a mission Q is really sending "Jane Doe"
and Spectre realizes that the agent is one and kills her.  Not a happy

In the "functional Mi-5", the sexual reassignment group, makes clones
of the agents reassigned, so that there is now both a "John Doe" and a
"Jane Doe".  Of course, the payroll is a little more bloated, so that
when Q says "John Doe" isn't needed for any further assignments, the
"Garbage Collection" department does a reduction in force and gets rid
of "John Doe".  The good news is that they didn't send Jane Doe to her

The problem with aliasing, we want the things we knew true in one part
of our program, i.e. the Johns on Q's list are still Johns and not
Janes, to be true after we've run another part of our program.  If the
second part of our program can change what was true after the first
part of our program, we can't depend on the results from the first
part of our program, i.e. Q can send Jane Doe into certain death.

The problem is compounded by the complexities of our programs.  When Q
selected his list, he didn't know of the department doing the
reassignments (and couldn't know because they were part of a
top-secret project).  So, since bureaucracies grow to meet the
increasing needs of the bureaucracy, often the solution is increased
complexity, more regulations and paperwork to fill out, semaphores and
locks to hold on critical data, read-only data, status requests, etc.
All to keep Q from killing Jane by accident.  Sometimes they work. the
reassignment department has to wait 30-days for the clearance to
perform their operation in which time John Doe completes the
infiltration of Spectre saves the world from destruction and is ready
for his next assignment.

The key point is that each record (and even each field in each record)
if it can be known by two names, is an alias.  It is not sufficient to
talk about "whole" variables as not being aliased if there is some way
to refer to some part of the variable and change that part of the
variable.  Thus, a[1+1] is an alias for a[2] if you can have one part
of the code talking about one and another part of the code talking
about the other.

To put it one still final way, consider the following code;
assert(sorted(array a));
a[1] = 2;
assert(sorted(array a)); // is this still true?

Because a[1] is an alias of array a, you cannot be certain that the
2nd assert will not fire (fail) without additional analysis.

assert(sorted(array a));
assert(a[0] <= 2);
assert(2 <= a[2]);
a[1] = 2;
assert(sorted(array a)); // this is still true!


Re: What is Expressiveness in a Computer Language

2006-06-26 Thread Chris F Clark
"Greg Buchholz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Chris F Clark wrote:
> > Thus, as we traverse a list, the first element might be an integer,
> > the second a floating point value, the third a sub-list, the fourth
> > and fifth, two more integers, and so on.  If you look statically at
> > the head of the list, we have a very wide union of types going by.
> > However, perhaps there is a mapping going on that can be discerned.
> > For example, perhaps the list has 3 distinct types of elements
> > (integers, floating points, and sub-lists) and it circles through the
> > types in the order, first having one of each type, then two of each
> > type, then four of each type, then eight, and so on.
>   Sounds like an interesting problem.  Although not the exact type
> specified above, here's something pretty similar that I could think of
> implementing in Haskell.  (I don't know what a "sub-list" is, for
> example).  Maybe some Haskell wizard could get rid of the tuples?
> data Clark a b c = Nil | Cons a (Clark b c (a,a)) deriving Show
> clark = (Cons 42 (Cons 3.14 (Cons "abc"
> (Cons (1,2) (Cons (1.2,3.4) (Cons ("foo","bar")
> (Cons ((9,8),(7,6)) (Cons ((0.1,0.2),(0.3,0.4)) Nil
> main = print clark

Very impressive.  It looks right to me and simple enough to
understand.  I must find the time to learn a modern FP language.  Can
you write a fold for this that prints the data as a binary tree of
triples?  I have to believe it isn't that hard



Re: What is Expressiveness in a Computer Language

2006-06-26 Thread Chris F Clark
I wrote:
> The important thing is the dynamicism of lisp allowed one to write
> polymorphic programs, before most of us knew the term.

Chris Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Sure.  In exchange for giving up the proofs of the type checker, you 
> could write all kinds of programs.  To this day, we continue to write 
> programs in languages with dynamic checking features because we don't 
> have powerful enough type systems to express the corresponding type 
> system.

And to me the question is what kinds of types apply to these dynamic
programs, where in fact you may have to solve the halting problem to
know exactly when some statement is executed.  I expect that some
programs have type signatures that exceed the expressibility of any
static system (that is Turing complete).  Therefore, we need something
that "computes" the appropriate type at run-time, because we need full
Turing power to compute it.  To me such a system is a "dynamic type
system".  I think dynamic tags are a good approximation, because they
only compute what type the expression has this time.

> I believe that, in fact, it would be trivial to imagine a type system 
> which is capable of expressing that type.  Okay, not trivial, since it 
> appears to be necessary to conceive of an infinite family of integer 
> types with only one value each, along with range types, and 
> relationships between them; but it's probably not completely beyond the 
> ability of a very bright 12-year-old who has someone to describe the 
> problem thoroughly and help her with the notation.

Well, it look like you are right in that I see following is a Haskell
program that looks essentially correct.  I wanted something that was
simple enough that one could see that it could be computed, but which
was complex enough that it had to be computed (and couldn't be
statically expressed with a system that did no "type computations").
Perhaps, there is no such beast.  Or, perhaps I just can't formulate
it.  Or, perhaps we have static type checkers which can do
computations of unbounded complexity.  However, I thought that one of
the characteristics of type systems was that they did not allow
unbounded complexity and weren't Turing Complete.

> You would, of course, need a suitable type system first.  For example, 
> it appears to me that there is simply no possible way of expressing what 
> you've described in Java, even with the new generics features.  Perhaps 
> it's possible in ML or Haskell (I don't know).  My point is that if you 
> were allowed to design a type system to meet your needs, I bet you could 
> do it.

Or, I could do as I think the dynamic programmers do, dispense with
trying to formulate a sufficiently general type system and just check
the tags at the appropriate points.

> Sure.  The important question, then, is whether there exists any program 
> bug that can't be formulated as a type error.

If you allow Turing Complete type systems, then I would say no--every
bug can be reforumlated as a type error.  If you require your type
system to be less powerful, then some bugs must escape it.


Re: What is Expressiveness in a Computer Language

2006-06-26 Thread Chris F Clark
I wrote:
> These informal systems, which may not prove what they claim to prove
> are my concept of a "type system".

Chris Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> replied:
> Okay, that works.  I'm not sure where it gets us, though

Ok, we'll get there.  First, we need to step back in time, to when there
was roughly algol, cobol, fortran, and lisp.  Back then, at least as I
understood things, there were only a few types that generally people
understood integer, real, and (perhaps) pointer.  Now, with algol or
fortran things were generally only of the first two types and
variables were statically declared to be one or the other.  With lisp
any cell could hold any one of the 3, and some clever implementor
added "tag bits" to distinguish which the cell held.  As I understood
it, the tag bits weren't originally for type correctness, so much as
they facilitated garbage collection.  The garbage collector didn't
know what type of data you put in a cell and had to determine which
cells contained pointers, so that the mark-and-sweep algorithms could
sweep by following the pointers (and not following the integers that
looked like pointers).  Still, these tag bits did preserve the
"dynamic" type, in the sense that we knew types from the other
languages.  As I remember it, sophistication with type really didn't
occur as a phenomena for the general programmer until the introduction
of Pascal (and to a lesser extent PL/I).  Moreover, as I recall it,
perhaps because I didn't learn the appropriate dialect was that lisp
dialects kept with the more general notion of type (lists and tuples)
and eschewed low-level bit-fiddling where we might want to talk about
a 4 bit integer representing 0 .. 15 or -8 .. 7.

The important thing is the dynamicism of lisp allowed one to write
polymorphic programs, before most of us knew the term.  However, we
still had a notion of type: integers and floating point numbers were
still different and one could not portably use integer operations on
floating pointer values or vice versa.  However, one could check the
tag and "do the right thing" and many lisp primitives did just that,
making them polymorphic.

The way most of us conceived (or were taught to conceive) of the
situation was that there still were types, they were just associated
with values and the type laws we all knew and loved still worked, they
just worked dynamically upon the types of the operand values that were
presented at the time.

Can this be made rigorous?  Perhaps.

Instead of viewing the text of the program staticly, let us view it
dynamicly, that is by introducing a time (or execution) dimension.
This is easier if you take an imperative view of the dynamic program
and imagine things having an operational semantics, which is why we
stepped back in time in the first place, so that we are in a world
where imperative programming is the default model for most

Thus, as we traverse a list, the first element might be an integer,
the second a floating point value, the third a sub-list, the fourth
and fifth, two more integers, and so on.  If you look statically at
the head of the list, we have a very wide union of types going by.
However, perhaps there is a mapping going on that can be discerned.
For example, perhaps the list has 3 distinct types of elements
(integers, floating points, and sub-lists) and it circles through the
types in the order, first having one of each type, then two of each
type, then four of each type, then eight, and so on.  The world is now

However, I don't know how to write a static type annotation that
describes exactly that type.  That may just be my lack of experience
in writing annotations.  However, it's well within my grasp to imagine
the appropriate type structure, even though **I** can't describe it
formally.  More importantly, I can easily write something which checks
the tags and sees whether the data corresponds to my model.

And, this brings us to the point, if the data that my program
encounters doesn't match the model I have formulated, then something
is of the wrong "type".  Equally importantly, the dynamic tags, have
helped me discover that type error.

Now, the example may have seemed arbitrary to you, and it was in some
sense arbitrary.  However, if one imagines a complete binary tree with
three kinds elements stored in memory as rows per depth, one can get
exactly the structure I described.  And, if one were rewriting that
unusual representation to a more normal one, one might want exactly
the "type check" I proposed to validate that the input binary tree was
actually well formed.

Does this help explain dynamic typing as a form of typing?


Re: What is Expressiveness in a Computer Language

2006-06-25 Thread Chris F Clark
Chris F Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (I) wrote:
> Do you reject that there could be something more general than what a 
> type theorist discusses?  Or do you reject calling such things a type?

Chris Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think that the correspondence partly in the wrong direction to 
> describe it that way.
> What I can't agree to is that what you propose is actually more general.  
> It is more general in some ways, and more limited in others.  As such, 
> the best you can say is that is analogous to formal types in some ways, 
> but certainly not that it's a generalization of them.

Yes, I see your point.

> I'm particularly interested if something unsound (and perhaps 
> ambiguous) could be called a type system.

Chris Smith:

> Yes, although this is sort of a pedantic question in the first place, I 
> believe that an unsound type system would still generally be called a 
> type system in formal type theory.  However, I have to qualify that with 
> a clarification of what is meant by unsound.  We mean that it DOES 
> assign types to expressions, but that those types are either not 
> sufficient to prove what we want about program behavior, or they are not 
> consistent so that a program that was well typed may reduce to poorly 
> typed program during its execution.  Obviously, such type systems don't 
> prove anything at all, but they probably still count as type systems.

Yes, and you see mine.

These informal systems, which may not prove what they claim to prove
are my concept of a "type system".  That's because at some point,
there is a person reasoning informally about the program.  (There may
also people reasoning formally about the program, but I am going to
neglect them.)  It is to the people who are reasoning informally about
the program we wish to communicate that there is a type error.  That
is, we want someone who is dealing with the program informally to
realize that there is an error, and that this error is somehow related
to some input not being kept within proper bounds (inside the domain
set) and that as a result the program will compute an unexpected and
incorrect result.

I stressed the informal aspect, because the intended client of the
program is almost universally *NOT* someone who is thinking rigorously
about some mathematical model, but is dealing with some "real world"
phenomena which they wish to model and may not have a completely
formed concrete representation of.  Even the author of the program is
not likely to have a completely formed rigorous model in mind, only
some approxiamtion to such a model.

I also stress the informality, because beyond a certain nearly trivial
level of complexity, people are not capable of dealing with truly
formal systems.  As a compiler person, I often have to read sections
of language standards to try to discern what the standard is requiring
the compiler to do.  Many language standards attempt to describe some
formal model.  However, most are so imprecise and ambiguous when they
attempt to do so that the result is only slightly better than not
trying at all.  Only when one understands the standard in the context
of typical practice can one begin to fathom what the standard is
trying to say and why they say it the way they do.  

A typical example of this is the grammars for most programming
languages, they are expressed in a BNF variant.  However, most of the
BNF descriptions omit important details and gloss over certain
inconsistencies.  Moreover, most BNF descriptions are totally
unsuitable to a formal translation (e.g. an LL or LR parser generator,
or even an Earley or CYK one).  Yet, when considered in context of
typical implementations, the errors in the formal specification can
easily be overlooked and resolved to produce what the standard authors

For example, a few years ago I wrote a Verilog parser by
transliterating the grammar in the standard (IEEE 1364-1995) into the
notation used by my parser generator, Yacc++.  It took a couple of
days to do so.  The resulting parser essentially worked on the first
try.  However, the reason it did so, is that I had a lot of outside
knowledge when I was making the transliteration.  There were places
where I knew that this part of the grammar was lexical for lexing and
this part was for parsing and cut the grammar correctly into two
parts, despite there being nothing in the standard which described
that dichotomy.  There were other parts, like the embedded
preprocessor, that I knew were borrowed from C, so that I could use
the reoultions of issues the way a C compiler would do so, to guide
resolving the ambiguities in the Verilog standard.  There were other
parts, I could tell the standard was simply written wrong, that is
where the grammar did not specify the correct BNF, because the BNF
they had written did not specifiy something which would make

Re: What is Expressiveness in a Computer Language

2006-06-25 Thread Chris F Clark
Chris F Clark (I) wrote:

> I'm particularly interested if something unsound (and perhaps
> ambiguous) could be called a type system.  I definitely consider such
> things type systems.

"Marshall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I don't understand. You are saying you prefer to investigate the
> unsound over the sound?
> Again, I cannot understand this. In a technical realm, vagueness
> is the opposite of understanding.

At the risk of injecting too much irrelevant philosophy into the
discussion, I will with great trepdiation reply.

First in the abstrtact: No, understanding is approximating.  The world
is inherently vague.  We make false symbolic models of the world which
are consistent, but at some level they do not reflect reality, because
reality isn't consistent.  Only by abtracting away the inherent
infinite amout of subtlety present in the real universe can we come to
comprehensible models.  Those models can be consistent, but they are
not the universe.  The models in their consistency, prove things which
are not true about the real universe.

Now in the concrete: In my work productivity is ultimately important.
Therefore, we live by the 80-20 rule in numerous variations.  One of
ths things we do to achieve productivity is simplify things.  In fact,
we are more interested in an unsound simplification that is right 80%
of the time, but takes only 20% of the effort to compute, than a
completely sound (100% right) model which takes 100% of the time to
compute (which is 5 times as long).  We are playing the probabilities.

It's not that we don't respect the sound underpining, the model which
is consistent and establishes certain truths.  However, what we want
is the rule of thumb which is far simpler and approximates the sound
model with reasonable accuracy.  In particular, we accept two types of
unsoundness in the model.  One, we accept a model which gives wrong
answers which are detectable.  We code tests to catch those cases, and
use a different model to get the right answer.  Two, we accept a model
which gets the right answer only when over-provisioned.  for example,
if we know a loop will occassionaly not converge in the n-steps that
it theoretically should, we will run the loop for n+m steps until the
approximation also converges--even if that requires allocating m extra
copies of some small element than are theoretically necessary.  A
small waste of a small resource, is ok if it saves a waste of a more
critical resource--the most critical resource of all being our project

We do the same things in our abstract reasoning (including our type
model).  The problems we are solving are too large for us to
understand.  Therefore, we make simplifications, simplifications we
know are inaccurate and potentially unsound.  Our algorithm then
solves the simplified model, which we think covers the main portion of
the problem.  It also attempts to detect when it has encountered a
problem that is outside of the simplified region, on the edge so to
speak.  Now, in general, we can figure out how to handle certain edge
cases, and we do it.  However, some times the edge of one part of the
algorithm intereacts with an edge of another part of the algorithm and
we get a "corner case".  Because our model is too simple and the
reasoning it allows is thus unsound, the algorithm will occassionally
compute the wrong results for some of those corners.  We use the same
techniques for dealing with them.  Dynamic tagging is one way of
catching when we have gotten the wrong answer in our type

Marshall's last point:

> I flipped a coin to see who would win the election; it came
> up "Bush". Therefore I *knew* who was going to win the
> election before it happened. See the probem?

Flipping one coin to determine an election is not playing the
probabilities correctly.  You need a plausible explanation for why the
coin should predict the right answer and a track record of it being
correct.  If you had a coin that had correctly predicted the previous
42 presidencies and you had an explanation why the coin was right,
then it would be credible and I would be willing to wager that it
could also predict that the coin could tell us who the 44th president
would be.  One flip and no explanation is not sufficient.  (And to the
abstract point, to me that is all knowledge is, some convincing amount
of examples and a plausible explanation--anyone who thinks they have
more is appealing to a "knowledge" of the universe that I don't

I do not want incredible unsound reasoning, just reasoning that is
marginal, within a margin of safety that I can control.  Everyone that
I have know of has as far as I can tell made simplifying assumptions
to make the world tractable.  Very rarely do we deal with the world
completely formally.  Look at where that got Russell and Whitehead.
I'm just trying to be 

Re: What is Expressiveness in a Computer Language

2006-06-24 Thread Chris F Clark
Chris Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: 
> Unfortunately, I have to again reject this idea.  There is no such
> restriction on type theory.  Rather, the word type is defined by type
> theorists to mean the things that they talk about. 
Do you reject that there could be something more general than what a 
type theorist discusses?  Or do you reject calling such things a type?
Let you write: 
> because we could say that anything that checks types is a type system,
> and then worry about verifying that it's a sound type system without
> worrying about whether it's a subset of the perfect type system. 
I'm particularly interested if something unsound (and perhaps 
ambiguous) could be called a type system.  I definitely consider such 
things type systems.  However, I like my definitions very general and 
vague.  Your writing suggests the opposite preference.  To me if 
something works in an analogous way to how a known type system, I tend
to consider it a "type system".  That probably isn't going to be at 
all satisfactory to someone wanting a more rigorous definition. Of 
course, to my mind, the rigorous definitions are just an attempt to 
capture something that is already known informally and put it on a
more rational foundation.
> So what is the domain of a function?  (Heck, what is a function? 
> (I need a word here that implies something like a set, but I don't care 
> to verify the axioms of set theory.  I'm just going to use set.  Hope 
> that's okay.) 
Yes, I meant the typical HS algebra definition of domain, which is a 
set, same thing for function.  More rigorous definitions can be 
sustituted as necessary and appropriate.
> 1. The domain is the set of inputs to that expression which are going to 
> produce a correct result. 
> 2. The domain is the set of inputs that I expected this expression to 
> work with when I wrote it. 
> 3. The domain is the set of inputs for which the expression has a 
> defined result within the language semantics. 
> So the problem, then, more clearly stated, is that we need something 
> stronger than #3 and weaker than #1, but #2 includes some psychological 
> nature that is problematic to me (though, admittedly, FAR less 
> problematic than the broader uses of psychology to date.) 
Actually, I like 2 quite well.  There is some set in my mind when I'm
writing a particular expression.  It is likely an ill-defined set, but
I don't notice that.  That set is exactly the "type".  I approximate
that set and it's relationships to other sets in my program with the
typing machinery of the language I am using.  That is the static (and
well-founded) type.  It is however, only an approximation to the ideal
"real" type.  If I could make that imaginary mental set concrete (and
well-defined), that would be exactly my concept of type.
Now, that overplays the conceptual power in my mind.  My mental image
is influenced by my knowledge of the semantics of the language and
also any implementations I may have used.  Thus, I will weaken 2 to be
closer to 3, because I don't expect a perfectly ideal type system,
just an approximation.  To the extent that I am aware of gotchas in
the language or a relavent implementation, I amy write extra code to
try and limit things to model 1.  Note that in my fallible mind, 1 and
2 are identical.  In my hubris, I expect that the extra checks I have
made have restricted my inputs to where model 3 and 1 coincide.

Expanding that a little.  I expect the language to catch type errors
where I violate model 3.  To the extent model 3 differs from model 1
and my code hasn't added extra checks to catch it, I have bugs
resulting from undetected type errors or perhaps modelling errors.  To
me they are type errors, because I expect that there is a typing
system that captures 1 for the program I am writing, even though I
know that that is not generally true.

As I reflect on this more, I really do like 2 in the sense that I
believe there is some abstract Platonic set that is an ideal type
(like 1) and that is what the type system is approximating.  to the
sense that languages approximate either 1 or 2, those facilites are
type facilities of a language.  That puts me very close to your
(rejected) definition of type as the well-defined semantics of the
language.  Except I think of types as the sets of values that the
language provides, so it isn't the entire semantics of the language,
just that part which divides values into discrete sets which are
approriate to different operations (and detect inaapropriate values).


Re: What is Expressiveness in a Computer Language

2006-06-24 Thread Chris F Clark
Chris Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: 
> I thought about this in the context of reading Anton's latest post to
> me, but I'm just throwing out an idea. 
I wrote:
> I think there is some sense of convergence here.

Apologies for following-up to my own post, but I forgot to describe
the convergence.

The convergence is there is something more general that what type
theorists talk about when discussing types.  Type theory is an
abstraction and systemization of reasoning about types.  This more
general reasoning doesn't need to be sound, it just needs to be based
aound "types" and computations.

My own reasoning uses such an unsound system.  It has clear roots in
sound reasoning, and I wish I could make it sound, but

In any case, dynamic tagging helps support my unsound reasoning by
providing evidence when I have made an error.

I hope this makes it less mystical for Marshall.


Re: What is Expressiveness in a Computer Language

2006-06-24 Thread Chris F Clark
Chris Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: 
> I thought about this in the context of reading Anton's latest post to
> me, but I'm just throwing out an idea. 
I think there is some sense of convergence here.  In particular, I 
reason about my program using "unsound types".  That is, I reason 
about my program using types which I can (at least partially) 
formalize, but for which there is no sound axiomatic system.  Now, 
these types are locally sound, i.e. I can prove properties that hold 
for regions of my programs.  However, the complexity of the programs 
prevent me from formally proving the entire program is correct (or 
even entirely type-safe)--I generally work in a staticly, but 
weakly-typed language.  Sometimes, for performance reasons, the rules
need to be bent--and the goal is to bend the rules, but not break 
them.  At other times, I want to strenghten the rules, make parts of 
the program more provably correct.
How does this work in practice?  Well, there is a set of ideal types, 
I would like to use in my program.  Those types would prove that my 
program is correct.  However, because there are parts of the program 
that for perfomnace reasons need me to widen the ideal types to 
something less tight, pragmatic types.  The system can validate that I 
have not broken the pragmatic types.  That is not tight enough to 
prove the program correct, but it provides some level of security.
To improve my confidence in the program, I borrow the tagging concept 
to supplement the static type system.  At key points in the program I 
can check the type tag to ensure that the data being manipulated 
actual matches the unprovable ideal type system.  If it doesn't, I 
have a witness to the error in my reasoning.  It is not perfect, but 
it is better than nothing.
Why am I in this state, because I believe that most interesting
programs are beyond my ability to formally prove them, or at least
prove them in "reasonable" time bounds.  Therefore, I prove
(universally quantify) some properties of my programs, but many other
(and most of the "interesting") properties, I can only existentially
quantify--it worked in the cases that it was tested on.  It is a
corrolary of this, that most programs have bugs--places where the
formal reasoning was incomplete (did not reason down to relevant
interesting property) and the informal reasoning was wrong.

Thus, the two forms of reasoning, static typing to check the formal
properties that it can, and dynamic tagging to catch the errors that
it missed work like a belt and suspenders system.  I would like the
static type system to catch more errors, but I need it to express more
to do so, and many of the properties that are interesting require
n-squared operations to validate.  Equally important, the dynamic tags
help when working in an essentially untrustworthy world.  Not only do
our own programs have bugs, so do the systems we run them on, both
hardware and software.  Moreover, alpha radiation and quantum effects
can change "constants" in a program (some of my work has to do with
soft-error rates on chips where we are trying to guarantee that the
chip will have a reasonable MBTF for certain algorithms).  That's not
to ignore the effects of malware and other ways your program can be
made less reliable.

Yes, I want a well-proven program, but I also want some guarantee that
the program is actually executing the algorithm specified.  That
requires a certain amount of "redundant" run-time checks.  Knuth had a
quote about a program only being proven and not tested that reflects
the appropriate cynicism.

I consider any case where a program gives a function outside of its
domain a "type error", because an ideal (but unacheivable) type system
would have prevented it.  That does not make all errors, type errors,
because if I give a program an input within its domain and it
mis-computes the result, that is not a type error.


Re: What is Expressiveness in a Computer Language

2006-06-22 Thread Chris F Clark
Pascal Costanza wrote:
> Consider a simple expression like 'a + b': In a dynamically typed
> language, all I need to have in mind is that the program will attempt to
> add two numbers. In a statically typed language, I additionally need to
> know that there must a guarantee that a and b will always hold numbers.

"Marshall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> replied:
> I would not expect that the dynamic programmer will be
> thinking that this code will have two numbers most of the
> time but sometimes not, and fail. I would expect that in both
> static and dynamic, the thought is that that code is adding
> two numbers, with the difference being the static context
> gives one a proof that this is so.

I don't think the the problem is down at the atom level.  It's really
at the structure (tuple) level.  If we view 'a + b' as applying the
function + to some non-atomic objects a and b.  The question is how
well do we specify what a and b are.  From my limited exposure to
programs that use dynamic typing, I would surmise that developers who
use dynamic typing have very broad and open definitions of the "types"
of a and b, and they don't want the type system complaining that they
have nailed the definitions down quite yet.  And, if you read some of
the arguments in this topic, one assumes that they want to even be
able to correct the "types" of a and b at run-time, when they find out
that they have made a mistake without taking the system down.

So, for a concrete example, let b be a "file" type (either text file
or directory) and we get a whole system up and running with those two
types.  But, we discover a need for "symbolic links".  So, we want to
change the file type to have 3 sub-types.  In a dynamic type system,
because the file "type" is loose (it's operationally defined by what
function one applies to b), this isn't an issue.  As each function is
recoded to deal with the 3rd sub-type, the program becomes more
functional.  If we need to demo the program before we have worked out
how symbolic links work for some operation, it is not a problem.  Run
the application, but don't exercise that combination of type and

In many ways, this can also be done in languages with type inference.
I don't understand the process by which one does it, so I can't
explain it.  Perhaps someone else will--please

Back to the example, the file type is not an atomic type, but
generally some structure/tuple/list/record/class with members or
fields.  A function which renames files by looking at only the name
field may work perfectly adequately with the new symbolic link subtype
without change because the new subtype has the same name field and
uses it the same way.  A spell-check function which works on text
files using the "contents" field might need to be recoded for symbolic
links if the contents field for that subtype is "different" (e.g. the
name of the target).  The naive spell check function might appear to
work, but really do the wrong thing, (i.e. checking if the target file
name is made of legal words).  Thus, the type problems are not at the
atomic level (where contents is a string), but at the structure level,
where one needs to know which fields have which meanings for which


Re: What is Expressiveness in a Computer Language

2006-06-21 Thread Chris F Clark
Chris F Clark schrieb:
> In that sense, a static type system is eliminating tags, because the
> information is pre-computed and not explicitly stored as a part of the
> computation.  Now, you may not view the tag as being there, but in my
> mind if there exists a way of perfoming the computation that requires
> tags, the tag was there and that tag has been eliminated.

Joachim Durchholz replied:
> On a semantic level, the tag is always there - it's the type (and
> definitely part of an axiomatic definition of the language).
> Tag elimination is "just" an optimization.

I agree the tag is always there in the abstract.  

However, for the work I do the optimization of the tag at runtime is
important, and we specifically change things into types when we know
the system can do that optimization, because then we are getting the
system to do the work we would have to do and validating that the job
is done correctly.  So, I care that the tag is eliminated in practice
(and remains in theory--I have to have both).

In the end, I'm trying to fit things which are "too big" and "too
slow" into much less space and time, using types to help me reliably
make my program smaller and faster is just one trick.  It's a really
great and non-obvious one though, and one I'm glad I learned.  Any
algebra I can learn that helps me solve my problems better is

However, I also know that my way of thinking about it is fringe.  Most
people don't think that the purpose of types is to help one write
reliably tighter code.

Still, knowing about dynmic typing (tagging) and static typing, helped
me understand this trick.  Thus, conflating the two meanings may at
some level be confusing.  However, for me, they aided understanding
something that I needed to learn.


Re: What is Expressiveness in a Computer Language

2006-06-20 Thread Chris F Clark
Chris F Clark wrote:
> A static
> type system eliminates some set of tags on values by syntactic
> analysis of annotations (types) written with or as part of the program
> and detects some of the disallowed compuatations (staticly) at compile
> time.

Adreas relied:
> Explicit annotations are not a necessary ingredient of a type system,
> nor is "eliminating tags" very relevant to its function.

While this is true, I disagree at some level with the second part.  By
eliminating tags, I mean allowing one to perform "type safe"
computations without requiring the values to be tagged.  One could
argue that the tags were never there.  However, many of the
interesting polymorphic computations reaquire either that the values
be tagged or that some other process assures that at each point one
can determine apriori what the correct variant of computation is which

To me a static type system is one which does this apriori
determination.  A dynamic type system does not do a apriori and
instead includes explicit information in the values being computed to
select the corret variant computations.

In that sense, a static type system is eliminating tags, because the
information is pre-computed and not explicitly stored as a part of the
computation.  Now, you may not view the tag as being there, but in my
mind if there exists a way of perfoming the computation that requires
tags, the tag was there and that tag has been eliminated.

To put it another way, I consider the tags to be axiomatic.  Most
computations involve some decision logic that is driven by distinct
values that have previously been computed.  The separation of the
values which drive the compuation one-way versus another is a tag.
That tag can potentially be eliminated by some apriori computation.

In what I do, it is very valuable to move information from being
explicitly represented in the computed result into the tag, so that I
often have distinct "types" (i.e. tags) for an empty list, a list with
one element, a list with two elements, and a longer list.  In that
sense, I agree with Chris Smith's assertion that "static typing" is
about asserting general properties of the algorithm/data.  These
assertions are important to the way I am manipulating the data.  They
are part of my type model, but they may not be part of anyone else's,
and to me toe pass a empty list to a function requiring a list with
two elements is a "type error", because it is something I expect the
type system to detect as incorrect.  The fact that no one else may
have that expectation does not seem relevant to me.

Now, to carry this farther, since I expect the type system to validate
that certain values are of certain types and only be used in certain
contexts, I am happy when it does not require certain "tags" to be
actualy present in the data.  However, because other bits of code are
polymorphic, I do expect certain values to require tags.  In the end,
this is still a win for me.  I had certain data elements that in the
abstract had to be represented explicitly.  I have encoded that
information into the type system and in some cases the type system is
not using any bits in the computed representation to hold that
information.  Whenever that happens, I win and that solves one of the
problems that I need solved.

Thus, a type system is a way for me to express certain axioms about my
algorithm.  A dynamic type system encodes those facts as part of the
computation.  A static type system pre-calculates certain "theorems"
from my axioms and uses those theorems to allow my algorithm to be
computed without all the facts being stored as part of the computation.

Hopefully, this makes my point of view clear.


Chris ClarkInternet   :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Compiler Resources, Inc.   Web Site   :  
23 Bailey Rd   voice  :  (508) 435-5016
Berlin, MA  01503  USA fax:  (978) 838-0263  (24 hours)

Re: What is Expressiveness in a Computer Language

2006-06-19 Thread Chris F Clark
Chris Smith wrote:
> Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > While I am quite sympathetic to this point, I have to say that
> > this horse left the barn quite some time ago.
> I don't think so.  Perhaps it's futile to go scouring the world for uses
> of the phrase "dynamic type" and eliminating them.   It's not useless to
> point out when the term is used in a particularly confusing way, though,
> as when it's implied that there is some class of "type errors" that is
> strictly a subset of the class of "errors".  Terminology is often
> confused for historical reasons, but incorrect statements eventually get
> corrected.

Ok, so you (Chris Smith) object to the term "dynamic type".  From a
historical perspective it makes sense, perticular in the sense of
tags.  A dynamic type system involves associating tags with values and
expresses variant operations in terms of those tags, with certain
disallowed combinations checked (dynamicly) at run-time.  A static
type system eliminates some set of tags on values by syntactic
analysis of annotations (types) written with or as part of the program
and detects some of the disallowed compuatations (staticly) at compile

Type errors are the errors caught by ones personal sense of which
annotations are expressible, computable, and useful.  Thus, each
person has a distinct sense of which errors can (and/or should) be
staticly caught.

A personal example, I read news using Emacs, which as most readers in
these newsgroups will know is a dialect of lisp that includes
primitives to edit files.  Most of emacs is quite robust, perhaps due
to it being lisp.  However, some commands (reading news being one of
them) are exceptionally fragile and fail in the most undebuggable
ways, often just complaining about "nil being an invalid argument" (or
"stack overflow in regular expression matcher".)

This is particularly true, when I am composing lisp code.  If I write
some lisp code and make a typographical error, the code may appear to
run on some sample case and fail due to a path not explored in my
sample case when applied to real data.

I consider such an error to be a "type error" because I believe if I
used a languages that required more type annotations, the compiler
would have caught my typographical error (and no I'm not making a pun
on type and typographical).  Because I do a lot of this--it is easy
enough for me to conjure up a small lisp macro to make some edit that
it is a primary tool in my toolkit, I wish I could make my doing so
more robust.  It would not bother me to have to type more to do so.  I
simply make too many stupid errors to use emacs lisp as effectively as
I would like.

Now, this has nothing to do with real lisp programming, and so I do
not wish to offend those who do that.  However, I personally would
like a staticly typed way of writing macros (and more importantly of
annotating some of the existing emacs code) to remove some of the
fragilities that I experience.  I'm not taking avantage of the
exploratory nature of lisp, except in the sense that the exploratory
nature has created lots of packages which mostly work most of the

Now, I will return this group to its much more erudite discussion of
the issue.

Thank you,

Chris ClarkInternet   :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Compiler Resources, Inc.   Web Site   :  
23 Bailey Rd   voice  :  (508) 435-5016
Berlin, MA  01503  USA fax:  (978) 838-0263  (24 hours)


Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-10 Thread Chris F Clark
Kenny replied to me saying:
> Yep. But with Cells the dependency graph is just a shifting record of
> who asked who, shifting because all of a sudden some outlier data will
> enter the system and a rule will branch to code for the first time,
> and suddenly "depend on" on some new other cell (new as in never
> before used by this cell). This is not subject to static analysis
> because, in fact, lexically everyone can get to everything else, what
> with closures, first-class functions, runtime branching we cannot
> predict... fuggedaboutit.
> So we cannot say, OK, here is "the graph" of our application
> model. All we can do is let her rip and cross our fingers. :)

Yes, if you have Turing completeness in your dependency graph, the
problem is unsolvable.  However, it's like the static v. dynamic
typing debate, you can pick how much you want to allow your graph to
be dynamic versus how much "safety" you want.  In particular, I
suspect that in many applications, one can compute the set of
potentially problematic dependencies (and that set will be empty).
It's just a matter of structuring and annotating them correctly.  Just
like one can create type systems that work for ML and Haskell.  Of
course, if you treat your cell references like C pointers, then you
get what you deserve.

Note that you can even run the analysis dynamically, recomputing
whether the graph is cycle free as each dependency changes.  Most
updates have local effect.  Moreover, if you have used topological
sort to compute an ordering as well as proving cycle-free-ness, the
edge is only pontentially problemantic when it goes from a later
vertex in the order to an earlier one.  I wouldn't be surprised to
find efficient algorithms for calculating and updating a topological
sort already in the literature.

It is worth noting that in typical chip circuitry there are
constructions, generally called "busses" where the flow of information
is sometimes "in" via an edge and sometimes "out" via the same edge
and we can model them in a cycle-free manner.

If you want to throw up your hands and say the problem is intractable
in general, you can.  However, in my opinion one doesn't have to give
up quite that easily.


Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-10 Thread Chris F Clark
David C Ullrich asked:
> Q: How do we ensure there are no loops in the dependencies?
> Do we actually run the whole graph through some algorithm
> to verify there are no loops?

The question you are asking is the dependency graph a "directed
acyclic graph" (commonly called a DAG)?  One algorithm to determine if
it is, is called "topological sort".  That algorithm tells you where
there are cyclces in your graph, if any, and also tells you the order
of the dependencies, i.e. if x is updated, what you have to update
downstream AND THE ORDER you have to perform the downstream
computations in.  We use this algorithm for solving just the kind of
dataflow problems you are talking about in our circuit design tools.
Circuit designs have one-way dependencies that we want to sort and
resolve--similarly, we don't want cycles in our circuits except ones
that pass through clocked flip-flops.  We solve such problems on
circuits with millions of gates, i.e. enough gates to represent the
CPU of your computer or a disk controller chip or a router.

I believe there are also algorithms that allow you to construct only
acyclic (the technical term for non-looping) graphs and don't require
you to enter the vertexes (verticies if you prefer) of the graph in
any specific order, and in the worst case you can always run the
topological sort on any graph and determine if the graph is cyclic.

The area is well-studied and you can find a variety of algorithms that
solve most interesting graph problems as they all occur over-and-over
in numerous diverse fields.

Hope this helps,

Chris ClarkInternet   :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Compiler Resources, Inc.   Web Site   :  
23 Bailey Rd   voice  :  (508) 435-5016
Berlin, MA  01503  USA fax:  (978) 838-0263  (24 hours)

Re: Programming challenge: wildcard exclusion in cartesian products

2006-03-27 Thread Chris F Clark
Yes, there is literature on the generating side of the regular
expression/FSM model.  In fact, the matching problem and the
generating problems are exactly equivalent.  A slight variation of the
definition of how a matcher works, turns it into a generator and vice
versa.  To directly generate (rather than match) from an FSM, one
simply does a walk (e.g. depth first search or breath first search)
over the machine writing out (rather than matching) the symbols used
as labels.  Thus, all the theorems about matching apply to generating
and also in reverse.

You can see this to some extent form the problem posed.  If one
generates Sigma* and subtracts out the elements from some regular
language (say by matching them), that is exactly equivalent (in
strings generated) to generating the complement of the regular

In fact, it is quite easy (with the correct regular expression tool,
i.e. one that handles regular expression differences) to take the
problems posed and generate provably minimal (i.e. provably maximally
efficient) generation (or matching) programs as FSMs.  The provably
minimal FSM won't go down any paths that don't have some sequence that
generates an "accept" value.  It is worth noting the regular languages
are closed under the difference operator, so that resulting language
from substracting one regular expression from another is still a
regular language, which can be used to prove that the machine is

Therefore, while the output can be exponentially larger than the
input, one should expect that implementations should be able to
generate the output in linear time (relative to the size of the
output), since FSMs run in linear time relative to the string they are
processing (whether generating or matching).  Under a reasonable model
of computation, one cannot do better than linear in the size of string

I'm sure if you asked under comp.theory, you would get tons of other
relevant facts from someone who understands automata theory better
than I.  Note, if one does ask there, one should correct the notation.
The "*" symbol was used as in globbing, not as commonly used in
regular expressions.  The notation ".*" (as someone corrected in one
of their replies) is the normal notation for what the original poster
wanted by "*".

Hope this helps,

Chris ClarkInternet   :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Compiler Resources, Inc.   Web Site   :  
23 Bailey Rd   voice  :  (508) 435-5016
Berlin, MA  01503  USA fax:  (978) 838-0263  (24 hours)