Trouble with regular expressions

2009-02-07 Thread LaundroMat

I'm quite new to regular expressions, and I wonder if anyone here
could help me out.

I'm looking to split strings that ideally look like this: Update: New
item (Household) into a group.
This expression works ok: '^(Update:)?(.*)(\(.*\))$' - it returns
(Update, New item, (Household))

Some strings will look like this however: Update: New item (item)
(Household). The expression above still does its job, as it returns
(Update, New item (item), (Household)).

It does not work however when there is no text in parentheses (eg
Update: new item). How can I get the expression to return a tuple
such as (Update:, new item, None)?

Thanks in advance,


Re: Calculate sha1 hash of a binary file

2008-08-07 Thread LaundroMat
Thanks all!

Re: Calculate sha1 hash of a binary file

2008-08-07 Thread LaundroMat
I did some testing, and calculating the hash value of a 1Gb file does
take some time using this method.
Would it be wise to calculate the hash value based on say for instance
the first Mb? Is there a much larger chance of collusion this way (I
suppose not). If it's helpful, the files would primarily be media
(video) files.



Re: Calculate sha1 hash of a binary file

2008-08-07 Thread LaundroMat
On Aug 7, 2:22 pm, Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 LaundroMat [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Would it be wise to calculate the hash value based on say for instance
  the first Mb? Is there a much larger chance of collusion this way (I
  suppose not). If it's helpful, the files would primarily be media
  (video) files.

 The usual purpose of using this type of hash is to detect corruption
 and/or tampering.  So you want to hash the whole file, not just part
 of it.  If you're not worried about intentional tampering, md5 should
 be somewhat faster than sha, but there are some attacks against it
 and you shouldn't use it for high security applications where you
 want security against forgery.  It should still have almost no chance
 of accidental collisions.

Well, what I really intend to do is store the file hashes, in order to
be able to recognise the files later on when they are stored on
another location, and under another filename. It's not so much
tampering I'm concerned with.


Calculate sha1 hash of a binary file

2008-08-06 Thread LaundroMat
Hi -

I'm trying to calculate unique hash values for binary files,
independent of their location and filename, and I was wondering
whether I'm going in the right direction.

Basically, the hash values are calculated thusly:

f = open('binaryfile.bin')
import hashlib
h = hashlib.sha1()
hash = h.hexdigest()

A quick try-out shows that effectively, after renaming a file, its
hash remains the same as it was before.

I have my doubts however as to the usefulness of this. As
does not seem to read until the end of the file (for a 3.3MB file only
a string of 639 bytes is being returned, perhaps a 00-byte counts as
EOF?), is there a high danger for collusion?

Are there better ways of calculating hash values of binary files?

Thanks in advance,


Reproducing a web page and add own content to it.

2008-04-08 Thread LaundroMat
Hi -

I'm working on a Django powered site where one of the required
functionalities is the possibility of displaying the content of
external pages, with an extra banner at the top where specific
information is displayed. In other words, I'm looking for a way to
reproduce an existing web page and add some HTML code to it. (I can't
think of an example right now, but the idea is similar to sites that
let you see an external page and have some site-specific text above it
(often stating that the content below is not part of the site the user
comes from)).

To test this, I've been downloading an external page, adding some text
to it and re-opening it in a browser (with the help of built-in
modules such as urllib2 etc). This works of course, but the external
page's links such as img src=hello.png, or a href=help.html
are evidently no longer correct.

Apart from parsing the whole file and trying to inject the external
site's domain in links such as the above (with the added inconvenience
of having to store the external page locally), is there an easier way
of accomplishing what I want?




Re: Reproducing a web page and add own content to it.

2008-04-08 Thread LaundroMat
On Apr 8, 2:04 pm, Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 LaundroMat wrote:
  Hi -

  I'm working on a Django powered site where one of the required
  functionalities is the possibility of displaying the content of
  external pages, with an extra banner at the top where specific
  information is displayed. In other words, I'm looking for a way to
  reproduce an existing web page and add some HTML code to it. (I can't
  think of an example right now, but the idea is similar to sites that
  let you see an external page and have some site-specific text above it
  (often stating that the content below is not part of the site the user
  comes from)).

  To test this, I've been downloading an external page, adding some text
  to it and re-opening it in a browser (with the help of built-in
  modules such as urllib2 etc). This works of course, but the external
  page's links such as img src=hello.png, or a href=help.html
  are evidently no longer correct.

  Apart from parsing the whole file and trying to inject the external
  site's domain in links such as the above (with the added inconvenience
  of having to store the external page locally), is there an easier way
  of accomplishing what I want?

 Using a frame?


Ack. I was too focused on importing the external web page and
redisplaying the information (I've just been reading up on
BeautifulSoup) instead of looking for an HTML based approach.


Re: Reproducing a web page and add own content to it.

2008-04-08 Thread LaundroMat
On Apr 8, 4:11 pm, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 LaundroMat wrote:
  On Apr 8, 2:04 pm, Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  LaundroMat wrote:
  Hi -
  I'm working on a Django powered site where one of the required
  functionalities is the possibility of displaying the content of
  external pages, with an extra banner at the top where specific
  information is displayed. In other words, I'm looking for a way to
  reproduce an existing web page and add some HTML code to it. (I can't
  think of an example right now, but the idea is similar to sites that
  let you see an external page and have some site-specific text above it
  (often stating that the content below is not part of the site the user
  comes from)).
  To test this, I've been downloading an external page, adding some text
  to it and re-opening it in a browser (with the help of built-in
  modules such as urllib2 etc). This works of course, but the external
  page's links such as img src=hello.png, or a href=help.html
  are evidently no longer correct.
  Apart from parsing the whole file and trying to inject the external
  site's domain in links such as the above (with the added inconvenience
  of having to store the external page locally), is there an easier way
  of accomplishing what I want?
  Using a frame?


  Ack. I was too focused on importing the external web page and
  redisplaying the information (I've just been reading up on
  BeautifulSoup) instead of looking for an HTML based approach.


 You could also look at adding a base tag to your generated page's
 head section.

 Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
 Holden Web LLC

True, but I suppose that users would no longer see the top banner
added by me when they click on one of the links on the external site's
page. I'm a bit hesitant about using frames however, but reading up on
them makes me think the application I have in mind for them might be
the generally accepted exception to the rule that frames are bad :)

Anyway. Thanks for the help!

Re: reading id3 tags with python

2006-11-27 Thread LaundroMat
On Nov 24, 5:42 pm, jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 and what do you mean by 'id3reader' cant do directories?
 my for loop just does each file in the dirextory

It's just a friendly warning that you shouldn't suppose that all that
is scanned are indeed files, and not directories.


Re: reading id3 tags with python

2006-11-24 Thread LaundroMat
Heh, a description of the error would be nice indeed.

Just a preliminary warning: with this code you will also be parsing
directories. id3reader can't handle those ofcourse.

Better add a check such as eg:
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory, file)):
# do your thing



VLC-python bindings

2006-11-14 Thread LaundroMat

Has anyone succeeded in compiling the vlc-python bindings on Windows?
(as discussed in the vlc development wiki).

I have found several compiled bindings, but none were updated for
Python 2.4 (or 2.5 for that matter). As I am a complete layman for
everything that is C compilation on any platform, could anyone point me
to vlc-python bindings that work out of the box?

Many thanks in advance,



Help me understand this iterator

2006-10-31 Thread LaundroMat

I've found this script over at effbot
(, and I can't get my head
around its inner workings. Here's the script:

import os

class DirectoryWalker:
# a forward iterator that traverses a directory tree

def __init__(self, directory):
self.stack = [directory]
self.files = []
self.index = 0

def __getitem__(self, index):
while 1:
file = self.files[self.index]
self.index = self.index + 1
except IndexError:
# pop next directory from stack = self.stack.pop()
self.files = os.listdir(
self.index = 0
# got a filename
fullname = os.path.join(, file)
if os.path.isdir(fullname) and not
return fullname

for file in DirectoryWalker(.):
print file

Now, if I look at this script step by step, I don't understand:
- what is being iterated over (what is being called by file in
- where it gets the index value from;
- where the while 1:-loop is quitted.

Thanks in advance,



Re: Help me understand this iterator

2006-10-31 Thread LaundroMat
Ack, I get it now. It's not the variable's name (index) that is
hard-coded, it's just that the loop sends an argument by
default. That's a lot more comforting.


Re: Help me understand this iterator

2006-10-31 Thread LaundroMat
Thanks all, those were some great explanations. It seems I have still
still a long way for me to go before I grasp the intricacies of this

That 'magic index' variable bugs me a little however. It gives me the
same feeling as when I see hard-coded variables. I suppose the
generator class has taken care of this with its next() method (although
- I should have a look - __next__() probable takes self and index as
its arguments). Although I'm very fond of the language (as a
non-formally trained hobbyist developer), that magic bit is a tad

Still, thanks for the quick and complete replies!


Re: Help me understand this iterator

2006-10-31 Thread LaundroMat
On Oct 31, 3:53 pm, Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 LaundroMat wrote:
  That 'magic index' variable bugs me a little however. It gives me the
  same feeling as when I see hard-coded variables.what magic index?  the 
  variable named index is an argument to the
 method it's used in.

Yes, I reacted too quickly. Sorry.


Re: What value should be passed to make a function use the default argument value?

2006-10-04 Thread LaundroMat

Rob De Almeida wrote:

 LaundroMat wrote:
  Suppose I have this function:
  def f(var=1):
  return var*2
  What value do I have to pass to f() if I want it to evaluate var to 1?
  I know that f() will return 2, but what if I absolutely want to pass a
  value to f()? None doesn't seem to work..

 If you *absolutely* want to pass a value and you don't know the default
 value (otherwise you could just pass it):

  import inspect
  v = inspect.getargspec(f)[3][0] # first default value

I have in fact a bunch of functions that all pass similar information
to one main function. That function takes (amongst others) a template
variable. If it's not being passed, it is set to a default value by the
function called upon.

For the moment, whenever a function calls the main function, I check
whether the calling function has the template variable set:

 if template:
return mainFunction(var, template)
return mainFunction(var)

Now, I thought this isn't the cleanest way to do things; so I was
looking for ways to initialize the template variable, so that I could
always return mainFunction(var, template). mainFunction() would then
assign the default value to template.

From your answers, this seems to be impossible. The minute my variable
is initialised, there's no way I can have mainFunction() assign a value
without explicitly asking it to do so.

I guess the best way would then be to change mainFunction from:
 def mainFunction(var, template='base'):
 def mainFunction(var, template):
 if len(template)=0:
template = 'base'

and have the calling functions call mainFunction (var, template) and
initialise template to ''.

I still have that nagging feeling nicer code could be written to solve
this, but I won't try to lose any sleep over it.

Thanks for all the replies.


Re: What value should be passed to make a function use the default argument value?

2006-10-04 Thread LaundroMat
Antoon Pardon wrote:

 The problem is like the following.

 def f(var=1):
   return var*2

 def g():
   arg = None
 arg = Try_Processing() / 3 + 1
   except Nothing_To_Process:
   if arg is None:
 return f()
 return f(arg)

 Now in this case you could start by assigning arg the value 1 and
 eliminate the if test. However that only works if you know the
 default value for the argument. What he seems to be asking for
 is if there is an object, (let as call it Default), that would
 make code like:

   def f(var=1):

 Equivallent to:

   def f(var=Default)
 if var is Default)
   var = 1

 So that we could write the following without the need of the
 f's default value.

   def g():
 arg = Default
 arg = Try_Processing() / 3 + 1
   except Nothing_To_Process:
 Antoon Pardon

Exactly. Thanks for helping out.


What value should be passed to make a function use the default argument value?

2006-10-03 Thread LaundroMat
Suppose I have this function:

def f(var=1):
return var*2

What value do I have to pass to f() if I want it to evaluate var to 1?
I know that f() will return 2, but what if I absolutely want to pass a
value to f()? None doesn't seem to work..

Thanks in advance.
