RE: newbie: dictionary - howto get key value

2005-03-10 Thread Michael . Coll-Barth

how about?

test = 3   #find person with this number
for x in xrange(len(phone.keys())):
print x
if phone[phone.keys()[x]] == test:
   print phone.keys()[x]

Being a newbie myself, I'd love a little critique on the above.  Be kind as
I don't know what else needs to be done in Gerhard's process.  Of course, we
could put this loop in a call and return the name

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of G. Völkl
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 12:19 PM
Subject: newbie: dictionary - howto get key value


I use a dictionary:

phone = {'mike':10,'sue':8,'john':3}

phone['mike']   --> 10

I want to know who has number 3?

3 -->  'john'

How to get it in the python way ?


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2005-04-16 Thread Michael . Coll-Barth

I have been going through the manuals and not having much luck with the
following code.  This is basically an issue of giving 'split' multiple
patterns to split a string.  If it had an ignore case switch, the problem
would be solved.  Instead, I have to code the following, which works fine
for a single byte string.  What can I do when I want to look for strings?

>>> test = 'A big Fat CAt'
>>> A = test.split('A')
>>> print A
['', ' big Fat C', 't']
>>> a = []
>>> for x in xrange(len(A)):
... tmp = A[x].split('a')
... for y in xrange(len(tmp)):
... a.append(tmp[y])
>>> a
['', ' big F', 't C', 't']

It is odd about the help files, after I figure out how to do something, the
help makes sense.  Before hand is another story...  Are there any others out
there that share this misery? 

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RE: trouble to print array contents using slice operator

2005-04-16 Thread Michael . Coll-Barth
print a[10:15] 
print a[10:]

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of praba kar
Sent: Saturday, April 16, 2005 10:28 AM
Subject: trouble to print array contents using slice operator

Dear all,

   In Php array_slice function base
we can print array contents as per our desire

$a = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15);
$arr = array_slice($a,10,10);

this function will print 11,12,13,14,15

But I try to print the same thing in python
using slice operator 

eg) print a[10:10] 

This statement print [] empty array.  

How I need to get my desired output like php
array_slice function?

with regards


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rudeness was: Python licence again

2005-04-22 Thread Michael . Coll-Barth

>>> Is it something like 'center' or 'color' for Americans and 'centre' or
'colour' for British people?

Yes, exactly.  

>>> (Sorry to be offtopic)

No need to apologize.  I started to read the postings on this list and was
dismayed at the depth of rudeness on here.  I thought that pythonistas might
be a little more patient/tolerant.  I guess I was wrong.  I understood
exactly what you wanted to say, I just didn't have an answer.  I did find it
amusing that the person who incorrectly corrected you, was in fact,

I wonder, how many others out there find that the documentation and
references materials seem to be written for someone that already knows the
answer, but are indecipherable, at times, for those that don't know the

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RE: How do I parse this ? regexp ?

2005-04-27 Thread Michael . Coll-Barth

> I want to remove the commas, and square brackets [ and ] 
> characters and
> rewrite this whole line (and all the ones following in a text file
> where only space would be a delimiter. How do I do this ?

If all you want to do to the data as you read in and write out a line, how
about string.replace('[',' ')?

x = 'as[df]as,df'
x = x.replace(']',' ')
x = x.replace('[',' ')
x = x.replace(',',' ')
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RE: Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life: no one can come to the Father(God)(in Heaven), but by me." (John 14:6) This means t hat if you die without trusting in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour you will die in your sins and be forever sep

2005-05-11 Thread Michael . Coll-Barth

def testSpiritual():
''' look within '''
if knowChrist:

-Original Message-
g]On Behalf Of rbt

Who is this Jesus you are talking about? Does he know Python or 
something? What do fig trees have to do with Python and/or Jesus?
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RE: Launch file in Notepad

2005-05-12 Thread Michael . Coll-Barth

try b1="c:/test.txt"

It seems to work for me on Windows 2000.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of George
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2005 9:41 AM
Subject: Launch file in Notepad

Newbie question:

I'm trying to lauch Notepad from Python to open a textfile:

import os
os.system('notepad.exe ' + b1)

However, the t of test is escaped by the \, resulting in Notepad trying 
to open "c: est.txt".

How do I solve this?

(By the way, b1 comes from a command line parameter, so the user enters 
c:\test.txt as command line parameter.)

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a little trouble passing values to Oracle using bind variables

2005-05-17 Thread Michael . Coll-Barth

As the subject line says, I am having some trouble passing bind variables to
Oracle.  When I pass a printable string value, such as 'NM', I get data.
When I try to pass a non-printable character, such as 'return' - chr(13), I
get no data back.  I can't simply make NactionCode = chr(13), as python
would change the value of NactionCode to '\r' and Oracle sees this as a two
byte character, and not chr(13).  I have looked into how Oracle might accept
something like '\x00' for chr(0), but to no avail.  

Any thoughts?


def goGetIt( NactivityDt, NactionCode ):

dataQuery = '''select a, b, c
   from %s 
   where activityDt  = :NactivityDt
 and actionCode  = :NactionCode
   order by %s
''' % ( schema.tableName )

dbm.cursor.execute(dataQuery, NactivityDt = activityDt, NactionCode =
actionCode )
result = dbm.cursor.fetchall()

return result

NactivityDt = '12-apr-2005'
NactionCode = 'NM'
act1 = goGetIt( NactivityDt, NactionCode )

NactivityDt = '12-apr-2005'
NactionCode = 'chr(13)'
act2 = goGetIt( NactivityDt, NactionCode )

NactivityDt = '12-apr-2005'
NactionCode = chr(13)
act3 = goGetIt( NactivityDt, NactionCode )
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RE: Using command line args on Windows

2005-10-05 Thread Michael . Coll-Barth

I'll assume that you are not familiar with Windows, so forgive me if you
know this.

1) Go to a command prompt.  

The location of this depends on which OS you are running.  But, you can go
to Start / Run... and type in cmd or command.  This will give you a window
with a 'DOS' prompt.

2) Type path=path;c:\python24\ 
c:\python24\ is where I have python installed.  I won't get into how to make
this permanent.

3) type python and you have the command line shell you know and love.

If this does not work for you, let me know.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of k8
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2005 4:39 PM
Subject: Using command line args on Windows


I'm stuck on a Windows machine today and would love to fully play with
and test a simple python script.  I want to be able to type "python
myscript myarg" somewhere.  Is there anything out there to help me?  My
main concern is playing with the myarg in the sys.argv list.  I've been
mucking around with IDLE without much success.

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RE: users of pycurl here?

2005-10-07 Thread Michael . Coll-Barth

How about doing an 'ls -la' once you have connected to the server?  That
returns a listing of the files with the size in bytes.

-Original Message-
From: Michele Simionato

I am having a hard time in finding out how to retrieve information about the
*size* of files I want to download from an FTP site. Should I send a QUOTE
SIZE command to the ftp server or is there an easier way?
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Which is worse, Xah's stuff or everyone's effing crap about it? And don't even get me started on that MS bashing or top posting nonsense

2005-11-02 Thread Michael . Coll-Barth

Actually, the continuous complaining and ranting about Xah's 'postings' are
far worse than Xah's actual postings.  I can filter his stuff to /dev/null.
The drivel that follows is almost as bad as the moronic effluent about how
extra-python things should be done or not be done or the legal notices that
one's company tacks on at the end of messages.  

for x in ( 'Grow up', 'Shut up', ' and get a life' ):
print 'Life could be good'

-Original Message-
From: every idiot on this list, now including me...

> Something I don't quite understand, if people think it is troll, just
> ignore it. What I see is that people are feeding it by commenting about
> either him or his post. I saw a number of threads ended up that
> way(like the rather long one about Microsoft).

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RE: Tuples

2005-12-16 Thread Michael . Coll-Barth

Well, it works for me and x is a list, not a tuple.  Or am I reading too
much into your subject line?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tuvas
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2005 12:20 PM
Subject: Tuples

Let's say I make a program something like follows:

print x
print x[0]
print x[0][1]

Okay, everything works here as expected except the last line. Why won't
this work? Thanks for the help!

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RE: MSSQL LIKE and IN statements in ADO problem

2006-01-18 Thread Michael . Coll-Barth


This seems to work just fine for me...

>>> name = '%raj%'
>>> test = "SELECT * FROM tb_name WHERE firstname LIKE '%s'" % name
>>> print test
SELECT * FROM tb_name WHERE firstname LIKE '%raj%'

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of gregarican
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: MSSQL LIKE and IN statements in ADO problem

Can't you get rid of the Create Parameter part and directly pass along
the value you are looking for? Something like...

name = 'raj'
cmd.CommandText= \
"SELECT * FROM tb_name WHERE firstname LIKE %%%s" % name

This way the value of the name variable gets passed along when the
CommandText method is invoked. BTW, this looks too painfully much like
Visual Basic than Python :-) Just kidding (kind of)


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RE: Newbie Question

2005-08-19 Thread Michael . Coll-Barth

Well, as one newbie to another, I tried this;

>>> x = '22,44,66,88,"asd,asd","23,43,55"'
>>> y = eval(x)
>>> y
(22, 44, 66, 88, 'asd,asd', '23,43,55')

given that x some how comes from a single line in your file.

BTW, do you get the tutor list as well?  My guess is that the 'experts' over
here might prefer that the newbies go over there for stuff like this.  

And now, a question for the experts.  Does anyone have a pointer as to why
my code might be dangerous?  I get the feeling that eval might not be a
'good' ( safe ) thing to use.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tom Strickland
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2005 10:05 AM
Subject: Newbie Question

I have a file that contains many lines, each of which consists of a string 
of comma-separated variables, mostly floats but some strings. Each line 
looks like an obvious tuple to me. How do I save each line of this file as a

tuple rather than a string? Or, is that the right way to go?

Thank you.

Tom Strickland 

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RE: how to join two Dictionary together?

2005-08-30 Thread Michael . Coll-Barth
update works like append for lists

a = {}
b['b'] = 'b'

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of DENG
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 10:45 AM
Subject: how to join two Dictionary together?


dict2={...somethind else ..}

dict1 + dict2

that's does works ..:(, it's not like List...

anyone can tell me how to get it?

thanks in advance

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RE: HTML tags optimization

2005-09-02 Thread Michael . Coll-Barth

Maybe you can get some ideas over at  At
least they have the whole parser thing worked out.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of DENG
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 8:36 AM
Subject: HTML tags optimization

hi all,

i want to do some optimizations for HTML tags,
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RE: Plotting points to screen

2005-09-26 Thread Michael . Coll-Barth

YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary

In other words, how well it works for you depends on a lot of things.  You
need to determine the suitability for a given task.  :)


  Don't like the legal notice at the end of my email?  Too bad, you can
stuff it where the sun don't shine.

-Original Message-
From: Jason
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 3:46 PM
Subject: Re: Plotting points to screen

One question, that's twice in as many days that someone has said "YMMV".

What's it mean!?

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RE: John Bokma harassment

2006-05-24 Thread Michael . Coll-Barth
-Original Message-
From: John Bokma

And ain't it cool that reporting Xah's abuse might stop both?

John Bokma  Freelance software developer
Experienced Perl programmer:

CRAP!  I am not sure which of these idiots is worse; John or Xah.  Although, 
judging from other folks' responses to Xah Lee's posts, there is some value.  
John's stuff is just pure crap.  I wasn't going to support Xah, but, now, I 
think I will.  

BTW, I hate bottom posting, but I didn't want to start another flame war... 

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RE: hundreds of seconds?

2006-10-11 Thread Michael . Coll-Barth

> -Original Message-

> How can I access partial seconds on the system clock?

What is wrong with time.time()?

>>> import time
>>> time.time()
>>> time.time()
>>> time.time()
>>> x = time.time()
>>> y = time.time()
>>> z = y-x
>>> z

The difference between x and y is the number of seconds between 'polling's of 
the OS.  There are some issues with precision.  

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RE: v2.3, 2.4, and 2.5's GUI is slow for me

2006-12-01 Thread Michael . Coll-Barth

> -Original Message-
> From: John Salerno

> I don't use IDLE too much anymore, just for quick tests, but 

Just curious.  I have tried IDLE, but stopped using it after going through a 
few of the tutorials.  I just type things in at the 'python' prompt, regardless 
of which platform I am working on; Linux, AIX or Windows.  But, then again, my 
code winds up in a batch process or part of a web app.  

Is there something cool I am missing?

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RE: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Michael . Coll-Barth

After 394 postings in this thread, you all have convinced me.  I am dropping 
all of my python code and switching to Lisp.


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RE: python loops

2006-08-31 Thread Michael . Coll-Barth

> -Original Message-
> From: Kay Schluehr
> >
> > python:
> > while i < length:
> > i += 1
> As AlbaClause had demonstrated you can iterate over indices as well
> using the for-statement and the range() function. But you can also
> combine iterating over elements and indices at the same time using the
> builtin enumerate() type:
> for i, item in enumerate(("s1","s2")):
> print i,item
> 0  s1
> 1  s2

Newbie here.

I thought the xrange was preferred?  for x in xrange(length):

But, I thought that was too obvious an answer and I was missing something.  I 
tried your code but it would not work.  Then I realized I was behind the times 
with python2.2  It works in, at least, python 2.4

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RE: OT Annoying Habits (Was: when format strings attack)

2007-01-20 Thread Michael . Coll-Barth


thank you!

I have been in the newsgroups for over 12 years and I never cared about the 
top/bottom post silliness.  All I care about is that the message is clearly 
written.  Everything else is doggerel.

> -Original Message-
> From: Carroll, Barry
> Personally, I don't think top-posting is the most annoying newsgroup
> habit.  I think it's making a big fuss about minor inconveniences.  


thank you!

I have been in the newsgroups for over 12 years and I never cared about the 
top/bottom post silliness.  All I care about is that the message is clearly 
written.  Everything else is doggerel.

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RE: How do you use this list ?

2006-06-28 Thread Michael . Coll-Barth

-Original Message-
From: Grant Edwards

>>> Actually having mailing lists send you mail is insane.

Once upon a time, I would have agreed.  However, it is becoming increasingly 
difficuilt to get to the newgroups directly from the workplace.  The only 
recourse is to use the mailing lists, such as those provided by various sites, 
such as  This might also account for why so many folks top post 
rather than bottom post as postings look like email.  And in a corporate 
setting, most people use top posting for email, pushing the history down and 
out of the way.

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