Simple ini Config parser examples needed

2008-12-02 Thread RON BRENNAN

I have a very simple ini file that I needs parsed.  What is the best way I can 
parse an ini file that doesn't include sections?
As in:
Thats it.  Can anyone help me?

Multimapping and string converting

2008-09-19 Thread Ron Brennan

I have a multimap dictionary with a 1 Key to N values.  I want to convert
the N values to a string to be used elsewhere in my program.

So I have dict[(1,[1, 2 ,3 ,4])] which I have sorted

When I do a print ''.join(str(dict.value())) I get [1, 2, 3, 4] as an output
when I really want 1 2 3 4

Here is my code:

dmapItems = dictionary.items()

for tcKey, tcValue in dmapItems:
file.write('Key = %s\nValue = %s" % (tcKey, tcValue)

stinger = ''.join(str(tcValue))

print stringer

The Output = [145, 2345, 567, 898]
I need it to be 145 2345 567 898

Can anyone see the errors of my ways?


Configuration Parsers

2008-09-17 Thread Ron Brennan

I am trying to parse a shared config file which doesn't contail section
headers.  Is there a way I can still use ConfigParser()?  If not what is a
widely used parser available?


Multipart - Counting the amount of Values for One key

2008-08-29 Thread Ron Brennan

I am trying to find the amount of values there are pertaining to one key.

For example:

- To find the average of the values pertaining to the key.
- Use the amount of values to calculate a histogram

Also, how do reference a specific value for a key in a multipart?


FYI, my email address is changing. My rogers account will be deactivated
shortly. From now on please use:

Re: Multiple values for one key

2008-08-28 Thread Ron Brennan
I have another question.

How would like to be able to add the contents on the values for one key.

key['20001']:[978, 345]

How can I do this?


On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 11:56 AM, Bruno Desthuilliers

> norseman a écrit :
>>  Terry Reedy wrote:
>>> Ron Brennan wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>>   How would I create a dictionary that contains multiple values for one
>>>> key.
>>> Make the value a collection object (set or list if you plan to add and
>>> delete).
>>>  I'd also like the key to be able to have duplicate entries.
>>> Dict keys must be hashable and unique.
>>> tjr
>>> --
>> First part I understand, second is still giving me a problem.
>> For some reason I still want keys to be dbf column headers.
>> like:
>> name:address:zip so forth
>>  --- --- --
>> guy: unknown:0
>> girl: 123 tiny street:12345
>> boy:321 here:3
>> gal:999 over there: 5
>> so forth
>> Thus one key has many values. And you can then index on whatever key(s)
>> you wish - name,zip...
> You can either use 1/ a list of dicts, or 2/ a dict mapping keys to lists.
> 1/
> records = [
>   {"name":"guy", "address":"unknown","zip":"0"},
>   {"name":"girl", "address":"123 tiny street","zip":"12345"},
>   {"name":"boy", "address":"321 here","zip":"3"},
>   {"name":"gal", "address":"999 over there","zip":"5"},
> ]
> keys = ("name", "address", "zip")
> print ":".join(keys)
> print "-" * len(":".join(keys))
> for record in records:
>data = [record[key] for key in keys]
>print ":".join(data)
> 2/
> records = dict(
>name=["guy", "girl", "boy", "gal"],
>address=["unknown","123 tiny street","321 there","999 over there"],
>zip=["0", "12345", "3", "5"]
> keys = ("name", "address", "zip")
> nb_records = len(records[keys[0]])
> print ":".join(keys)
> print "-" * len(":".join(keys))
> for i in xrange(nb_records):
>data = [data[key][i] for key in keys]
>print ":".join(data)
> You are of course entitled the right to prefer the second solution, but
> then I hope I'll never have to maintain your code, since it's obviously not
> an appropriate data structure.
> With billions plus records,
> With billions plus records, it may be time to move to a serious RDBMS.
> Which btw will provide solution 1, or a lighter version of it using a list
> of tuples, ie:
> cursor = connection.cursor()
> cursor.execute("select name, address, zip from peoples")
> records = cursor.fetchall()
> # at this time, you have :
> #records = [
> #   ("guy", "unknown","0",),
> #   ("girl", "123 tiny street","12345",),
> #   ("boy", "321 here","3",),
> #   ("gal", "999 over there", "5",),
> #]
> (snip)
> OK - I know I missed the whole concept of a Python Dictionary.
> Bad thing for you, since it's the central datastructure in Python.
> I haven't read anything as yet that gives a clear picture of what it is and
>> what it is for.
> Then you failed to read the FineManual's tutorial, which is where you
> should have started:
> Do yourself a favour : read the above first, then if you still have
> questions about dicts, we'll gladly try to help.
> And do yourself another favour : learn about SQL, relational model and
> (snip description of why the OP *really* wants a RDBMS)
> --

FYI, my email address is changing. My rogers account will be deactivated
shortly.  From now on please use:

Multiple values for one key

2008-08-27 Thread Ron Brennan

How would I create a dictionary that contains multiple values for one key.
I'd also like the key to be able to have duplicate entries.


FYI, my email address is changing. My rogers account will be deactivated
shortly.  From now on please use:

Sorting an array on the nth element in a list

2008-08-20 Thread Ron Brennan

I am trying to parse a log file.  I want to sort based on the second element
the list that is in the file.

What is the best way to do this?  The sort is just on the line itself where
I want to re-organize the lines based on the second element of the csv file
