Re: python GUIs comparison (want)

2006-10-25 Thread rdsteph
Paul Boddie wrote:

"""The figures behind the scenes are quite enlightening for that
particular page. If you (or community experiences) don't agree with the

rankings (wxPython apparently even easier to learn than PythonCard and
Tinder, a bunch of Gtk-based toolkits having more or less "full" Linux
scores) then you'll have some surprises, I'm sure. Nevertheless, it's
an interesting concept. """

Well, I don't know what I was thinking, exactly, when I rated
PythonCard's ease of I went back and changed it to rate it a
lot higher. The ratings in this script were done a long time ago now
and I need to re-do them, and add some new categories to rate also.
Maybe this weekend...

I have been thinking about doing a new version of this script that
allows visitors to the web site to enter their own ratings for each GUI
toolkit, for each criterion, store them by CGI and calculate a running
average of the ratings, maybe eliminating the very extreme high and low
scores to weed out spam, etc. Then, a visitor could use an online
script with each GUI toolkit rated by the "community" for each
criterion. I could do the same for Python IDE's, web frameworks, etc.

Still, these would still be toys and not to be taken too seriously, but
I might do it as a little project nonetheless.

Concerning GUI toolkits, I find myself coming back to Tkinter these
days. A lot of Python programs are written using Tkinter. I like to
fool around with a lot of the old stuff on the web for free,
miscellaneous apps and such, and there are still more Tkinter GUI's out
there than anything else.

Recently I have been having fun figuring out which new phone to buy. I
decided to get a smart phone that could run Python. If I lived in
Europe, or anywhere GSM rules, one of the Nokia series 60 would be a no
-brainer. But here in the USA, I will probably will wind up getting a
Windows based model.

Guess what: Folks have Tkinter up and running on Pocket PC's and
smartphones. I like that. Tkinter is everywhere. Don't forget, the
Komodo IDE has a Tk based GUI builder.

Just my 2 cents worth...

Ron Stephens

P.S. There is a 3 hour lecture by Dr. Sergio Rey of San Diego St. U. I
am putting up as a podcast. He teaches a course in Python in the
graduate department of Geographical Sciences. Python is heavily used in
that field of study (as is Tkinter).

The lecture is in 2 parts. Sound quality is excellent.";>Tkinter podcasts


Re: Talking to marketing people about Python

2006-09-25 Thread rdsteph
Roy Smith wrote:

> Can anybody suggest some good material I can give to him which will help
> explain what Python is and why it's a good thing, in a way that a
> marketing/product management person will understand?

As a sometimes marketing droid on my day job (please don't tell
anyone!) I think you should point out that, while 5-10 years ago Perl
was more popular and widely used than Python, Python has been growing
at a much higher rate, and by many (most?) measurements, Python is now
more widely used than Perl for many types of applications.

These measurements are not precise, but all of the below show Python
catching or surpassing Perl today:

1. Number of newsgroup postings
2. Number of books published and sold
3. Number of universities offering courses
4. Number of commerical training courses and seminars offered
5. Number of job listings on internet job listing boards.

With Python, it's all about growth; the growth rate of Python, by any
of the measurements above and others too numerous to mention, is far
greater than Perl's growth rate. Any marketing droid worth his salt
should be impressed with high growth rates persisting over several
years. ;-))

Ron Stephens


Introduction to Threading with Python, a podcast

2006-09-25 Thread rdsteph
Chris Hefele has done an excellent talk about programming with threads
using Python, including a fair amount of detail and a look at various
related tools and topics. Chris did a lot of research and put a lot of
effort into producing this podcast. I find it to be a particularly
clear and lucid explanation of the basic principles of programming with

This is a far better-than-normal piece of work, so I feel it is worth
mentioning here so that interested people can check it out, Go to and just click on the top podcast in
the list of podcasts there.

Ron Stephens


Re: Talking to marketing people about Python

2006-09-25 Thread rdsteph
Fredrik Lundh wrote:

> I think the use of "applications" here implies "new applications", not 
> "applications
> still in use somewhere".

Good point, Fredrik. I do recall that, a few years ago,  I graphed the
*growth rate* of new Sourceforge projects written in Python vs. the
same for Perl, and it was a very clear growth trend in Python's favor;
even though Perl still had more total projects because of its earlier
popularity. However, I did not keep the data.

Ron Stephens


Re: Leave the putdowns in the Perl community, the Python world does not need them

2006-09-25 Thread rdsteph

Steve makes a good point. Fredrik is one of the most important
contributors of Python code, tools, etc and as far as I am concerned,
that is so important that it gives him the right to be cranky from tiem
to time.

If somebody like me were to get cranky and negative, on the other hand,
that would be unacceptable.

Actual production of useful code is of paramount importance ;-))

Ron Stephens


TurboGears the Podcast

2005-10-23 Thread rdsteph
Can be found at


Re: suggestions between these two books

2005-10-26 Thread rdsteph
Both of these books are great. Youc an't go wrong with either one.

The Beginning Python has an itroduction to the language and then also
some projects. Learning Python doens't have projects but is a great
introduction to the language.

John Salerno wrote:
> Hi all. I'm fairly new to programming and I thought I'd like to try
> Python. I'm trying to decide between these two books:
> Learning Python (O'Reilly)
> Beginning Python: From Novice to Professional (APress)
> and I was hoping you might have some suggestions. LP seems to be a good
> intro, but the other was published only a month ago and covers 2.4. So
> one question would be, is 2.2 different enough from 2.4 to warrant
> getting the newer book for that reason?
> I might end up getting both eventually, but to start with I'm not sure
> which to choose.
> Thanks!


a new Python Podcast series (and the use of Python in creating podcasting tools)

2005-07-11 Thread rdsteph
Python411 is a series of podcasts about Python, aimed at hobbyists and
others who are learning Python. Each episode focuses on one aspect of
learning Python, or one kind of Python programming, and points to
online tools and tutorials. Python related news and events will also be
reported upon.

This podcast series will probably not be of much interest to expert or
professional programmers. I am a hobbyist and am not qualified nor
capable of creating a podcast series for accomplished programmers.
Maybe someone else will do that.

The four podcasts so far are titled as such:

Introduction to Python

Computer Programming for Everybody

GUI toolkits for Python

Python for Mobile Devices

New podcasts will appear from time to time.

Interestingly, while on the subject of podcasts, I would like to point
out that Python is emerging as the programming language of choice for
creating tools for creating podcasts and using podcasts. For instance,
iPodder is the leading podcast aggregator, or podcatcher, and is
written in Python. Also, a new program called Podcatcher on a Stick is
an open source Python project that is creating a podcatcher that runs
on a  mobile mp3 player itself, rather than on a PC. Links to these
programs can be found on my web site.

The home page for Python411 is and one can click on the
podcasts there to play them, or better you can subscribe to an rss feed


Re: a new Python Podcast series (and the use of Python in creating podcasting tools)

2005-07-12 Thread rdsteph
I'd love to get some guest "lectures" from advanced folks, and
interviews with prominent Pythonista people etc.



Re: Python Newbie

2005-07-14 Thread rdsteph
You might want to take a look at my page listing over 200 pythonic
tutorials by category.

linuxfreak wrote:
> Hi all,
>I came accross this article by Eric Raymond in which he has sung
> peans about the python language. Well that has whetted my appetite...
> So I decided to get down and dirty. But alas I got down but not dirty..
> i cant seem to find a good tutorial to help me get started. Whats the
> next best thing to do? Ask the pros and where do you find a
> mailing list of course. So heres me asking if anyone has any pointers
> to some good basic python tutorial. Something that teaches one to get
> going.
> Thanks a ton guys,
> Linuxfreak


Re: Creating Palm OS programs with python?

2005-08-11 Thread rdsteph
Hello Peter,

There are some links to Python on Palm web resources at my";>Python for Mobile Devices
page. The only mobile device I have personnally run Python on is the
Zaurus, which works great.

I will try to post links to just the Python on Palm resources below,
but these can all be found on my site as well as Pythonic links for
Zaurus, Pocket PC, Nokia Series 60, iPod, iRiver, etc

for Palm Operating System 2.3.2 from Argentina";>Pippy, Python for the Palm
PDA Platform,p2=Python4PalmOS";>Python
for the Palm OS 
an old article but helpful for getting started
">Pyritea comprehensive set of modules which allow access
to Palm Computing platform devices and their data via Python. It
includes APIs for transparent database access, records as Python
objects, conduits, and plug-ins for extensability. Pyrite was formerly
known as "PalmPython".";>Palm Python Wiki

Peter Hansen wrote:
> > QUick question:
> >
> > Is it possible to create a palm os program to use on a PDA with
> > python?
> Practically speaking, no.  I did find it relatively easy to install and
> learn enough of Plua to write a useful app for my old Palm V, however,
> and Lua isn't so far from Python that you feel like you've travelled to
> a foreign country to do it.
> -Peter


Python Cookbook, 2'nd. Edition is published

2005-03-27 Thread rdsteph

I don't see it on Amazon yet, but you can order it from O'Reilly.

Ron Stephens


133+ Tutorials and counting...

2005-03-27 Thread rdsteph
..and there are more seemingly every day...

Table of Contents
Beginners (12)
Database (6)
Extending and Embedding (4)
General and Advanced (15)
Grimoire (1)
GUI Programming: General and Miscellaneous (6)
GUI Programming: Tkinter (4)
GUI Programming: wxPython and PythonCard (7)
GUI Programming: pyGTK and Gnome (6)
GUI Programming: QT and KDE (1)
HTML and XML (9)
IDE's and Editors (4)
Internet, CGI, and Web Frameworks (9)
Jython (5)
Mac and Apple (8)
Math, Science, Physics and Bioinformatics (10)
Microsoft Windows (6)
Objects, Metaclasses and Introspection (3)
References (8)
Specific Topics including Sorting, Threads, RE, Curses, OpenOffice,
RDF, ZeroConf, Console, Flash, Doxygen and PiPy(12)
Testing, Test Driven Progamming, Unit Test (2)
Unicode (2)



Re: Python Cookbook, 2'nd. Edition is published

2005-03-28 Thread rdsteph
Hello Larry,

I don't have my copy yet. Can you give any guidance on how the 2'nd
edition compares to the 1'st edition? At 844 pages, it seems to be 250+
pages bigger than the 1'st Ed. How much of the book is new, and does it
use the same chapter headings?
Ron Stephens

Someone else asked a similar questiosn in another thread, I copy it

""Is the second edition of the Python Cookbook worth getting if you
the first edition? How much new material is there in the 2nd edition?


Will McGugan ""


Re: Python Cookbook

2005-04-03 Thread rdsteph
I want to just second this comment by Heike. I received my copy of the
2nd Edition from O'Reilly on Friday. I am still working my way slowly
through the first chapter on Text, and  I am nearing the end of that

I intend to work my way through sequentially, because I can't think of
a better way to improve my understanding of intelligent usage of
Python. So far, even the recipes and discussions that are reach-out and
difficult for me are beginning to make sense after I read carefully and
sometimes re-read the discussions. I couldn't ask for better
instruction, and the effort I make to learn is richly rewarded.

I know that the material will become considerably more complex as I
move deeper into the book, but the work of the authors and editors in
chapter one gives me faith that I can make progress as I go, as long as
I make the effort to really try to understand each recipe's discussion.

This will no doubt be a valued reference work, but I am finding it to
be a uniquely rewarding educational experience.

Ron Stephens


pyGoogle is fun and easy to use, and thinks Python is the best programming language

2005-02-21 Thread rdsteph
I am having a lot of fun using the pyGoogle module ( ) that uses the Google API. It is
about as easy to use as I can imagine, and it is a lot nicer than using
my old HTMl screen scraping habits.

My online CGI program Ask Merlin at is
an example. Currently, the program takes any user's question and picks
the best answer from amongst the possible answers given by the user.
The program uses an algorithm that uses an intelligent analysis of
search results from Google. OK, OK, I know already, that this is of
limited utility compared to answering any question without requiring
the user to give options to choose from; and, furthermore i know full
well that at this point Merlin is far from foolproof even when given
options to choose amongst. Still, if you play with it for a while you
will be amazed at how well it does do.

Moreover, I am hard at work on a version that will answer any question
without being given options, by choosing options from Google search
results that are most appropriate and then applying my "intelligent"

But hey, even as it stands, when queried "which is the best programming
language to use for ease of use," Merlin picks Python from amongst a
list of python, ruby, ADA and java. When queried "which language is the
best programming language to use for a large project requiring realtime
operation and involving life and death issues of human life", Merlin
picks ada out of the same list. And, when just plain asked "what is the
best programming language" Merlin wisely picks Python from the list.
And I assure you that none of this is "hard coded" but instead just
uses the regular algorithm applied to any other question ;-

OK, it's just a fun little hack by a very amateurish hacker; but that's
sort of the point. Just think what a good programmer could do with
pyGoogle ;-


Re: Can you introduce some book about python?

2005-05-21 Thread rdsteph
You m,igth try my page of Python Book reviews at

Ron Stephens

fdsl ysnh wrote:
> > Send Python-list mailing list submissions to
> >
> >
> > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web,
> > visit
> >
> > or, via email, send a message with subject or body
> > 'help' to
> >
> > You can reach the person managing the list at
> >
> > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it
> > is more specific
> > than "Re: Contents of Python-list digest..."
> > > Today's Topics:
> >
> >1. Re: appending key-value pairs to a dict (Peter
> > Hansen)
> >2. Re: Is Python suitable for a huge, enterprise
> > size app?
> >   (Paul Rubin)
> >3. Re: appending key-value pairs to a dict (Brian
> > Beck)
> >4. Re: Comparing 2 similar strings? (Skip
> > Montanaro)
> >5. Re: Is Python suitable for a huge, enterprise
> > size app?
> >   (Paul Rubin)
> >6. Re: buffer_info error ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> >7. Re: appending key-value pairs to a dict (James
> > Stroud)
> >8. From the call hook, how do I know more
> > precisely what is
> >   called? (Vijay Kumar)
> >9. Re: PyGame and Rotozoom (Sorry if OT) (Lee
> > Harr)
> >   10. Re: buffer_info error (Jp Calderone)
> >   11. Re: appending key-value pairs to a dict (Roy
> > Smith)
> >   12. Re: Is Python suitable for a huge, enterprise
> > size app?
> >   (Dave Brueck)
> >   13. Re: Process monitoring (John Abel)
> > > 发件人: Peter Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 收件人:
> > 日期: Fri, 20 May 2005 16:12:17 -0400
> > 主题: Re: appending key-value pairs to a dict
> >
> > rbt wrote:
> > > I know how to setup an empty list and loop thru
> > something... appending
> > > to the list on each loop... how does this work
> > with dicts?
> > >
> > > I'm looping thru a list of files and I want to put
> > the file's name and
> > > its sha hash into a dict on each loop.
> >
> > Whereas with a list you would call "append" in the
> > loop, with a
> > dictionary you simply use an indexed-assignment type
> > of access:
> >
> > mydict = {}
> > for filename in some_list_of_filenames:
> >  hash =
> > sha.sha(open(filename).read()).hexdigest() # or
> > whatever
> >  mydict[filename] = hash
> >
> > -Peter
> >
> > > 发件人: Paul Rubin 
> > 收件人:
> > 日期: 20 May 2005 13:12:50 -0700
> > 主题: Re: Is Python suitable for a huge, enterprise
> > size app?
> >
> > Dave Brueck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > One thing from your experience that did resonate
> > with me is that,
> > > except for ftplib and occasionally urllib (for
> > basic, one-shot GETs),
> > > we don't use any of the standard library's
> > "protocol" modules - partly
> > > because we had to implement our own HTTP libraries
> > for performance and
> > > scalability reasons anyway, and partly because we
> > had trouble figuring
> > > out e.g. all the ins and outs of
> > urllib/urllib2/httplib.
> >
> > What do you use for HTTPS?  And did you use the
> > Cookie module in your
> > HTTP servers?  You may have had problems without
> > even being aware of
> > them (until recently if you used Cookie with its
> > default settings, any
> > attacker could completely take over your server by
> > sending you
> > carefully concoted cookies).  I'm not trying to be
> > contentious here,
> > just mentioning a couple further cases of where
> > problems aren't
> > visible from far away but are there when you look
> > close.
> >
> > > 发件人: Brian Beck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 收件人:
> > 日期: Fri, 20 May 2005 16:14:17 -0400
> > 主题: Re: appending key-value pairs to a dict
> >
> > rbt wrote:
> > > I know how to setup an empty list and loop thru
> > something... appending
> > > to the list on each loop... how does this work
> > with dicts?
> > >
> > > I'm looping thru a list of files and I want to put
> > the file's name and
> > > its sha hash into a dict on each loop.
> >
> > Like so:
> >
> > d = {}
> > for filename in files:
> >  d[sha_func(filename)] = filename
> >
> >
> > Or like so:
> >
> > d = dict([(sha_func(filename), filename) for
> > filename in files])
> >
> > --
> > Brian Beck
> > Adventurer of the First Order
> >
> > > 发件人: Skip Montanaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 抄送:
> > 收件人: Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 日期: Fri, 20 May 2005 15:16:49 -0500
> > 主题: Re: Comparing 2 similar strings?
> >
> >
> > Steve> (is this the same as 'Conchobar'?)
> >
> > No, that's a trendy pub in Key West...
> >
> > 
> >
> > Skip
> >
> > > 发件人: Paul Rubin 
> > 收件人:
> > 日期: 20 May 2005 13:15:48 -0700
> > 主题: Re: Is Python suitable for a huge, enterprise
> > size app?
> >
> > "Fredrik Lundh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > this has been reported before, and it won't get
> > fi

Re: Looking for Image, Audio and Internet/Web HOTWO's or tutorials

2005-06-02 Thread rdsteph
try looking at


Re: "More About Unicode in Python 2 and 3"

2014-01-08 Thread rdsteph
Chris A wrote:

I'm not sure that there is an "easy way". See, here's the deal. If all 
your data is ASCII, you can shut your eyes to the difference between 
bytes and text and Python 2 will work perfectly for you. Then some day 
you'll get a non-ASCII character come up (or maybe you'll get all of 
Latin-1 "for free" and it's when you get a non-Latin-1 character - 
same difference), and you start throwing in encode() and decode() 
calls in places. But you feel like you're fixing little problems with 
little solutions, so it's no big deal. 

Making the switch to Python 3 forces you to distinguish bytes from 
text, even when that text is all ASCII. Suddenly that's a huge job, a 
huge change through all your code, and it's all because of this switch 
to Python 3. The fact that you then get the entire Unicode range "for 
free" doesn't comfort people who are dealing with URLs and are 

I think this is important because this kind of programming, working with urls 
is so common and so important. whEther anyone like's it or not,
python 3 makes itch harder to do this very crucial kind of programming. And 
dismissing-Armin's frustrations and commetncnames dozens make this problem go 

Re: "More About Unicode in Python 2 and 3"

2014-01-08 Thread rdsteph
I'm so sorry for the mess in my post above, I apologize to all, I accidentally 
hit return ...

I just meant to say that internet programming using ASCII urls is so common and 
important that it hurts that Python 3 makes it so much harder. It sure would be 
great if Python 3 could be improved to allow such programming to be done using 
ASCII urls without requiring all the unicode overhead.

Armin is right. Calling his post a rant doesn't help.

Re: what gui designer is everyone using

2012-06-05 Thread rdsteph
On Jun 5, 7:10 am, Mark R Rivet  wrote:
> I want a gui designer that writes the gui code for me. I don't want to
> write gui code. what is the gui designer that is most popular?
> I tried boa-constructor, and it works, but I am concerned about how
> dated it seems to be with no updates in over six years.

No one size fits all, and many Pythonistas prefer to write GUI code by
hand anyway. However, I like PythonCard. Try it, you might like it.

Re: Pythonic cross-platform GUI desingers à la Interface Builder (Re: what gui designer is everyone using)

2012-06-12 Thread rdsteph
On Jun 10, 12:37 pm, Dietmar Schwertberger 
> Personally, I prefer Python with console, wx or Qt for local
> applications and Python/HTTP/HTML/Javascript for multi-user
> database applications.
> Regards,
> Dietmar


I think this is the wave of the furture for deploying simple programs
to many users. It is almost 100% cross platform (can be used on
desktop, smartphone, tablet, windows, linux, mac etc) and is very easy
to do, even for casual "non-programmers" who do a little programming
(such as many engineers).

I think efforts to make a better, and more definitive, "GUI builder"
for Python should focus on makigng an easy to use "IDE" for creating
these kinds of Python-HTMl-Javascript front ends for applications.

*That* would really help Python's popularity to take off and expode.

Ron Stephens


Re: Pythonic cross-platform GUI desingers à la Interface Builder (Re: what gui designer is everyone using)

2012-06-13 Thread rdsteph
> I think this is the wave of the furture for deploying simple programs
> to many users. It is almost 100% cross platform (can be used on
> desktop, smartphone, tablet, windows, linux, mac etc) and is very easy
> to do, even for casual "non-programmers" who do a little programming
> (such as many engineers).
> I think efforts to make a better, and more definitive, "GUI builder"
> for Python should focus on makigng an easy to use "IDE" for creating
> these kinds of Python-HTMl-Javascript front ends for applications.
> *That* would really help Python's popularity to take off and expode.
> Ron Stephens

Replying to myself, to add this note: I just read the link
about Google's "Blockly" a drag and drop tool for building apps that
outputs Python or Javascript code (among others) and it might be
usable along these lines...I'm sure serious programmers would not use
it but maybe engineers looking to make web front ends
for data acquisition or data base apps might use it...

Re: hello everyone! i'm a new member from China

2012-07-02 Thread rdsteph
On Jul 2, 12:50 am, Peter Otten <> wrote:
> levi nie wrote:
> > i love python very's powerful,easy and useful.
> > i got it from Openstack.And i'm a new guy on python.
> Welcome!
> > Can i ask some stupid questions in days? haha...
> Sure, but we cannot guarantee that the answer will be stupid, too ;)

Hello and welcome,

What part of China do you live in? I have visited many cities in China
on business and had wonderful experiences.

I think Python is kind of like the Middle Kingdom of programming
languages. :-)

Ron Stephens

Re: Pushing for Pythoncard 1.0

2011-05-08 Thread rdsteph
On May 3, 12:15 pm, rnd  wrote:
> On May 2, 10:48 pm, John Henry  wrote:
> > Attempt to push Pythoncard to a 1.0 status is now underway.  A
> > temporary website has been created at:
> >
> > The official website continues to be
> > Pythoncard is such a wonderful package that it would be a shame to
> > allow development for the package to go stagnant.   The Python
> > community deserves to continue enjoying the simplicity of Pythoncard
> > for creating a GUI Python application.
> I was very positively surprised to hear someone talking about
> PythonCard these days.
> Even though I've not needed to develop GUI apps for years, I believe
> its still great idea
> to revive PythonCard even though everybody is busy developing for
> "iThings" right now.
> Regards,
> Roman Suzi
I love and use PythonCard!