Re: A defense for bracket-less code

2006-04-26 Thread Stelios Xanthakis
Edward Elliott wrote:

> Dave Hansen wrote:
>>Not really.  It was mostly a lead-in to that last sentence.  Problems
>>like this couldn't happen in Python.  So it's an opportunity to get a
>>giggle at the expense of programmers using a language that gives you
>>enough rope to shoot yourself in the foot...
> Which can be entirely avoided by making the braces mandatory rather than
> optional.  This is one thing perl got right:
> while (foo);# parse error
> while (foo) next;   # parse error
> while (foo) { next; }   # ok
> while (foo) { } # ok
> And if you compile C++ without a lint checker, well, you're playing with
> fire. :)

Since the whitespaceless frontend seems relevant here, may I add that:
bugs happen. Such "statement bugs" are very easy to detect once you
see that something's going wrong. If only all the bugs were as simple
as statement bugs! But unfortunatelly, less than 0.1% of the bugs I've
encountered so far are statement bugs :(

Also, I think that perl does that because otherwise code like

if ($x) $y++ if $z; else $z--;

would be even more confusing :)


Re: The whitespaceless frontend

2006-04-24 Thread Stelios Xanthakis


> but maybe instead of the something to refer to the upper
> namespace (that can be the global one or the namespace of the function
> that contains this one) can be more general:
> upper.x = 1
> upper.upper.x = 1

Well, people have been trying to come up with a way to solve the nested
scopes restrictions.  This may work, but in my opinion nested functions
are not so important and I wouldn't spend any time to improve them.
Usually you can do anything with classes (and "method" makes that 
easier). If we say that """closures were invented so that we will avoid
the extra typing in cases like

def f (self):
x = lambda self=self: return ()

and beyond that perhaps it is a sign that we should rethink our
design""" we can accept the limitations of python's closures.

> I think that making self a reserved word that can be used only for its
> usual purpose can be positive.

I agree. EPL does not have shoot-self-in-the-foot protections yet,
but it will :)

> The $ and method statement seem interesting too, but the first is a
> little perlish (but Ruby has something similar, and people like it),
> and the method statement look a little redundant. I think the $ can be
> acceptable (Mostly to reduce typing), even if it doesn't look very
> nice.

'$' is perlish and rubyish (and I got it from ruby indeed).
It's the cost of a dynamic language :)
In static languages we know at compile-time whether a symbol is local,
instance or global. In dynamic languages where scopes are modified when
the program runs we have to type something. '$' being unused seems like
a good choice.

"method" is good not only because we avoid the extra typing in the
definition, but also because -after experiments- it seems that
restricting the use of $ in methods, will simplify some confusing
cases.  For example, what happens in:

 def foo (cls):
 def bar (self):
 return $x # what's that? cls.x or self.x?

While now, when you see $ you know it refers to the instance of the
"method".  And nested methods in methods are very rare.


- sorry for the delayed reply. Unexpected easter vacation.

The whitespaceless frontend

2006-04-15 Thread Stelios Xanthakis
It had to happen :)

Seriously, this is not so much about the whitespace as for the
new features, which might interest people who are thinking about
new features. More specifically, "methods" and the "$" operator
are really great and seem to solve the problem with having to
type "self." all the time.  The new syntax has been tested in
core libraries of pyvm.

Feedback is welcome, but preferably not in because indentation
can be a dangerous topic :)



pyvm source code

2005-12-30 Thread stelios xanthakis

pyvm is a program that can run python 2.4 bytecode.
It can also run the bytecode of the 'pyc compiler' and
consequently it can run python source code.

It's written from the scratch and it has only been
tested on a x86/Linux system. It's not portable yet,
neither ready for the simple user, not to mention that
gcc >= 3.4 is required to compile it :)

What's good about it is that it's small and easier to
hack and write large scale programs using pyvm as the
base runtime. On the other hand, pyvm is not compatible
with python and AFAIC there is no plan doing this as
a hobby.

The source code is available under LGPL at:




Re: Speed quirk: redundant line gives six-fold speedup

2005-08-25 Thread Stelios Xanthakis
Mark Dickinson wrote:
> I have a simple 192-line Python script that begins with the line:
> dummy0 = 47
> The script runs in less than 2.5 seconds.  The variable dummy0 is never
> referenced again, directly or indirectly, by the rest of the script.
> Here's the surprise: if I remove or comment out this first line, the
> script takes more than 15 seconds to run.  So it appears that adding a
> redundant line produces a spectacular six-fold increase in speed!
> (Actually, I had to add 29 dummy lines at the beginning of the code to
> get the speed increase; if any one of these lines is removed the
> running time reverts to around 15 seconds again.)
> Questions:
> (1) Can anyone else reproduce this behaviour, or is it just some quirk
> of my setup?
> (2) Any possible explanations?  Is there some optimization that kicks
> in at a certain number of lines, or at a certain length of
> bytecode?
> (3) If (2), is there some way to force the optimization, so that I can
> get the speed increase without having to add the extra lines?


I haven't been able to reproduce this but I had a similar case
before (a program that some times crashed and some times worked
perfectly and the difference was whitespace in the comments!!!).

After lots of wondering and thinking that I must be dreaming
(luckily I had pyvm which also crashed but for different amounts
of whitespace), it was solved.  The explanation is this: hash
and comparison of objects depends on the state of the memory
allocator.  A sample case is this:

class A: pass
dummy0=47  # comment this to get a different result for min
print min (a, b)

the result of 'min' is not only non-deterministic but also depends
on whether other things have been allocated before.  The same
thing can happen for 'dictionary.keys()' if the keys are objects
and 'iterate-over-set' when the set contains objects.

In the sudoku solver, there is a min (number, object) which is
probably what's affected by the extistance of the dummy variable.
Now, in sudoku puzzles some times the algorithm has to suppose
that in a box the right solution is one of the possible, try it
and if it fails then try the other one.  I guess that the result
of from the different 'min' leads the solver to first try the
correct solution in the fast case and therefore need not attempt
the wrong one.  Or at least this is what I think that happens.

By the way, since we started posting code, here is a more pythonic
sudoku solver.

#The 'man with scissors runs around shifting barrels algorithm'

from sys import argv
SEMANTIC = 1'SEM' in argv

class Impossible:

Patterns = []
for r in range (9):
 for c in range (9):
p = 27*(r/3) + 3*(c/3)
pl = set (range (9*r, 9*r+9) + range (c, 81, 9) + [p+x for x in 
pl.remove (9*r+c)
Patterns.append (tuple (sorted (list (pl

def initboard ():
 x = range (1, 10)
 return [ x [:] for i in xrange (9*9) ]

def printboard (board):
 if not SEMANTIC:
 print 30*'-'
 for i in range (9):
for j in board [9*i:9*(i+1)]:
if type (j) is list:
#print 'X',
print ''.join (map (str, j)),
else: print j,
 print 30*'-'

def dupboard (board):
 B = []
 for i in board:
if type (i) is list:
B.append (i [:])
B.append (i)
 return B

def solve (board, coords):
 while coords:
p, v = coords.pop ()
board [p] = v
for i in Patterns [p]:
if type (board [i]) is list:
if v in board [i]:
board [i].remove (v)
if len (board [i]) == 1:
board [i] = board [i][0]
coords.append ((i, board [i]))
if board [i] == v:
raise Impossible
 for p, i in enumerate (board):
if type (i) is list:
for j in i:
return solve (dupboard (board), [(p, j)])
except Impossible:
raise Impossible
 return board

PP = [

def puz2coord (P):
 if len (P) != 9:
print "P must have 9 rows"
raise SystemExit
 coords = []
 for r, i in enumerate (P):
if len (i) != 9:
print "Row [%s] doesn't have 9 columns" %i
raise SystemExit
for c, j in enumerate (list (i)):
if j != 'x':
coords.append ((9*r + c, int (j)))
 return coords

for i in xrange (10):
 for P in PP:
 printboard (solve (initboard (), puz2coord (P)))
for i in xrange (TIMES):
 for P in PP:

Re: map vs. list-comprehension

2005-07-01 Thread Stelios Xanthakis
Mandus wrote:

> jepp - faster, but still slower than the map.
> 100 iterations:
>  zip+list-comprehension: 8.1s
>  izip+list-comprehension: 7.5s
>  map: 7.0s

Strange. On 2.4.1 izip is the fastest.
The thing is that if you put benchmark code in global the
results are not fair as each variable access is a LOAD_GLOBAL
and costs a dictionary lookup.  That can lead to wrong
results, like that 'try ... except ..' is faster than
'if i in ..'.

With this benchmak:

from itertools import izip
from time import time

def f1():
 return map(lambda bb,ii,dd: bb+ii*dd,b,i,d)
def f2():
 return [ bb+ii*dd for bb,ii,dd in zip(b,i,d) ]
def f3():
 return [ bb+ii*dd for bb,ii,dd in izip(b,i,d) ]

def run(f, K):
 t0 = time ()
 for i in xrange (K):
 return time()-t0

T = 200

def BENCH(K):
 global b, i, d
 N = T/K
 print "%i times tuples of size %i:" % (K,N)
 b = tuple (range(0, -N, -1))
 i = tuple (range(N))
 d = tuple (N*[1])
 for x, y in sorted ([(run (x1,K), y1) for x1, y1 in 
print '%s: %.2f' %(y,x),


On 2.4.1 I get:

20 times tuples of size 10:
izip: 1.32 zip: 1.50 map: 1.60
2 times tuples of size 100:
izip: 1.00 zip: 1.14 map: 1.29
2000 times tuples of size 1000:
izip: 0.94 zip: 1.10 map: 1.28
200 times tuples of size 1:
izip: 0.93 map: 1.29 zip: 1.51
20 times tuples of size 10:
izip: 0.96 map: 1.31 zip: 2.28
1 times tuples of size 200:
izip: 0.96 map: 1.33 zip: 13.28


Re: Loop until condition is true

2005-06-23 Thread Stelios Xanthakis
Michael Hoffman wrote:
> Stelios Xanthakis wrote:
>> Magnus Lycka wrote:
>  >
>>> Right. Silly me. Maybe in some future Python version, True and False
>>> will be constants, like None is since Python 2.4.
>> Actually, there is support in marshal to write True and False objects so
>> I don't understand why this isn't in 2.4
> Because it would break existing code.

Yes.  Code that has variables named 'True' and 'False'.


Re: Loop until condition is true

2005-06-21 Thread Stelios Xanthakis
Magnus Lycka wrote:
> Konstantin Veretennicov wrote:
>> On 6/21/05, Magnus Lycka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I don't know anything about the Python compiler internals,
>>> but it doesn't seem very hard to identify simple literals following
>>> while and if, and to skip the runtime test. (Perhaps it's done
>>> already?)
>> True doesn't seem to be a literal, it is looked up by name and can be
>> rebound to, say, 0 anytime:
> Right. Silly me. Maybe in some future Python version, True and False
> will be constants, like None is since Python 2.4.

Actually, there is support in marshal to write True and False objects so
I don't understand why this isn't in 2.4

Anyway, if you can't wait for 2.5 either use 'while 1:', or pyc[1]



Re: pyvm -- faster python

2005-05-25 Thread Stelios Xanthakis
Hi Michael

> Releasing open source means that people *may* fix their own bugs, or
> abandon the code.

I agree with all the points made.

Moreover let me add that "code is one expression of a set of good
ideas", and ideas want to be free!  ;)

I've decided to release the source code of pyvm as soon as it's ready.

Right now *it doesn't* make much sense to give the source because it is
still at an early development stage.  Even if I did and people sent
patches they wouldn't apply because I still make big changes to the
architecture of it.  I'd like to keep it in this status where I can
modify the structure of the program until it becomes really
developer-friendly.  And IMO it doesn't make sense to release incomplete
open source projects: either give something that's good and people can
happily hack, or don't do it at all.  Giving out the source of an
unstable project will most likely harm it (see CherryOS incidents).

The bottomline is that I estimate that pyvm will be ready within
the summer.



Re: pyvm -- faster python

2005-05-13 Thread Stelios Xanthakis
Armin Steinhoff wrote:

>>> Is there a working version of lwc ???
>> pyvm is written in lwc-2.0 which is not yet released because
>> nobody's using it.
> As you mentioned it ... lwc-2.0 is used for pyvm. So it is used :)
> Do you have an idea when lwc-2.0 will be releast ?
> Everyone who are interested in pyvm will need it ...

It will be included together with pyvm.  Normally if you want to just
compile pyvm you do not need lwc, it's a preprocessor that generates C
from C++ and the C for pyvm will be pre-generated.  You'd need lwc for
modifying/hacking pyvm.



Re: pyvm -- faster python

2005-05-13 Thread Stelios Xanthakis
Stelios Xanthakis wrote:

> Also, for the other part of the thread, I think that bytecode may
> be in fact faster than machine code JIT. 

Forgot to add: It depends of course on how good is the bytecode.
IMO Python's bytecode is pretty good for its purpose which is
executing a dynamic language with dynamic types and namespaces.

Also, inside pyvm some things are done with internal bytecode
objects.  One such thing is "list(generator)".  It has been
proved that doing this in bytecode is faster than C.



Re: pyvm -- faster python

2005-05-13 Thread Stelios Xanthakis
Armin Steinhoff wrote:
>> pyvm has that. A big part of it is written in "lightweight C++" [1].
> Realy ?  I have downloaded the lwc distribution and checked it out.
> It was a surprise that none of the examples are working.
> I'm using SuSE 9.0 with  gcc 3.3.1 ...


> Is there a working version of lwc ???

pyvm is written in lwc-2.0 which is not yet released because
nobody's using it.


Re: pyvm -- faster python

2005-05-13 Thread Stelios Xanthakis

Kay Schluehr wrote:
> Why this? eval() consumes a string, produces a code object and executes
> it. Wether the code-object is bytecode or a chunk of machine code makes
> a difference in the runtime but does not alter the high level
> behavioural description of eval(). In either way the compile() function
> behind eval is a JIT.

It makes a difference because
1) You depend on a compiler. Especially if you want to optimize the
machine code you depend on a big program (no tcc for example)
2) Optimizing machine code, needs a lot of code/time.
3) What about debugging info? Dwarf?
4) What if there's a new architecture?

The bytecode compiler is *much* faster to produce the bytecode assembly.

Also, for the other part of the thread, I think that bytecode may
be in fact faster than machine code JIT.  Here is a theory:

Suppose that for each algorithm there is the "ideal implementation"
which executes at the speed limit where it can't be done any faster.
For small algorithms the speed limit may be known but for more
complex programs, it's just a theoretical limit.  Now for such very
big programs bytecode has the advantage that it achieves very good
code re-use;  everything is those 400kB of the libpython core and that
does not increase with the size of the program.  In this case, bytecode
is the driver that operates the buldozer (the buldozer being C).  So the
theory is that for very complex programs a bytecode+core-library is
closer to the ideal implementation than a JIT which produces/compiles
megabytes of machine code.

Evidence for that may be that all those JIT efforts don't get any
great speed ups (psyco is different as it exposes static-ness).

Of course, if we care about speed we'll use Pyrex to convert some
heavy routines to C.  For example if we need FFT, it's madness to
do it in the HLL.  Make it part of the buldozer.


Re: pyvm -- faster python

2005-05-12 Thread Stelios Xanthakis
Kay Schluehr wrote:

> Yes. What we are seeking for and this may be the meaning of Armins
> intentiously provocative statement about the speed of running HLLs is a
> successor of the C-language and not just another VM interpreter that is
> written in C and limits all efforts to extend it in a flexible and
> OO-manner. Python is just the most promising dynamic OO-language to
> follow this target. 

Bytecode engine is the best method for dynamic code execution
("exec", eval, etc).  A low level OOP language would be very suitable
for a python VM.

pyvm has that. A big part of it is written in "lightweight C++" [1].
That makes it less portable as the lwc preprocessor is using GNU-C
extensions.  However, it's the same extensions also used by the linux
kernel and AFAIK the intel compiler supports them too.

So probably the bigger "competitor" of pyvm is boost-python.
And that's one reason the release of the source is stalled until it
gets better.



Re: pyvm -- faster python

2005-05-11 Thread Stelios Xanthakis
Paul Rubin wrote:
> I hope that PyPy will replace CPython once it's solid enough.  Trying
> to stay backwards compatible with the legacy C API doesn't seem to me
> to be that important a goal.  Redoing the library may take more work
> than the Prothon guy was willing to do for Prothon, but PyPy has more
> community interest and maybe can attract more resources.

I didn't know much about PyPy.  It seems that pyvm is *exactly* what
pypy needs to boost its performance.  Does pypy has the vm in python
as well?  Does pypy have a compiler that produces 2.4 bytecodes?

I think the next step in speeding up python (not that it's slow, I'm
in the group of people that don't think Python is slow), is the AST
compiler.  An AST compiler for CPython is in the works AFAIK, but it
would be more powerful in written in python.  It would be also easy
to have 'alternative' compilers that, for example are not whitespace
sensitive, or the code looks like perl :), but they all produce python


Re: pyvm -- faster python

2005-05-11 Thread Stelios Xanthakis
Roger Binns wrote:
>>I am not very interested on C compatibility.
> That will rule out all the gui frameworks, SSL, cryptography
> and numerous other packages.  Have a look at what happened to
> Prothon.  What ultimately killed it was the problem of having
> a decent library.  You don't have to make the C library
> compatibility totally high performance, but having any form of
> it there will make adoption by others easier.

There are two kinds of C modules: those that do have a knowledge
of the C API (like sre, tkinter, etc) and those that are just C/C++
libraries which are simply wrapped as modules.  For the latter there
are two solutions besides adding a wrapper which makes pyvm appear
as libpython:
- an advanced ctypes module which will make dlopening libraries
and wrapping their symbols behind python functions, a matter of
python code.  I'm considering this approach to provide things
like 'raw_input'.
- hacking SWIG.  Shouldn't be too hard and will instantly give
us access to wx, qt, etc.

The thing is that the C API of pyvm is IMHO superior and much more fun.
You can wrap the entire sockets module in a couple of hours and also
enjoy it.  I wish I could clone myself to port the entire std library
to pyvm -- so much fun it is:)



Re: pyvm -- faster python

2005-05-10 Thread Stelios Xanthakis
Roger Binns wrote:

>>could You tell us a bit more about Your motivation to create an
>>alternative C-Python interpreter?
> I'd also be curious to know if the performance gains would remain
> once it gets fleshed out with things like closures, long numbers,
> new style classes and a C library compatibility shim.

I guess it will.  There are several places with /*XXX:speed up*/
and a couple more ideas to gain exrta speed.  On the other hand
pyvm does not check for Bad Internal Calls and other checks Cpython
does to be OK in all cases (for example if __cmp__ modifies a list
while it's being sorted, in pyvm you *can* get a crash).

There is no plan to implement closures; unless there is a way to
turn closures to default arguments with bytecode hacking.  But yes,
closures are interesting, especially in generator expressions and

I am not very interested on C compatibility.  Once the source is
open people can implement it if they want but I'd rather go with
an advanced ctypes module which will make loading dynamic libraries
a matter of python code.



Re: pyvm -- faster python

2005-05-10 Thread Stelios Xanthakis

> This project is probably a LOT of work; maybe people can tell us about
> such efforts *before* doing so much work, so we can discuss it, and
> avoid wasting time.

It is a lot of work indeed.
Usually, when people announce "we shall create X", it doesn't happen.
And you don't know if you can do it at all *before*.

> Maybe you can explain us why it is so fast, and/or maybe you can work
> with the other developers to improve the speed of the normal CPython,
> this can require equal or less work for you, and it can produce more
> long-lasting results/consequences for your work.

The reason is that it's built from the scratch.
Guido would disagree with that, see py-dev thread:

There *are* alternative ways to do some things in the vm and Joel
is simply wrong:)
Could this be  Python 3000!!!? :)


Re: pyvm -- faster python

2005-05-10 Thread Stelios Xanthakis
Kay Schluehr wrote:
> could You tell us a bit more about Your motivation to create an
> alternative C-Python interpreter? There is AFAIK no such ambitious
> project that has ever survived. The last one I remember died shortly
> after it was born:

The motivation is that I just needed some bytecode engine. I deciced
to go with python bytecode, because well, IMO it's the best!
Eventually it turned out what it is.

I'm afraid this may end up dead before unborn too.
So it depends what people want. If nobody cares, I just learned python
the hard way and the project does to the abandonware cemetary.



pyvm -- faster python

2005-05-08 Thread Stelios Xanthakis

pyvm is a program which can run python 2.4 bytecode (the .pyc files).
A demo pre-release is available at:

Facts about pyvm:
- It's FAST. According to the "cooked-bench" benchmark suite it finishes
   in 55% of the time python takes;)
- It's SMALL. Currently the source code is under 15k lines with the
   builtin modules.
- It's new. Uses no code from CPython.
- It's incomplete. Not even near the stability and quality of python.
   It needs A LOT of work before it can be compared to CPython.
   Moreover, at the time it lacks many things like closures, long numbers
   new style classes, etc.
- It's incompatible with CPython. Not all programs run.
- The C API is incompatible. You can't run C modules (a thin wrapper to
   make pyvm appear as libpython *could* be possible but not a goal
- The demo is an x86/linux binary only. You shouldn't trust binaries,
   run it in a chrooted environment not as root!

Hope it works!



ANN: Python benchmark suite

2005-04-09 Thread stelios xanthakis
I'd like to announce the pyvmbench benchmark suite which is designed
to evaluate different python implementations, different versions of
the same implementation and different compilers/compilation flags for
the same version of a python implementation (same).  If you want,
you can of course benchmark Jython on Mac vs IronPython on XP!
It is located right here:
I've taken code from the "computer language shootout", posts in and other code from the internet which seems to be ok to
use.  Hopefully we should be ok.
Ok, the testcases are not many but they are all real programs
that do real jobs and this makes their results at least, realistic:)

Re: Can I play too?

2005-04-02 Thread stelios xanthakis
Scott David Daniels wrote:
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
main(sys.argv[1:] or [''])
This is *exactly* the kind of testcases I'm looking for to test
the soon-to-be-released pyvm.  Great!  I'll be back with results.
For now, a fast is
import sys
WORDS = [ i.rstrip () for i in file ('/usr/share/dict/words') ]
def findana (anagram):
sorted_anagram = sorted(anagram.lower())
len_anagram = len (anagram)
found = [ word for word in WORDS if len(word)==len_anagram and 
sorted(word)==sorted_anagram ]
print "Anagrams of %s: %s" % (anagram, ' '.join(found))

for i in sys.argv [1:]:
findana (i)
And timings
time python anagram.pyc stop step words lots pool eat fast slow lamp 
cold door xyzzy
Anagrams of stop: opts post pots spot stop tops
Anagrams of step: pest pets sept step
Anagrams of words: sword words
Anagrams of lots: lost lots slot
Anagrams of pool: loop polo pool
Anagrams of eat: ate eat tea
Anagrams of fast: fast fats
Anagrams of slow: lows owls slow
Anagrams of lamp: lamp palm
Anagrams of cold: clod cold
Anagrams of door: door odor
Anagrams of xyzzy:

sys 0m0.040s
time pyvm anagram.pyc stop step words lots pool eat fast slow lamp cold 
door xyzzy
Anagrams of stop: opts post pots spot stop tops
Anagrams of step: pest pets sept step
Anagrams of words: sword words
Anagrams of lots: lost lots slot
Anagrams of pool: loop polo pool
Anagrams of eat: ate eat tea
Anagrams of fast: fast fats
Anagrams of slow: lows owls slow
Anagrams of lamp: lamp palm
Anagrams of cold: clod cold
Anagrams of door: door odor
Anagrams of xyzzy:

sys 0m0.070s

Re: Looking for Benchmarklets to improve pyvm

2005-04-02 Thread stelios xanthakis
Skip Montanaro wrote:
Take a look around for Marc Andre Lemburg's pybench suite. 

Thanks!  Although pybench needs and module.pickle,
so I'll post results later.  Moreover, I have similar tests.
I'd prefer scripts that do *real* calculations.

Re: Looking for Benchmarklets to improve pyvm

2005-04-02 Thread stelios xanthakis
coffeebug wrote:
Newbie here ("new" to the language and scripting in general).
I'm trying to figure out what you mean by bytecode.  Do you mean
a virtual python environment that can be hosted by any anonymous
operating system?   For example, you want to run Python programs on
BEOS so you crank up its version of PYVM and load a Python source code
and run it?
The pyc files.  See module 'compile' and module 'dis'.

Looking for Benchmarklets to improve pyvm

2005-04-01 Thread stelios xanthakis
pyvm is a program that can run python 2.4 bytecode and most
of the times produce the expected output.  See
I'm collecting small testlets to benchmark it, discover bottlenecks
and improve it.  They should be small and not use any crazy modules.
Only [sys, os, itertools, thread, threading, math, random] for now.
Basically, stuff that has appeared in will be great
(like xah lee's "partition list be equivalence", etc)

Re: Big development in the GUI realm

2005-02-10 Thread Stelios Xanthakis
Alex Martelli wrote:
Dennis Lee Bieber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

hassle to code, but if your application could dynamically select from
whatever toolkit is available on the machine, you (and I should emphasis
that this is an impersonal/generic "you" I reference) might be able to
argue an exemption from the QT license.

So maybe it's time to resurrect anygui, maybe in a simplified version
which can only interface to, say, PyQt or Tkinter -- 'eithergui' maybe.
Done already: 'Twilight GUI'!
However, it's very furstrating working on 4 toolkits in parallel
and because some of the don't have good documentation, I'm doing
other things right now:)

Re: python-dev Summary for 2004-11-16 through 2004-11-30

2005-01-07 Thread Stelios Xanthakis
Would you like the source with your function?

Yes, since I asked for this feature something like two years ago ;-)
Well, the main objection seemed to be that we can get the source of a
function one way or another.  For functions with a file (1) with
"inspect" , for functions defined dynamically with "exec"(2), by
"knowing what we pass to exec and storing it", and for functions defined
in the interactive prompt (3), by using a higher level IDE/shell that is
not the pure raw_input, but does sophisticated analysis of code fed to
it and which will be responsible for storing functions (!!).  Still I
believe it's the job of the core python parser to get this info and
attach it to function objects.
The other problem was whether the source attribute should be saved to
pyc files (or more generally marhsaled together with the function
object).  Logically it should.  OTOH, for the application I had using
this, I didn't need marshalling source because it stored all the code
(initial functions + functions defined while the application was
running) in python source form.  So, I think that in practice one will
use either bytecode or the __source__ feature and not both, but I can't
prove it. 8)
There's a PEP and an --ugly- patch for 2.3.4
+10 ?