Re: urgent - Matplolib with IDLE!

2007-03-19 Thread Rob Clewley
Dear Ana,

I have the same problem with a similar setup (except Python 2.4.3) and
have tried the same solutions (BTW those steps really did used to work
on my machine using Python 2.3.5). In the short term you could either
try IPython (a proper solution to this problem, which returns me to
the prompt just fine after closing the figure) or try the following
"quick and dirty fix" with IDLE:

1) If your script does stuff other than define classes and functions,
put in a command that prevents it getting to the calculations (e.g.
insert a "1/0" line) or, for instance, turn all your calculations into
function calls that you can easily comment out (temporarily). Run your
script using F5 so that you just get the prompt.
3) Create an empty figure using pylab.figure() or whatever.
2) Close the figure and the IDLE console (command prompt window) that
opened when you ran the script (you have to say Yes when it asks about
killing a python process).
3) This leaves an orphaned python process which you have to clean up
later using your Task Manager, but ...
4) you can now continue to interact with any new IDLE console created
in the current session when you bring up new figures. i.e. uncomment
the parts of your script that actually do stuff and run it again.

At least that's a quick fix that's working for me while I await a
better answer too... Perhaps this hack will outrage someone's
sensibilities sufficiently that we'll hear of a better IDLE solution.


Re: urgent - Matplolib with IDLE!

2007-03-19 Thread Ana Paula Leite


in site-packages/matplotlib/backends/
I commented out in the show function the line


In addition to the changes I mentioned in my first email, this has solved my

On 3/19/07, Rob Clewley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have the same problem with a similar setup (except Python 2.4.3) and
have tried the same solutions (BTW those steps really did used to work
on my machine using Python 2.3.5). In the short term you could either
try IPython (a proper solution to this problem, which returns me to
the prompt just fine after closing the figure) or try the following
"quick and dirty fix" with IDLE:

1) If your script does stuff other than define classes and functions,
put in a command that prevents it getting to the calculations (e.g.
insert a "1/0" line) or, for instance, turn all your calculations into
function calls that you can easily comment out (temporarily). Run your
script using F5 so that you just get the prompt.
3) Create an empty figure using pylab.figure() or whatever.
2) Close the figure and the IDLE console (command prompt window) that
opened when you ran the script (you have to say Yes when it asks about
killing a python process).
3) This leaves an orphaned python process which you have to clean up
later using your Task Manager, but ...
4) you can now continue to interact with any new IDLE console created
in the current session when you bring up new figures. i.e. uncomment
the parts of your script that actually do stuff and run it again.

At least that's a quick fix that's working for me while I await a
better answer too... Perhaps this hack will outrage someone's
sensibilities sufficiently that we'll hear of a better IDLE solution.



Re: Urgent: Embedding Python problems - advice sought

2005-08-17 Thread adsheehan
Does anyone have advice on other groups, sites etc that has knowledge
of this subject ?



Re: Urgent: Embedding Python problems - advice sought

2005-08-17 Thread Michael Hudson

> Hi,
> I am embedding Python into a multi-threaded C++ application running on
> Solaris and need urgent clarification on the embedding architecture and
> its correct usage (as I am experience weird behaviors).

What version of Python are you using?

> Can anyone clarify:
> - if Python correctly supports multiple sub-interpreters
> (Py_NewInterpreter) ?

It's supposed to but it's not often used or tested and can get a bit

> - if Python correctly supports multiple thread states per
> sub-interpreter (PyThreadState_New) ?

There are bugs in 2.3.5 and 2.4.1 in this area (they are fixed in CVS
-- I hope -- and will be in 2.4.2).

> and the "real" question:
> - what is the rationale for choosing one of:
> [a] one sub-interpreter with many thread states

This is the best tested and understood (it's what the core Python
interpreter does, after all).

> [b] many sub-interpreters with one thread state each
> [c] many sub-interpreters with many threas states each

These are probably somewhat broken in recent Python's, I'm afraid.
Can you try CVS?


  ARTHUR:  Yes.  It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing
   cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door
   saying "Beware of the Leopard".
-- The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, Episode 1

Re: Urgent: Embedding Python problems - advice sought

2005-08-17 Thread Michael Hudson

> Does anyone have advice on other groups, sites etc that has knowledge
> of this subject ?

I've just replied to your original post, having not seen it the first
time around.


   w00t w00t w00t w00t!
   I don't understand all of the code, but it works!
   I guess I should check it in.
-- from Twisted.Quotes

Re: Urgent: Embedding Python problems - advice sought

2005-08-23 Thread adsheehan
Thanks Michael.

I will look into the areas you have suggested...



Re: Urgent Openings with the World's Leading Software Company !!!

2007-01-10 Thread Terry Reedy

"Software Hiring" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

Hi Vamsi.

Recruiting for Microsoft gives you no extra right to spam comp.lang.python 
with off-topic messages.  There are thousands of other software groups that 
might like to do the same but with a couple of exceptions a year, they all 
desist for the greater common good.  Please do likewise.


ps.  A Microsoft recruiter using gmail is a puzzle, but that is a different 
off-topic issue. 


Re: Urgent Openings with the World's Leading Software Company !!!

2007-01-11 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen

"Software Hiring" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If you're interested in relocating to India for such a good
> opportunity and be a part of the World's Best Software Company and if
> you have good skill sets  in:
> C, C++, C#, Java (for .Net Platform or Visual Studio)
> OR
> C, C++, Java, Product Development (for MS RFID Infrastructure
> PathFinder - Adapters)
> OR
> C, C++, driver or kernel, Linux or Unix (for Windows Serviceability)

not much to do with python

*closes eyes, and imagines the sing-song accent of the Indians
contrasting with his guttural Afrikaans accent *


I think I will give this one a miss - it would be worse than
relocating to Wales...

- Hendrik
