Type signature

2006-07-22 Thread Yacao Wang
Hi, I'm a newbie to Python. I've recently read some books about this language and none of them have answered my question. As a dynamically-typed language Python doesn't need any form of type signature which makes the syntax very clean and concise. However, type signatures are not only a kind of information provided for the compiler, but also for the programmer, or more important, for the programmer. Without it, we have to "infer" the return type or required agument types of a function, and this can't be done without seeing the implementation of it, and sometimes it is still difficult to extract the above information even if the implementation is available. Haskell can also determine type information dynamically, but it still supports and recommends the programming style with type signatures, which makes the code very readable and maitainable. As I understand, Python relies too much on run-time type-checking, that is, whenever you give the wrong type, you just end up with an exception, which is logically correct, but not that useful as type signatures.
Any ideas on this issue? -- Alex

Re: Type signature

2006-07-22 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Yacao Wang

> However, type signatures are not only a kind of information provided for
> the compiler, but also for the programmer, or more important, for the
> programmer. Without it, we have to "infer" the return type or required
> agument types of a function, and this can't be done without seeing the
> implementation of it,

That's what documentation is meant for.  If you are forced to look at the
implementation, the documentation is bad.

> Haskell can also determine type information dynamically, but it still
> supports and recommends the programming style with type signatures,

Does Haskell really determine the type information dynamically!?  AFAIK
it's done at compile time.

> which makes the code very readable and maitainable. As I understand,
> Python relies too much on run-time type-checking, that is, whenever you
> give the wrong type, you just end up with an exception, which is
> logically correct, but not that useful as type signatures. Any ideas on
> this issue?

Which issue?  ;-)

Just stop thinking in terms of types.  Python is about *behavior*.  If
the docs say `this functions takes an iterable as input` then `iterable`
isn't a specific type but an object that implements the behavior of an
iterable.  You can't check that reliable without actually trying to
iterate over it.  Search for "duck typing".

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: Type signature

2006-07-22 Thread hanumizzle

Yacao Wang wrote:
> Hi, I'm a newbie to Python. I've recently read some books about this
> language and none of them have answered my question.
> As a dynamically-typed language Python doesn't need any form of type
> signature which makes the syntax very clean and concise.


> However, type
> signatures are not only a kind of information provided for the compiler

Statically-typed code tends (generally) to be faster than
dynamically-typed code, obviously. Often, it doesn't really matter,
though. (This is an old argument.)

Lush is an interesting Lisp-like language that supports admixture of
dynamic and static typing, and uses type signatures to support it. It
can produce high performance machine code because of this.

> Python relies too much on run-time type-checking, that is,
> whenever you give the wrong type, you just end up with an exception, which
> is logically correct, but not that useful as type signatures.

As said before, polymorphism plays an important role. In addition to
looking up 'duck typing' (c.f. Programming Ruby), it might also be
useful to look for Damian Conway's observations on 'interface
polymorphism' (standard practice in Perl, Python, Ruby, etc.) vs.
'inheritance polymorphism' (what you get with C++ and IIRC Java).


Re: Type signature

2006-07-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Yacao Wang wrote:
> Hi, I'm a newbie to Python. I've recently read some books about this
> language and none of them have answered my question.
> As a dynamically-typed language Python doesn't need any form of type
> signature which makes the syntax very clean and concise. However, type
> signatures are not only a kind of information provided for the compiler, but
> also for the programmer, or more important, for the programmer. Without it,
> we have to "infer" the return type or required agument types of a function,

Reset your brain.  Functions don't have required argument types,
anything implementing the interface they use will work.

class a(object):
def getVal(self):
return "a_val"

class b(object):
def getVal(self):
return "b_val"

def someFunc(valObj):
return valObj.getVal().upper()

someFunc can take objects of class a or class b or any other class that
has a getVal method returning something with an upper method (getVal
doesn't even have to return a string as long as what it returns has an
upper method).

a and b don't share an inheritance hierarchy, either.

There is no "type signature", there's just which methods/attributes are
used by the function.

Limiting it to only working on specified types is unnecessarily

> Haskell can also determine type information
> dynamically

Haskell does static type inference at compile time, not dynamic typing.
 It's a completely different programming model (shared with ML, among

> As I
> understand, Python relies too much on run-time type-checking, that is,
> whenever you give the wrong type, you just end up with an exception, which
> is logically correct, but not that useful as type signatures.

Dynamic typing is different from static typing, you're right, but it's
not worse.

You probably want to google for "duck typing" think about the
implications on polymorphism.


Re: Type signature

2006-07-23 Thread Paddy
Yacao Wang wrote:
> Hi, I'm a newbie to Python. I've recently read some books about this
> language and none of them have answered my question.
> As a dynamically-typed language Python doesn't need any form of type
> signature which makes the syntax very clean and concise. However, type
> signatures are not only a kind of information provided for the compiler, but
> also for the programmer, or more important, for the programmer. Without it,
> we have to "infer" the return type or required agument types of a function,
> and this can't be done without seeing the implementation of it, and
> sometimes it is still difficult to extract the above information even if the
> implementation is available. Haskell can also determine type information
> dynamically, but it still supports and recommends the programming style with
> type signatures, which makes the code very readable and maitainable. As I
> understand, Python relies too much on run-time type-checking, that is,
> whenever you give the wrong type, you just end up with an exception, which
> is logically correct, but not that useful as type signatures.
> Any ideas on this issue?
> --
> Alex
Hi Yacao/Alex,
Try these:
  "How to duck type? - the psychology of static typing in Ruby"
  "3-31-04 I'm Over It"

It seems that the latent or duck typing, used in dynamic languages is
counter-intuitve to  those from a static typing background.
Nevertheless, it does work, and work well.
- Paddy.


Re: Type signature

2006-07-24 Thread paul kölle
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
> In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Yacao Wang
> wrote:
>> However, type signatures are not only a kind of information provided for
>> the compiler, but also for the programmer, or more important, for the
>> programmer. Without it, we have to "infer" the return type or required
>> agument types of a function, and this can't be done without seeing the
>> implementation of it,
> That's what documentation is meant for.  If you are forced to look at the
> implementation, the documentation is bad.
I think the OP refers to reading the *code*, the documentation might not
exist (yet). Sometimes I feel python is easier to write than to read and
 missing argument type declarations (just for documentation purposes)
are  IMHO one reason. Another are missing (optional) argument type
checks at runtime. Something like WrongArgumentType exceptions instead
of rather unspecific AttributeError from deep inside the code would be
very convenient.

Yes docstrings are nice but sometimes a simple:

foo(int:param1, string:param2) is way better than:

foo(param1, param2):
  @type param1: integer
  @type parame2: string



Re: Type signature

2006-07-24 Thread Hugo Ferreira
Which is expecially true when using IDEs with auto-completion.Using
VisualStudio/MonoDevelop and C# I rarely need to look at the
documentation because I can quickly see what a method accept and
returns. And when I need to pass flags or options, enums are much more
neat and encapsulated.
With Python I'm constantly looking at the documentation when
surfing a library. I personally like the terse code and abstraction
features of Python which is making me slowly writing more and more
tools in it. Still, I have to agree that there are edges (like these)
that must be sharpened out...On 7/24/06, paul kölle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:> In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Yacao Wang> wrote:>>> However, type signatures are not only a kind of information provided for
>> the compiler, but also for the programmer, or more important, for the>> programmer. Without it, we have to "infer" the return type or required>> agument types of a function, and this can't be done without seeing the
>> implementation of it,>> That's what documentation is meant for.  If you are forced to look at the> implementation, the documentation is bad.I think the OP refers to reading the *code*, the documentation might not
exist (yet). Sometimes I feel python is easier to write than to read and missing argument type declarations (just for documentation purposes)are  IMHO one reason. Another are missing (optional) argument type
checks at runtime. Something like WrongArgumentType exceptions insteadof rather unspecific AttributeError from deep inside the code would bevery convenient.Yes docstrings are nice but sometimes a simple:
foo(int:param1, string:param2) is way better than:foo(param1, param2):  """  @type param1: integer  @type parame2: string  """cheers Paul--
http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list-- GPG Fingerprint: B0D7 1249 447D F5BB 22C5  5B9B 078C 2615 504B 7B85

Re: Type signature

2006-07-24 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, paul kölle

> Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
>> In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Yacao Wang
>> wrote:
>>> However, type signatures are not only a kind of information provided for
>>> the compiler, but also for the programmer, or more important, for the
>>> programmer. Without it, we have to "infer" the return type or required
>>> agument types of a function, and this can't be done without seeing the
>>> implementation of it,
>> That's what documentation is meant for.  If you are forced to look at the
>> implementation, the documentation is bad.
> I think the OP refers to reading the *code*, the documentation might not
> exist (yet).

It should be right there under the `def` as docstring.

> Sometimes I feel python is easier to write than to read and
>  missing argument type declarations (just for documentation purposes)
> are  IMHO one reason. Another are missing (optional) argument type
> checks at runtime. Something like WrongArgumentType exceptions instead
> of rather unspecific AttributeError from deep inside the code would be
> very convenient.

The you start getting `WrongArgumentType` exceptions sooner or later for
arguments that have all the necessary attributes in place but are of the
wrong "type".  Very inconvenient.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch