Re: [Qgis-developer] Release schedule discussion - again

2015-10-13 Thread Tendfly Niu
hi all,

In my project, I still use 2.4. I think it is enough for me.
+1 for more test and document!


Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2015 10:00:58 +0200
Subject: Re: [Qgis-developer] Release schedule discussion - again

Dear all, imagine yourself being a new QGIS user. Go on the qgis-website and 
you see immediately the download option for version 2.10. Click on 
"documentation" and you realise it refers to 2.8. This situation was even worse 
in the past (I think 2.8 versus 2.2). The first impression you get, is that the 
software is not properly documented and this is definitely not a good argument 
especially for newbies (who we should convince of using qgis).  There is 
already a lack on people contributing to the documentation, but the short 
release cycle makes it even more difficult to have up-to-date software help. 
As several others have also mentioned, QGIS has very good functionality now and 
a slow-down would help to make the software more stable and to improve issues 
like documentation. Such a stable and well documented version could be promoted 
on the main page of qgis, while rather unstable versions with more 
functionality should be rather "hidden" for those who would like to test. 

Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2015 09:32:28 +0200
Subject: Re: [Qgis-developer] Release schedule discussion - again

Hi Lauri,
On Tue, 13. Oct 2015 at 10:27:57 +0300, Lauri Kajan wrote:
> What if we don't introduce any new features in LTR releases?
Huh?  That's what we do.   And the LTR package repositories are fed with the
new LTR release only after it has been regular release for four month.  So you
would probably never see a .0 there.
Jürgen E. Fischer   norBIT GmbH Tel. +49-4931-918175-31
Dipl.-Inf. (FH) Rheinstraße 13  Fax. +49-4931-918175-50
Software Engineer   D-26506 Norden
QGIS release manager (PSC)  GermanyIRC: jef on FreeNode 

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Write custom c++ application using QGIS under windows

2014-11-18 Thread Tendfly Niu
hi eliu1234,
The *.lib of QGIS should be created by compile. For the Qt's lib , e.g *d.lib. 
The qwt should download  from OSGeo4W,  so the qwt5.lib should found in 
OSGeo4W. The rest qt related packages should just install a Qt   from, when compiling API using cmake, it can automatically 
check the QT you installed before.  Remember, the minimum version of QT QGIS-2X 
need is 4.7.0. hope this help.
> Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 15:04:34 -0800
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Qgis-developer] Write custom c++ application using QGIS under   
> windows
> Thanks so much for the answer. I am able to get the 32 bit version working.
> Right now, I am facing the problem of not able to run debug mode. Since all
> those xd.lib files does not exist with the OSGeo4W installation. Do you
> have any idea how to fix this?
> And right now, I cannot seem to print anything in this mode. I tried to use
> cout but my output line is not printed. I tried to setup using visual
> studio. But is unsure how to include these dll files without their
> corresponding library files. Do you have any idea on this?
> Thanks.
> In Reply To
> Re: Write custom c++ application using QGIS under windows
> Nov 18, 2014; 7:43am ― by  Nejia Nejia
> Hi, 
> First you must download packages listed below from OSGeo4w (
> OSGeo4W Network Installer (32
> or 64 bit)): 
> - qgis: QGIS desktop 
> - grass: GRASS GIS 
> - qgis-devel 
> - qt4-devel 
> - qt4-doc 
> - qt4-libs 
> - qwt-devel-qt4 
> - qwt-doc-qt 
> - qwt-libs-qt4 
> In the post of Denis just replace: 
> @set PATH=%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin;%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\qgis-dev\bin;%PATH% 
> @set
> INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\include;%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\qgis-dev\include 
> With: 
> @set PATH=%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin;%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\qgis\bin;%PATH% 
> @set
> INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\include;%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\qgis\include 
> (replace qgis-dev with qgis) 
> And if you want to build 64 bits applications with visual studio 2010
> replace: 
> set VS90COMNTOOLS=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
> 9.0\Common7\Tools\ call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
> 9.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86 
> with: 
> call "%PF86%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" amd64 if exist
> "c:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin\SetEnv.Cmd" call
> "c:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin\SetEnv.Cmd" /x64 /Release
> path %path%;%PF86%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin 
> set SETUPAPI_LIBRARY=%PF86%\Microsoft
> SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Lib\x64\SetupAPI.Lib 
> if not exist "%SETUPAPI_LIBRARY%" set
> SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Lib\x64\SetupAPI.lib 
> Cheers, 
> Nejia 
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the Quantum GIS - Developer mailing list archive at
> ___
> Qgis-developer mailing list
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[Qgis-developer] Open a *.qgs project file in API, why maps do not show?

2014-10-20 Thread Tendfly niu
Hi all, 
I'm using QGIS-2.4.0 API. I saved a test.qgs file in QGIS Desktop, in this
project, there is one layer in it. 

Then I open the test.qgs project file in QGIS API to developing, but it is
not showed in APP. 

Why is that? 
The code I'm using to open the project is: 
QString myProjectPath = "E:\\QGIS\\Pro\\test.qgs"; 
bool isRead = QgsProject::instance()->read(); 

In Debug mode, isRead equals TRUE. 

Any advice would be appreciated!






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[Qgis-developer] Can QGIS generate a has-attribute map that composed of several .shp maps?

2014-10-15 Thread Tendfly niu
I'm using QGIS-2.4.0 API to develop application. 

I need a map that composed of several vector layers. If only this, it can be
done by merge in QGIS, but I need more for that: the map(or project?) I want
is composed of several layers, each layer has its own attributes, such as
style: color/labels, the visibility of scale dependent. For example, the map
MYMAP I made is composed of city.shp layer, river.shp layer, road.shp layer.
When scale is changed, it displays different from city to river,road. I
don't think this can be done by merge only. 

It can be done by the software QGIS, but in API development, it is difficult
to do such things. So I think there got be a better way, for now I think it
can be done by: 

   1.A composed map. A map that composed by several .shp maps, and their
attributes, make it in QGIS software and use the map in apps. In apps, it
can load the map and the rest things are same as a single map. 
   2.A project. A project that composed by these things, this also be done
in QGIS software. In apps, it can load project, but at the same time, the
.shp maps used in project will be needed too. 

I don't know if I make my point clear, and I don't know how to do it for my
point, or if there is a better way to do it, any advice appreciated! 






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[Qgis-developer] Custom SVG issue in QGIS API

2014-10-13 Thread Tendfly niu
Hi all,

 I'm using QGIS-2.4.0 API to developing application.

I wrote a custom map canvas item called MyMapCanvasItemSvg that show SVG
items in canvas. 

It is well to load and display SVG from symbol library of QGIS (i.e. file
path: d:\QGIS Chugiak\apps\qgis\svg\symbol\*.svg),

But when I create a svg file using Adobe Illustrator 16.0.0(which is same as
Generator of symbol library's svg), it breaks. 

I don't know the key point of SVG, I searched the topic on mailing list,
only found the topic"Custom Symbology and Inkscape"(link

It don't help.


Any advice appricated!


Here are parts of my MyMapCanvasItemSvg codes:


void paint(QPainter *painter)


 QImage svgImage(29, 29, QImage::Format_ARGB32);

 QPainter imagePainter(&svgImage);

 mSvgRenderer.render(&imagePainter);  //mSvgRenderer is a
object of QSvgRenderer, constructed using a svg file path

 painter->drawImage(QrectF(0, 0, 100, 80), svgImage, QRectF(0, 0,
100, 80));







Qgis-developer mailing list

Re: [Qgis-developer] Is QGIS supports dynamic display?

2014-08-19 Thread Tendfly Niu
Hi Martin,   I'm sorry to ask you again.   I looked up QgsRubberBand class, it 
has 5 Geometry types: Point, Line, Polygon, UnknownGeometry, NoGeometry. It 
seems there's no way to add a svg  symbol as a car icon on the map, or I was on 
a wrong way?Here is some questions:   1, How to add a svg symbol as a 
instance's icon? I tried QgssvgmarkerSymbolLayerV2 class, but it didn't 
display.   2, How to draw a line or polygon using QgsRubberBand? I constructed 
a QgsRubberband instance, set some attributes, however it was not display.   
Sorry to bother you.
Best RegardsBob
> Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 10:44:04 +0700
> Subject: Re: [Qgis-developer] Is QGIS supports dynamic display?
> From:
> To:
> CC:
> Hi Bob
> QGIS allows you to have dynamic objects on top of map canvas. These
> objects are called map canvas items, having QgsMapCanvasItem as a base
> class. You can either implement your own item or use an existing
> implementation, e.g. QgsRubberBand class (used for example to
> highlight features when doing identification). In your case, you could
> have one QgsRubberBand instance and just change its position on map
> whenever appropriate.
> Cheers
> Martin
> On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 9:11 AM, 腾飞 牛  wrote:
> > Dear all,
> > I'm a new developer of QGIS using C++. I am doing a project which needs
> > dynamically displaying maps/layers(just like GPS,layers automatically
> > refreshing with the changing of object's position).I kown ARCGIS has the
> > technique called dynamic diasplay(or something like that),which supports the
> > capacity to do such things. Is QGIS has this ability? Any advices would be
> > appreciated!
> >
> > Regards
> > Bob
> >
> > ___
> > Qgis-developer mailing list
> >
> >
Qgis-developer mailing list

Re: [Qgis-developer] Is QGIS supports dynamic display?

2014-08-11 Thread Tendfly Niu
Hi Zoltan,  Thanks a lot for your reply!The version i'm using is QGIS 
2.4.0. I want to develop a desktop application using QGIS API, by C++ as i 
said. It is not GPS, but the way it is displayed like GPS-dynamic displaying by 
the changing data. So i built QGIS using source code according to INSTALL. At 
the time of Cmake, I unchecked the Python related plugins(such as 
WITH_BINDINGS,WITH_STAGED_PLUGINS), hope this does not affact the function you 
mentioned.  Do you know which function or class is the one i'm looking for? 
I developed a simple demo that has these features: add layer, zoom in/out, pan. 
When i added a vector layer(.shp), i zoom in or zoom out, the refresh is not 
smooth or continuous. Are there any places i did not do right? Looking forward 
to your reply.
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 08:15:07 +0200
Subject: Re: [Qgis-developer] Is QGIS supports dynamic display?


On 2014/08/11 04:11, 腾飞 牛 wrote:

Dear all,
  a new developer of QGIS using C++. I am doing a project which
  needs dynamically displaying maps/layers(just like GPS,layers
  automatically refreshing with the changing of object's
  position).I kown ARCGIS has the technique called dynamic
  diasplay(or something like that),which supports the capacity
  to do such things. Is QGIS has this ability? Any advices would
  be appreciated!


Hi Bob,

QGIS can definitely do this already.

I used this feature in November last year - but make sure you use
the latest versions of QGIS of all the plugins for field editing
because at that stage some of the (digitising, I think) plugins
caused serious loops when refreshing the screen or adding a feature,
so not great if you are dynamically panning.

I used a Garmin 60CSX, but any gps that can output an NMEA stream
should work.

You also need the free versions of Franson GPSGate from

On a practical note, I found dynamic panning not very useful for my
purpose. When we drove passed a POI, we couldn't easily pause the
panning in order to drop a points and add the attributes needed. We
found the dynamic tracking (digitising) of the incoming GPS track
very useful, and we manually panned the display as needed, whilst in




Zoltan Szecsei PrGISc [PGP0031]
Geograph (Pty) Ltd.
GIS and Photogrammetric Services

P.O. Box 7, Muizenberg 7950, South Africa.

Mobile: +27-83-6004028

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