[QGIS-Developer] Proposal for QGIS Documentation

2019-01-10 Thread matteo
Hi all,

I want to raise some proposal for the documentation process of QGIS. I
think that we can all agree that the documentation is our weak part: no
matters if we have some budget or not, but even with sponsors, docs are
months away to be up to date with the code. We have an endless list of
issues that grows and grows.

BTW: this is nobody fault, we are just to few doc writers, that's it

Furthermore there are some PR stacked from months [0] (with and without

What I want to propose is a system similar to the coding one: a kind of
stale bot that closes PR automatically after a while. Actually I'd like
to go a step further: if the PR is made by a person with writing rights
than the PR is automatically merged (if the Travis is happy) while if
the person has not commit rights, then the PR is closed automatically to
prevent really ugly docs (not sure if this is achievable).

I think we spent a lot of efforts on "appearance" of the docs rather
then contents (again, nobody fault, just me that prefers contents than

Personally I'd prefer to have updated manuals and correct all the rest
in a second moment. With the fix me button on each page and with
Alexandre's features that allows to see images directly on the repo it
is definitely more easy also for not skilled people to correct some
mistake than to add new text from scratch.

I'm repeating again: this is not an attack on anyone, it is just what
came into my mind: AKA my 2 cents ;)

Hoping to start a discussion



[0] https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Documentation/pulls
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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Proposal for QGIS Documentation

2019-01-14 Thread matteo
Hi all again,

really nobody has some feedback to give on doc topic?



On 1/10/19 7:25 PM, matteo wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to raise some proposal for the documentation process of QGIS. I
> think that we can all agree that the documentation is our weak part: no
> matters if we have some budget or not, but even with sponsors, docs are
> months away to be up to date with the code. We have an endless list of
> issues that grows and grows.
> BTW: this is nobody fault, we are just to few doc writers, that's it
> Furthermore there are some PR stacked from months [0] (with and without
> reviews).
> What I want to propose is a system similar to the coding one: a kind of
> stale bot that closes PR automatically after a while. Actually I'd like
> to go a step further: if the PR is made by a person with writing rights
> than the PR is automatically merged (if the Travis is happy) while if
> the person has not commit rights, then the PR is closed automatically to
> prevent really ugly docs (not sure if this is achievable).
> I think we spent a lot of efforts on "appearance" of the docs rather
> then contents (again, nobody fault, just me that prefers contents than
> appearance).
> Personally I'd prefer to have updated manuals and correct all the rest
> in a second moment. With the fix me button on each page and with
> Alexandre's features that allows to see images directly on the repo it
> is definitely more easy also for not skilled people to correct some
> mistake than to add new text from scratch.
> I'm repeating again: this is not an attack on anyone, it is just what
> came into my mind: AKA my 2 cents ;)
> Hoping to start a discussion
> Cheers
> Matteo
> [0] https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Documentation/pulls
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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Proposal for QGIS Documentation

2019-01-15 Thread matteo

I found this:


seems pretty straightforward to use (I'll make some test on test

Somebody has already experiences on this side?


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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Proposal for QGIS Documentation

2019-01-15 Thread matteo
Hi Alexandre,

thanks for the inputs.. :)

> I agree that we have a long time issue with Documentation. To me, it can
> only be solved with someone working on it "full-time", Which seems to be
> the case if Larissa starts working on it.

+0. We already have many many commits and PR each day since a lot of
time. Of course people are interested/involved in different topics and
anyone contributes in the way he/she thinks is better. Therefore, review
is of course not the most interesting part... (at least I prefer to
write new doc from scratch than reviewing)

> On the other hand, we have the review part, which is something that even
> fewer people participate (me included), and it takes forever...


We had PR stacked fro months and as I said, merging clean PR (clean =
not breaking anything) is better: also new people can fix errors and/or
improve the docs with the Fix me button without dealing with
git/sphinx/compilation and so on..

> I am not very enthusiast of the automatic merging and closing of PRs.
> People have different velocities, and I don't think it's good to close a
> someones PR (that put some good work on it) just because no one with
> merge rights was able to review it. It is very discouraging.

I'm not happy too. But IMHO is worst to have PR with hundreds of
comments or PR left there for months. This could be also very
discouraging (not only for new people making the first step into the

> On the other hand, if the person has commit rights, then technically he
> can merge it himself , when he feels the work is ready (assuming that,
> like Matteo said it's not breaking anything), without the need for a
> bot. I still think that a review would be is required... Just like it
> happens in the Code side. Maybe Larissa can also review PRs?! That would
> speed thing up.
> Now, I believe that we should not have opened tickets forever with
> hundreds of comments in it.
> The geoserver team uses the following rule:
> - At least one review is needed (beg it to a friend if needed)
> - After addressing all the ISSUES found on the first review, the
> committer can merge. He should not wait for a second review to see if
> the new changes are ok, and then again and again...
> - Any "good to have" observations/comments, should be moved to a new
> ticket for future improvements.

I'm digging into this github app topic and it seems that setting up one
or more bots is more or less straightforward. Some of them allows to
mark a PR not mergable if at least one review is made. I don't know what
workflow is better to make things NOT complicated AND to speed up the
process WITHOUT loosing documentation quality.

For sure it is a good chance to discuss in the next HF

My 10 cents :)

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Proposal for QGIS Documentation

2019-01-15 Thread matteo
Hi Anita,

> I am not very enthusiast of the automatic merging and closing of
> PRs. People have different velocities, and I don't think it's good
> to close a someones PR (that put some good work on it) just because
> no one with merge rights was able to review it. It is very discouraging.
> I think the suggestion was to automatically accept and merge them if
> nobody with merge rights gets around to doing it.

nope. What I'm suggesting is to automatic merge PR made by author having
commit rights on the repo after a while and to close (or putting into
stale) PR made by "external" people if there is not activity for a while.

This could speed up the cue of PR and prevent eventual breaking of docs.


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Re: [QGIS-Developer] documentation rules (was [qgis/QGIS-Enhancement-Proposals] Translation of .qgs project files (#90))

2019-01-16 Thread matteo
Hi Nyall,

> So again, I'm +1 to the policy, but only if it's enforced
> automatically on Travis by an appropriate meta unit test.

yep! we should find a way to make life easier for both teams without
loosing quality and features

> I think we could do this by some rules like:
> - if a commit message has [feature] or [needs-docs], then the body of
> the message must contain at least 200(?) characters OR contain a link
> to a PR on the documentation repo (detected via regex)
> - feature commits must also contain a link to an image/video/blogpost
> illustrating the feature (the test would just check to ensure that
> there's at least one http(s):// link in the commit body). We can add a
> specific [no-pic] tag for features which explicitly DON'T need a
> picture (e.g. API feature additions, server specific features which
> don't have any user-facing UI changes)

That's seems a good strategy. Details can came up later but I really
like this approach


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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Proposal for QGIS Documentation

2019-01-17 Thread matteo
Hi Tom,

> Just a quick note to say that, after some discussion with (and help from)
> Matteo, I've started to try to help out with English style and grammar. I'm
> not an experienced enough QGIS user to create much new documentation, but
> hopefully this will help. Other documentation contributors, please be
> patient with me as I learn the workflow.

having native English speaker is super important for us. Thanks for the

P.S. I'll assign the review of my next PR to you ;)

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[QGIS-Developer] LineString vs MultiLineString - QGIS2 vs QGIS 3

2019-01-21 Thread matteo
Hi devs,

in QGIS 3 a shapefile is recognized as MultiLineString, while in QGIS 2
the same file is recognized as LineString. What could be the reason?

Moreover: is there and option to force to read a shapefile as LineString?

Cheers and thanks

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[QGIS-Developer] Encrypted Message

2019-01-21 Thread matteo

Description: PGP/MIME version identification

Description: OpenPGP encrypted message
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Re: [QGIS-Developer] LineString vs MultiLineString - QGIS2 vs QGIS 3

2019-01-21 Thread matteo
sorry, encrypted

On 1/22/19 8:43 AM, matteo wrote:
> Hi Matthias,
> thanks for the feedback and inputs. Well the topic is going tricky:
> * create a new line (just line because shapefile is not able to
> understand single/multi) in Q3
> * add a line and some parts to the same line
> * load the shape in Q2
> * the shape is already recognized as Linestring (and not Multilinestring)
> * using the Processing algorithm works fine (lines are "separated"
> well), but the layer remains, of course, Linestring
> The same approach in Q3 works fine. Before the algorithm the shapefile
> is read as Multilinestring and after the algorithm as Linestring
> Does it make sense?
> Cheers and thanks
> Matteo
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Re: [QGIS-Developer] LineString vs MultiLineString - QGIS2 vs QGIS 3

2019-01-22 Thread matteo
Another idea..

in the "Export as" dialog there is the chance to choose the geometry
type (no multi, only single) and a checkbox to "Force multi-type". So it
seems missing the option to "Force single-type"

What do you think?

Is it worth a ticket to remind it?

Cheers and thanks

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] LineString vs MultiLineString - QGIS2 vs QGIS 3

2019-01-24 Thread matteo
Hi Matthias,

> What's the ultimate goal of this?
> Being able to create shapefiles that are compatible with software that
> only supports single-geometry-type features?

no particular reasons, just scratching the surface of this exportation

Thanks Matthias for the feedback

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] New documentation coordinator

2019-01-24 Thread matteo
Hi all,

> It is with great pleasure that I would like to welcome Matteo Ghetta to
> his new role of documentation coordinator.
> Thanks a lot Matteo for picking up such an important task!

my pleasure! I'll do my best to enhance this important part of QGIS project


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[QGIS-Developer] Fwd: Transifex: GitHub integration - announcing early access

2019-02-06 Thread matteo
Hi devs,

sorry for cross-posting but I want to be be sure that all of you get
this email.

It seems that github-transifex have a direct integration.

Don't really know how/if we can dig into this topic, but it is worth to
mention ;)



 Forwarded Message 
Subject:Transifex: GitHub integration - announcing early access
Date:   Wed, 06 Feb 2019 23:38:58 +
From:   Tatiana Tadi 
To: Matteo Ghetta 

Hi Matteo,

I hope this email finds you well.

We are excited to introduce you to our new Github integration. Over the
past months, our team has been working hard on this new initiative to
make it easier for our customers to integrate their Github repositories
with Transifex. With the new GitHub Integration, you will be able to
connect a localization project in Transifex with a specific repository
in GitHub using only the Transifex user interface.

We will continue to stabilize this release and fix any remaining issues
over the coming weeks so we would greatly appreciate it if you could
help us ensure that this is a high-quality release by testing this out
and providing us with your valuable feedback.

So, if you are interested, we will be glad to enable this feature for
your account providing you with early access to this new enhancement.
More information about this can be found in our documentation guide here

However, if you would prefer an official release instead, then we will
get back to you as soon as this happens.

Of course, it is up to you to select either option but gathering your
feedback for the upcoming official release would be extremely valuable.

Please, let us know how you would like to proceed.

Thank you in advance!

Kind Regards,

Tatiana Tadi
| Transifex <https://www.transifex.com/>
Join Our Community! <https://community.transifex.com/>

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] The correct import Qt5 in plugins

2019-02-07 Thread matteo
Hi Xavier,

better to use

from qgis.PyQt import uic

so it is QGIS directly that handles the correct PyQt version to import


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[QGIS-Developer] Python Editor locale settings!?

2019-03-08 Thread matteo

while testing a script on 2 different machines we discovered something
very strange. First machine has QGIS in English the second in Italian.

Results of the scripts are different because of decimal separator (. in
English, , in Italian).

The console interprets the stuff correctly, the editor not. Is this
really the expected behavior?

QGIS 3.6


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[QGIS-Developer] Raster Calculator troubles in Processing with pyqgis

2019-03-12 Thread matteo
Hi devs,

I'm facing a really strange bug (IMHO). Same script, same project, same
data, same QGIS version (3.6), but different platform (linux vs windows).

The EXPRESSION parameter is giving errors when used, ONLY in Windows.

This is the small snippet I'm using without any problem in Linux:

param_calculated = {
'EXPRESSION':'{}@1 * {}'.format(proximity['OUTPUT'], formula),
'LAYERS': proximity['OUTPUT'],
'OUTPUT': os.path.join(output, 'calcolato.tif')

calculated = processing.run("qgis:rastercalculator", param_calculated)

The exact same script is giving an error in Windows (not verbose error,
just saying processing.run is not running).

I discovered that, if I load the raster(s) into the TOC and user
my_raster.name() instead of the complete path (proximity['OUTPUT']) then
it seems working.

Is this a known bug/problem?

Cheers and thanks

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Raster Calculator troubles in Processing with pyqgis

2019-03-12 Thread matteo
> Does either of the platforms have OpenCL support enabled?

nope, not linux, not windows

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Raster Calculator troubles in Processing with pyqgis

2019-03-14 Thread matteo
For reference, here is the ticket with a minimal sample dataset and the
code to reproduce the error


if confirmed, I really think there is a serious bug in the raster
calculator on Windows...

Cheers and thanks

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[QGIS-Developer] Running processing algorithm in iterative mode pyqgis

2019-03-18 Thread matteo
Hi all,

I cannot find in the documentation how to run a Processing algorithm in
the iterative mode via pyqgis. Even doing it with the UI and then
looking at the history there seems to me that no additional flags are added.

Some hints?


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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Running processing algorithm in iterative mode pyqgis

2019-03-19 Thread matteo
> It's not exposed anywhere. The logic sits here:
> https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/blob/master/python/plugins/processing/gui/AlgorithmExecutor.py#L297
>  , but that's not stable API and shouldn't be relied on by plugins.
> Best to copy that if you need it in your code.

ok got it, thanks!

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[QGIS-Developer] QGIS doc has tests for pyqgs code snippet!

2019-03-30 Thread matteo
Hi all,

I'm very happy to inform you all that this morning the first doc PR with
pyqgs code snippet has been tested in Travis:


Thanks to Arnaud Morvan PR [0], python code can now be tested
automatically when a PR is submitted.

The whole process is documented here [1] so that new contributors can
add testable snippet.

This is a great enhancement for the pyqgis cookbook: we will be sure
that the code snippet can be used "as they are" within QGIS.

Kudos to all the QGIS community and contributors!



[0] https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Documentation/pull/3618
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Re: [QGIS-Developer] QGIS virtual layer incredibly slow

2019-05-02 Thread matteo
Hi Andreas,

I also noticed the slow rendering of virtual layers, also when a layer
is small.

I think it depends on the result of the query: with 50 points when
linking one point with a line to all the other 49 points, at every map
zoom in/out it takes seconds to refresh the query


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Re: [QGIS-Developer] QGIS virtual layer incredibly slow

2019-05-02 Thread matteo
Hi Andreas,

> Seems like I am not the only one that suffers from this slowness.

not at all!

> The same query that takes about 40 secs in a virtual layer runs in 200ms
> in Postgis. Now I know that there is a lot of overhead to bring the two
> different data sources (Postgis and Geopackage) together, but it still
> doesn't explain the 40 secs.

as I wrote in the last mail, it happens also if the query is run on one
single layer (no matter if shp or geopackage)

> So if there would be some potential to introduce a caching mechanism to
> QGIS virtual layers, it would be much appreciated. There could be
> several update strategies: on opening of the project, on manual update
> (right-click layer --> update) or time based (e.g. every 5 minutes), or
> event based (if one of the involved layers changes).

I might be super wrong, but AFAIK, virtual layers behave like db views.
Is there any chance to change this behavior and make as materialized
views? So it is up to the user to update the virtual layer when needed.


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[QGIS-Developer] Converting to GeoJson missing Z value

2019-05-02 Thread matteo
Hi all,

when I convert a layer (gpx, 25D shp, etc) to a geojson I noticed that
the geojson file is missing the Z value.

Even when using the drape algorithm and directly saving the output as
geojson, no z values are there.

Is this a limitation of the driver or are some tricks I should use?

BTW: in the saving dialog the "Include z dimension" is checked even if
not active.

Cheers and thanks

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[QGIS-Developer] Virtual layers not working in OSX

2019-05-08 Thread matteo
Hi all,

does anyone confirm that sql queries (geopackage, virtual layers...) in
Db Manager and virtual layer standalone dialog does not work?

3.4 version of QGIS


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[QGIS-Developer] Print Layout continuously crashing

2019-05-10 Thread matteo
Hi all,

with a very simple layout template (1 point layer, OSM Tile), no fancy
things around, when I try to open the layout after the project has benn
saved and the layout is also saved, QGIS crashes after a few seconds
with this stack trace:


Tested on Debian Sid, with QGIS 3.4 (installed from package), QGIS 3.6
compiled and QGIS 3.7 compiled.

Has anyone some suggestion?


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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Print Layout continuously crashing

2019-05-10 Thread matteo
I recompiled QGIS withe debug information (thanks Mathieu) and the gist
is now updated with hopefully more information


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[QGIS-Developer] Including style in core

2019-05-13 Thread matteo
Hi devs,

can it be a good idea to add a style [0] in the core styles of QGIS?

Currently it is shared with the QGIS Resource Sharing plugin, but maybe
it is worth to list it with the other styles.



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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Expressions with aggregate in PyQGIS

2019-05-20 Thread matteo
Hi Anita,

you hit a good missing topic in the pyqgis documentation. I see very
often people asking for support on Expressions and their use in pyqgis.

What do you think to add the example also in the pyqgis documentation
directly? Since the last meeting we also have the test framework ready
to go [0] that helps a lot to have strong code snippet.

Having all the pieces in one box is the best solution IMHO

Cheers and thanks



On 5/20/19 9:01 AM, Anita Graser wrote:
> On Mon, May 20, 2019 at 2:37 AM Nyall Dawson  <mailto:nyall.daw...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> On Mon, 20 May 2019 at 01:21, Anita Graser  <mailto:anitagra...@gmx.at>> wrote:
> > I'd like to add an example of an aggregate expression to my recent
> PyQGIS 101 tutorial on expressions [0]. I got expressions for
> individual features working but cannot figure out how to set the
> context for aggregate expressions correctly.
> > As far as I can tell, the PyQGIS Cookbook doesn't contain any
> information on this either [1].
> You aren't correctly constructing your expression context:
> ...  
> A documentation update covering this would be most welcome ;)
> Thank you Nyall, that's really helpful! The expression system is awesome
> and powerful but I don't think anyone could guess how to use it
> correctly in PyQGIS.
> I'll write it up into a tutorial and the documentation team is always
> welcome to reuse the content in the official documentation. 
> Regards,
> Anita
> ___
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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Expressions with aggregate in PyQGIS

2019-05-20 Thread matteo

> I agree. I'm only hesitant since I don't have a doc writing setup on my
> Windows machine yet and the instructions seem to be Linux only. 

actually there are linux only instructions only if you want to run test
locally. Once you make a pull request, travis runs also for code snippets

> I'll see what I can do. Otherwise, I'll get back to you with the content
> and ask for help integrating it.



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[QGIS-Developer] QgsVectorFileWriter for GeoJSON

2019-05-22 Thread matteo
Hi all,

I cannot export a layer as GeoJSON using a very simple syntax:

error = QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat(layer=vl,

I always get an error like:

TypeError: QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat(): arguments did not
match any overloaded call:
  overload 1: 'driverName' is not a valid keyword argument
  overload 2: 'driverName' is not a valid keyword argument
  overload 3: 'driverName' is not a valid keyword argument

while with:

QgsVectorFileWriter.driverForExtension('.geojson') the output is:


and from the documentation driverName seems to be a keyword argument:


with "ESRI Shapefile" it works correctly.

Am I missing something?

Cheers and thanks for all the hints

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] QgsVectorFileWriter for GeoJSON

2019-05-23 Thread matteo
Hi Ale,

> https://qgis.org/pyqgis/master/core/QgsJsonExporter.html?highlight=json#module-QgsJsonExporter

didn't know this class, thanks!

The correct way to use it is something like:

gl = QgsJsonExporter(vl, 6)
gl.exportFeatures([i for i in vl.getFeatures()])

and then write the final geojson file "manually"?


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Re: [QGIS-Developer] QgsVectorFileWriter for GeoJSON

2019-05-23 Thread matteo
Hi Nyall,

> It's a rubbish error message. Blame sip. It should be saying:
> "arguments did not match any overloaded call:
> missing 1 required positional argument: 'fileEncoding'"

ah ok, get it now, thanks!
> Because, as the dox show, fileEncoding is a required argument. And
> indeed, this works fine for me:
> error = 
> QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat(layer=iface.activeLayer(),fileEncoding='UTF-8',fileName='/home/nyall/Temporary/test.geojson',driverName='GeoJSON')

however is it possible that the exported geojson file does not have the
Z value even if the source file has it? It happens also by exporting the
layer with the UI and forcing the geometry type and checking the
"Include Z dimension".



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Re: [QGIS-Developer] QgsVectorFileWriter for GeoJSON

2019-05-23 Thread matteo
Hi Nyall,

> This works ok for me. What input geometry type and selected geometry
> type are you using?

with gpx as input. But also if I use shapefiles and exporting geojson,
the raw files shows the Z values, but when using the node tool the Z
value is not shown.

I don't know if this is a limitation of geojson provider?

Cheers and thanks

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[QGIS-Developer] XYZ Tile source url from TOC

2019-06-07 Thread matteo
Hi guys,

if I don't get wrong Tile Layers are QgsRasterLayers objects.

Is there any method to grab from the loaded raster layer in the legend
the same url that is used to create the Tile in the Browser?

rl.source() gives the full url


Thanks for any hint

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] translate plugin gui and log messages

2019-06-18 Thread matteo
Hi Roberta,

well the process is pretty easy and straightforward.

I use the Makefile to manage all the process [0].

Basically the steps are:

* adding a list to locales in the Makefile, like: LOCALES = en it nl
* always in the Makefile add all the paths to the files that contains
the string you want to translate (managed by the self.tr() method):

__init__.py \
plugin.py plugin_dialog.py

UI_FILES = plugin_base.ui

* now you can use make transup to create the ts file in all the languages
* translate using the software you prefer
* compile the ts in qm using make transcompile

That's it. Whenever you add/change something in the files/UI you have to
run make transup again, translate, recompile



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Re: [QGIS-Developer] translate plugin gui and log messages

2019-06-20 Thread matteo
> Hi Matteo,
> thank you for the help, your solution works fine in linux. Do you know
> if something similar exists for Windows?

make transup and make transcompile just call bash scripts. not sure
what the workaround could be in Windows. Doesn't Windows have a kind of
linux bash integrated?

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] External python package dependency in plugins

2019-06-21 Thread matteo
Hi Tom,

I totally agree. Having a nice way to install external packages would be
a great addition.

Some times ago I was involved in a project that needed external packages
and we developed an "in house" prototype, but it was far from ideal


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[QGIS-Developer] Fwd: External python package dependency in plugins

2019-06-22 Thread matteo
forwarding to the dev list

 Forwarded Message 
Subject:Re: [QGIS-Developer] External python package dependency in 
Date:   Fri, 21 Jun 2019 21:21:41 +0200
From:   Olivier Dalang 
To: matteo 


Big +1 for this.

I think it should come with clear guidelines for devs though (esp. how
to correctly specify versions to avoid conflicting requirements with
unnecessary pins).

If we want to support this, what about using a requirements.txt file
rather than the metadata file?

It's more or less a standard which has some benefits such as automatic
vulnerability alerts or dependency graph on GitHub.



On Fri, Jun 21, 2019, 09:34 matteo mailto:matteo.ghe...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Hi Tom,

I totally agree. Having a nice way to install external packages would be
a great addition.

Some times ago I was involved in a project that needed external packages
and we developed an "in house" prototype, but it was far from ideal


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Re: [QGIS-Developer] translate plugin gui and log messages

2019-06-24 Thread matteo
Hi Calvin,

> This seemed to work, but I have a question about translation. I first
> created the english .ts file. I assume that someone then does a
> translation of that file, but I notice in the XML that it has it tied to
> a line number. What happens when I make a change to the code and the
> line number changes? How is this all managed?

that is he job of the update_strings.sh script (at least, I think so).

Basically when you update something (code withing the self.tr() function
or UI), you should run the update_strings.sh script so that the old
string will stay translate and untouched while the new ones (or the
updated ones) will be available for translation.

The script can be run with make transup.

So the workflow should be:

* make transup
* translate
* make transcompile

updates in your plugin? Run the same commands again

BTW: you can mix this with transifex to mangage the translations only in
tx and pulling/pushing the strings from there.


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Re: [QGIS-Developer] QGIS documentation build is failing and is making me crazy. Heeellp!!!!

2019-06-26 Thread matteo
Same here. Ran locally and no failures

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Sunrise, Sunset, Lunar Calculations

2019-06-27 Thread matteo
Hi Calvin,

> How much interested would there be for a plugin to display sunrise and
> sunset information for a particular location on the earth's surface. Is
> anyone already working on this? There doesn't seem to be a capability
> for this, but perhaps I have missed it. Are there other astronomical
> calculations that would be worth while in QGIS? (Moon asimuth/position,
> phase)

that would be extremely useful! In the past I used:


simple and clear. But as Nyall suggested, having some expression would
be incredibly much more powerful


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[QGIS-Developer] Processing script editor

2019-07-06 Thread matteo
Hi all,

we've just realized that the editor of Processing scripts is "not the
same" as the main python editor. Is it worth to drop one of these and
unify the scripts into a single one?


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[QGIS-Developer] QML Widgets in Forms

2019-07-10 Thread matteo
Hi all,

during a training we faced some user side difficulties to create the
widgets, especially with custom values (e.g. Pie Charts exploded slices).

Is it worth to have a UI to help users to define the chart(s)? Should I
open a ticket or a feature request?

Cheers and thanks to all

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Bummer... not working geopackage & QGIS

2019-07-11 Thread matteo
Hi Richard,

> I think this kind of basic functionality should not be broken for such a
> long time in our beloved QGIS is it?

totally agree. I discovered today that the gdal contour lines is also
broken in dev:


as stated in the issue, I thought this was covered by tests:



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Re: [QGIS-Developer] QML Widgets in Forms

2019-07-11 Thread matteo
Hi David,

> I like the idea, since it's for many users hard to hack something in QML.
> This feature can reach from very basic helping features until complex
> code-creating stuff. So I think it makes sense to open a feature request
> to discuss the details there.

here we are:



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[QGIS-Developer] Procesing pyqgis with alg decorator

2019-07-15 Thread matteo
Hi all,

I'm trying a super simple script in Processing with the alg decorator

Basically I'm not doing anything, but a weird error is thrown when I try
to append vector layer features to a list:

NameError: free variable 'self' referenced before assignment in
enclosing scope
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 244, in on_complete
self.feedback.pushInfo(self.tr('Execution completed in {0:0.2f}
seconds').format(time.time() - start_time))
NameError: free variable 'self' referenced before assignment in
enclosing scope

And this the super small script:

from qgis.processing import alg
from qgis.core import QgsFeature, QgsFeatureSink

@alg(name="myalg", label=alg.tr("My Algorithm"), group="examplescripts",
group_label=alg.tr("Example Scripts"))
@alg.input(type=alg.SOURCE, name="INPUT", label="Input layer")
@alg.input(type=alg.SINK, name="OUTPUT", label="Output layer")

def myalg(instance, parameters, context, feedback, inputs):
Description goes here. (Don't delete this! Removing this comment
will cause errors.)
source = instance.parameterAsSource(parameters, "INPUT", context)

(sink, dest_id) = instance.parameterAsSink(

l = []

features = source.getFeatures()

for current, feature in enumerate(features):


out_feature = QgsFeature(feature)
sink.addFeature(out_feature, QgsFeatureSink.FastInsert)

return {"OUTPUT": dest_id}

Some ideas?

Cheers and thanks


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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Procesing pyqgis with alg decorator

2019-07-16 Thread matteo
Hi Nyall,

> I don't see what you're seeing, but I do get a crash when running your
> alg. Can you confirm that removing the "l" list fixes it for you?

yes exactly, without appending the features to the list all is working
smooth. No idea what is happening..


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[QGIS-Developer] Some problems with the attribute table

2019-07-17 Thread matteo
Hi all,

I noticed some problems with the attribute table vs related map view on
recent 3.9 on linux:

* when loading a layer and opening the attribute table, the map view is
automatically zoomed to the first element (not what a user want I guess)
* if the "Show features visible on map" is selected, then the map view
literally gets crazy: it is impossible to pan, zoom in/out, etc, until
the option "Show features visible on map" is deselected. For this second
problem I filed an issue [0]

Somebody confirms?



[0] https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues/30763
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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Some problems with the attribute table

2019-07-17 Thread matteo
Hi Harrissou,

> In Form view or table view? If form view, can you check that you don't
> have the "new" zoom to current feature button pressed (bottom of left
> panel)?

both views but deactivating some button in the form view seems solving
the problem.

Maybe it's me, but I think that having the zoom button only in form view
while the behavior is in both views is a little bit confusing. Not sure,
but deactivating the button when closing the attribute table?

Cheers and thanks

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Procesing pyqgis with alg decorator

2019-07-17 Thread matteo
Hi Nyall,

> My either - my suspicion would be it's a bug in PyQt/sip or the QList
> conversion -> python conversion code. These are very tricky to track
> down unfortunately, and it's usually easier to find a way to
> workaround on the Python side.

just for info, it happens also with dictionaries..

no problem if the same logic is applied to the standard not-decorator


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[QGIS-Developer] r.series of GRASS not working in pyqgis

2019-07-29 Thread matteo
Hi devs,

I'm facing something really weird using r.series. The tool, beside the
open ticket [0] is working nice.

What is really really weird is that while with the UI I can generate the
aggregated raster, when I copy and paste in the python console within
QGIS the exact same command (with output saved in a folder), I get no
error but at the same time no output.

Other GRASS tools (e.g. r.info) seem working fine.

If someone wants to test, you can use the raster attached in the ticket:
just be careful to change the Max parameter in the Advanced Parameter to
e.g. 1.



[0] https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues/29269
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[QGIS-Developer] Some thought on LTR

2019-07-31 Thread matteo
Hi devs,

I just discovered a serious bug in LTR on a Ubuntu 16.04 machine (on
16.04 QGIS 3.4 is the most updated version an user can have). Same issue
as listed here [0].

Besides on this specific issue, I think recent 3.4 LTR suffered from
some big regressions ([1], [2]...): some of them have been fortunately
solved, but still

I'm not writing this email because I have a proposal, I'm just curious
if someone else feels the same: of course it is normal to have bug (and
regressions) but I really think we should think to enhance a little bit
more the LTR...

Cheers and thanks for feedback


[2] https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues/30211
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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Some thought on LTR

2019-08-01 Thread matteo
Hi Tim,

>> I'm not writing this email because I have a proposal, 
> In addition to Nyall’s reply, can I ask what the actual proposal you
> have is? Hint: proposals like ‘I would like to donate 10 million USD to
> support LTRs and fix every known bug’ would be warmly accepted. But
> seriously if you have a good proposal to improve things of course we
> would love to hear it.

ouch, Italian versus English and double negations mess :)

AKA: I don't have a proposal, just writing my thoughts

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Some thought on LTR

2019-08-01 Thread matteo
Hi Nyall,

> I'm not saying that we DON'T have some bad regressions which slip in
> occasionally to the LTR (the recent db manager regression discussion
> comes to mind), but I honestly don't think there's a bigger problem
> here. Everything listed here (GRASS provider, PostGIS rasters, db
> manager edge cases) have always had a shaky past in QGIS, and
> regressions to them are (and ALWAYS have been) common. So I don't
> think the issue lies in the LTR or the handling of it, rather the
> issue lies in the code and lack of stability in these parts of QGIS.
> (Mathieu - might be time for your thread on one of these points...
> hint hint!)

just to dissolve doubts: the work and efforts in bug fixing (LTR and not
LTR) is awesome. Kudos to QGIS and every one that provides financial
support on this and kudos to all the devs.

Let me just try to explain it better.

From an user point of view having tons of new feature every 4 months is
incredible: it makes the user happy, more curious and conscious that the
QGIS community is very active.

From another user point of view having some daily tools broken in the
LTR release makes me think on the global efforts in the QGIS community:
I have then to downgrade to another version or wait for the fix (even if
users should not wait but be part of the community, but that's another
thing). And maybe as user I would prefer to have the "same" tools but in
a safer way (software cannot be bugless of course.

Of course bugfixing is not fun for nobody and making new stuff is 1
times better.

So just to be even more clear: I don't have a proposal (ping @Tim ;) )
and I think the bug situation is not bad at all (regression or not
regression) and really think the efforts and work behind the scenes is

Just my 2 cents (after an unlucky workflow where I hit different bugs).

Cheers and thanks


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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Some thought on LTR

2019-08-01 Thread matteo

> Right -- but again, I see no concrete issues here. We have one issue
> which isn't a regression (postgis rasters) and is instead a feature
> request, and one regression which was caused by an important fix
> (broken grass for Windows non-English users), not a feature! (And one
> unknown issue cos you pasted the wrong link ;)

just to finish the thread:


> Also - just to point out - Alessandro implemented the feature request
> overnight. Big kudos to him -- we finally have a stable way of using
> PostGIS rasters in QGIS.*

kudos to Alessandro and thanks for sharing your thoughts

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] A plea: "fixes" vs "features"

2019-08-02 Thread matteo

> Until we have evidence that this argument is valid, I think it's
> actually causing much more harm to the community than good. (It can
> easily be mis-interpreted as "you wasted your time volunteering this
> contribution, you should have fixed #xyz instead.")

nobody should ever ever judge how a volunteering contribution should be
made: everybody can/should and must focus on what is the most important
task to work on.

of course this is far far far away from what I have in mind and I
understand what you mean when you say that the not knowing the whole
community-effort could lead to some misinterpretation.


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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Some thought on LTR

2019-08-02 Thread matteo
Hi Matthias,

> One the first principles of every of our developers is to try to avoid
> regressions. Whenever a QGIS developer writes code or reviews code,
> there is this process in the back of the head going on thinking "could
> this cause side effects?". Most of the times we are quite efficient in
> detecting side effects and if in doubt running some tests (manually or
> by adding unit tests) to check and adjust if required. This is what
> makes QGIS a rock solid piece of software (are you in doubt? Take QGIS
> 2.0 and QGIS 3.4 and perform some common GIS tasks). It's pretty awesome
> actually!

a good comparison is also Processing frawoek in 2.x and 3.x, steps made
are impressive.

> At the same time, let's not obstruct our view too much by outliers. In
> my opinion we are doing very well with what we have available and are
> overall heading in a good direction!

yes we are doing well QGIS :) I just would have raised a topic but I
understand that it is super easy to such a delicate topic to be
> Let's rock on and make QGIS even better



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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Dropping the extra label placement algorithms?

2019-08-06 Thread matteo
Hi Nyall,

> Ok, we've hit a stalemate then. I was hoping to drop the additional
> algorithms to allow some desirable new features like avoiding
> duplicate text labels within xxx mm of others (e.g. avoiding too many
> labels for dual-carriage highways), and use that some logic to start
> implementing things like automatically abbreviated label text when the
> full text cannot be placed. But, if we keep all the existing
> algorithms, it basically means this logic has to be written multiple
> times. Ouch!

+1 for removal. Never understood the differences in details.

Cheers and thanks

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[QGIS-Developer] Not showing raster legend in layout composer

2019-09-09 Thread matteo
Hi all,

if I'm not wrong there was a way to prevent the raster legend to be
shown in the layout composer, saving a lot of loading time if the raster
is very big with a "complex" legend.

Was I dreaming? :)

Cheers and thanks

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[QGIS-Developer] QGIS aborted when opened (randomly)

2019-10-01 Thread matteo
Hi devs,

I'm facing a very very very strange situation. I have 2 QGIS installed
(3.4 from package and master compiled on debian sid).

When I switch on my computer (I did not update nothing, no QGIS, no
recompiled QGIS no update on debian in the last 2 weeks), when I try to
open both QGIS I SOMETIMES get this error (calling qgis from package,
same error for master). And QGIS died.

If I try and retry, SOMETIMES I can open it. No other software are
opened. Any clue?



matteo@debian:~$ qgis
DeprecationWarning: inspect.getargspec() is deprecated since Python 3.0,
use inspect.signature() or inspect.getfullargspec()
  args = inspect.getargspec(function).args
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/qgis/utils.py:685: DeprecationWarning:
the imp module is deprecated in favour of importlib; see the module's
documentation for alternative uses
  mod = _builtin_import(name, globals, locals, fromlist, level)
QGIS died on signal 11[New LWP 2996]
[New LWP 2997]
[New LWP 2998]
[New LWP 2999]
[New LWP 3000]
[New LWP 3002]
[New LWP 3004]
[New LWP 3005]
[New LWP 3140]
[New LWP 3141]
[New LWP 3144]
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libthread_db.so.1".
0x7fceb13d9640 in ?? () from
[Current thread is 1 (Thread 0x7fcea1cdce40 (LWP 2994))]
#0  0x7fceb13d9640 in ?? () from
No symbol table info available.
#1  0x7fceb13c4305 in ?? () from
No symbol table info available.
#2  0x7fceb13c4bfc in ?? () from
No symbol table info available.
#3  0x7fceb13c78fe in ?? () from
No symbol table info available.
#4  0x7fceb140bcfa in ?? () from
No symbol table info available.
#5  0x7fceb1443404 in ?? () from
No symbol table info available.
#6  0x7fceb14432c0 in ?? () from
No symbol table info available.
#7  0x7fceb1443550 in ?? () from
No symbol table info available.
#8  0x7fceb1472c17 in ?? () from
No symbol table info available.
#9  0x7fceb14764ce in ?? () from
No symbol table info available.
#10 0x7fceb13423d8 in QLayoutPrivate::doResize(QSize const&) () from
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x7fceb1343469 in QLayout::activate() () from
No symbol table info available.
#12 0x7fceb13264e6 in QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*,
QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQt5Widgets.so.5
No symbol table info available.
#13 0x7fceb132d9b0 in QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) ()
from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQt5Widgets.so.5
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x7fceb1dbfa0b in QgsApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) ()
from /usr/lib/libqgis_core.so.3.4.12
No symbol table info available.
#15 0x7fceb09aa029 in QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2(QObject*,
QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQt5Core.so.5
No symbol table info available.
#16 0x7fceb09ad00b in
QCoreApplicationPrivate::sendPostedEvents(QObject*, int, QThreadData*)
() from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQt5Core.so.5
No symbol table info available.
#17 0x7fceb09fbda3 in ?? () from
No symbol table info available.
#18 0x7fcea9905ebd in g_main_context_dispatch () from
No symbol table info available.
#19 0x7fcea9906140 in ?? () from
No symbol table info available.
#20 0x7fcea99061cf in g_main_context_iteration () from
No symbol table info available.
#21 0x7fceb09fb454 in
() from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQt5Core.so.5
No symbol table info available.
#22 0x7fcea0e77391 in ?? () from
No symbol table info available.
#23 0x7fceb350285d in QgisApp::QgisApp(QSplashScreen*, bool, bool,
QString const&, QString const&, QWidget*, QFlags) ()
from /usr/lib/libqgis_app.so.3.4.12
No symbol table info available.
#24 0x55a001cb056f in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#25 0x7fceb03b3bbb in __libc_start_main (main=0x55a001cae3c0,
argc=2, argv=0x7ffee1f4e258, init=, fini=,
rtld_fini=, stack_end=0x7ffee1f4e248) at
self = 
result = 
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {0,
-6572917756161359799, 94145

Re: [QGIS-Developer] QGIS aborted when opened (randomly)

2019-10-02 Thread matteo
Hi Nyall,

> How old is your master build? This looks a little like something which
> may have been fixed by Martin ~ 3-4 weeks ago.

it WAS some weeks old, but even after I recompiled it continues to
happen (but just SOMETIMES). Strange enough is that I have the same
error on the release installed by package.


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[QGIS-Developer] QGIS and OSX

2019-10-09 Thread matteo
Hi all,

during a training I faced some issues on different OSX machines:
basically with the new installer, after QGIS has been correctly
installed it won't open. Clicking on the created icon results in nothing.

For these machines I installed QGIS via Kyngchaos. QGIS was correctly
installed and usable but some troubles with some GDAL algorithm, e.g.
gdal_translte not found (clipping a raster with extent or mask layer).

Does somebody experienced similar issues? Should I open specific tickets?

Cheers and thanks

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[QGIS-Developer] Not saving new color scale

2019-10-09 Thread matteo
Hi all again,

with QGIS 3.8 and also 3.9 (compiled some days ago) it seems not
possible to get a saved color scale in the list.


* create new color scale
* creating a default one or also taking one of the cpt-city catalog
* QGIS takes the desired color scale to make the symbology
* the new color scale is not listed in the list of the color scales

I think this could be a bug, but not sure if this is the default
behavior or if something is changed in the default behavior.

If confirmed I can open a ticket

Cheers and thanks

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] QGIS and OSX

2019-10-12 Thread matteo
Sorry for the late reply.

Various OSX versions actually. Seems like QGIS is "frozen" when trying
to open it.

Will try to catch up more comments and write them here

Cheers and thanks

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[QGIS-Developer] OTB and QGIS

2019-10-18 Thread matteo
Hi guys,

I found quite "difficult" to had OTB working within Processing. In Linux
I had to install (OTB of course) and another package (otb-qgis) and then
it appears in the Processing providers and seems now working.

Are there any specific instructions to have it installed, also in
Windows environments?

If yes, could it be a good idea to add these instructions in the

Cheers and thanks

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] OTB and QGIS

2019-10-20 Thread matteo
Thanks Rashad and Bas for your suggestions.

Should I open some upstream ticket/feature request so we won't forget this?


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Re: [QGIS-Developer] run algorithm pyQgis 3

2020-02-11 Thread matteo

> I am trying to convert a script from PyQGIS 2 to PyQGIS 3
> In the original script, the author used
> processing.runalgorithm("saga:triangulation", parameters). Now, I am
> trying to use it as same as possible with PyQGIS3 but I am not finding
> anything similar:
>  1. I am using processing.run instead of processing.runalgorithm
>  2. I am aware that there is no SAGA API for Python 3
>  3.  The objective of the code is change as less as possible. That's why
> I am not looking for other solutions (except if you tell me there is
> no similar solution, of course)
> Maybe someone knows what can I do in this case?

check which parameters have been specified: it might be a different
number of them between QGIS2 and QGIS3.

Type processing.algorithmHelp('saga:triangulation') to see the list and
type of each single parameter.

A complete guide of how to use algorithm from the console is n the user



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Re: [QGIS-Developer] run algorithm pyQgis 3

2020-02-12 Thread matteo
I get this:

>>> processing.algorithmHelp('saga:triangulation')
Triangulation (saga:triangulation)

Input parameters

SHAPES: Points

Parameter type: QgsProcessingParameterFeatureSource

Accepted data types:
- str: layer ID
- str: layer name
- str: layer source
- QgsProcessingFeatureSourceDefinition
- QgsProperty
- QgsVectorLayer


if you search for triangulation in the Processing toolbox do you find
the algorithm of SAGA?


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[QGIS-Developer] QGIS - Processing slow to load output layers

2020-02-14 Thread matteo
Hi all,

I'm experiencing some weird behavior of Processing (3.10 and master).

No matter if the output is a raster or vector, if the runtime of the
algorithm is long (say > 10 seconds) and the output is defined as a
temporary layer there are 2 strange things:

1. loading the output layer is extremely slow, way slower than the
runtime of the algorithm itself. And it doesn't matter if the output
layer is very heavy of very light

2. this happens mostly with raster files: even if the CRS of the input
layer is correctly defined and correctly read by QGIS, when the output
is loaded the CRS dialog appears and prompt for the CRS

Both issues don't happen if the layer is saved as a file and the
checkbox of "Open output file after running algorithm" in unchecked.

Somebody can confirm this?

Cheers and thanks

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[QGIS-Developer] GeoPDF not available with GDAL 3.0.4

2020-03-09 Thread matteo
Hi all,

I've complied QGIS against GDAL 3.0.4 but when I try to export a geopdf
it is still greyed out saying:

GeoPDF creating requires GDAL version 3.0 or later

this is the output of the terminal:

matteo@debian:~/dev/build-qgis$ gdal-config --version

some suggestions?


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Re: [QGIS-Developer] GeoPDF not available with GDAL 3.0.4

2020-03-09 Thread matteo
Hi Andreas,

> In the QGIS About dialogue - does it also say that QGIS was built with
> GDAL 3.0.4?
> Just to make sure that there aren't multiple GDAL versions on your
> system and QGIS could be linked against an older version?


QGIS version
QGIS code revision
Compiled against Qt
Running against Qt
Compiled against GDAL/OGR
Running against GDAL/OGR
Compiled against GEOS
Running against GEOS
Compiled against SQLite
Running against SQLite
PostgreSQL Client Version
12.2 (Debian 12.2-1)
SpatiaLite Version
QWT Version
QScintilla2 Version
Compiled against PROJ
Running against PROJ
Rel. 6.3.1, February 10th, 2020
OS Version
Debian GNU/Linux bullseye/sid

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] GeoPDF not available with GDAL 3.0.4

2020-03-09 Thread matteo
Hi Jorge,

> My gdalinfo returns:
> gdalinfo --formats | grep -i pdf
>   PDF -raster,vector- (rw+vs): Geospatial PDF
> Can you check your's gdalinfo --formats output?

same for me

matteo@debian:~$ gdalinfo --formats | grep -i pdf
  PDF -raster,vector- (rw+vs): Geospatial PDF

> Did you compile it? I compile gdal myself and I use the option:
> --with-pdfium=/usr/local

no just updated from debian sid packages, so standard one. I just
compiled QGIS as usual.

GDAL and OGR algorithms seem to work fine, geopdf is not available...

> To compile PDFium, use Even's receipt:
> git clone https://github.com/rouault/pdfium_build_gdal_3_1
> cd pdfium_build_gdal_3_1/
> ./build_linux.sh
> sudo cp -r install/include /usr/local
> sudo cp -r install/lib /usr/local
> sudo ldconfig
> Then compile GDAL.

Cheers and thanks

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] GeoPDF not available with GDAL 3.0.4

2020-03-09 Thread matteo
> I compiled it with poppler
> ./configure --with-python=python3 --with-proj=/usr/local --with-pg=yes
> --with-poppler

so gdal should be manually compiled to enable geopdf?


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Re: [QGIS-Developer] GeoPDF not available with GDAL 3.0.4

2020-03-09 Thread matteo

that's the strange thing, my output looks exactly like your:

> gdalinfo --formats | grep -i pdf
> doesn't read like 
>  PDF -raster,vector- (rw+vs): Geospatial PDF

matteo@debian:~$ gdalinfo --formats | grep -i pdf
  PDF -raster,vector- (rw+vs): Geospatial PDF

this is becoming really weird...

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[QGIS-Developer] QGIS Doc Travis

2020-03-14 Thread matteo
Hi all,

we (Richard, me, Harrissou) are trying to build the QGI doc (3.19) with
the rtd theme (thank to Harrissou and Richard jobs).

All the progress are on branch qgisdoc2020 in the official
QGIS-Documentation repository:


But we are stuck with Travis:


can some Travis guru have a look and help us fix it?

Cheers and thanks


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Re: [QGIS-Developer] QGIS Doc Travis

2020-03-14 Thread matteo
sorry, 3.10 :)
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Re: [QGIS-Developer] QGIS Doc Travis

2020-03-15 Thread matteo
Thanks for all the hints. Apparently we were missing something silly
(that's the effect of a remote HackFest :D )

anyway, travis is now happy with both documentation and pyqgis test
(thanks Richard for the fix).

I really think this is the perfect moment to move on to the rtd theme
and release the 3.10 documentation. So what are the blockers? can we
write a todo list and squash all the problems?

That's what comes into my mind:

* verify Transifex pulling/pushing
* apache on the server to publish the docs
* ... what else?


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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Geopackage FID columns: i HATE them!!!!

2020-03-20 Thread matteo

> I personally HATE HATE HATE these columns, and would rather I never
> saw them ever again. Does anyone else feel the same? If so, could we
> potentially just permanently hide these columns from QGIS and avoid
> all these dangerous issues for users?

+1000 from an user perspective the fid is really confusing. The user
seems to be able to delete/edit the column but (of course) touching it
will throw an error when saving.

Moreover, it happens that during format conversion in the attribute
table there are fid/pk/id columns, with same numbers.

Thanks for raining this


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[QGIS-Developer] EditInPlace Processing script

2020-04-09 Thread matteo
Hi all,

is it possible to write a custom Processing script that can edit the
input layer in place (with the core functionality of course)?

In the documentation I found the method to check if the algorithm
supports the in place editing [0] but not the method to set the script
to support the functionality.

There are a few python core algorithms with

Thanks for any hint!



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Re: [QGIS-Developer] EditInPlace Processing script

2020-04-09 Thread matteo
Thanks Arnaud, will try and let you know!


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Re: [QGIS-Developer] EditInPlace Processing script

2020-04-14 Thread matteo
Hi Arnaud,

I explored the QgsProcessingFeatureBasedAlgorithm but unfortunately is
not the case of what I'm looking for. From what I understood
QgsProcessingFeatureBasedAlgorithm is the class to use when the
algorithm performs "feature-by-feature" operations like buffers.

In my case I would like to "change" the geometry of the input layer
(union and dissolve).

Cheers and thanks for the input anyway!

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] EditInPlace Processing script

2020-04-17 Thread matteo
Hola Germàn,

thanks for the hint. While it is perfectly working on QGIS 3.10
installed from repository. QGIS is crashing with the same data and the
same script in QGIS master (compiled yesterday). Are there any API problems?

Cheers and thanks!

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[QGIS-Developer] Next user survey proposal

2020-04-17 Thread matteo
Hi all,

giving some recent threads (and/or github comments [0]) I think that it
could be useful for QGIS to know from users which algorithms of thirdly
part algorithms they use and because:

* are not available in QGIS
* are available in QGIS but don't have that specific(s) parameter(s)
* are faster
* ...

recently I collaborated with an Italian student that tested and ran a
few algorithms (intersection, difference, etc) on the same machine with
the different providers. I will share a link soon with the results

Ideas or feedback?



[0] https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/35734
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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Server manual

2020-04-17 Thread matteo

for me +1 to remove it from the training manual and move it only to the
user manual. If the content is duplicated and the information in the
training manual fits in the user one, let's keep doc clean



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Re: [QGIS-Developer] EditInPlace Processing script

2020-04-20 Thread matteo
Hi Stefanos,

yep, but digging into this I was wondering how to use the EditInPlace
also for scripts :)

Cheers and thanks for the hint

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] EditInPlace Processing script

2020-04-23 Thread matteo
Hi Germàn,

> the sample script I mentioned in my previous e-mail in this thread
> should be working on master now. Nyall fixed the bug reported.

awesome! Thanks to you and to Nyall!


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[Qgis-developer] Different file format for GML QGIS vs Processing

2016-12-13 Thread matteo
Hi all,

I'm approaching to do some more test of Processing. I followed the guide
on the repo (and also Matthias gav me some super useful advices) but
something is strange with the output of Processing itself.

I'm using QGIS 3 on a Linux Mint machine (fresh compiled) and when I
save a vector as GML as external file with Processing 2 files are created:

1. layer.gml
2. layer.xsd

Instead if I save the same layer from QGIS (or another shapefile) as
GML, QGIS writes 2 files:

1. layer.gml
2. layer.gfs

I saw that in the expected folder of the processing test there are only
gml-gfs file.

Could the .xsd file gave some problem when running tests? Even if not,
why the saving process creates different file whether one uses QGIS or

Thanks to all

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[Qgis-developer] Improving Processing help files

2016-12-20 Thread matteo
Hi guys,

I'm currently running some tests on QGIS3 - Processing and I just want
to share my idea.

At the moment, for almost all the core algorithms, there is a small
lateral tab with a brief summary help.
Help is taken (please correct me) from qgis.yaml file within the help
folder of processing.

IMHO, we can in some way improve the helping tab situation. My ideas are:

* re-enabling a help tab (next to Log) where we can be more discursive
about the algorithm leaving there the side help tab
* IMHO, really important could be to enable the adding of images, this
can really help a lot (think of how faster is to understand with a
description linked to images)
* for external algorithms (SAGA but also GDAL) it would be really useful
to have some kind of help (SAGA) and some more descriptive help (GDAL)

What do you think about it? Could be difficult to extend a kind of rst
like syntax to build the helping tabs?

Obviously I can help (a little with the code and more with testing and
adding description)

Thanks to all!

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Re: [Qgis-developer] Improving Processing help files

2016-12-21 Thread matteo
Hi Johan,

thanks I will have a look at the repository

Thanks again

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[Qgis-developer] Error during compiling QGIS master

2017-01-10 Thread matteo

Description: PGP/MIME version identification

Description: OpenPGP encrypted message
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[Qgis-developer] Fwd: Error during compiling QGIS master

2017-01-10 Thread matteo
Sorry for the encrypted mail ;)

Hi devs,

I just updated the repo and run the compilation but i get this error:

/home/matteo/lavori/QGIS/QGIS/src/core/qgsgml.cpp: In member function
‘void QgsGmlStreamingParser::endElement(const XML_Char*)’:
/home/matteo/lavori/QGIS/QGIS/src/core/qgsgml.cpp:871:57: error:
‘OGR_G_ExportToIsoWkb’ was not declared in this scope
 OGR_G_ExportToIsoWkb( hGeom, wkbNDR, pabyBuffer );
src/core/CMakeFiles/qgis_core.dir/build.make:3814: recipe for target
'src/core/CMakeFiles/qgis_core.dir/qgsgml.cpp.o' failed
make[2]: *** [src/core/CMakeFiles/qgis_core.dir/qgsgml.cpp.o] Error 1
make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:1171: recipe for target
'src/core/CMakeFiles/qgis_core.dir/all' failed
make[1]: *** [src/core/CMakeFiles/qgis_core.dir/all] Error 2
Makefile:160: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2

any hints?



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Re: [Qgis-developer] Fwd: Error during compiling QGIS master

2017-01-10 Thread matteo

I compiled gdal 2.1:

matteo@matteo-computer ~ $ gdalinfo --version
GDAL 2.1.0, released 2016/04/25

but I still get the same error during the compilation:

/home/matteo/lavori/QGIS/QGIS/src/core/qgsgml.cpp: In member function
‘void QgsGmlStreamingParser::endElement(const XML_Char*)’:
/home/matteo/lavori/QGIS/QGIS/src/core/qgsgml.cpp:871:57: error:
‘OGR_G_ExportToIsoWkb’ was not declared in this scope
 OGR_G_ExportToIsoWkb( hGeom, wkbNDR, pabyBuffer );
[ 13%] Building CXX object
src/core/CMakeFiles/qgis_core.dir/build.make:3814: recipe for target
'src/core/CMakeFiles/qgis_core.dir/qgsgml.cpp.o' failed
make[2]: *** [src/core/CMakeFiles/qgis_core.dir/qgsgml.cpp.o] Error 1
make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:1171: recipe for target
'src/core/CMakeFiles/qgis_core.dir/all' failed
make[1]: *** [src/core/CMakeFiles/qgis_core.dir/all] Error 2
Makefile:160: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2

Am I missing something?


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[Qgis-developer] Compiling QGIS with gdal2

2017-01-10 Thread matteo
HI guys,
related to the mail of this morning [0] and thanks to the hint of Nyall,
I'm trying to compile QGIS with gdal2

I'm on a Mint Machine where the default gdal version is 1.11.3. So I
downloaded and compiled from source gdal 2.1 [1]. In fact I get:

matteo@matteo-computer ~ $ gdal-config --version

Now I'm trying to force the cmake config to read this gdal version, that
is I've changed

GDAL_LIBRARY = /usr/lib/libgdal.so.20.1.0

leaving all the other gdal options in the ccmake untouched.

But I always get the same error during the make process, so I think I
have to change other config parameters in ccmake.

Anybody has some hints?

Thanks to all!


[1] http://download.osgeo.org/gdal/2.1.0/
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Re: [Qgis-developer] Compiling QGIS with gdal2

2017-01-10 Thread matteo

thanks to all! I made it!

I tried every hint, but the quickest way was to add the
ppa:ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable repo

then fix some packages version, clear CMakeCache.txt

Many many many thanks to all!

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[Qgis-developer] No GRASS7 In Processing in QGIS master

2017-01-12 Thread matteo
Hi devs,

when I try to run a GRASS algorithm with Processing the following
message appears:

super-class __init__() of type MessageBarProgress was never called See
log for more details

and then the default message that GRASS is not found on the system:

This algorithm cannot be run :-(
It seems that GRASS GIS 7 is not correctly installed and configured in
your system. Please install it before running GRASS GIS 7 algorithms.

GRASS is correctly detected when running cmake:

-- Found GRASS 7: /usr/lib/grass72 (7.2.0, off_t size = 8)

and I can normally use it as standalone.

Are there some issues with my installation or is that a global issue?



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Re: [Qgis-developer] Processing tests for gdal:extractprojection -> no output file

2017-01-12 Thread matteo
Hi Matthias,

thanks for the complete answer.

However I added the qgis:createspatialindex algorithm that does not
produce any output (but it is still "linked" to the input layer) and the
test runs fine with the parameter

result: {}

in this way I thought it is possible to check the output (without
testing it) but testing the algorithm itself, i.e. the algorithm runs
fine and creates the output.

Thanks again for the availability


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Re: [Qgis-developer] Processing tests for gdal:extractprojection -> no output file

2017-01-12 Thread matteo

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[Qgis-developer] New QGIS Generic Help

2017-01-13 Thread matteo
Hi devs,

I saw the PR to improve/start the QGIS Generic Help system [0], thanks Alex!

I was just thinking a way to take advantages of this new method for
improving the help files of Processing, especially for SAGA.

I know I'm boring, but IMHO having super algorithm without any guide on
the input, output and parameter is barely useless (except if the user
knows already the algorithm).

In December I pointed out a similar question [1], could we make some
default link to the SAGA url(s) and algorithms?

Just my 2 cent



[0] https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/3911
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