Re: suddenly cannot receive email

2001-06-07 Thread Mermaid140

In a message dated 6/7/01 3:18:07 PM Central Daylight Time, 

>  Doesn't need to go back in virtualdomains?
>  echo "" >> \
>   /var/qmail/control/virtualdomains

I'll try that.  I guess I need to restart qmail after the change?

Re: suddenly cannot receive email

2001-06-07 Thread Mermaid140

Should I chown the top four to alias?  Three of them have worked in the past, 
but garnette has not worked at all.  And, should I do anything about the 

-rw-r--r--  1 root   qmail   11 Apr 20 14:01 .qmail-evergreenequikits-info
-rw-r--r--  1 root   qmail   19 May 22 13:49 .qmail-fiskrri-info
-rw-r--r--  1 root   qmail   18 Jun  6 16:21 .qmail-garnette-monte
-rw-r--r--  1 root   qmail   26 Apr 24 11:16 .qmail-lechapeauonline-info
-rw---  1 alias  qmail   11 May 25  1999 .qmail-mailer-daemon
-rw---  1 alias  qmail   11 May 25  1999 .qmail-postmaster
-rw---  1 alias  qmail   11 May 25  1999 .qmail-root
-rw---  1 alias  qmail   26 Sep 29  2000 .qmail-webmaster
drwx--  5 alias  qmail  512 May 25  1999 Maildir   

This is how they are listed in /var/vpopmail/users

-rw---  1 vpopmail  vpopmail   71 May 26  1999 .qmail-default
-rw---  1 vpopmail  vpopmail   26 Jun 30  1999 .qmail-gin
-rw---  1 vpopmail  vpopmail   26 Jun 30  1999 .qmail-iggy
-rw---  1 vpopmail  vpopmail   26 Jun 30  1999 .qmail-igy
-rw---  1 vpopmail  vpopmail   26 Sep 29  2000 .qmail-root
-rw---  1 vpopmail  vpopmail   26 May 26  1999 .qmail-swap
-rw-r--r--  1 root  vpopmail   21 May  9 09:31 .qmail-walter
-rw-r--r--  1 root  vpopmail   21 May  9 09:32 .qmail-wdchism
-rw-r--r--  1 root  vpopmail   21 May  9 09:30 .qmail-wlat
-rw---  1 vpopmail  vpopmail   21 May 26  1999 .qmail-wvchism9
drwx--  3 vpopmail  vpopmail  512 May 26  1999 abc
drwx--  3 vpopmail  vpopmail  512 Aug 26  1999 guest
drwx--  3 vpopmail  vpopmail  512 May 26  1999 postmaster
drwx--  3 vpopmail  vpopmail  512 May 26  1999 walt
drwx--  3 vpopmail  vpopmail  512 May 26  1999 webmaster 

Re: suddenly cannot receive email

2001-06-07 Thread Mermaid140

In a message dated 6/7/01 3:27:10 PM Central Daylight Time, 

> Thought so -- you overwrote virtualdomains, and was in
>  there. ;) Got a copy of the original (backups, etc.)?

That was it!  Thank you so much.  I don't have a copy, but think I can 
rebuild now that I know what I did!

Re: suddenly cannot receive email

2001-06-07 Thread Mermaid140

In a message dated 6/7/01 1:30:31 PM Central Daylight Time, 

> Make sure you check in /var/qmail/users/assign and make sure that is
>  pointing to the correct place for your virtual domains and check that the
>  uid/gid is correct.

This is in /var/qmail/users/assign (and I am such a newbie that I have no 
idea if that is right!): 

Re: suddenly cannot receive email

2001-06-07 Thread Mermaid140

In a message dated 6/7/01 12:55:37 PM Central Daylight Time, 

>  From this information, and the information you've provided below, it
>  looks to me that you probably did something like this:
>  echo "" > /var/qmail/control/virtualdomains
What I actually did was:

echo "" >/var/qmail/control/virtualdomains
echo "&[EMAIL PROTECTED]" >~alias/.qmail-garnette-monte
echo "" >>/var/qmail/control/rcpthosts

>  it appears that was a virtual domain,
> and should never have been in 'locals'. Add it back to virtualdomains,
> and put 'locals' back the way it was. is our server. was in rcpthosts.  
I have taken it back out of locals and left it in rcpthosts.

I did another test.  It is no longer giving the 'looping" message, but is 
still not getting through.  Here is the error message:

Sorry. Although I'm listed as a best-preference MX or A for that host,
it isn't in my control/locals file, so I don't treat it as local. (#5.4.6)

suddenly cannot receive email

2001-06-07 Thread Mermaid140

Until I get this mess fixed, please cc responses to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sorry, but it 
is the only way I can receive email right now.

I seem to have done something to break my qmail.  Yesterday afternoon, I added a 
virtual user in /var/qmail/control/virtualdomains and put his forwarding address in 
alias/.qmail-garnette-monte and added his domain to rcpthosts then restarted.  I did 
not notice at the time (because I left work right after that), but I have not received 
ANY email since I did that.  We have a UNIX box running BSDi 4.0, QMail, Apache and FP.

This morning I did a 'tail -f /var/log/maillog' and found tons of bounce messages 
going out and the following messages about incoming mail:

Jun  7 09:57:54 midnightsun qmail: 991925874.483380 starting delivery 434: msg 2
77962 to remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jun  7 09:57:54 midnightsun qmail: 991925874.490779 status: local 0/10 remote 1/
Jun  7 09:57:54 midnightsun qmail: 991925874.510962 delivery 434: failure: Sorry

I cehecked control/locals and found my main server, '' so I 
added just plain '' in case that might be the problem, even though it 
has been working like that just fine in the past.  It did not help.  Now I am getting 
the following messages:

Jun  7 10:14:54 midnightsun qmail: 991926894.296843 starting delivery 35: msg 27
7963 to local [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jun  7 10:14:54 midnightsun qmail: 991926894.306096 status: local 1/10 remote 0/
Jun  7 10:14:54 midnightsun qmail: 991926894.338870 delivery 35: deferral: Unabl


Jun  7 10:16:35 midnightsun qmail: 991926995.777267 delivery 38: failure: This_m


Jun  7 10:35:46 midnightsun qmail: 991928146.945873 starting delivery 70: msg 27
7962 to local [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jun  7 10:35:46 midnightsun qmail: 991928146.955071 status: local 1/10 remote 0/
Jun  7 10:35:46 midnightsun qmail: 991928146.987598 delivery 70: failure: Sorry,

There is a [EMAIL PROTECTED], in


qmail-default  .qmail-igy  .qmail-walter   .qmail-wvchism9 postmaster
qmail-gin  .qmail-root .qmail-wdchism  abc walt
qmail-iggy .qmail-swap .qmail-wlat guest   webmaster

Where else can I look to find the problem?